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Re tains (rẻ tánez'), pres. t. of Retain, to keep, to hold; to continue; to engage.

Rock ed (rökt), pre. of Rock, to move a cradle; to shake; to reel: n. a large or vast mass of stone or stony matter; protection, defence.

Såd, n. turf, sward; a clod: v. to cover with turf.

Sung, pre. of Sing, to form the voice to music or melody. Tråd, pre. of Tread, to walk on; to set the foot; to trample; to step: n. a stepping; a step with the foot.


The Land of our Birth.

1. THERE is not a spot in this wide peopled earth,
So dear to the heart as the land of our birth:
'Tis the home of our childhood! the beautiful spot
Which mem'ry retains when all else is forgot.
May the blessing of God

Ever hallow the sod,

2. And its valleys and hills by our children be trod.

Can the language of strangers, in accents unknown,
Send a thrill to our bosom like that of our own?
The face may be fair, and the smile may be bland,
But it breathes not the tones of our dear native land.
There's no spot on earth

Like the land of our birth,

Where heroes keep guard o'er the altar and hearth!

3. How sweet is the language which taught us to blend
The dear names of parent, of husband, and friend;
Which taught us to lisp on our mother's soft breast,
The ballads she sung as she rocked us to rest.
May the blessing of God
Ever hallow the sod,

And its valleys and hills by our children be trod.


QUESTIONS.-What spot on earth is most dear? Why? guage of strangers send a thrill to our bosom like our own?

Can the lan-
What do not

the tones breathe? What language is sweet? Why? What should we wish ever hallowed?


Ac tress es (åk' três 'îz), n. plu. of Actress, a female who plays on the stage; or, acts or performs.

Ap pli ed (âp plide'), pre. of Apply, to employ, to put to; to suit to; to study; to address to; to busy. [tice to. Ap pri zed (ap prizd'), pre. of Apprize, to inform; to give noAr tist (artist), n. one skilled in an art; a skilful man. Bad ly (bâd le), ad. not well, in a bad manner. Be com ing (be kûm' îng), part. a. fit, graceful; ornamental: par. of Become, to be suitable, to be fit; to appear; to be in some state or condition; to be the end of

Bred, pre. of Breed, to educate, bring up; to raise; to give birth to n. a kind, a cast; race; offspring.

Cab in ets (kåb' în êts), n. plu. of Cabinet, a set of drawers; a private room in which consultations are held; the select officers or council of the executive of a state, republic, kingdom, &c.

Con di tions (kon dish' ûnz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Condition, state; rank; temper; quality; term of agreement or compact, stipulation: v. to stipulate, make terms.

Coun sel (köún' sil), v. to advise; to give advice; to warn: n. advice, direction; consultation; prudence; design; secrecy; an advocate.

Dan cers (dan' sûrz), n. plu. of Dancer, one who dances. Daugh ters (dåw' turz), n. plu. of Daughter, a female child. Dec o ra ted (dék' ỏ `rå têd), pre. of Decorate, to adorn, embellish; to beautify.

Definite (def' è 'nit), a. certain, precise; exact; limited. De månd', v. to claim; to ask or seek by right or authority: n. a claim; a calling or asking by authority; a debt; a question. Dis crim i nate (dis krîm' è 'nåte), v. to select, distinguish; to separate; to observe or mark the difference. [to nurture. Ed u cate (êd' ju kåte), v. to instruct, to discipline; to bring up Ed u ca ted (ed' jù `kå têd), pre. of Educate. Em bel lish (êm bel' lish), v. to adorn, beautify.

Em broi der ers (êm bröẻ' dûr `ûrz), n. plu. of Embroiderer, one

who embroiders.

{graves. En gra vers (ên grå' vûrz), n. plu. of Engraver, one who en

Ex cel (êk sel'), v. to surpass; to have, exceed, or outdo in good qualities. [to keep flowers. Flow er-pots (floủ' ûr-`påts), n. plu. of Flower-pot, a pot in which Ful ly (fal' lè), ad. completely, wholly, entirely; to the full. Fur nish ed (für' nisht), pre. of Furnish, to supply, provide; to fit up; to equip.

Gil ders (gil' dúrz), n. plu. of Gilder, one who gilds.

In sist (in sist'), v. to persist in, urge; to stand or rest on. I tal ian (i tál' yân), n. prop. the language of Italy; a native of Italy a. relating to Italy. [law, legally. Law fully (låw' fal lè), ad. rightfully, properly; agreeably to Light en (l' tn), v. to make lighter, alleviate; to exonerate; to exhilarate; to illuminate; to flash as or like lightning. Mere ly (mère' lé), ad. solely, only; simply; singly. Mis tress es (mis' três 'iz), n. plu. of Mistress, a female who is head of a family; a woman who governs or teaches; an instructress.

Nay (nd), ad. not only so, but more; no, an adverb of denial. Need fal, a. indispensably requisite or necessary.

Per fect ing (per' fekt 'ing), par. of Perfect, to complete, finish; to consummate: a. complete, entire; pure, immaculate, faultless; consummate; finished.

