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for us, and the Welfare of our Trade, he would be utterly against.

As to his Third, It is a falfe Affertion to say that there is no other Port ferviceable to the Trade of French Flanders, Hainault, Artois, or Picardy, for there are many useful to this Trade, Oftend, Newport, Graveling, and Calais, whofe Waters run into the fame Canals that that of Dunkirk does, befides Boulogne, Eftaples, St. Valery and Diep; for the Trade to Picardy, all thefe Ports are capable of receiving as large Veffels as ever we made use of in this Trade, which are from 20, 60 or 100 Tuns at moft.

As to the Sieur's Fourth, It is well known the Trade may be profitably carried on by other Places than Dunkirk; and an Eafe of Charge for fo inconfiderable a part of our Trade is not to be mentioned, in Competition with the hazard of fo great a part as, on a Rupture with France, that Place can moleft; the reft of this Article is already anfwer'd, because other Ports can convey our Trade to any Place that Dunkirk can.

As to Mr. Deputy's Fifth, If the Treaty of Commerce has preferved the Tariff of 1671 in the Conquer'd Countries, it is preferv'd to Graveling, and other Ports there, as well as Dunkirk.

As to the Sieur's Sixth, The Strefs he lays on the Lift of 218 Ships which was printed in the Mercator, No. 29, with their Cargoes, has no Weight in it, because those Ships might have gone to the Neighbouring Ports; he is alfo unjuft in arguing from that Lift, that the Trade of Engtand there will very much Increase: Whoever looks over the Mercator, will find that their Loading

Loading confifted chiefly of Food and Firing, the whole he values at two Millions of French Livres; the Coals indeed they may always take, as they will other Commodities that Neceffity obliges them to, and which they have not of their own Growth or Manufacture, but a conftant Market of this kind is not to be expected; it is not to be fuppofed, because they took thefe Quantities of Corn and Provifions of us in their late famish'd Condition, that they will do the fame when they have plentiful Crops, and this whole Sum is but 100,000l. Sterling, of which the Provifions amount to at leaft 3 Quarters.. Their Trade to us ftanding in a manner upon the Foot of a Prohibition, they could not well pay us any other wife than with ready Money; but if the Treaty of Commerce should pafs, and the Port of Dunkirk remain as it is, the Dunkirkers will foon find Commodities to fupply us with, tho' they have none of their own Growth. Mr. Tugghe does not do us Juftice in this part of the Memorial, because he omitted to tell us of the Combination of Merchants, who made our People take their own Prices for our Goods, which were fold to Lofs, rather than to bring them back again through the Rifque of the Seas, and to run the Danger of their being Damaged, and of their Perishing. There might be other Obfervations made from their want of Corn, of the Advantage we might have taken of their Low Condition.

As to this Agent's Seventh, Mr. Tugghe with great Piety and Charity towards us, prays to God to avert a War between us and Holland, and represents a great many Dangers in it in regard to our Trade with French Flanders, Hai



nault, Artois, and Picardy, which is already anfwer'd, because other Ports can supply them as well as Dunkirk. Now if we should turn the other fide of the Matter, I wonder what Danger the Memorialist would represent us from another War with France.

As to the Sieur's Eighth, This Article is falle, as is already proved; nor do we want him to teach us our Trade to Germany, who would perfwade us it is our Intereft to Trade thither through Dunkirk by Land-Carriage, whofe Waters have not any Correfpondence with the Rivers of Germany, and to ere& Staples and StoreHoufes, which would be a good Booty for the French in cafe of a Rupture; nor can we ever carry it on fo fafely or cheaply through Countries poffeffed by France, as we do through Hamburg, and other Places, by Water Car riage.

As to his Ninth, He has here the Infolence to call it a fevere Refolution in the Queen to innit on the Demolition. This is objected to in Answer 2. But his Affertion, that it is abfolutely Neceffary to the Trade of Great Britain, is the Reverse of our Cafe.

As to the Memorialift's Tenth, It is neceffary for all Ships to have a Lee Port to flie to if they cannot get to Windward, or weather a Storm; but All fuch as have any tolerable Skill in Navigation, know, that our Ships keep their. own Shoar abroad, as the French do theirs; and therefore the Port of Dunkirk is useless to us. I would fain know, what ufe our Ships had of that Port for above twenty Years laft paft. Mr. Tuggbe, I am fure, can tell us what English Ships ever refitted there, and how many ever


repair'd Loffes; all the World know there have been many Hundreds refitted there to annoy our own Country, and fome Thoufands fuffer'd Loffes there that were never repair'd. It is a moft defirable Port for the Ships of France, but all English Ships have dreaded it for above twenty Years. The Publick Joy the News of its being to be Demolish'd created this Nation, is a convincing Argument, how much they will in vain Regret, as well as all other Nations trading to the Northward, that Harbour of Safety. It raifes fomething more than Indignation to fee a Magiftrate of Dunkirk, fent to talk to the Queen of Great Britain, and dictate Rules of Huma nity.

it will be a great A&t of Humanity to infift upon the Demolition of that Town, which has deftroyed fo many Thoufand of her Majesty's Subjects and their Ships.

This is all I have to fay to my Foreign Enemy the Sieur Tuggbe, and humbly recommending to his Moft Chriftian Majefty the Care of the eighteen thousand Families, I take the liberty to repeat to him, that the British Nation expect the Demolition of Dunkirk. I am now to face about to my Domeftick Foes, by whom I am accus'd of the Ingratitude of infulting my Prince, while I am eating her Bread.

Mr. Bailiff, It is fo far otherwife, that to avoid the leaft Appearance of it, I did not attempt doing what proceeded from a true Grateful and Loyal Heart, (viz.) the laying before her Majefty's Ministry, that the Nation had a ftric Eye upon their Behaviour, with relation to Dunkirk; before I had refigned all, which teir Interpofition with her moft Gracious Ma

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jefty could take from me. I am fo far from eating her Bread, with a Difinclination to her Service, that I had refigned a plentiful Income I had from her Favour, in a confiderable Office and Penfion, which incapacitate a Man of fitting in Parliament, to render my felf more ufeful to Her and my Country, in the Station with which your Borough has fince honoured


If he is an Enemy to the Prerogative, that is fatisfied with what he has already received from his Prince, and gives up all Expectations of ever receiving more, with no other View, than ferving his Prince and Country in a more eminent manner than when he enjoyed Employments; if fuch a Man, I fay, is an Enemy, I am an Enemy: But the Author of the Letter from the Country Whig perfonates that Character fo aukardly; and the Examiner, without entring into the Point, treats me fo outrageoufly; that I know not how to offer, against fuch Adverfaries, Reafon and Argument, without appearing void of both. However, fince it has for fome time been the Fashion to run down Men of much greater Confequence than I am, with general Terms, that fall in with the Prejudices and Corruptions of the People, I fhall not bear in filence the Accufation of being in the least Degree undutiful to my moft Gracious Miftrefs, much lefs of affaulting Her Prerogative. Thefe Writers fhall treat me as they think fit, as I am their Brother-Scribler; but I fhall not be fo unconcern'd when they attack me as an honeft Man: I fhall therefore inform them, that it is not in the Power of a private and an indifferent Man to hurt the Ho


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