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from the Port of London, is 330 Miles removed from the Hazards of the laft War; and tho' part of this must be expofed when it paffes through the Chopps, or Western Entrance of the Channel, it must be confidered, that this it was alfo liable to before, befides the Terrors of Dunkirk, and that this is only the Southern Trade; and all that go to Holland, Hambo rough, and other Northern Countries, will be quite out of Danger.

The Ninth of our Trade on the East Coast, would be ftill fafer.

From these diftin& Confiderations, you obferve only one Ninth of the Trade on the Irif Seas and Briftol Channel, and part of the other Ninth in the Coaft of the Channel (to come at which they are in danger from Portsmouth to Plimouth) is the whole of the British Trade, which after the Demolition of Dunkirk will lie open to the Affaults of the French. The Demolition of Dunkirk will in a great Measure secure seven Ninths of the Trade of England, from the Power of France at Sea, the French having no Port in the Channel but St. Malo's, which can harbour any great Ships, and that it felf can receive none which exceeds 30 or 40 Guns. Breft lies 35 Leag. from the Lizard Point, which is the nearest Land of England; their Ships must have an Eafterly Wind to come out, and that will ferve them no farther than to the Chopps of the Chan nel, because it blows directly down it.

The Course to go from Breft to cruize off the Lizard Point in order to annoy Us, is first, W'eft about 13 Leagues, and then North or North and by Eaft about 30 Leagues more, except they run the Hazard of going within


the Inland of Ubant, which is not practifed, and therefore may be fuppofed Impracticable.

In the laft Place, our Charge in defending our felves from fuch Annoyance as we formerly had from Dunkirk will decrease in Proportion to the removal of the Danger.

Such is the Importance of the Demolition of Dunkirk, with regard to the Trade of England only; and in the prefent Conjuncture, I think we ought to have fomething more than the Mercy of his moft Chriftian Majefty, to render the forbearing fuch Demolition lefs Hazardous to our Religion and Liberty; and yet you fee, how criminal a Thing it is to fay, The British Nation EXPECT the Demolition of it.

It is evident that the Letter to the Guardian, fubfcribed English Tory, could have no Profpect but to do Honour and Service to Her Majesty and Her Subjects; The Sieur Tuggbe himself acknowledges that he has received an Answer from the Queen, by Her Secretary of State, with a Negative to his Petition; upon which here appears a Memorial in Print, expoftulating with Her upon that Subject, and laying before Her the Diftreffes of a Crowd of helplefs People, whose Misfortunes are to be attributed to Her, if the fhall think fit, in behalf of Her own Subjects, to infift upon the Execution of what is ftipulated by Treaty: The Sieur Tugghe may infinuate, that it is unmerciful in the Queen to deny his Requeft, without being taken Notice of; but I must not defend my Sovereign's Refufal from the Imputation of Cruelty, without being faid, to Infult Her Prerogative. My Adverfaries argue, That it is in Her Majefty's Power to forward or delay the Demolition as the pleases; be


that as it will, Do not do as a faithful Subject, to infift that she does no Cruelty if the pleases to Demolish it?

The Sieur Tuggbe is not contented with this Arrogance, but has fo little an Opinion of our English Statesmen, that he pretends to inftru&t our Sovereign, and Her Council, in what Political Views they ought to have upon this Occafion: But leaft his Affertions may prevail upon that numerous part of Mankind, which has a great while taken every Thing upon Content, I Thall have the Patience to run through all he gives us as Arguments for our faving Dunkirk, and with the fame Tautology; and when He repeats the fame Thing, repeat alfo what I have faid against it. To proceed then like a Man of great Gravity and Business.

In Answer to the SIEUR's Firft.

First, Dunkirk was the Dread of the Dutch

Trade in time of War, but cannot be the Object of Jealousy of the Dutch with refpect to their Trade to Germany and the Auftrian Low Countries, because Newport and Graveling (which are capable of receiving as large Ships as ever are used in that Trade by us) can fupply those Countries with the fame Eafe; of courfe Dunkirk is not the only Harbour on this Coalt ufeful to that Trade: As for fecuring the Scheld, that River was many Years before the two laft Wars with France poffefs'd by the Dutch, who Command the Entrance of it by Fort Lillo, which prevents all Foreign Ships from paffing, up. Nay, fo far are they from permitting Foreigners, that none of their own Sea fhips, above D


the Bulk of Schuyts or Billanders, which we call Smacks and Hoys, are ever allowed to go beyond that Fort. Mr. Tugghe supposes Us to a most notorious degree Ignorant of common Geography, when he afferts that Dunkirk is the only Port from Oftend Weftward, by which Com modities can be brought into the Provinces of the Auftrian Low-Countries and Germany. There runs from Calais a Navigable River to Graveling, the River of Graveling runs to St. Omer; from the East Side of this River run two Canals, one through Bourbourgh to Dunkirk, the other directly to Winoxberg: There is a Canal from Dunkirk to Furnes, and another from Winoxberg to the fame Place; from Furnes the Canal runs to Newport, and from thence to Oftend and Bruges; from their Canals and Rivers the Countries of French Flanders, Hainault, and Picardy, have their Water Carriage; nor is there any Carriage from Dunkirk to the Rhine; Lys, or Scheld, but through the fame Streams, except by open Sea: fo that Oftend, Newport, Graveling, and Calais, have the fame Water Car riage which Dunkirk has to any Inland Country, or any Place in the World. What Trade had we through Dunkirk, before, or during the two laft Wars? We can have no Trade through Dunkirk (but to the French Territories) which we had not in the last Wars from other Harbours.

As to the Sieur's Second, We always carry'd on our Trade to the Auftrian Netherlands through Oftend and Newport, fince the Dutch got Poffeffion of the Scheld, the fame Conveniency we shall have still; nor can the Port of Dunkirk, being left open, be any ease of Charges on our Trade, or give us a nearer Paffage; neither can


the Demolition in the leaft obftru&t our Trade, because our Commodities will still pass through the fame Inland Waters, which they must if they are fent through Dunkirk. If it is eafie for Her Majefty to obtain from the King a free Paffage Cuftom Free for all Commodities from England, through Dunkirk, to the Auftrian Low-Countries, the may with the fame eafe Obtain the fame through his other Ports. It will be good News to hear he makes no difficulty of granting fuch a Request, becaufe by the fame Rule, Her Majefty may obtain an Alteration in favour of Her Subjects in the Treaty of Commerce, which has been disapprov❜d by the Parliament.

If we should at any time be prevented fending our Trade to the Auftrian Low-Countries, any other way than through his Dominions, he will then find us under the Neceffity of carrying it on this Way, and demand Toll in a manner fuitable to his great Power and Force; and how fhall we deny it him?

If he should grant us this Paffage Custom-free, it may be bought too dear; for if we difmantle the Town, and leave the Ports undemolish'd, it is in his Power to take Poffeffion of it again at Pleasure; and in cafe of another War we fhall be as much annoy'd in our Trade as we were in the two laft, and the Town can be easily Refortified; he may have a very good View in this: But really I would not have him run the Rifque of it,tho' it may prove fo much for his Advantage; for we all know the Dutch are a fly People, and if the Town fhould be dismantled, and the Port left open, they may come and get the Poffeffion of it, and fortifie it again for their own Ufe, which I know, out of the great Concern he has

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