My fear hath catch'd your fondness. - Now I fee (6) Hel. Good Madam, pardon me. Hel. Do not you love him, Madam? Count. Go not about; my love hath in't a bond, (6) Now I fee The myst'ry of your loveliness, and find Your falt tears' bead:-) The Mystery of her Loveliness is beyond my Comprehension: The old Countess is saying nothing ironical, nothing taunting, or in Reproach, that this Word should find a place here; which it could not, unless sarcastically employ'd, and with some Spleen. I dare warrant, the Poet meant, his old Lady should say no more than this: "I now find the Mystery of your creeping into Corners, and weeping, and pining in secret." For this Reafon I have amended the Text, Loneliness. The Steward, in the foregoing Scene, where he gives the Countess Intelligence of Helen's Behaviour, fays; Alone She was, and did communicate to herself her own Words Hel. Then, I confess, to her own Ears. Hel. Here on my knee, before high heav'ns and you, My friends were poor, but honeft; fo's my love; By any token of presumptuous suit; Nor would I have him, 'till I do deserve him; Hel. Madam, I had. Hel. I will tell truth; by Grace it self, I swear. To To cure the defperate languishings, whereof Count. This was your motive for Paris, was it, speak? Else Paris, and the medicine, and the King, Count. But think you, Helen, Hel. There's something in't More than my father's skill, (which was the great'st Shall for my legacy be sanctified By th' luckiest stars in heav'n; and, would your honour But give me leave to try success, I'd venture The well-loft life of mine on his Grace's Cure, By such a day and hour. Count. Doft thou believ't? Hel. Ay, Madam, knowingly. Count. Why, Helen, thou shalt have my leave and love; Means and attendants; and my loving greetings What I can help thee to, thou shalt not miss. [Exeunt. ACT ACT II. SCENE, the Court of France. Enter the King, with divers young Lords taking leave for the Florentine war. Bertram and Parolles. F Flourish Cornets. KING. Arewel, young Lords: these warlike principles wel; Share the advice betwixt you. If both gain, The gift doth stretch it self as 'tis receiv'd, And is enough for both. 1 Lord. "Tis our hope, Sir, After well-enter'd foldiers, to return And find your Grace in health. King. No, no, it cannot be; and yet my heart Will not confefs, it owns the malady That doth my life besiege; farewel, young Lords; Whether I live or die, be you the fons Of worthy French men; (6) let higher Italy (Those bated, that inherit but the Fall (Thofe Of the last Monarchy;) See, &c.] This seems to me One of the very obscure Passages of Shakespeare, and which therefore may very well demand Explanation. Italy, at the time of this Scene, was under three very different Tenures. The Emperor, as Successor of the Roman Emperors, had one Part; the Pope, by a pretended Donation from Constantine, another; and the Third was compos'd of free States. Now by the last Monarchy is meant the Roman, the last of the four general Monarchies. Upon the Fall of this Monarchy, in the Scramble, several Cities set up for Themselves, and became free States: Now these might be said properly to inherit the Fall of the Monarchy. This being premised, now to the Sense, The King says, (Those 'bated, that inherit but the Fall 2 Lord. Health at your bidding serve your Majesty! King. Those girls of Italy, take heed of them; They say, our French lack language to deny, Before you serve. Both. Our hearts receive your warnings. King. Farewel. Come hither to me. [To Attendants. [Exit. Lord. Oh, my sweet Lord, that you will stay behind us! Par. 'Tis not his fault; the spark Par. Most admirable; I have seen those wars. Too young, and the next year, and 'tis too early. Par. An thy mind stand to it, boy, steal away bravely. Ber. Shall I stay here the forehorse to a smock, Creeking my shoes on the plain masonry, 'Till Honour be bought up, and no sword worn But one to dance with? by heav'n, I'll steal away. 1 Lord. There's honour in the theft. Par. Commit it, Count. 2 Lord. I am your accessary, and so farewel. Ber. I grow to you, and our parting is a tortur'd body. Higher Italy; giving it the Rank of Preference to France; but he corrects himself and says, I except Those from that Precedency, who only inherit the Fall of the last Monarchy; as all the little petty States; for instance, Florence to whom these Voluntiers were going. As if he had said, I give the Place of Honour to the Emperor and the Pope, but not to the free States. All here is clear; and 'tis exactly Shakespeare's Manner, who lov'd to shew his Reading on fuch Occafions. Mr. Warburton. 1 Lord. |