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ABERDEEN Cabinet, Constitution of
the, i. 388

Aberdeen (Lord), and Lord Lansdowne,

"sent for" (1853), i. 387

Aberdeen Government attacked by Mr.
Layard and Sir John Pakington, i.


Aberdeen (Lord), "sent for" (1851), i.


Abolition of Purchase, ii. 409
Abyssinian Expedition resolved upon,
ii. 315

Accepting the Situation on Protection,
i. 359.

Addington, Mr., on French demands,
ii. 45

Additions to Income Tax in 1859, ii.

Address, Debate on the (1851), i. 363
Address to Glasgow students, ii. 454
Adjournment of Autumn Session, 1867,
ii. 317

Adullamites on Irish Church Resolu-

tions, ii. 333

Agitation for Reform, 1866, ii. 261
Agitation, the O'Connell, i. 195
Aggression, Papal, in 1850, i. 307
Agrarian crime, increase of, i. 153
Agricultural Distress, i. 302
Agricultural Labourer, Lord Beacons-
field on the, ii. 431
Agricultural loyalty, i. 289

Alabama Claims Convention (1868), ii.


Alliance of the Whigs with O'Connell,
i. 86

Alroy, i. 54; the Athenæum on, i. 55
Althorpe, Lord, resignation of, i. 75
Amendment to Address (1859), ii. 128;

-to Budget of 1862, ii. 197 ;-to
Irish University Bill, ii. 441
Amendment, Mr. Kinglake's final, on
London Conference, ii. 224; Mr.
Disraeli's to Mr. Villiers' resolutions,
1852, i. 364

American insolence, Lord Beaconsfield
on, ii. 400

American War, Liberal Ministers on
the, ii. 189

Andover Union (Note), i. 254-257
Annuals, Lady Blessington's, i. 56
Anstey, Mr. Chisholm, i. 355
Anti-Corn Law Agitation, i. 212;—
Bazaar, i. 213;-League revived, i.
344;-Petitions, i. 176

Appeal to the country on Irish Church
decided on, ii. 340

Apocryphal tales about Lord Beacons-
field, one of the, ii. 388
Apprehensions of attack by France,

i. 340

Arcot, Nabob of, ii. 35

Argyll, Duke of, on Sir A. Cockburn,
ii. 424
Armaments (additional) under Lord
Palmerston's Government, ii. 143

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Batavian Grace, Mr. Hope's, ii. 294
Beaconsfield, Mrs. Disraeli created
Countess of, ii. 363

Beadon (Sir Cecil) on Calcutta volun-
teers, ii. 43

Beautiful Mute, Lines to a, i. 37
Bedchamber Plot, The, i. 154
Belgians, King of the, indicated by
Mr. Disraeli, i. 393

Bentinck's, Lord G., Irish Railway
Scheme, i. 206

Bentinck, death of Lord George, i. 282;
Lord George resigns the leadership
of the Tory party, i. 266; Lord
George a Whig, i. 221

Berkeley's (Mr. Grantley) proposed

Committee on Importation of Corn,
i. 307

Birmingham gets a third member, ii.
301;-Police Bill, i. 161 ;-Riots at,
i. 162

"Black Friday" (note), ii. 239
Black Friday, effects upon finance of,
ii. 259

Blessington's (Lady) Annuals, i. 56
Blessington (Lady) on Disraeli the
Younger, i. 28

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John Viscount,

i. 113

Bouverie (Mr.) "the candid friend,"
i. 445; on the Liberal party, ii.

Bowring (Sir John) declares war with
China, ii. 18

Bribery Bill, ii. 318

Bright (Mr.) claims Lord Beaconsfield
as a convert, ii. 148; encourages
intimidation of the House (note), ii.
255; Free Breakfast Table, ii. 452;
on the Budget of 1858, ii. 92; on
Liberal differences, ii. 139; on Mr.
Lowe and Lord Derby, ii, 246; on
Lord Beaconsfield in 1865, ii. 236;
cry of "perish Savoy," ii. 167; ran-
dom charges against Lord Beacons-
field, ii. 342; on the Residuum,"
ii. 285; "Temple Bar" speech, ii.
265; the Throne and the House of
Lords, ii. 115

British ambassador expelled from
Madrid, i. 271

Brougham, on the New Poor Law, i.
146; and the Representative, i. 21 ;
on "Vivian Grey," i. 29; supposed
to be mad (note), i. 81; his progress
through Scotland, i. 80, 109

Bruce, Mr. H. A., on the "infernal
land laws," ii. 377

Brunet, Opinion of I. D'Israeli, i. 11
Buckinghamshire favourable to the

growth of Prime Ministers, i. 240;
ii. 465; first requisition to stand for,
i. 74



