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Meenie's wooden shoes clattered upon it like a pair of castanets.

Watching the star and their own footsteps by turns, they made their way through the wood to the highroad; there the wind, having no trees to break its force, came howling down upon them and made Meenie whimper with cold. Otto chafed her fingers in his own cold little hands, and ran with her, to warm themselves; but the road was so slippery, packed hard by wagons and sleighs, that they were afraid of falling, and soon walked again. Whenever they looked up at the star, it beamed back at them, clear and steady.

"We are following it," said Otto, and Meenie nodded hopefully.

It was a long, bleak, dark tramp for two little children; a wearisome walk, even for grown people. Sometimes a sleigh would go jingling by, and once a man, spying the two small figures in the gloom, offered them a ride, but they did not understand, and were only frightened, and he drove on. Sometimes the road led through woods, sometimes it was uphill, sometimes downhill, and sometimes level; then came a sharp turn by an old quarry-oh, so dreary! And then they saw the lights of a village sparkling in the hollow below them.

"Here are houses!" cried Otto-"a great many houses watch where the star stops!"

They looked up at their guide, but a fleecy cloud, one of many drifting from the horizon, had hidden it from sight. "It is gone!" said Meenie in dismay. "It has fallen to the ground," said Otto; "let us see where it is shining." They looked eagerly at all the lights before them. One building seemed brighter than the rest; it was nearer to them, but that was not the reason, it was really more full of light, which its many long windows let out in a flood upon the snow. "It must be there," said Otto; "come, Meenie." Holding fast to each other, they half ran, half slid down the hill, until they reached the open gate. There were steps to mount, a long flagged walk between the evergreens, more steps, and then a

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And while Meenie was "understanding it," he had an earnest talk, first with Belle, and then with an old lady, who came bustling up to them, and the result was that the two children presently found themselves tucked under buffalo robes in a soft-cushioned sleigh, being whisked along over the icy road, and next in a big room before a blazing fire, where the old gentleman fed them with all sorts of goodies, sweet and savory, until Belle and the old lady interfered out of regard for the children's lives; then they were again put in the sleigh, with the old gentleman, the young lady, the black driver, and quite a number of baskets and bundles.

Here the little wanderers fell asleep, and so they never noticed the long dark road over which they had so wearily journeyed before, nor the big soft star now disentangled from the cloud and shining clearly upon them again.

Dazed by the light, the warmth, the music, and the tree with its stars, the two little Germans clung to each other, and stared at everything, half-frightened, all-bewildered. It was so strange and beautiful, the voices rising and falling softly, the air fragrant with the smell of pine and cedar, and the wonderful tree gleaming in the distance. The music stopped, and some one began speaking near the tree; then there was a ripple in the sea of children, and a wave of little girls went up the room to the speaker, returning to their places with various bright-colored parcels. This was repeated with wave after wave, until Otto and Meenie became used to it, and almost ceased wondering at it; then they began to remember why they had taken the journey, and Meenie whispered: "Where is the Christ child?" "I don't know. I am looking," answered Otto, again, all unconscious of his children's absence; and peering anxiously about the room.

At the sound of their voices, an old gentleman, at whose heels they had been standing all the time, looked down at them through his big goldrimmed spectacles, and said: "Hallo! Where did you come from, you queer little people?"

Otto could not understand, but felt that he was being questioned about something, and so explained why they had come out that evening. The old gentleman, in his turn, could not understand; he looked puzzled for a minute, then touched the shoulder of a young lady who was just in front of him, and said: "Belle, here's a chance for you to try your German."

The young lady turned with a rustle of silk. "Oh, you dear little things!" she cried, kneeling down by the children and looking at them with eyes as brown and soft as her own seal-skin muff; then she said something to them in German, in which there seemed to be a great many "kins," and Otto eagerly responded.

"What is it, Belle?" questioned the old gentleman. Belle in a few quick words told him of the sick father, the empty cupboard, and the long cold journey to find the Christ child.

