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that Day diftribute or give Rewards of Glory unto the weakest Believer, as well as the strong': Yea, every one fhall receive according to their Works, or according to their Love and Faithfulness unto Fefus Chrift, and the Service which they have done for him. Then the Mountains (which are the Mountains of Chrift's Kingdom, both in the first. and fecond Branch of it) thall bring Peace to the People, and the little Hills, by Righteoufhefs. By Mountains and Hills are often understood Kingdoms and Nations: And fo the Meaning may be, that Righteoufnefs and Peace, like a River, fhall overflow them, in the Time of Chrift's glorious Reign; v. 4 and 5. He fall judge the Poor of the People, be fhall fave the Children of the Needy, &c. No Oppreffion among the Saints; for the Oppreffor then thall he break in pieces. And they hall fear. the Lord, as long as the Sun and Moon endureth. Now though the Pfalmift might have fome respect to the peaceable Reign of Solomon, yet it is cetain that there be many things in this Prophecy which cannot be apply'd to Solomon, any further than he was a Type of Chrift. It is the Lord. Fefus Chrift that is principally intended, and that the Spirit of God hath his Eye upon. It is be that fall come down like Rain проп the mowen Grafs, as Showers that water the Earth, ver. 6. which refpects his Coming down, by the great Effufion of the Spirit upon his People, in the latter Days, when the Spirit of God fhall be poured down upon: all Flesh and vour Sons and Daughters fall prophefy your Old Men fall dream Dreams, and your Tount Men hall fee Vifions: And your Servants and Handmaids in thefe Days will I pour out of my Spirit.

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Joel ii. ver. 28. The fame you read in the 2d of the As, again in the 7, 8, and 9th Verfe: In his Days fhall the Righteous flourish, and abundance of Peace, as long as the Moon endureth. He ball have Dominion alfo from Sea to Sea, and from the River unto the End of the Earth. They that dwell in the Wildernefs fhall bow down before him: And bis Enemies fhall lick the Duft.

In his Days (that is in Chrift's Days, in the Days of his Reign) there fhall be abundance of Peace. Peace' Oh what a Bleffing is it to a People or a Nation! Efpecially the Peace of God! Peace with God, in Chrift Fefus! Peace in our own Souls! Peace in our Families! Peace in the Church! Peace one with another! Peace all the World over! No more Divifion among the Saints; no more Wars with our Enemies. Now the Duration of this Peace And that is as long as the Moon endureth, or as long as the World continueth.

And his Dominion fhall be from Sea to Sea: That is, His Power, Rule, and Government, will be from one End of the World to the other: And his Enemies fall bow at his Feet. Not a Hand will be lifted up againft Chrift nor the Saints, in all that glorious Reign. Well, then it is evident that this muft be understood of Chrift and his Kingdom; neither can it be apply'd to any other, as the remaining Part of the Pfalm doth fully demonftrate: When Kings fhall fall down before him, and all Nations fhall ferve him; ver. 11. Which it is certain they have not vet done, in that univerfal Senfe as this Prophecy doth declare they fhall.




This TEXT may be referred both to the Spiritual and Perfonal Reign of CHRIST.

1. The Lord Jefus being invefted with all Power, will difplay his Regal Authority, in his Kingdom. 2. All Enemies will be bowed at Chrift's Feet. 3. The Graces of the Spirit, or the Garments of Chrift's Righteousness, will appear glorious in that Day. 4. There will be different Degrees of Glory put upon the Saints in Chrift's King dom. 5. Nothing ought to be fo near, dear, and precious to the Soul, as Jefus Chrift. 6. The Saints will be perfect, when they, with Chrift, fhall enter the Gates of the New Jerufalem. 7. The Works which God will do in that Day, will be great and wonderful.


Gain the 45th Pfalm is a full Prophecy of Chrift's glorious Reign. I Speak of things, which I have made touching the King. This King Can be no other but he, who above all deferves that


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Name; and that is Jefus Chrift: Therefore it follows in the 2d Verfe; Thou art fairer than the Children of Men, Grace is poured into thy Lips; God bath bleffed thee for ever. Now this must be granted, that it is Chrift only who is fairer than all created Beings, both with refpect to his Divine and Human Nature. The 3d Verfe; Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh, O moft Mighty, with thy Glory and Majefty! This Appellation cannot be given to any meer Creature: Tho' others may be mighty, yet none moft Mighty, but the Lord Jefus Chrift. Well! It is he that is to have his Sword girded upon his Thigh; which refpects the Power, Glory, and Majefty, that the Father hath invested him with, and which he will difplay in the Kingdom-Glor when he shall fhew himself to be the only Potentate, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. 4. And in thy Majefty ride profperously; because of Truth, and Meeknefs, and Righteousness; And thy Right Hand fhall teach thee terrible things. Here I obferve that the Lord Jefus Chrift, in the Glory of his Kingdom will ride forth with fuch Power, Glory, and Majefy, that he will conquer, fubdue, and bring all his Enemies under him! Some fhall be bowed by his Mercy; others he will bow by his Judgments; which is fignify'd by his Meekness unto the one, and by his Terribleness to the other: This appears more fully in the 5th Verfe; Thine Arrows are sharp in the Hearts of the King's Enemies, whereby People fall under thee. Oh what a number of Converts will there fall at Chrift's Feet, when he fhall ride forth in the Chariot of his Grace, by, the Preaching of the Everlasting Gofpel, in the Accomplishment of the Latter Day Prophefies.



. But to pafs on Confider the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, &c. Verfes: All thy Garments (that is, Chrift's Garments) smell of Myrrh, and Aloes, and Caffia, out of the Ivory Palaces; whereby they have made thee glad. Oh what a Perfume! How fweet do these beautiful Garments of Chrift's Righteoufnefs fmell, both to the Father and the Saints! King's Daughters were among thy bonourable Women, upon thy Right Hand did fand the Queen in Gold of Ophir. By King's Daughters, honourable Women, and the Queen, I humbly conceive no other is meant than the Elect of Gol, or the Mystical Body of Chrift, which only is his Spouse, expreffed here, and diftinguished in their Diversity of Orders, as they fhall appear each one in their proper Places, in the Adminiftration of that glorious Reign. Some will appear in that Day as Kings Dighters, fome as honourable Women, fome as the Queen, at the Right Hand of Chrift, in a different Degree of Glory.

It is a Point difputed among Good Men; whether there fhall be any Degrees of Glory among the Saints in Heaven? I fhall not determine how it may be in the ultimate Glory; but I dare be bold to affirm this, That there will be a Difference in Chrift's Kingdom: Some will be in greater Posts, and put into higher Offices, than others; according as they have acted for God in the World: For there will certainly be Rewards of Works in the Kingdom of Chrift, though Salvation and the Promife of Eternal Life, is by abfolute Grace.

It follows, Hearken, O Daughter, and confider and incline thine Ear! Forget alfo thine own People, and thy Father's Houfe: So fhall the King greatly de

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