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How did the bones of the human skeleton appear? What is supposed to be the cause of these human skeletons being there? What is said of the air in the grotto at Naples ?


Bier (beer), n. a kind of hand carriage or wooden frame for conveying dead bodies to the grave.

Bow ed (boud), pre. of Bow, to bend, depress; to subdue, to crush; to stoop, sink under presure; to bend the body in token of respect: n. an act of reverence, respect, or submission; the rounding, forward part of the side of a sloop, ship, steamboat, &c.

Chron ic (krón' ik), a. of long duration or continuance. Cord (kård), n. a line or string; a small rope; a measure of wood containing 128 cubic feet: v. to tie, bind, or fasten with cords.


Deem, v. to think, suppose; to judge, to estimate; to conclude Dis en gage ('dis ên gåje'), v. to set free; to clear; to separate,


Fa ces (fà' siz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Face, forepart of the head,

visage; surface; front: v. to meet in front, oppose; to cover. Få dêd, pre. of Fade, to decay, perish or die gradually; to

wither; to vanish; to lose color, grow dim; to languish. F' nål, a. ultimate, last; conclusive, ending; mortal. Ful fil led (fül fild'), pre. of Fulfil, to complete; to accomplish, perform; to answer any prophecy or promise.

Hoar y (hore' è), a. white or gray with age; or, with frost.
Hues (huze), n. plu. of Hue, color, dye; clamor, great noise.
Late-de cli ning (låte-dè kll' ning), a. failing, decaying.
Lin gers (ling' gurz), pres. t. of Linger, to remain long; to de-
lay; to loiter, hesitate; to protract.

Måst, n. the fruit of the oak, beech, &c., nuts; a long, round beam, post, or piece of timber raised perpendicularly on the keel of a ship, or other vessel, to which the sails, &c., are attached.

Mists, n. plu. and pres. t. of Mist, any thing that dims; a small, thin rain, rain in very fine drops: v. to cover with vapor; to rain in very fine drops.

Mock (mok), v. to deceive, elude; to deride, to ridicule; to mimick: n. ridicule, derision; contempt, sneer; mimicry: a. false, counterfeit. [enclosure of fruit-trees. Or chards (or tshûrdz), n. plu. of Orchard, an assemblage or

Pal si ed (pål' zid), part. a. diseased or affected with the palsy: pre. of Palsy, to paralyze; to deprive of the power of muscular motion; to destroy energy: n. a privation of loss of the power of voluntary muscular motion; a paralysis. Rack ed (rakt), pre. of Rack, to harass, to torment; to torture; to strain; to draw off: n. an engine of torture; extreme pain, torture, anguish; a frame for hay; a grate.

Rec ord (rék úrd), n. a memorial; an authentic register. Re joi cing (rè jois' ing), par. of Rejoice, to make joyful; to be glad, exult.

Ri pen ed (rl' pnd), part. a. grown ripe; matured: par. of Ripen, to grow or make ripe; to mature. [plete. Ri per (ri' púr), a. more mature; more fit for use; more comSåd' ness, n. sorrow, heaviness of heart; dejection of mind. Se rene ly (se rene' lè), ad. calmly; quietly; coolly. Sigh (si), v. to express sorrow by deep breathing; to emit the breath audibly: n. a deep and audible breathing; a violent emission of breath.

Stil led (stild), pre. of Still, to calm, to quiet, to silence; to ap pease: a. calm, quiet, silent, undisturbed; motionless: n. a vessel for distillation: ad. to this time, nevertheless. Tor tures (tor' tshùrez), n. plu. and pres. t. of Torture, violent pain; anguish, torment: v. to inflict extreme pain, ex cruciate; to torment.

Twi light (twi' lite), a. having obscure or faint light: n. the faint light before sunrise and after sunset; obscure light. Vi tal, a. necessary or essential, or, pertaining to life.

Wail ed (wald), pre. of Wail, to weep, to moan; to lament, grieve: n. audible sorrow, loud weeping.

Waits (wates), pres. t. of Wait, to follow as a consequence; to attend; to tarry, stay for; to expect.

Wo men's (wim' minz), n. plu. posses. case of Women.
Yè, pro. plu. yourselves.


The Old Man's Funeral.

1. I saw an aged man upon his bier:

His hair was thin and white, and on his brow
A record of the cares of many a year;
Cares that were ended and forgotten now.

And there was sadness round, and faces bowed, And women's tears fell fast, and children wailed aloud.

2. Then rose another hoary man, and said,

In faltering accents, to that weeping train, "Why mourn ye that our aged friend is dead? Ye are not sad to see the gathered grain, Nor when their mellow fruit the orchards cast, Nor when the yellow woods shake down the ripened mast.

3. "Ye sigh not when the sun, his course fulfilled
His glorious course, rejoicing earth and sky,
In the soft evening, when the winds are stilled,
Sinks where the islands of refreshment lie,
And leaves the smile of his departure, spread
O'er the warm colored heaven and ruddy mountain head.

4. "Why weep ye then for him, who, having run
The bound of man's appointed years, at last,
Life's blessings all enjoyed, life's labors done,
Serenely to his final rest has passed?
While the soft memory of his virtues yet
Lingers, like twilight hues, when the bright sun is set.

