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thy master do

Evening shall darken on the earth, and o'er | Return! Alas, my Arab steed! what shall the sandy plain Some other steed with slower step shall bear When thou who wast his all of joy hast van

me home again.

Yes, thou must go!

ished from his view

When the dim distance cheats mine eyes, and
through the gathering tears

The wild, free breeze, Thy bright form for a moment like the false
and sky,
mirage appears?

the brilliant sun Thy master's home, from all of these my Slow and unmounted shall I roam with weary exiled one must fly;

step alone
oft hast borne me on,

Thy proud dark eye will grow less proud, thy Where with fleet step and joyous bound thou step become less fleet,

And vainly shalt thou arch thy neck thy And, sitting down by that green well, I'll master's hand to meet.

Only in sleep shall I behold that dark eye

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pause and sadly think,

"It was here he bowed his glossy neck when last I saw him drink.”

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CARCE were the splintered

lances dropped,

Scarce were the swords drawn out,

Ere recreant Lara, sick with fear,

Had wheeled his steed


His courser reared and

plunged and neighed, Loathing the fight to yield, But the coward spurred him to the bone And drove him from the field.

Gonzalez in his stirrups rose:

“Turn, turn, thou traitor knight! Thou bold tongue in a lady's bower,

Thou dastard in a fight!"

But vainly valiant Gomez cried

Across the waning fray: Pale Lara and his craven band

To Burgos scoured away.

* "The king of Aragon now entered Castile by way of Soria and Osma with a powerful army, and, having been met by the queen's forces, both parties encamped near Sepulveda and prepared to give battle. This engagement, called, from the field where it took place, De la Espina, is one of the most famous of that age. The dastardly count of Lara fled at the first shock and joined the queen at Burgos, where she was anxiously awaiting the issue; but the brave count of Candespina (Gomez Gonzalez) stood his ground to the last and died on the field of battle. His standard-bearer, a gentleman of the house of Olea, after having his horse killed under him and both hands cut off by sabre-strokes, fell beside his master, still clasping the standard in his arms and repeating his war-cry of 'Olea !'" -Annals of the Queens of Spain.

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And he smiled, like an infant hushed asleep, They hewed the hands from off his limbs:

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"Yield, madman, yield! Thy horse is down; Thunderbolt engine, swift and strong,

Thou hast nor lance nor shield. Fly! I will grant thee time." Can neither fly nor yield."

"This flag

They girt the standard round about, A wall of flashing steel;

Fifty tons she was, whole and sole.

I had been promoted to the express:
I warrant you I was proud and gay.
It was the evening that ended May,
And the sky was a glory of tenderness.

We were thundering down to a midland


It makes no matter about the name,
For we never stopped there, or anywhere
For a dozen of miles on either side;

So it's all the same.

Just there you slide, With your steam shut off and your brakes in


And I often saw her-that lady, I mean,
That I spoke of before. She often stood
Atop o' the bank: it was pretty high—
Say twenty feet-and backed by a wood.
She would pick the daisies out of the green
To fling down at us as we went by.
We had got to be friends, that girl and I,
Though I was a rugged, stalwart chap,
And she a lady. I'd lift my cap,

Down the steepest and longest gråde in the Evening by evening, when I'd spy


At a pace that I promise you is grand.
We were just there with the express,
When I caught sight of a muslin dress
On the bank ahead, and as we passed-
You have no notion of how fast-

A girl shrank back from our baleful blast.

That she was there, in the summer air,
Watching the sun sink out of the sky.

Oh, I didn't see her every night

Bless you, no!-just now and then, And not at all for a twelvemonth quite. Then, one evening, I saw her again, Alone, as ever, but deadly pale,

We were going a mile and a quarter a min- And down on the line, on the very rail,

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So the brakes let off, and, the steam full again, | No price too high for profit can be shown-
Sprang down on the lady the terrible train.
She never flinched. We beat her down
And ran on through the lighted length of the


Before we could stop to see what was done.

Oh, I've run over more than one-
Dozens of 'em, to be sure-but none
That I pitied as I pitied her.

If I could have stopped, with all the spur
Of the train's weight on, and cannily-
But it wouldn't do with a lad like me
And she a lady, or had been. Sir?
Who was she? Best say no more of her.
The world is hard, but I'm her friend-
Staunch, sir-down to the world's end.
It is a curl of her
sunny hair

Set in this locket that I wear.

I picked it off the big wheel there.—
Time's up, Jack.-Stand clear, sir. Yes;
We're going out with the express.

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Not brothers' blood, nor hazards of their own;
Around the world in search of it they roam;
It makes even their antipodes their home.
Meanwhile, the prudent husbandman is found
In mutual duties striving with his ground,
And half the year he care of that does take
That half the year grateful returns does make.

Translation of ABRAHAM COWLEY

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OME with bold labor plough the faithless But yet the chalice will be quaffed,



Some rougher storms in princes' courts sus


Some swell up their slight sails with popular fame,

Charmed with the foolish whistlings of a


Some their vain wealth to earth again com-

With endless cares some brooding o'er it sit;
Country and friends are by some wretches sold
To lie on Tyrian beds and drink in gold;

The shrine sought, as of old.

Man's sterner nature turns away
To seek ambition's goal;
Wealth's glittering gifts and pleasure's ray
May charm his weary soul;

But woman knows one only dream:
That broken, all is o'er;
For on life's dark and sluggish stream
Hope's sunbeam rests no more.


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