" said

"Poor little things; poor little things! the old gentleman. "Here, Belle, I say, where 's the candy or something? Here," seizing a gilded horn that dangled from her hand, "now little sloshkin, or whatever they call you, take this; I think you can understand that.”

The black driver, who knew the way by more than one route, took a turn where there was a clearing in the woods, and so drove the sleigh almost up to the door of the "little Dutch house," as he called it.

The father had been dozing, waking, and dozing

now he became suddenly wide-awake, to find the
room aglow with fire-light and candles, and a num-
ber of people bustling about; after one
"ach!" of
astonishment, he lay back, placidly staring at
them in that big baby sort of content so peculiarly
German, and at the loaves of bread, the plump
hams, the pies, and the endless parcels that were
being heaped on the table; at the old gentleman
who felt his pulse, and gave him a powder to swallow;
at the black man who filled one corner of the room
with a pile of wood nearly half as high as himself;
and finally at his own two little children, now fast
asleep beside him, under the thick soft blankets
which the young lady spread over them all, while
she spoke words of kindness in his own tongue.
Then his big blue eyes grew piteous instead of
placid, and the tears came trickling down his hol-
low checks, whereupon the old gentleman immedi-
ately began to feed him with soup, and scold Belle
for crying, as if the tears were not running down
his own dear old face.

It was not until everything was placed so that Otto would have no trouble, the fire safely banked, and the father sleeping soundly, that the old gentleman and his party left the "little Dutch house."

The stars were gleaming frostily in the Christmas morning sky as they drove home, and as Belle looked up at the largest and brightest of them all, she promised herself that the little German boy and girl should never regret their long journey in search of the Christ child.

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THE city of Washington, as the seat of our Federal Government, is of interest to all patriotic Americans. It is styled the City of Palaces, and the term is just; yet its architectural features do not surpass in beauty its natural loveliness, and it is called also the City of Magnificent Distances. Let us not end our record until we have noted a few of its attractions.

I shall imagine that I have encountered a young and sturdy tourist standing in the center of Judiciary Square, with a guide-book in his hand, not knowing which is north or which is south, or in what direction he ought to go. The first thing I do is to turn his face toward the west, so that

courts of justice; upon his right, the large brick Pension Building.

Leaving the park, we walk but the length of two short blocks, when we reach the marble headquarters of the Postmaster-General, occupy



he may "get his bearings," as the saying is. ing an entire square,- a building interesting from Upon his left is the City Hall, with its local the outside, and equally interesting within, because Copyright, 1884, by Edmund Alton. All rights reserved.

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of the curiosities collected in the Dead-letter division, and the army of clerks busily at work in the various rooms.

As we emerge through the northern door, we are at once confronted by the splendid Patent Office, with massive columns, lengthy corridors, expansive Model-room, and its array of glass cases filled with the creations of American ingenuity. This building covers twice as much ground as its neighbor across the way, and is the official home of the Secretary of the Interior, with a few of his subordinate officers, such as the Commissioners of Patents, of the General Land-office, and of Indian Affairs, and their hundreds of clerks. As the Secretary has not room here for all his immense force, the other bureaus, including those of Pensions, the Geological Survey, and the Census, are located elsewhere.

Continuing onward toward the west, we soon arrive at the Treasury Building, dingy and solemn in its external appearance, as seen from the Fifteenth street side, but very attractive when we reach the elegant Cash-room, and gaze from the gallery upon the Eldorado of wealth below. As we can not get any of it, however, without a law of Congress, there is no need to stop and trouble Secretary or Treasurer.

Passing out upon the northern steps, we see on the opposite side of the street the Department of


Justice, the brown-colored hiding-place of the Attorney-General, and the Court of Claims.

Within a stone's-throw, to the west, and on the

same side as the Treasury, is the Executive Mansion, or "White House," with its East-room, Redroom, Blue-room, and other historic apartments. This is the place to find the President, and to apply to him for almost anything, from an office to an autograph.

