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But in a dark corner he'l

Something he's ashamed name!

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cherry tree,

And say it was medio family.

But the star of bright whisky outsl

As gold from the mint

the mine.

It has rose like a bead


Oh! welcome! thrice


Thy brightness shall g hope,

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Thou hast risen in beauty, Oh! never to


Beneath thee, our voters are proudly dis


With thee as our champion they'll vanquish the foe,

And look o'er a land that is purged from its woe.

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"Yes; I took this out of old Miller."

"You don't mean to say you stole that from Miller, do you?"

"O, no! I just took it from him."

"You are talking Chinese now, Charle. You will have to send for an intetperter." "Well, Fred, I will be my own interperter. You see I joined the temperance league six

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months ago, and this is the result. If I had kept on traveling the same road I have traveled for six years, old Miller would have had this carriage, that beautiful bay horse, harness and all, cramed down into his pocket; or had it in that palatial residence he is building on Pearl street. I'll just tell you, Fred, what's a fact: Old Miller has pocketed the last cent of my father's hard earnings that he ever will!"

"Charlie, did you hear what a smash up they had down to Olast week?"

"No; since Miller and I dissolved, I find plenty of employment without going to O to get the daily mail."

"Charlie, I suppose you will listen if I relate the tale?"

"Certainly, certainly, Fred!"

"Last Thursday, about a dozen got into a fight at Miller's. Some got terribly smashed up; there was no respect shown to officers, or privates, the marshal getting several welts on and about the head. Deacon Jones'

son, Will, got drunk and spent all his money; then Miller turned him out and told him to go home. You know it was a terrible cold night; he was found about half a mile from town in the ditch by the road-side, nearly frozen to death. It came very near killing his mother. Old Jake Stevens had been there four days, drunk all the time; when he went home after the battle, his wife told him. she had not had anything for herself and children to eat since the day before, while he was down to Old Miller's, spending money enough to have kept them all winter; told him he had drawn the money for building Miser's house, and now it was all gone, she wanted to get the children some clothing and shoes, so they could go to school; said she could never send them to school like other children, because all the clothes they had she had to wash for, and buy them. Then Stevens raved to the highest pitch, grabbed a club and knocked the brains out of two, and would have killed more, but Baily hap

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