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Particular Reference to Physiology and Pathological Anatomy. By the
late Dr. FELIX VON NIEMEYER, Professor of Pathology and Therapeutics;
Director of the Medical Clinic of the University of Tübingen. Translated
from the eighth German edition, by special permission of the author, by
GEORGE H. HUMPHREYS, M. D., one of the Physicians to Trinity Infirmary,
Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, etc., and CHARLES E.
HACKLEY, M. D., one of the Physicians to the New York Hospital and
Trinity Infirmary, etc.

Revised edition of 1880. 2 vols., 8vo, 1,628 pages. Cloth, $9; sheep, $11.

The author undertakes, first, to give a picture of disease which shall be as life-like and faithful to nature as possible, instead of being a mere theoretical scheme; secondly, so to utilize the more recent advances of pathological anatomy, physiology, and physiological chemistry, as to furnish a clearer insight into the various processes of disease.

The work has met with the most flattering reception and deserved success; has been adopted as a text-book in many of the medical colleges both in this country and in Europe; and has received the very highest encomiums from the medical and secular press.

"This new American edition of Niemeyer fully sustains the reputation of previous ones, and may be considered, as to style and matter, superior to any translation that could have been made from the latest German edition. It will be recollected that since the death of Professor Niemeyer, in 1871, his work has been edited by Dr. Eugene Seitz. Although the latter gentleman has made many additions and changes, he has destroyed somewhat the individuality of the original. The American editors have wisely resolved to preserve the style of the author, and adhere, as closely as possible, to his individual views and his particular style. Extra articles have been inserted on chronic alcoholism, morphia-poisoning, paralysis agitans, scleroderma, elephantiasis, progressive pernicious anæmia, and a chapter on yellow fever. The work is well printed as usual." -Medical Record.

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unhesitatingly answer, 'It is!'"-New York Medi cal Journal.

"It is comprehensive and concise, and is characterized by clearness and originality."- Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medicine.

has arranged his materials with care and judgment, and has thought over them."-The Lancet.

"Its author is learned in medical literature; he

"While, of course, we can not undertake a review of this immense work of about 1,600 pages in a journal of the size of ours, we may say that we have examined the volumes very carefully, as to whether to recommend them to practitioners or not; and we are glad to say, after a careful review, Buy the book.' The chapters are succinctly written. Terse terms and, in the main, brief sentences are used. Personal experience is recorded, with a proper statement of facts and observations by other authors who are to be trusted. A very excellent index is added to the second volume, which helps very much for ready reference." -Virginia Medical Monthly.

ESSAYS ON THE FLOATING MATTER OF THE AIR, in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection. By Professor JOHN TYNDALL, F. R. S.

12mo. Cloth, $1.50.

CONTENTS.-I. On Dust and Disease; II. Optical Deportment of the Atmosphere in Relation to Putrefaction and Infection; III. Further Researches on the Deportment and Vitality of Putrefactive Organisms; IV. Fermentation, and its Bearings on Surgery and Medicine; V. Spontaneous Generation; Appendix.

"Professor Tyndall's book is a calm, patient, clear, and thorough treatment of all the questions and conditions of nature and society involved in this theme. The work is lucid and convincing, yet not prolix or pedantic, but popular and really enjoyable. It is worthy of patient and renewed study."-Philadelphia Times.

"The matter contained in this work is not only presented in a very interesting way, but is of great value."-Boston Journal of Commerce.

"The germ theory of disease is most intelligently presented, and indeed the whole work is instinct with a high intellect."-Boston Commonwealth.

"In the book before us we have the minute details of hundreds of observations on infusions exposed to optically pure air; infusions of mutton, beef, haddock, hay, turnip, liver, hare, rabbit, grouse, pheasant, salmon, cod, etc.; infusions heated by boiling water and by boiling oil, sometimes for a few moments and sometimes for several hours, and, however varied the mode of procedure, the result was invariably the same, with not even a shade of uncertainty. The fallacy of spontaneous generation and the probability of the germ theory of disease seem to us the inference, and the only inference, that can be drawn from the results of nearly ten thousand experiments performed by Professor Tyndall within the last two years."-Pittsburg Telegraph.



THE APPLIED ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, being a Study of this Portion of the Human Body from a Standpoint of its General Interest and Practical Utility, designed for Use as a Text-book and as a Work of Reference. By AMBROSE L. RANNEY, A. M., M. D., Adjunct Professor of Anatomy and late Lecturer on the Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs and on Minor Surgery in the Medical Department of the University of the City of New York, etc., etc.

