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points, more than all the lawyers in Bohemia can learnedly handle, though they come to him by the gross; inkles, caddisses, cambricks, lawns; why, he fings them over, as they were Gods and Goddesses; you would think a smock were a she-angel, he so chants to the fleeve-hand, and the work about the square on't.

Clo. Pr'ythee, bring him in; and let him approach, finging. Per. Forewarn him, that he use no scurrilous words in's tunes.

Clo. You have of these pedlers that have more in 'em than you'd think, fister.

Per. Ay, good brother, or go about to think.

Enter Autolicus finging.

Lawn as white as driven snow,
Cyprus black as e'er was crow;
Gloves as fweet as damask rofes,
Masks for faces and for noses;
Bugle bracelets, neck-lace amber,
Perfume for a lady's chamber :
Golden quoifs, and ftomachers,
For my lads to give their dears :
Pins, and poaking-sticks of steel,
What maids lack from head to heel:
Come buy of me, come: come buy, come buy,
Buy, lads, or else your lasses cry.
Come buy, &c.

Clo. If I were not in love with Mopsa, thou should'st take no mony of me; but being enthrall'd as I am, it will also be the bondage of certain ribbons and gloves.

Mop. I was promis'd them against the feaft, but they come not too late now.

Dor. He hath promis'd you more than that, or there be liars.

Mop. He hath paid you all he promis'd you: 'may be, he has paid you more; which will shame you to give him again.


Clo. Is there no manners left among maids? will they wear their plackets, where they should wear their faces? is there not milking-time, when you are going to bed, or kill-hole, to whistle of these secrets, but you must be tittle-tattling before all our guests ? 'tis well, they are whispring: clamour your tongues, and not a word


Mop. I have done: come, you promis'd me a tawdry lace, and a pair of sweet gloves.

Clo. Have I not told thee how I was cozen'd by the way, and loft all my mony ?

Aut. And, indeed, Sir, there are cozeners abroad, therefore it behoves men to be wary.

Clo. Fear not thou, man, thou shalt lose nothing here.

Aut. I hope fo, Sir, for I have about me many parcels of charge.

Clo. What haft here? ballads ?

Mop. Pray now, buy fome; I love a ballad in print, or a life; for then we are sure they are true.

Aut. Here's one to a very doleful tune, how a usurer's wife was brought to bed with twenty mony bags at a burthen; and how the long'd to eat adders heads, and toads carbonado'd.

Mop. Is it true, think you ?

Aut. Very true, and but a month old.

Dar. Bless me from marrying a ufurer!

Aut. Here's the widwife's name to`t, one mistress Taleporter, and five or fix honest wives that were present. Why should I carry lies abroad ?

Mop. Pray you now, buy it.

Clo. Come on, lay it by; and let's first see more ballads; we'll buy the other things anon.

Aut. Here's another ballad, of a fish that appear'd upon the coaft, on Wednesday the fourscore of April, forty thousand fadom above water, and sung this ballad againft the hard hearts of maids; it was thought, she was a wo man, and was turn'd into a cold fish, for she would not exchange flesh with one that lov'd her: the ballad is very pitiful, and as true.


Dor. Is it true too, think you ?

Aut. Five justices hands at it; and witnesses, more than my pack will hold.

Clo. Lay it by too: another.


Aut. This is a merry ballad, but a very pretty one.
Mop. Let's have fome merry ones.

Aut. Why, this is a passing merry one, and goes to the tune of, Two maids wooing a man; there's scarce a maid westward, but she sings it: 'tis in request, I can tell you.

Mop. We can both fing it; if thou'lt bear a part, thou shalt hear, 'tis in three parts.

Dor. We had the tune on't a month ago.

Aut.. I can bear my part; you must know, 'tis my occupation: have at it with you.

Aut. Get you hence, for I must go,
Where it fits not you to know.

Dor. Whither ?

Mop. O whither ?

Dor. Whither?