Bucks Electors, Mr. Disraeli's address

to, 1852, i. 354

Bucks Gazette, attacks Mr. Disraeli as
a Tory, i. 65

Budget of 1850, i. 305; of 1851, i. 321;
Sir Charles Wood's amended, i. 323;
Mr. Disraeli's first, i. 350; Mr. Dis-
raeli's second, i. 371; Mr. Gladstone's
of 1853, i. 396; Sir G. C. Lewis's
(1855), i. 434; of 1856, ii. 8; of
1857, ii. 22; of 1859, ii. 139, 143;
of 1860, ii. 157; of 1861, ii. 180; of
1862, ii. 191; of 1863, ii. 214; of
1864, ii. 226; of 1866, ii. 243; of
1867, ii. 288; of 1871, ii. 403; of
1873, ii. 451

Bill of Pius IX. establishing Papal hier-
archy, i. 310

Buller, Col. Warde, moves vote of no
confidence in Lord Melbourne's
Ministry, i. 167

Bulwer, Lord Beaconsfield's opinion of
Sir Henry, i. 273

Burials Bill supported by the Liberal
Government, ii. 451
Byng's, (Mr.), Motion on French
Treaty, ii. 164


CABAL against the Government (1858),
ii. 79

Cabinet, split in the (1835), i. 75;
Lord Derby's of 1858, ii. 51; Lord
Derby's second, ii. 258; differences,
1853, i. 404; Mr. Gladstone's, ii.

Cagliari affair, The, ii. 61
Callender, Mr. W. R., ii. 426
Campbell's, (Lord), opinion on Palmer-

ston's Conspiracy Bill, ii. 45
"Candid friend," The: Mr. Bouverie,
i. 445

Canning, Mr., on Reform, ii. 109
Canning's (Lord) Carmagnole, ii. 74;
censured by Lord Ellenborough, ii.
75; Indian policy, ii. 43

[blocks in formation]

Cattle Plague of 1865, ii. 241
Causes of the Italian war of 1859, ii.

120; Russian war of 1854, ii. ib.
Cavour on English prisoners at Naples,
ii. 63

Cecil (Lord Robert) on Paper Duty, ii.

Cogan, The celebrated Dr., i. 17; Mr.
Crabb Robinson on (note), i. 18
Changes of Party names, i. 113.
Character of O'Connell's agitation,
i. 200

Characters in "Vivian Grey," i. 30
Chartist National Convention, i. 155
Chartist Riots in 1848, i. 266
Chartists, Lord Beaconsfield alienated
from, i. 267

Chasles - Philarète on Lord Beacons.
field's novels, i. 242

Chelmsford's (Lord) retirement, ii.


Childers (Mr.) at Pontefract, ii. 356

China, War with (1856), ii. 17; defeat
of Government on the, ii. 23; great
debate on the, ii. 24
Cholesbury, i. 145

Chowler's "dark threat," i. 302
Church of England and "Tancred,"
i. 251

Citizen of Glasgow, Lord Beaconsfield
a, ii. 457

Closing Theatres in Lent, i. 138
Coalition of 1853, i. 383
Cobden's (Mr.) attack on Lord Palmer-
ston, ii. 200; Lord Beaconsfield on,
i. 354, ii. 161; deûnition of land as
"the raw material of food," i. 301;

motion for a Committee on the Corn
Laws, i. 213; on the Income Tax in
1845, i. 325; on the Malt Tax, i.
320; recommends a "little agita-
tion," i. 300; visit to Aylesbury, i.

Cochrane (Mr. Baillie) on the factious-

ness of the Opposition (1867), ii.

Collapse of Mr. Coleridge's Instruction,

ii. 292; of the Whigs (1855), i. 429
Collier Job, The, ii. 423
Colonels, on Orsini, French, ii. 45;
Punch on the French, ii. 60
Column to memory of Isaac Disraeli, i.

Commercial crisis, 1857, ii. 39;-trea
ties, i. 190

Commissioners on Poor Laws, i. 145
Committee on Reform Bill, 1867, ii.

Commons, Mr. Bright on the House of,
ii. 264

Compound Householder, The, ii. 297;
extinguished, ii. 301
Condition of England, i. 142
Confederate States, Recognition of the,
ii. 189

Conference of London, The, ii. 219
Confiscation and Concurrent Endow-
ments, ii. 444

"Confiscation is contagious," ii. 358
Confiscation the principle of the Irish

Church Bill, ii. 373

"Coningsby," i. 242; Athenæum on,
i. 245

"Coningsby," Keys to, i. 245; replies
to, ib.; translations of, i. 246
Copyright, Lord Beaconsfield on, i. 137
Conservative Surrender, The, ii. 306
Conspiracy to Murder Bill, Palmer-

ston's, ii. 45; second reading, ii. 49
Constabulary Bill, Lord John Russell's,
i. 172

"Constitution," Vindication of the, i.