I vol., 8vo. Profusely illustrated. Cloth, $4; sheep, $5.

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"This is a useful book, and one of novel design. It is especially valuable as bringing together facts and inferences which aid greatly in forming correct diagnoses in nervous diseases."-Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.

"This is an excellent work, timely, practical, and well executed. It is safe to say that, besides Hammond's work, no book relating to the nervous system has hitherto been published in this country equal to the present volume, and nothing superior to it is accessible to the American practitioner."Medical Herald.

"Professors of anatomy in schools and colleges can not afford to be without it. We recommend the book to practitioners and students as well." Virginia Medical Monthly.

"It is an admitted fact that the subject treated of in this work is one sufficiently obscure to the profession generally to make any work tending to elucidation most welcome.

"We earnestly recommend this work as one unusually worthy of study."-Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal.

"Dr. Ranney has firmly grasped the essential features of the results of the latest study of the nervous system. His work will do much toward popularizing this study in the profession.

"There are many books, to be sure, which contain here and there hints in this field of great value to the physician, but it is Dr. Ranney's merit to have collected these scattered items of interest, and to have woven them into an harmonious whole, thereby producing a work of wide scope and of cor--Detroit Lancet. respondingly wide usefulness to the practicing physician.

"The book, it will be perceived, is of an eminently practical character, and, as such, is addressed to those who can not afford the time for the perusal of the larger text-books, and who must read as they run."-New York Medical Journal.

as much pleased as ourselves by its careful study." "We are sure that all our readers will be quite

"A useful and attractive book, suited to the time."-Louisville Medical News.

"Our impressions of this work are highly favorable as regards its practical value to students, as well as to educated medical men."-Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal.


"The work shows great care in
its preparation. We predict for it a
large sale among the more progres-
sive practitioners."-Michigan Medi-
cal News.

"We are acquainted with no re- 1
cent work which deals with the sub-
ject so thoroughly as this; hence, it
should commend itself to a large class
of persons, not merely specialists, but
those who aspire to keep posted in 3
all important advances in the science
and art of medicine."-Maryland
Medical Journal.

"This work was originally ad-
dressed to medical under-graduates,
8 but it will be equally interesting and

Th: Deep Branch of the External

Plantar Nerve.

valuable to medical practitioners who still acknowledge themselves to be 9 students. It is to be hoped that their number is not small."-New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.

"We think the author has correctly estimated the necessity for such a volume, and we congratulate him upon the manner in which he has executed his task.

"As a companion volume to the recent works on the diseases of the nervous system, it is issued in good time." North Carolina Medical Journal.

"A close and careful study of this work, we feel convinced, will impart to the student a large amount of practical knowledge which could not be gained elsewhere, except by wading through the enormous quantity of neurological literature which has appeared during past years, a task which few would have either time or inclination to accomplish. Here it will all be found condensed, simplified, and systematically arranged. The nature of the work is so fully explained in its title that little or nothing on that point need be said here. We will, however, say that the whole subject is treated in a lucid manner, and that, so far as we are able to judge, nothing seems left out which could in any way improve or add to the value of the book."-Medical and Surgical Reporter (Philadelphia).

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"Dr. Ranney has done a most useful and praiseworthy task in that he will have saved many of the profession from the choice of going through the research we have indicated, or remaining in ignorance of many things most essential to a sound medical knowledge."-Medical Record.



"We are sure that this book will be well received, and will prove itself a very useful companion both for regular students of anatomy and physiology, and also for practitioners who wish to work up the diagnosis of cases of disorder of the nervous system."-Canada Medical and Surgical Journal.

"Dr. Ranney has done his work well, and given accurate information in a simple, readable style."Philadelphia Medical Times.





DRESSES. By Dr. B. W. RICHARDSON, M. D., M. A., F. R. S., etc., etc.
I vol., 12mo, 354 pp. Cloth, $1.50.

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"This book is made up of a number of addresses on sanitary subjects, which Dr. Richardson delivered at various times in Great Britain, and which are intended to invite attention to the pressing reforms that are making progress in medical science. The work, which has the great merit of being writ

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"The author does not, like some members of his profession, enter into a learned description of cures, but traces the causes of diseases with philosophical precision. The book contains what every one should know, and members of the medical profession will not find a study of it in vain."-Philadelphia Enquirer.

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SON, M. D., M. A., F. R. S., etc., etc.