Mop. It becomes thy oath full well,
Thou to me thy secrets tell.

Dor. Me too, let me go thither :
Mop. Or thou goest to th' grange, or mill,
Dor. If to either, thou doft ill:

Aut. Neither.

Dor. What neither?

Aut. Neither.

Dor. Thou hast sworn my love to be;
Mop. Thou hast fworn it more to me :

Then whither goeft? say, whither?

Clo. We'll have this song out anon by ourselves: my father and the gentlemen are in sad talk, and we'll not trouble them: come, bring away thy pack after me. Wenches, I'll buy for you both: Pedler, let's have the first choice; follow me, girls.

Aut. And you shall pay well for 'em.

[blocks in formation]


Will you buy any tape, or lace for your cape,
My dainty duck, my dear-a?
And filk, and thread, any toys for your bead
Of the new'st, and fin'st, fin'st wear-a?

Come to the Pedler; mony's a medler,
That doth utter all mens ware-a.

[Ex. Clown, Autolicus, Dorcas, and Mopsa,

Enter a Servant.

Ser. (14) Master, there are three goat-herds, three shepherds, three neat-herds, and three swine-herds, that have made themselves all men of hair, they call themfelves Saltiers: and they have a dance, which the wenches say is a gallymaufry of gambols, because they are not in't: but they themselves are o'th' mind, (if it be not too rough for fome, that know little but bowling,) it will please plentifully.

Shep. Away! we'll none on't; here has been too much homely foolery already. I know, Sir, we weary you.

Pol. You weary those, that refresh us: 'pray, let's fee these four-threes of herdsmen.

Ser. One three of them, by their own report, Sir, hath danc'd before the King; and not the worst of the three but jumps twelve foot and a half by th' square.

Shep. Leave your prating; since these good men are pleas'd, let them come in; but quickly now.

(14) Master, there are three Carters, three Shepherds, three Neat-herds, and three Swine-herds,] Thus all the printed Copies hitherto. Now, in two Speeches after this, these are call'd four three's of Herdsmen. But could the Carters properly be call'd Herdsmen? At least, they have not the final Syllable, Herd, in their Names; which, I believe, Shakespeare intended, all the four three's should have. I have therefore guess'd that he wrote: Master, there are three Goat-herds, &c. And fo, I think, we take in the four Species of Cattle usually tended by Herdsmen.



Here a Dance of twelve Satyrs.

Pol. O, father, you'll know more of that hereafter.
Is it not too far gone? 'tis time to part them;
He's simple, and tells much.-How now, fair shepherd?
Your heart is full of fomething, that doth take
Your mind from feasting. Sooth, when I was young,
And handed love, as you do, I was wont
To load my she with knacks: I would have ransack'd
The pedler's filken treasury, and have pour'd it

To her acceptance; you have let him go,
And nothing marted with him. If your lass
Interpretation should abuse, and call this
Your lack of love or bounty; you were straited

For a reply, at least, if you make care


happy holding


Flo. Old Sir, I know,

She prizes not such trifles as these are;

The gifts, she looks from me, are packt and lockt
Up in my heart, which I have given already,
But not deliver'd. O, hear me breathe my love
Before this ancient Sir, who, it should feem,
Hath sometime lov'd. I take thy hand, this hand,
As soft as dove's down, and as white as it,
Or Ethiopian's tooth, or the fann'd snow
That's bolted by the northern blast twice o'er.
Pol. What follows this?

How prettily the young swain feems to wash
The hand, was fair before! I've put you out
But, to your proteftation: let me hear
What you profess.

Flo. Do, and be witness to't.

Pol. And this my neighbour too?
Flo. And he, and more

Than he, and men; the earth, and heav'ns, and all
That were I crown'd the most imperial monarch
Thereof most worthy, were I the fairest youth
That ever made eye swerve, had force and knowledge
More than was ever man's, I would not prize them
Without her love for her imploy them all;


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