Sir And. Where shall I find you? Sir To. We'll call thee at the Cubiculo: go. [Exit Sir Andrew. Fab. This is a dear manikin to you, Sir Toby. - Sir To. I have been dear to him, lad, some two thousand ftrong or fo. Fab. We shall have a rare letter from him; but you'll - not deliver't. Sir To. Never trust me then; and by all means stir on. the youth to an answer. I think, oxen and wainropes cannot hale them together. For Andrew, if he were open'd, and you find so much blood in his liver as will clog the foot of a flea, I'll eat the rest of th' anatomy. Fab. And his oppofite, the youth, bears in his visage no great presage of cruelty. Enter Maria. Sir To. Look, where the youngest wren of nine comes. Mar. If you defire the spleen, and will laugh yourselves into stitches, follow me: yond gull Malvolio is - turned Heathen, a very Renegado; for there is no Christian, that means to be sav'd by believing rightly, can ever believe such impossible passages of grossness. He's in yellow stockings. Sir To. And cross-garter'd? more Mar. Most villainously; like a pedant that keeps a school i'th' church: I have dogg'd him, like his murtherer. He does obey every point of the letter, that I dropt to betray him; he does fmile his face into lines than is in the new map, with the augmentation of the Indies; you have not seen such a thing, as 'tis ; I can hardly forbear hurling things at him. I know, my lady will strike him; if the do, he'll smile, and take't for a great favour. Sir To. Come, bring us, bring us where he is. [Exeunt. SCENE Seb. I SCENE changes to the Street. Enter Sebaftian and Anthonio. Would not by my will have troubled you. I will no further chide you. Ant. I could not stay behind you; my defire, Seb. My kind Anthonio, (8) I can no other answer make, but thanks; (8) I can no other Answer make but Thanks, Are shuffled off with such uncurrent Pay;] It must be obvious to every Reader, who has the least Knowledge in Versification, that the second Line is too short by a whole Foot; however the Editors have indolently pass'd it over without Sufpicion. Then, who ever heard of this goodly double Adverb, ever-oft, which seems to have as much Propriety as, always. Sometimes? As I have restor'd the Passage, it is very much in our Author's Manner, and Mode of Expreffion. So, in Cymbeline; Since when I have been Debtor to You for Courtefies, which I will be ever to pay, and yet pay still. And in All's well, that Ends well. And let me buy your friendly Help thus far, Which I will over-pay, and pay again Ant. Ant. To-morrow, Sir; best, first, go see your lodg ing. Seb. I am not weary, and 'tis long to night; Ant. 'Would, you'd pardon me : I shall pay dear. Seb. Do not then walk too open. Ant. It doth not fit me: hold, Sir, here's my purse. In the south suburbs at the Elephant Is best to lodge: I will bespeak our diet, Whiles you beguile your time, and feed your knowledge With viewing of the town; there shall you have me. Seb. Why I your purse? Ant. Haply, your eye shall light upon some toy You have defire to purchase; and your store, I think, is not for idle markets, Sir. Seb. I'll be your purse-bearer, and leave you for An hour. Ant. To th' Elephant. Seb. I do remember. [Exeunt. VOL. III. G SCENE SCENE changes to Olivia's House. Oli. (9) (9) I Enter Olivia, and Maria. say, he will come; Have Have sent after him; For youth is bought more oft, than begg'd or bon row'd. I speak too loud. Where is Malvolio ? he is sad and civil, And suits well for a servant with my fortunes. Where is Malvolio? Mar. He's coming, Madam; but in very strang manner. He is sure possest, Madam. Oli. Why, what's the matter, does he rave? Mar. No, Madam, he does nothing but smile; your ladyship were best to have some guard about you, if he come; for, fure, the man is tainted in his wits. Oli. Go call him hither. I'm as mad as he, Enter Malvolio. If fad and merry madness equal be. Mal. Sweet lady, ha, ha. [Smiles fantastically Oli. Smil'st thou? I fent for thee upon a fad occa fion. (9) I have sent after him; he says he'll come.) But Who did he say so to? Or from Whom could my Lady have any fuch Intelligence? Her Servant, employ'd upon this Errand, wa not yet return'd; and, when he does return, he brings Word that the Youth would hardly be intreated back. I am per fuaded, She was intended rather to be in Suspense, and delie berating with Herself: putting the Supposition that he would come; and asking Herself, in that Cafe, how she should en tertain him. Mal Mal. Sad, lady? I could be sad; this does make some obstruction in the blood; this cross-gartering; but what of it? if it please the eye of One, it is with me as the very true sonnet is: Please one, and please all. Oli. Why? how dost thou, man? what is the matter with thee? Mal. Not black in my mind, tho' yellow in my legs: it did come to his hands, and commands shall be executed. I think, we do know that sweet Roman hand. Oli. Wilt thou go to bed, Malvolio ? Mal. To bed? ay, sweet heart; and I'll come to thee. Oli. God comfort thee! why dost thou smile so, and kiss thy hand so oft ? Mar. How do you, Malvolio ? Mal. At your request? Yes, nightingales answer daws! Mar. Why appear you with this ridiculous boldness before my lady? Mal. Be not afraid of Greatness;-'twas well writ. Oli. What meanest thou by that, Malvolio? Mal. Some are born Great Oli. Ha? Mal. Some atchieve Greatness Oli. What say'st thou ? Mal. And fome have Greatness thrust upon them Mal. Remember, who commended thy yellow stock. ings. - Oli. Thy yellow stockings? fo Mal. And wish'd to fee thee cross-garter'd Oli. Cross-garter'd? Mal. Go to, thou art made, if thou desirest to be Oli. Am I made ? Mal. If not, let me see thee a servant still. Oli. Why, this is a very midsummer madness. |