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"The work is of great value as a practical guide to enable the reader to detect and avoid various sources of disease, and it contains, in addition, several introductory chapters on natural life and natural death, the phenomena of disease, disease antecedent to birth, and on the effects of the seasons,

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Climatic Resorts and Consumption, Sanitariums, Peat, Mud, and Sand
Baths, Whey and Grape Cures, etc. By EDWARD GUTMANN, M. D
With Illustrations, Comparative Tables, and a Colored Map, explaining the Situation and Chemi-
cal Composition of the Spas. I vol., 12mo. Cloth, $2.50.

"Dr. Gutmann has compiled an excellent medical guide, which gives full information on the manners and customs of living at all the principal watering-places in Europe. The chemical composi

tions, with the therapeutical applications of the mineral waters, are very thoroughly presented in separate parts of the volume."-New York Times,

A PRACTICAL MANUAL ON THE TREATMENT OF CLUB-FOOT. BY LEWIS A. SAYRE, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Consulting Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, Charity Hospital, etc., etc.

Fourth edition, enlarged and corrected. I vol., 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth, $1.25.

"A more extensive experience in the treatment of club-foot has proved that the doctrines taught in my first edition were correct, viz., that in all cases of congenital club-foot the treatment should commence at birth, as at that time there is generally no difficulty that can not be overcome by the ordinary family physician; and that, by following the simple rules laid down in this volume, the great majority of cases can be relieved, and many cured, without any operation or surgical interference. If this early treatment has been neglected, and the deformity has been permitted to increase by use of the foot in its abnormal position, surgical aid may be requisite to overcome the difficulty; and I have here endeavored to clearly lay down the rules that should govern the treatment of this class of cases."-Preface.

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I vol., 8vo. Cloth, $3.50; sheep, $4.50.

"Dr. Steiner's book has met with such marked success in Germany that a second edition has already appeared, a circumstance which has delayed the appearance of its English form, in order that I might be able to give his additions and corrections.

"I have added as an Appendix the Rules for Management of Infants,' which have been issued by the staff of the Birmingham Sick Children's Hospital, because I think that they have et an example, by freely distributing these rules among the poor, for which they can not be sufficiently commended, and which it would be wise for other sick children's hospitals to follow.

"I have also added a few notes, chiefly, of course, relating to the surgical ailments of children."-Extract from Translator's Preface.



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I vol., 12mo. Illustrated. 198 pp. Cloth, $1.

It is intended to inform the mind on the subjects involved in the word Health, to show how health may be retained and ill-health avoided, and to add to the pleasure and usefulness of life.

"The author of this manual has rendered a real service to families and teachers. It is not a mere treatise on health, such as would be written by a medical professor for medical students. Nor is it a treatise on the treatment of disease, but a plain, common-sense essay on the prevention of most of the ills that flesh is heir to. There is no doubt that much of the sickness with which humanity is afflicted is the result of ignorance, and proceeds from

the use of improper food, from defective drainage, overcrowded rooms, ill-ventilated workshops, impure water, and other like preventable causes. Legislation and municipal regulations may do something in the line of prevention, but the people themselves can do a great deal more-particularly if properly enlightened; and this is the purpose of the book."-Albany Journal.

LECTURES ON ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY AND DISEASES OF THE JOINTS. BY LEWIS A. SAYRE, M. D., Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Consulting Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, Charity Hospital, etc., etc. Second edition, revised and greatly enlarged, with 324 Illustrations. I vol., 8vo, 569 pp. Cloth, $5; sheep, $6.

This edition has been thoroughly revised and rearranged, and the subjects classified in the anatomical and pathological order of their development. Many of the chapters have been entirely rewritten, and several new ones added, and the whole work brought up to the present time, with all the new improvements that have been developed in this department of surgery. Many new engravings have been added, each illustrating some special point in practice.

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"The name of the author is a sufficient guarantee of its excellence, as no man in America or elsewhere has devoted such unremitting attention for the past thirty years to this department of Surgery, or given to the profession so many new truths and laws as applying to the pathology and treatment of deformities."-Western Lancet.

"The name of Lewis A. Sayre is so intimately connected and identified with orthopedics in all its branches, that a book relating his experience can not but form an epoch in medical science, and prove a blessing to the profession and humanity. Dr. Sayre's views on many points differ from those entertained by other surgeons, but the great successes he has obtained fully warrant him in maintaining the courage of his opinions." "-American Journal of Obstetrics.

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