5. His youth was innocent; his riper age

Marked with some act of goodness every day;
And, watched by eyes that loved him, calm and sage,
Faded his late-declining years away.

Cheerful he gave his being up, and went
To share the holy rest that waits a life well spent.

6. "That life was happy; every day he gave
Thanks for the fair existence that was his :
For a sick fancy made him not her slave,

To mock him with her phantom miseries.
No chronic tortures racked his aged limb,
For luxury and sloth had nourished none for him.

7. "And I am glad that he has lived thus long; And glad that he has gone to his reward;

Nor deem that kindly nature did him wrong,
Softly to disengage the vital cord.

When his weak hand grew palsied, and his eye
Dark with the mists of age, it was his time to die.”


QUESTIONS.-Who was seen on his bier? On what was a record? Of what? What were bowed? What fell fast? Who wailed aloud? Why? Who rose? What did the hoary man ask? When did he say we are not sad? When sigh not? What sinks? What leaves a smile? What lingers yet? Like what? What was innocent? What was marked with some act of goodness every day? What faded away? What waits a life well spent? What was happy? What did the good old man give every day? What racked not his aged limbs? Why? To what has the old man gone? When and why was it his time to die?


Ad join ing (âd join' ing), part. a. near to, contiguous, adjacent ; joining to: par. of Adjoin, to join to; to lie near.

As sign ed (as sind'), pre. of Assign, to fix, allot; to appoint; to mark out; to transfer

Au thor i ties (åw thỗr' è `tîz), n. plu. of Authority, testimony; legal power; influence, power; warrant; rule; credit. Babes (babez), n. plu. of Babe, a child; an infant.

Car ry ing (kår' rẻ îng), par. of Carry, to bear, to convey; to behave, to conduct; to import.

Chant ing (tshånt' ing), par. of Chant, to sing, utter a melodious voice; to sing as in church service: n. a song; melody; church service.

Com pare (kom påre'), v. to represent as similar, liken; to estimate or measure the relative qualities or degrees: n.comparative estimate; similitude.

Des ert (dez êrt), n. a wilderness, uninhabited and solitary place; waste country: a. wild, unsettled; solitary; waste. De spair (de spare'), n. hopeless state; despondency, hopelessness: v. to be without hope, to despond.

Ech oes (ék' kōze), n. plu. and pres. t. of Echo, a sound returned, reflected, or reverberated: v. to be sounded back or reverberated. [the truth; to heighten; to accumulate. Ex ag ger ate (êgz âj' er åte), v. to enlarge or represent beyond Ex trav a gant (êks trâv' â `gånt), a. wild, excessive; unreason

able; irregular; wasteful; profuse or lavish in expenses. French (frensh), a. pertaining or belonging to France: n. prop. the people of France; the language of France.

Goad ed (gode' ed), pre. of Goad, to incite, urge; to prick with a goad: n. a pointed stick or instrument to drive oxen. Ill-fa ted (il-fà 'ted), a. wretched, unhappy; miserable; abandoned. [attention; susceptible. Im pres sive (îm prês' siv), a. making an impression, exciting In con stan cy (în kön' stån 'sè), n. instability of affection; unsteadiness, fickleness.

[child. In fants (in' fants), n. plu. of Infant, a new-born or very young Jeal ous y (jél lús è), n. suspicion in love; suspicious fear. Lis tens (lis' snz), pres. t. of Listen, to hearken, to hear; to attend to.

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Lone li ness (lone' lè 'nês), n. solitude; want of company. Morn ings (morn' ingz), n. plu. of Morning, the first part of the day. [ful, to grieve. Mourn ing (morn' ing), par. of Mourn, to lament; to be sorrowO ver ra ted (ỏ vûr rå' têd), pre. of Óverrate, to rate too high or at too much.

Poêts, n. plu. of Poet, one who writes poetry or poems.

Re cent ly (rè sent 'le), ad. lately, not long since; newly; freshly.

Re mem bran ces (rẻ mêm' brân `sîz), n. plu. of Remembrance, memorial; retention in the mind.

Ro man cers (rò mân' sûrz), n. plu. of Romancer, one who writes romances or tales. [wild scenery.

Ro man tic (rò mân' tîk), a. wild, fanciful; irregular; full of Scen er y (sèèn' úr 'rè), n. the appearance of a place, objects, &c.; a representation.

Sev en teen (sev' vn 'tèèn), a. seven and ten.
Six teen (siks' tèèn), a. six and ten.

[exhibition. Spec ta cle (spêk' tå `kl,) n. a thing seen, a sight; a show; an St. An tho ny (sånt ân' tỏ `nẻ), n. prop. the name of a place; or,

of a Saint.

Thril ling (thril' ling), part. a. causing a tingling or piercing sensation; penetrating: par. of Thrill, to pierce; to penetrate; to tingle; to feel a sharp, tingling sensation.

Tow ard (to' urd), prep. in a direction to.

Tra di tions (tra dish' unz), n. plu. of Tradition, an oral communication, account, or transmission from age to age, or, from father to son.

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Vows (voz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Vow, a solemn or religious promise: v. to make a vow, or a solemn or religious promise; to consecrate. [to go astray. Wan ders (won' dûrz), pres. t. of Wander, to rove, to ramble; Writers (rl' turz), n. plu. of Writer, an author; one who writes.

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