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Equations (35) shew that each particle moves backwards and forwards in a right line.

This sort of wave, or rather oscillation, may be seen formed more or less perfectly when a series of progressive oscillatory waves is incident perpendicularly on a vertical wall. By means of this kind of wave the reader may if he pleases make experiments for himself on the velocity of propagation of small oscillatory waves, without trouble or expense. It will be sufficient to pour some water into a rectangular box, and, first allowing the water to come to rest, to set it in motion by tilting the box, turning it round one edge. The oscillations may be conveniently counted by watching the bright spot on the wall or ceiling occasioned by the light of the sun reflected from the surface of the water, care being taken not to have the motion too great. The time of oscillation from rest to rest is half the period of a wave, and the length of the interior edge parallel to the plane of motion is half the length of a wave; and therefore the velocity of propagation will be got by dividing the length of the edge by the time of oscillation. This velocity is then to be compared with the formula (29).

[From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
Vol. IX. p. 1.]


[Read November 26, 1849.]

WHEN light is incident on a small aperture in a screen, the illumination at any point in front of the screen is determined, on the undulatory theory, in the following manner. The incident waves are conceived to be broken up on arriving at the aperture; each element of the aperture is considered as the centre of an elementary disturbance, which diverges spherically in all directions, with an intensity which does not vary rapidly from one direction to another in the neighbourhood of the normal to the primary wave; and the disturbance at any point is found by taking the aggregate of the disturbances due to all the secondary waves, the phase of vibration of each being retarded by a quantity corresponding to the distance from its centre to the point where the disturbance is sought. The square of the coefficient of vibration is then taken as a measure of the intensity of illumination. Let us consider for a moment the hypotheses on which this process rests. In the first place, it is no hypothesis that we may conceive the waves broken up on arriving at the aperture: it is a necessary consequence of the dynamical principle of the superposition of small motions; and if this principle be inapplicable to light, the undulatory theory is upset from its very foundations. The mathematical resolution of a wave, or any portion of a wave, into elementary disturbances must not be confounded with a physical breaking up of the wave, with which it has no more to do than the division of a rod of variable density into differential

elements, for the purpose of finding its centre of gravity, has to do with breaking the rod in pieces. It is a hypothesis that we may find the disturbance in front of the aperture by merely taking the aggregate of the disturbances due to all the secondary waves, each secondary wave proceeding as if the screen were away; in other words, that the effect of the screen is merely to stop a certain portion of the incident light. This hypothesis, exceedingly probable a priori, when we are only concerned with points at no great distance from the normal to the primary wave, is confirmed by experiment, which shews that the same appearances are presented, with a given aperture, whatever be the nature of the screen in which the aperture is pierced, whether, for example, it consist of paper or of foil, whether a small aperture be divided by a hair or by a wire of equal thickness. It is a hypothesis, again, that the intensity in a secondary wave is nearly constant, at a given distance from the centre, in different directions very near the normal to the primary wave; but it seems to me almost impossible to conceive a mechanical theory which would not lead to this result. It is evident that the difference of phase of the various secondary waves which agitate a given point must be determined by the difference of their radii; and if it should afterwards be found necessary to add a constant to all the phases the results will not be at all affected. Lastly, good reasons may be assigned why the intensity should be measured by the square of the coefficient of vibration; but it is not necessary here to enter into them.

In this way we are able to calculate the relative intensities at different points of a diffraction pattern. It may be regarded as established, that the coefficient of vibration in a secondary wave varies, in a given direction, inversely as the radius, and consequently, we are able to calculate the relative intensities at different distances from the aperture. To complete this part of the subject, it is requisite to know the absolute intensity. Now it has been shewn that the absolute intensity will be obtained by taking the reciprocal of the wave length for the quantity by which to multiply the product of a differential element of the area of the aperture, the reciprocal of the radius, and the circular function expressing the phase. It appears at the same time that the phase of vibration of each secondary wave must be accelerated by a quarter of an undulation. In the investigations alluded to, it is supposed that the law of disturbance in a secondary wave is the

same in all directions; but this will not affect the result, provided the solution be restricted to the neighbourhood of the normal to the primary wave, to which indeed alone the reasoning is applicable; and the solution so restricted is sufficient to meet all ordinary cases of diffraction.

Now the object of the first part of the following paper is, to determine, on purely dynamical principles, the law of disturbance in a secondary wave, and that, not merely in the neighbourhood of the normal to the primary wave, but in all directions. The occurrence of the reciprocal of the radius in the coefficient, the acceleration of a quarter of an undulation, and the absolute value of the coefficient in the neighbourhood of the normal to the primary wave, will thus appear as particular results of the general formula.

Before attacking the problem dynamically, it is of course necessary to make some supposition respecting the nature of that medium, or ether, the vibrations of which constitute light, according to the theory of undulations. Now, if we adopt the theory of transverse vibrations—and certainly, if the simplicity of a theory which conducts us through a multitude of curious and complicated phenomena, like a thread through a labyrinth, be considered to carry the stamp of truth, the claims of the theory of transverse vibrations seem but little short of those of the theory of universal gravitation—if, I say, we adopt this theory, we are obliged to suppose the existence of a tangential force in the ether, called into play by the continuous sliding of one layer, or film, of the medium over another. In consequence of the existence of this force, the ether must behave, so far as regards the luminous vibrations, like an elastic solid. We have no occasion to speculate as to the cause of this tangential force, nor to assume either that the ether does, or that it does not, consist of distinct particles; nor are we directly called on to consider in what manner the ether behaves with respect to the motion of solid bodies, such as the earth and planets.

Accordingly, I have assumed, as applicable to the luminiferous ether in vacuum, the known equations of motion of an elastic medium, such as an elastic solid. These equations contain two arbitrary constants, depending upon the nature of the medium. The argument which Green has employed to shew that the luminiferous ether must be regarded as sensibly incompressible, in

treating of the motions which constitute light*, appears to me of great force. The supposition of incompressibility reduces the two arbitrary constants to one; but as the equations are not thus rendered more manageable, I have retained them in their more general shape.

The first problem relating to an elastic medium of which the object that I had in view required the solution was, to determine the disturbance at any time, and at any point of an elastic medium, produced by a given initial disturbance which was confined to a finite portion of the medium. This problem was solved long ago by Poisson, in a memoir contained in the tenth volume of the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences. Poisson indeed employed equations of motion with but one arbitrary constant, which are what the general equations of motion become when a certain numerical relation is assumed to exist between the two constants which they involve. This relation was the consequence of a particular physical supposition which he adopted, but which has since been shewn to be untenable, inasmuch as it leads to results which are contradicted by experiment. Nevertheless nothing in Poisson's method depends for its success on the particular numerical relation assumed; and in fact, to save the constant writing of a radical, Poisson introduced a second constant, which made his equations identical with the general equations, so long as the particular relation supposed to exist between the two constants was not employed. I might accordingly have at once assumed Poisson's results. I have however begun at the beginning, and given a totally different solution of the problem, which will I hope be found somewhat simpler and more direct than Poisson's. The solution of this problem and the discussion of the result occupy the first two sections of the paper.

Having had occasion to solve the problem in all its generality, I have in one or two instances entered into details which have no immediate relation to light. I have also occasionally considered some points relating to the theory of light which have no immediate bearing on diffraction. It would occupy too much room to enumerate these points here, which will be found in their proper place. I will merely mention one very general theorem at which I have arrived by considering the physical interpretation of a

* Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. vII. p. 2.

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