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A Monthly Record and Review.






PAGES 1 to 72 are in the January number; 73 to 128, February; 129 to 192, March; 193 to 252, April; 253 to 308, May;
309 to 376, June; 377 to 448, July; 449 to 500, August; 501 to 568, September; 569 to 624, October; 625 to 684,
November; 685 to 748, December.

[A.] indicates titles of Articles; [C.] Correspondence; [O.] Obituary notices.

A Head Mistress, The Defect of Inspection [A.], 597.
A Patriotic Offer (J. Harrower) [C.], 90.

A Week-End [A.]. 589.

A Welsh Correspondent, The Central Welsh Board;
An Experiment in Educational Autonomy [A.],

Abbott, E. C., M.A., Domestic Economy in the
School Curriculum [A.], 658.
ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY-appointments, 104, 611, 672:

Arts degree with Honours in Education, 165, 294,
672; casualties, 672; Celtic teaching. 672; Chair
of Systematic Theology, 611; duplicates from
Library for Louvain University, 412; gifts and
bequests, 42, 104, 294, 412, 611, 672; presentations,
42. 44; roll of service, 223, 294, 372, 412, 489, 672;
statistical report. 294.

appointment, 165; Dr. Ethé's resignation, 671.
Academic Peril, The: A Restatement, by S. P. B.
Mais [A.]. 463.

Acland, Mr., personal reminiscences, 409.
Addison, Dr., 391.

Advertisement, The Lady, 211.

Esthetics and Phonetics-(A. Copestake) [C.], 470;
(K. K Copland) [C.], 409.

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146 ;

Anecdotes - disturbing visit to classroom,
German treachery to English family, 271:
Sir W. Ramsay's, re German schoolboys, 143;
War names for baby, 272 (see also Humour).
Angellier, Auguste, by E. F. Jourdain [A.], 558.
Anglesey (see An Island of Rest).

Aniline dyes industry, and science study, 17.
Antitoxin, tetanus, 463.

Arithmetic, problems about War, 460; test of boys'
and girls' computative skill, 14.

Arithmetical Work, On Accuracy in, by C. Davison,
Sc.D., F.G.S. [A.). 209.
Army Entrance Examination, 19.

Art, no National Competition in 1916, 588.
Art for Schools Association, 400.

Assistant master, pay compared with army officer's,

Associated Board of Royal Academy of Music and
Royal College of Music-awards, 271, 702; report,
Association of Assistant Masters, members enlisted,

Association of Head Masters, Incorporated, annual
conference, 69, 121.

Association of Head Mistresses-annual conference,
full report, 435; presidential address, 405.
Astronomy, neglected, 698; variable stars discovery,

Australia-school leaving certificate, 32; University,
admission, 32.

Australian Secondary Schools, by a Special Mel-
bourne Correspondent [A.], 32.

Bagehot, Walter, and the University of London, by
T. LI. Humberstone [A., 700.

Bala School, appointment, 372.

Ballard, Mr. P. B., research in scholars' computative
skill, 14.

Bangor University College, appointment, 165.
Barbados, education, 601.

Barry, summer school in educational handwork, 400.
Beecham, Mr. T., on cheap musical education, 393.
Belfast Assembly's College, 296.

490; election and nominations, 44; Literary
and Scientific Society's woman president, 104;
medical graduates, 104; military training, 490;
reconstitution of Louvain Library, 672; women's
special classes, 672.

Belgian Children in Our Schools, The [A.], 557.
Belgian Refugees, The Education of, by F. Johnson
[A., 189.

Beloe, Rev. R. D., 19.

Bernhardi versus Darwin, 141.
Biblical Archæology lectures, 734.

Bills-Universities, 204, 222; Universities (Scotland),

Birchenough, C., Some Recent Books on Geography
and Geology [A.], 268.

Birmingham, After-care Sub-Committee, 581.
Birrell, J. H.. M.A.. F.R.S.G.S., War Geography:
Hints to Teachers [A.]. 239.

Board of Agriculture and Fisheries-educational
endowment, 638; forestry appointment, 372.
Board of Education-abolition suggested, 578; Circu-
lar 849 (examinations), 81, 120, 206, 335; financial
question of examinations, 82; financial statistics,
206; library closure, 524; President's letter re
recruiting by teachers, 635; statistics of second-
ary scholars, 15.

Boarding Schools and Mathematics, 392.

Boche," origin, 211.

Bomb, incendiary, 394.