Passing by the conservatory, and leaving the White House grounds by the western gate, and glancing, as we go, at the equestrian statue to the north, we appear before the edifice dedicated to the uses of the three Departments,- the State, the War, and the Navy.

This completes the tour of the Executive Departments; so, if we wish, we may take our way, like the course of empire, a few streets further westward, and visit the National Observatory, where, by the wonderful telescope, we can get a good look at the Man in the Moon.

Within full view of the White House, and but five-minutes' walk to the south, is the Obelisk, or Washington Monument. Of course our young tourist goes there, and perhaps enters the elevator and takes a voyage up, up, up, for more than five hundred feet. When he is up there, of course, there is nothing to do but to take a look at the surrounding country through the "peep-holes," and then come down.

Having reached the bottom, the nearest building of consequence is the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where the Government makes its. paper money. Passing through the adjoining square, belonging to the Department of Agriculture, we cross a street, and enter the grounds. of the Smithsonian Institute,-the abode of mummies and stuffed boa-constrictors, and other queer creatures. Here our friend may revel in curiosities to his heart's content. He may enter either the Institute or the building on the other side, which goes by the name of the National Museum.

Leaving this, he soon reaches the Botanical Gardens, where he sees further curiosities in the shape of exotic plants and flowers. As he quits. this last inclosure, there looms up before his eyes the Capitol. With a few steps he enters the sacred precincts of its grounds. I call them sacred, for they are. The building and its surrounding park are not under the control of the city authorities, but are governed immediately by the two Houses of Congress, with their special officers of police. By "city authorities," I mean the officers of the municipal government, which, as I have told you, is entirely subject to the will of Congress.

Of course, he has not seen all the offices in which the executive affairs of the Government are con


ducted. Neither has he visited all the points of interest which he ought to visit. The outskirts of the city, with their natural scenery, are a realm of delight. Far over upon the eastern hills of the Potomac is the beautiful Asylum for the Insane. At the extreme end of the city is the Government Arsenal. Farther on, around the Eastern Branch, is the Navy Yard; farther still is the Congressional Cemetery. Due north of the Capitol is the dreary-looking building presided over by the public printer. On the hills above is the Soldiers' Home; and it would be well for the sight-seer to take a jaunt into its woods, if for no other purpose than to gaze through the long vista of trees, and

If I could persuade him, he would, upon recrossing the river, pursue his journey beyond the Georgetown Heights, and look at the reservoir, the chain bridge, the still more wonderful Cabin John Bridge, and the great falls of the Potomac. If he prefer the works of art to the works of nature, he may find some entertainment in the city. The Executive Buildings contain portraits of the presidents and cabinet officers of our history; and there is the Corcoran Gallery of Art, with choice paintings and sculpture.

But we may as well assume that the fatigued young tourist has not taken my advice, but has remained stubbornly at the Botanical Gardens.

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see the Capitol perched in the little opening at the end a lovely picture set in a velvet drapery of leaves.

If our young friend have a horse, I advise him not to return from the Home without taking a ride along the bridle-paths of Rock Creek on the west; if not a lover of nature, he may as well go a few miles in the other direction, and tramp over the famous dueling-ground of Bladensburg. But he really ought to cross through the city and over the river to Arlington Heights, and go through the National Cemetery, with its thousands of white slabs marking the resting-place of the heroes of our war, and the pathetic monument reared to the memory of "The Unknown Dead."

Entering the Capitol walk, till recently shaded by arching trees, he comes upon the statue of ChiefJustice Marshall, at the foot of the terrace.

Before he begins the ascent of the steps of the Capitol, he should observe the grand colonnades on the three porticoes; if he wishes to see more, he will find them on the northern, southern, and western balconies. And before entering the Rotunda, he may well pause to inspect the figures on the bronze doors.

On the walls of the Rotunda are some large framed pictures, representing the "Pilgrim Fathers" on their way to this country, the "Baptism of Pocohontas," the "Surrender of Cornwallis," and other incidents in American history. Higher up

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