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• Courts of like Nature, are illegal and per


That levying Money for, or to the Ufe of the Crown, by Pretence of Prerogative, without Grant of Parliament, for longer 'Time or in other Manner than the fame is or fhall be granted, is illegal.

That it is the Right of the Subjects to petition the King, and all Commitments and Profecutions for fuch Petitioning are illegal. 'That the raifing or keeping a Standing Army within the Kingdom in Time of Peace, unless it be with Confent of Parliament, is ' against Law.

That the Subjects which are Proteftants, may have Arms for their Defence suitable to ⚫ their Conditions, and as allowed by Law. That Elections of Members ought to be free. That the Freedom of Speech and Debates, or Proceedings in Parliament, ought not to be impeached or queftioned in any Court or Place out of Parliament.

That exceffive Bail ought not to be required, nor exceffive Fines impofed, nor cruel and unufual Punishments inflicted.

That Jurors ought to be duly impannel'd, • and returned, and Jurors which pafs upon Men in Trials for High-Treafon ought to be • Freeholders.

That all Grants, and Promifes of Fines, ' and Forfeitures of particular Perfons before • Conviction, are illegal and void.

And that for Redrefs of all Grievances, and for the amending, ftrengthning, and prefer6 ving of the Laws, Parliaments ought to be • held frequently.

. And

And they do claim, demand, and infift up6 on all, and fingular the Premifes, as their ' undoubted Rights and Liberties. And that no Declarations, Judgments, Doings, or Pro'ceedings to the Prejudice of the People in any of the faid Premifes, ought in any wife to be drawn hereafter into Confequence or Ex'ample.

To which Demand of their Rights, they " are particularly encouraged by the Declaration of his Highnefs the Prince of Orange, as. being the only Means for obtaining a full Redrefs and Remedy therein.

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'Having therefore an entire Confidence, that his faid Highnefs the Prince of Orange will 'perfect the Deliverance fo far advanced by ' him, and will ftill preferve them from the Violation of their Rights which they have here afferted, and from all other Attempts upon their Religion, Rights and Liberties;

The faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons affembled at Westminster, do Re• folve,

"That William and Mary, Prince and Prin'cels of Orange, be, and be declared King and • Queen of England, France, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging; to hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of the faid Kingdoms and Dominions, to them the faid Prince and Princess during their Lives, and the Life of the Survivor of them: and that the fole and full • Exercife of the Regal Power be only in, and • executed by the faid Prince of Orange, in the • Names of the faid Prince and Princefs during their joint Lives; and after their Deceafes, the faid Crown and Royal Dignity of the faid • King

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Kingdoms and Dominions, to be to the Heirs of the Body of the faid Princefs; and for Default of fuch Iffue, to the Princefs Anne of Denmark, and the Heirs of her Body; and for Default of fuch Iffue, to the Heirs of the Body of the faid Prince of Orange.

And the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and • Commons, do pray the said Prince and Princefs to accept the fame accordingly.

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And that the Oaths hereafter mentioned be taken by all Perfons, of whom the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy might be required by Law, instead of them; and that the faid Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy be abrogated.

IA. B. do fincerely promise and swear, that I will be faithful, and bear true Allegiance to their Majefties King William and Queen Mary. So help me God.

A. B. do fwear, that I do from my Heart abbor, deteft, and abjure, as Impious and Heretical, this damnable Doctrine and Pofition, That Princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any Authority of the See of Rome, may be Depofed or Murdered by their Subjects, or any other whatsoever.

And I do declare, that no foreign Prince, Perfon, Prelate, State, or Potentate, bath, or ought to have, any Jurifdiction, Power, Superiority, Preheminence or Authority, Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual, within this Realm. So help me God.

Upon which their faid

Majefties did accept

the Crown, and Royal Dignity of the King

• doms

doms of England, France and Ireland, and the 'Dominions thereunto belonging, according เ to the Refolution and Defire of the faid Lords ' and Commons contained in the faid Decla'ration.

'And thereupon their Majefties were pleased, 'that the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and 'Commons, being the two Houfes of Parlia'ment, fhould continue to fit, and with their 'Majefties Royal Concurrence, make effectual 'Provifion for the Settlement of the Religion, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom; fo that the fame for the future might not be in Danger again of being fubverted; to which the faid Lords. Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons did agree, and proceed to A&t accordingly.

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Now in purfuance of the Premises, the faid 'Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons "in Parliament affembled, for the ratifying, con'firming, and establishing the faid Declaration, and the Articles, Claufes, Matters, and things "therein contained, by the Force of a Law made in due Form by Authority of Parliament, do 'pray that it may be declared and enacted, that all

and fingular the Rights and Liberties afferted ' and claimed in the faid Declaration, are the true 'ancient and indubitable Rights and Liberties of 'the People of this Kingdom, and fo fhall be 'esteemed, allowed, adjudged, deemed, and ta'ken to be; and that all and every the Particulars 'aforefaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and obferved, as they are expreffed in the faid Decla'ration; and all Officers and Ministers whatsoever, fhall ferve their Majefties and their Suc'ceffors according to the fame in all Times to

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· And

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And the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, feriously confidering how it hath pleased Almighty God, in his marvellous •Providence and merciful Goodness to this Nation, to provide and preferve their faid Majefties Royal Perfons moft happily to Reign over us upon the Throne of their Ancestors, for which they render unto him from the bottom of their Hearts, their humbleft Thanks and Praifes, do truly, firmly, affuredly, and in the Sincerity of their Hearts think, and do hereby recognize, acknowledge, and declare, that King James II. having Abdicated the Government, and their Majefties having accepted the Crown and Royal Dignity as aforefaid, their faid Maje• fties did become, were, are, and of Right ought to be by the Laws of this Realm, our Sovereign Liege Lord and Lady King and Queen of England, France and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto,belonging; in, and to whofe Princely Perfons, the Royal State, Crown and Dignity of the faid Realms, with all Honours, Stiles, Titles, Regalities, Prerogatives, Powers, Jurifdi&tions and Authorities to the fame belonging and appertaining, are moft fully,rightfully, and entirely invefted and incorporated, "united and annexed.

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And for preventing all Questions and Divifions in this Realm, by reafon of any pretended Titles to the Crown, and for preferving a Cer'tainty in the Succeffion thereof, in, and upon which the Unity, Peace, Tranquility and Safe'ty of this Nation doth, under God, wholly 'confift and depend;

The faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, do befeech their Majefties, That it


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