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ous household duties absorbed all working hours, leaving the writer with little or no time for study. But, as work cannot chain the intellectual part, we are at liberty to look back through departed years, and note the great and wonderful changes that have taken place since the soil of this fair domain ceased to be trampled by British oppressors.

The heart of every true American must glow with rapturous delight when contemplating the advantages and progress of our country, knowing there is no higher title, no more honored name, than they possess, -American citizens! We can look back through the short period of forty years, and see that immense concourse of American people assembled around the completed monument of Bunker Hill, upon the soil which will be ever dear to the bosom of the patriot, and to the friends of liberty throughout the world. That vast multitude listened with intense interest to America's greatest orator, while he poured forth, in words of unparalleled eloquence, his love and devotion to his country and his countrymen;

while each heart beat in quick response to the patriotic exultation, "thank God, I, also, am an American!" If America to-day could boast of more sons possessed with such unalloyed and profound patriotism, there would be less wrangling among politicians.

In contemplating America's wonderful progress, we will notice, in particular, our beloved State of Kansas. For what interests the people of Kansas, must materially interest the people of every other state in the Union. As Kansas is a representative of every state, and as Kansas in particular is on trial before the nation, she is to demonstrate how strong is her ideal of a practical manhood, that has enough austere virtue and manly love for the will of the people, to declare that the mandates of courts, and the solemn sanction of the organic act must and shall be enforced.

To the perpetual shame of Kansas-this grand and noble young state, to which many have given a quarter of a century of unbroken love and devotion—we shrink to say there is witnessed the dance of death,

and disgraceful orgies of violated laws death to the principle that makes popula liberty possible! and for which Kansas suffered and sacrificed so much in her grandly heroic days. Is it possible that upon the soil where Kansas martyrs shed their blood for liberty and the upholding of her laws; where her true and law-abiding citizens were hunted and hounded in repelling ruffianly violators of the law; there is to be a brazen and bawdy prostitution of a law and its wanton violation flouted in the faces of the people, whose representatives, by a vote practically unanimous, enacted? The noes come from woodland and prairie. From the waters of the Blue and Vermillion, in the north; from the sandy plains in the west; from the banks of the Neosho and Arkansas; there comes one voice, "the law of Temperance must be enforced." From every grove and valley that is familiar with the story of what Kansas martyrs suffered and dared twenty-five years ago, for the right and) to uphold the supremacy and majesty of violated law), there should go up

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