Constitutions should grow, i. 105

"Contarini Fleming," i. 52; reviews

of, i. 53

Contributions to Annuals, i. 56-58
Continent, state of, in 1848, i. 270
Conversational powers of Disraeli the
Younger, i. 37

Cooper's, Thomas, interview with Lord
Beaconsfield, i. 250

Corney Bolton, Controversy with Isaac
Disraeli, i. 11

Corn Laws, first speech on, i. 137
Countervailing Duties, i. 293
Coup d'Etat of Napoleon III., Queen
commands strict neutrality, i. 332
Cowley (Lord), in Walewski's dispatch,
ii. 58

Crampton's (Mr.) dismissal from Wash-
ington, ii. 12

Cranborne (Lord) on his leader's
treachery, ii. 302

Cranborne's (Lord) retirement, ii. 278
Crisis examined, The, i. 78
Crimea, Allies land in the, i. 418.
Crimean Committee, Palmerston tries
to evade the, i. 430

Crimean War, Court view of the, i. 418
Crystal Palace (1874), Mr. Disraeli at
the, ii. 435

Cubitt, Lord Beaconsfield's letter to
Mr., ii. 454


Daily News on Reform Bill of 1859, ii.


Dalhousie (Lord) retires from India, ii.


Dallas's (Mr. G. M.) opinion of Pal-
merston's policy, i. 272 (note)
Danish War, The, ii. 215
"Dark Threats" of the Protectionists
i. 302

Dartmouth (Lord), letter to, ii. 332
Death of Mr. Cobden, ii. 234;-ot

William IV., i. 127

Débat sur L'Inde au Parlement Anglais,
Un (Montalembert), ii. 78


Debate on the Address, 1859, ii. 100;
-(1860), ii. 142;-(1861), ii. 176;
-(November, 1866), ii. 315; on
China War (1856), ii. 24; on Pal-
merston's Conspiracy Bill, ii. 47
Defeat of Lord Palmerston on the China
War, ii. 23, ib. 50; of Mr. Glad-
stone's Government, 1873, ii. 445;
of Government, 1859, ii. 120, ib.
134; of Lord Russell's Government
on Reform, ii. 252

Demand for " Lothair," ii. 390
Denmark, (Lord John) Russell's advice
to, ii. 206

Deputations, of Reform League on Bill
of 1867, ii. 291
Derby (Lord), at Mansion House
Dinner, ii. 185; is "sent for " (1852),
i. 342; speech on assuming office, i.
343; compromising speech of, i. 352;
"sent for" (1855), i. 428; unwilling
to take office, ii. 52; forms his second
administration, ii. 50; negotiations
with the Adullamites, ii. 254; third
Administration, ii. 255; Mr. Bright's
attacks on, ii. 264; on Reform Bill
(1867), ii. 307; opinion of Lord
Beaconsfield, ii. 329; retirement, ii.
320; revives Convocation, i. 362;
on Radical policy, 1872, ii. 433
Difficulties with France at an end, ii. 61
Disobedience of Palmerston in the
matter of foreign dispatches, i. 332
Dissolution resolved upon, 1859, ii. 123
"Ditto to Mr. Gladstone," ii. 386
Divine right of Government, i. 118; of
the House of Commons, i. 106
Division on Irish Church Resolutions,

ii. 337; on Irish Church, ii. 340; on
Irish Church Bill (2nd reading), ii.
375; on Personal rating Clauses, ii.

Disraeli, Benjamin, the elder settles
in England, i. 5; settles at Enfield,
i. 6; a lax Jew, i. 7; and the Russian
loan of 1815, i. 5

Disraeli family in Spain, i. 2


Disraeli, Isaac (born 1766), i. 7; travels
on Continent, i. 8; verses by, i. 9;
Sir Walter Scott's opinion of, i. 10;
controversy with Bolton Corney, i. 11;
his "Flim Flams," i. 11; marries
Maria Basevi, i. 12; only in name a
Jew, i. 13; his Genius of Judaism, i.
13; final rupture with the Hebrew
community (1817), i. 15; removes to
Bloomsbury Square, i. 16; at Bra-
denham House, i. 16; epitaph on, i.
17; a man of fortune, i. 19; his
Charles I., i. 12

Disraeli, Mrs., made Lady Beaconsfield,
ii. 363

Disraeli, Sarah, i. 41

Disraeli, Benjamin : birth, date of, i. 12; .
baptized at St. Andrew's, Holborn, i.
15; accession to power, ii. 466; first
address to electors of Bucks, i. 239;
address to Bucks electors, i. 354; ii.
28, 53, 125, 460; address to electors
of Maidstone, i. 128; a generous op-
ponent, i. 232; attacks upon Peel, i.
225; attacks on (1858), ii. 81; attor-
ney's office, in an, i. 19; ceases to re-
present Shrewsbury, i. 239; ceases to
represent Maidstone, i. 178; chal-
lenges Morgan O'Connell, i. 92; cri-
minal information for libel against, i.
179; declines to form a Government
(1873), ii. 446; elected for Shrews-
bury, i. 183; epigrams on Peel, i. 224;
first Cabinet, ii. 323; indifference to
place, i. 223; Leader of the Opposi-
tion, i. 282; Leader of House of
Commons (1852), i. 345; letter to
Lord Dartmouth, ii. 332; not a
journalist, i. 22; not like Peel, i.
368; position in the Government of
1867, ii. 300; received into the cove-
nant of Abraham, i. 15; re-elected
for Bucks (1866), ii. 255; reported to
have a Disestablishment scheme of
his own, ii. 343; resignation (1853),
i. 385; address to electors of Bucks
(1868), ii. 353; resignation (1868),

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