Books of the Month, 69, 87, 144, 240, 274, 366, 445, 467,
564, 592, 661, 703.

Bourdillon, F. W., Christmas Morning, 1914 (verses),

Boy Scout Movement-and military training, 18;
educative value, 120.

Bradfield College, head mastership, 19.
Bradford, camp school, 16.

Bradford Education Committee-German untaught
in evening schools, 637; report, 16.
Bragg, Dr. W. H., and son, 400.

Bremner, C. S., Osterberg, Mme B. [O.], 560; The
Science of Happiness and How to Teach it [A.],

Brereton, Mr. C., address at Sorbonne, 272; The
P.N.E.U. and the Reading Habit [A.], 522; The
Training Colleges and the War [A.], 124.
Breul, Dr., expulsion from the Philologentag, 641.
Bright, John, extract from speech, 60.

Bristol, Merchant Venturers' Technical College,

BRISTOL UNIVERSITY, new residential accommoda-
tion, 406.

British Association, Manchester programs, 266, 462.
British Association at Manchester, The, by Special
Correspondent [A.], 581.

Brougham, Lord, extract from speech, 60.
Budget, effect on school masters, 577.
Bulletin, Roll of Honour, 332.

Burroughs, Mr. E. A., criticism of education, 391.
Business, careers for women, 583.


Cadet Camp, 402.

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-class lists, 520

Cambridge Local Examinations
during bombardment, 400.
Cambridge-Biblical study, vacation term courses,
400; full of soldiers, 103.
Cambridge Teachers' Training Syndicate — annua]
report, 211; scholarships and bursaries, 103.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY-and Universities Bill, 222;
Belgian students, 371; bequests, 371; Cambridge
Review on undergraduates and the future, 164;
classics scholarships predominant, 267; entrance
scholarships combined examination, 641; finance,
103, 204, 370: in war time, 164, 222; lectures on
War and Christianity, 103; Lent Term, 222;
Mathematical Tripos list, 392; Officers' Training
Corps, 103;
terms "
allowed, 371; Union cen-
tenary, 222.
Clare College, appointment, 296, 370: Emmanuel
College, awards for research, 477; Girton Col-
lege, appointment 226, resignation of Miss E. E. C.
Jones 400.

Camps-demand for literary masterpieces, 208; edu-
cation in, 13.

Canada-agriculture teaching. 411: expenditure on

education, 221: Ontario cadets, 472; Ontario re-
port, 411; Toronto University volunteers, 221.
Canadians, old public-school boys in camp, 89.
Capacity, training of, 514.

Cape of Good Hope-Cape Town School of Art. 540:
'Children's Protection Act," 291; cultivation of
reading habit. 668: education in 1913, 411;
Moritz's rebellion, 26; Pupil's League gifts, 26;
retirement of Dr. Muir, 272, 668; school children's
transport, 472: statistics from School Boards, 538;
Superintendent-General of Education, appoint-
ment, 668; teachers for the Front, 601.

Cardiff High School - appointment, 372: Head
Master wounded, 671.

Cardiff University College-annual meeting, 489;
degrees and fellowships, 489; finances, 165;
O.T.C. and graduation, 489; resignations, 372;
School of Medicine, 489.

Careers-scientific, 463; telegraph messengers, 477
(see also Women).

Censor, Press, blunders, 637.

Central Welsh Board, The: An Experiment in Educa-
tional Autonomy, by a Welsh Correspondent [A.].
326 (see also Wales).

Ceylon, Education report, 1914, 601.
Character, influence of education on national, 635.
Cheltenham College, Roll of Honour, 414.
Chemistry, Leeds University's war work, 488.
Chest protectors, Lancashire children's, 462.
Child labour-agricultural, 137, 204, 477; Blue Paper
re, 265.

Child Welfare Exhibition, 402.

Children-feeble-minded, 696; imagination, 694; prc-

motion and age, 516.

Chlorine, antidotes, 325.

Cholmeley, Mr. R. F., support of Circular 849, 321.
Chosen (Korea), educational progress, 92.
Church schools, decrease, 323.
Churchgoing, decline, 33.

Circular, Mr. Henderson's, 693.

Circular 849-83, 120, 206, 212, 321, 391, 445, 579;
objections of Registration Council, 459; resolu-
tions by Head Mistresses, 436; S.S.A. on, 693.
Circular 849 [A.], 215, 335.

Circular 904, suggestions for teaching elementary
science, 517.

Civics-instruction, 406; The Teaching of (A. Farqu-
harson) [C.], 469.

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