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The mode of threshing, dressing, and measuring other grain, seeds, and pulse, does not differ enough to make a separate explanation necessary. In all cases it is required to have the commodity as clean and free from mixture as possible.

The farmer disposes of the grain generally, by attending the neighbouring weekly markets, to which millers and corn-dealers resort; or he sends it to London factors, or sells to regular customers by private contract. Samples are usually taken to market and elsewhere in canvass bags; and on these bargains are made to a large amount. I see the miller in the engraving stands rather back, as if in doubt. Those, however, who do not understand corn, would derive little knowledge of the actual quality and value from the specimens or the lump. Persons are not unfre

quently seen, and laughed at, who examine the samples, and talk about them, with evidently no experience or real information on the subject. This is often observed in citizens or mechanics, who have been known, with most consequential airs, to order a quarter! instead of a quartern of corn for a horse at an inn, pouring the grain from hand to hand at the same time, in the vain attempt to show how much they are up to "those fellows, the ostlers."

The public would get corn much cheaper than they do, were it not for the interference and rapacity of corn-factors and dealers, who step between the farmer and the miller, and merely buy to sell again. Of course, all that they gain the public lose; but this might be borne, if they would not employ their money as they commonly do, to buy up or mono

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