DRAMATIS PERSONA. KING HENRY the Fourth. HENRY, Prince of Wales, JOHN, Prince of Lancaster, Sons to the King. WORCESTER, NORTHUMBERLAND, HOT-SPUR, MORTIMER, Archbishop of YORK, DOWGLAS, OWEN GLENDOWER, Sir RICHARD VERNON, Sir MICHELL, WESTMORLAND, >Enemies to the King. Sir WALTER BLUNT, of the King's Party. JOHN FALSTAFF. POINS, CADS-HILL, ΡΕΤΟ, BARDOLPH, Companions of Falftaff. Lady PERCY, Wife to Hotspur, Lady MORTIMER, Daughter to Glendower, and Wife to Mortimer, Hoftefs QUICKLY. Sheriff, Vintner, Chamberlain, Drawers, two Carriers, SCENE, ENGLAND. THE THE FIRST PART O F King HENRY IV. ACT I. SCENE I The Court at LONDON. Enter King Henry, Lord John of Lancaster, Earl of Westmorland, and others. K. Henry. S O fhaken as we are, fo wan with care, To be commenc'd in ftronds afar remote l No more the thirfty entrance of this foil Shall dawb her lips with her own children's blood : A 3 And And furious clofe of civil butchery, (Whofe foldier now, under whofe bleffed Cross Weft, My Liege, this hafte was hot in queftion, Upon whofe dead corps there was fuch mifufe, K. Henry, It feems then, that the tidings of this broil Brake off our business for the holy land. Weft. This, matcht with other like, my gracious Lord Farther uneven and unwelcome news Came from the North, and thus it did import. Young Young Harry Percy, and brave Archibald And shape of likelihood, the news was told"; K. Henry. Here is a dear and true induftrious friend, Betwixt that Holmedon, and this feat of ours: Ten thousand bold Scots, two and twenty Knights, Weft. In faith, a conqueft for a Prince to boast of. In envy that my Lord Northumberland Should be the father of fo bleft a fon; A fon, who is the theam of honour's tongue, But let him from my thoughts. What think you, coufin, Τα To his own use he keeps, and fends me word Weft. This is his uncle's teaching, this is Worcester, Which makes him plume himself, and bristle up K. Henry. But I have fent for him to answer this; Coufin, on Wednesday next, our council we Weft. I will, my Liege. [Exeunt. SCENE II. An Apartment of the Prince's. Enter Henry Prince of Wales, and Sir John Falstaff. Fal. Now, Hal, what time of day is it, lad? P. Henry. Thou art so fat-witted with drinking old fack, and unbuttoning thee after fupper, and fleeping upon benches in the afternoon, that thou haft forgotten to demand that truly, which thou would'st truly know. What a devil haft thou to do with the time of the day? unless hours were cups of fack, and minutes capons, and clocks the tongues of bawds, and dials the figns of leaping-houfes, and the bleffed Sun himself a fair hot wench in flame-colour'd taffata; I fee no reason why thou should'ft be fo fuperfluous, to demand the time of the day. Fal. Indeed you come near me now, Hal. For we that take purfes, go by the moon and seven stars, and not by Phoebus, be, that wandring knight fo fair. And I pray thee, sweet wag, when thou art King-as God fave thy Grace, (Majefty I should say, for grace thou wilt have none.) P. Henry. What! none ? Fal. No, by my troth, not fo much as will ferve to be prologue to an egg and butter. P. Henry. Well, how then? come, roundly, roundly. Fal. Marry then, fweet wag, when thou art King, let not us that are squires of the night's body, be call'd thieves of |