| Charles Drelincourt - Death - 1721 - 540 pages
...cvm-* faffed me about) mine Iniquities have taken hold Mpon me, fe that I am not able to looJ^_ up, they are more than the Hairs of my Head, therefore my Heart faileth' me; there is no whole Part in my FlrJJj, becaufe of thine Indignation^ nor Reft in my Bones, becaufe of... | |
| Charles Drelincourt - 1732 - 536 pages
...have compajjed me about, mine Iniquities have taken bold upon me, fo that I am not able to look up, they are more than the Hairs of my Head ; therefore my Heart failetb me ; there is no whole Part in my Flefh, becaufe of thine Indignation, nor Reft in my Bones,... | |
| Jonathan Dickinson - 1772 - 334 pages
...foul : innumerable evils have compared me abeut, mine iniquities have taken halduponme, they are mare than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth...enumeration ; thofe which you cannot remember, by ageneral confeffion) to the fountain fet open for fin and for uncleannefs, pray for faith, and endeavour... | |
| John Owen - Atonement - 1798 - 476 pages
...compafied me about, mine iniquities have taken hold upon me. fo that I am not able to look 'up : they Bre more than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth me." borne may be in that cdhdition, that their hearts are ready to fail them, through the multitude of... | |
| Samuel Stanhope Smith - Presbyterian Church - 1799 - 466 pages
...compafled me about — mine iniquities have taken hold upon me fo that I am not able to look up — they are more than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth me." — How many fins have efcaped our knowlege or obfervation, even in the moment of committing them ?... | |
| Benjamin Jenks - Families - 1801 - 408 pages
...have compafled me about ; My iniquities have taken hold upon me, fo that I am not able to look up ; they are more, than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart fails me. O the fin that ftill dwelieth in me, that is fo nigh to me, that does fo eafily befet me,... | |
| 1842
...have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that 1 am not able to look up : they are more than the hairs of my head ; therefore my heart faileth me." (Psalm xl. 12.) When conscience is thus made to tremble, where shall we find hope and comfort, but... | |
| Robert Leighton, George Jerment - Theology - 1805 - 544 pages
...by his undertaking to pay for them, they have taken hold of me, so that I am not able to look up ; they are more than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth me. And sure that which pressed him so sore, who upholds Heaven and earth, no other in Heaven or in earth... | |
| Joseph Washburn, Asahel Hooker - Congregational churches - 1807 - 388 pages
...Innumerable evils have compassed me about, mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, that I cannot look up — they are more than the hairs of my head, therefore my heart faileth me.'* With this view,, and under a sense of his dependence, and the necessity of divine influences, he adds,... | |
| Samuel Merivale - Prayer books - 1808 - 152 pages
...encompassed me about ; mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up ; they are more than the hairs of my head ; therefore my heart faileth me." • I am convinced, great God, that thou hast an absolute right, and unalienable claim to my homage... | |
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