Play ers (pla urz), n. plu. of Player, one who plays.
Pre vi ous (pre vè 'ûs), a. prior, antecedent; going before.
Pu ri fy (pu' re fi), v. to make pure, refine; to cleanse.

Qual i fi ca tions (`kwől lè fè ka' shûnz), n. plu. of Qualification, accomplishment; fitness; restriction, abatement, modifica tion; legal endowment that fits a man for office, &c.

Re spec tive (rè spêk' tîv), a. particular; having relation to. Screens (skreenz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Screen, any thing that

shelters; a riddle: v. to shelter, conceal; to defend, protect. Sculp tors (skulp' tûrz), n. plu. of Sculptor, a carver or engraver. Sem pro ni a (sêm prỏ' nè `å), n. prop. a celebrated Roman maSing ers (sing' urz), n. plu. of Singer, one who sings. [tron. Si' rên, n. prop. a fabulous goddess noted for singing and enticing men by her music.

Sit u a tions ('sitsh à à' shûnz), n. plu. of Situation, condition, place; state; position.

S88th, v. to mollify, assauge, soften; to quiet, to calm; to flatter, to please.

Stock (stok), n. a store, a fund; capital, fund of money; cattle; body or stem of a tree or plant; lineage; a close neckcloth: v. to store, furnish.

Strength en (strêng' thn), v. to make strong; to grow strong.

Ta bles (tà' blz), n. plu. and pres. t. of Table, an article of fur niture having a flat surface, used for writing on, holding dishes, &c., a kind of board; any level or flat surface; an index; a collection of matters, a catalogue; a synopsis: v. to set or note down; to board. [watch; to attend. Tênd, v. to conduce; to incline, move towards; to guard, to Tends (têndz), pres. t. of Tend.

Train ed (trånd), pre. of Train, to educate; to draw; to entice; to exercise or discipline: n. a retinue, a procession; part of a gown; tail of a bird; artifice; method. Un done (un dûn'), part. a. not done; ruined: per. par. of Undo, to ruin; to loose, unravel.


Var nish ers (vår' nîsh `ûrz), n. plu. of Varnisher, one who var


Female Accomplishments.

1. A YOUNG lady may excel in speaking French and Italian; may repeat a few passages from a volume of extracts; play like a professor, and sing like a siren; have her dressing-room decorated with her own drawing, tables, stands, flower-pots, screens, and cabinets; nay, she may dance like Sempronia herself, and yet we shall insist that she may have been very badly educated.

2. I am far from meaning to set no value whatever on any or all of these qualifications; they are all of them elegant, and many of them probably tend to the perfecting of a polite education. These things, in their measure and degree, may be done; but there are others which should not be left undone. Many things are becoming, but "one thing is needful." Besides, as the world seems to be fully apprized of the value of whatever tends to embellish life, there is less occasion here to insist on its importance.

3. But, though a well bred young lady may lawfully learn most of the fashionable arts; yet, let me ask, does it seem to be the true end of education to make women of fashion dancers, singers, players, painters, actresses, sculptors, gilders, varnishers, engravers, and embroiderers? Most men are commonly destined to some profession, and their

minds are consequently turned each to its respective object.

4. Would it not be strange if they were called out to exercise their profession, or to set up their trade, with only a little general knowledge of the trades and professions of all other men, and without any previous definite application to their own peculiar calling? The profession of ladies, to which the bent of their instruction should be turned, is that of daughters, wives, mothers, and mistresses of families.

5. They should, therefore, be trained with a view to these several conditions, and be furnished with a stock of ideas and principles, qualifications and habits, and be ready to apply and appropriate them, as occasion may demand, to each of these respective situations. For though the arts, which merely embellish life, must claim admiration; yet, when a man of sense comes to marry, it is a companion whom he wants, and not an artist.

6. It is not merely a creature who can paint, and play, and sing, and draw, and dress, and dance; it is a being who can comfort and counsel him; one who can reason, and reflect, and feel, and judge, and discourse, and discriminate; one who can assist him in his affairs, lighten his cares, sooth his sorrows, purify his joys, strengthen his principles, and educate his children.-HANNAH MORE.

QUESTIONS.-In what may a young lady excel, what repeat, like whom sing, like whom play, what have, like whom dance, and yet be badly educated? To what may these qualifications properly tend? Though a well bred young lady may lawfully learn most of the fashionable arts, yet what does not seem to be the true end of their education? To whatare most men destined? What would be strange? To what should the bent of the instruction of young ladies be turned? With a view to what should they, therefore, be trained? Whom does a man of sense wish to marry? Who is it not? It is a being who can do what? One who can assist him in what? Lighten what? Sooth what? Purify what? Educate whom?


Af ri cans (âf rẻ 'kânz), n. prop. plu. of African, a native of Africa: a. belonging to, or pertaining to Africa.

Al lows (âl löúz'), pres. t. of Allow, to permit; to grant; te admit; to abate.

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