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LABAT (JEAN BAPT.) Voyages en Espagne & en Italie. 8 tom. 8o Amst. 1731.

Relation historique de l'Ethiopie Occidentale, contenant la Description des Royaumes de Congo, Angolie et Matamba. Traduit de l'Italien du P. Cavazzi et augmentée par J. B. Labat. 5 tom. 8° Par. 1732.

Memoires du Chevalier d'Arvieux, contenant ses Voyages. 6 tom. 8° Par. 1735.

LABBE' (LUD.) Quæstio, an Lintea in Variolis mutanda? 4° Par. 1678.

L'ABBE' (PETRUS) Epistolæ de Ortu et Situ Lugduni. Et Dissertatio de Itinere Annibalis, ex Africa per Galliam in Italiam euntis, an venerit ad confluentem Araris et Rhodani. 12o

Elogia. fol. Gratian. 1664.



Concordia sacræ et profanæ Chronologiæ. 12°

Tableaux methodiques de la Geographie Royalle; item, Historiæ Sacræ Prodromus. fol. Par. 1646.

La Geographie Royalle. 8° Par. 1646.

Heroicæ Poeseos Deliciæ ad unius Virgilii imitationem ex summis Poetis hodiernis selectæ. 12° Par. 1646.

De Byzantiæ historiæ Scriptoribus, sub Ludovici XIV auspiciis publicam in Lucem e Luparæa Typographia emit tendis; gorgeTTINOV. fol. Par. 1648.

Notitia Dignitatum Imperii Romani, et alia Opuscula. 12° Par. 1651.

Nova Bibliotheca Mss. librorum, sive specimen antiquarum lectionum Latinarum et Græcarum. 4° Par. 1653. Nova Bibliotheca Mss. Librorum Historias, Chronica et alia præsertim ad Franciæ historiam pertinentia, representans. 2 tom. fol. Par. 1657.

Vita Claudii Galeni ex propriis operibus collectæ. 8o

Par. 1660.

Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum. Accedit Bibliotheca nummaria. Cum Mantissa antiquariæ Supellectilis. 8° Par. 1664. Accessit J. Seldeni Liber de Nummis. 12

Lips. 1682.


Bibliotheca Nummaria. 4° Lond. 1675.

Eruditæ Pronuntiationis catholici Indices. 8° Lond.

LABE' (LOUIZE) Euvres. 8° Lion. 1555.

LABELLIERE (MAJOR PET.) Christian political Bee Hive. 8° Lond. 1794.

LABERIUS (DECIUS) Fragmenta, per R. et Henr. Stephanum. 8° Par. 1564.

LABILLARDIERE (LE Cen.) Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de la Perouse. 2 tom. 4° Par. An. VIII. [1800.] LABORDE (M. DE) Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques, physiques, historiques, moraux, politiques, literaires [par M. Le Baron de Zurlauben] de la Suisse. 3 tom. fol. Par. 1780-86. LABOUREUR


LABOUREUR (J. LE) Les Tombeaux des Personnes illustres, avec leur Eloges, Genealogies, Armes, & Devices. fol. Par. 1642.

Voyage de la Royne de Pologne, et du Retour de Madame la Mareschalle de Guebriant. 4° Par. 1647.

Histoire de Charles VI. Roi de France, escrite par les Ordres et sur les Memoires et les Avis de Guy de Monceaux, et de Philippes de Vilette, Abbez de Sainct Denys, par un Autheur contemporain Religieux de leur Abbaye. Contenant tous les Secrets de l'Estat, et du Schisme de l'Eglise, traduite sur le Manuscrit Latin tiré de la Bibliotheque du President de Thou. 2 tom. fol. Par. 1663.

Les Avantages de la Langue Françoise sur la Langue Latine. 4° Par. 1667.

LABRIANO (FERRERUS `A) Augustæ Regiæque Sabaudæ Domus Arbor Gentilitia. fol. 1703.

LABRUNE (Sieur) v. REBOulet.

LABUTTE (R.) French Grammar. 8° Camb. 1790.

LABYRINTHE Royale de l'Hercule Gaulois triomphant, sur le Suject des Fortunes, Batailles, Victoires, Trophées, Triomphes, Mariage, et autres faicts heroiques et memorables de Henry IV. Roy de France, representé a l'Entrée de la Royne a Avignon. fol. Avig. 1600.

LACARRY (EGID.) Historia Imperatorum Romanorum per Numismata illustrata, et Series Regum Syriæ, Ægypti, Siciliæ, et Macedoniæ. Prolusio de Re antiquaria numaria. 4o Clarom. 1671.


Historia Galliarum, sub Præfectis Prætorio. 4o Clarom.

Epitome Historiæ Regum Franciæ, ex Dionysio Petavio excepta. Chronologia Regum Franciæ. Breviculum Expeditionis Lud. XIV. adversus Batavos 1672. 4o Clarom. 1672. Historia Christiana Imperatorum, Consulum et Præfectorum Prætorio Orientis, Italiæ, Illyrici, et Galliarum. 4o Clarom. 1675.


Historia Coloniarum, a Gallis, in exteras Nationes, missarum, tum exterarum Nationum Coloniæ in Gallias deductæ. Disputatio de Regibus Franciæ primæ Familiæ, deque Lege Salica. 4o Clarom. 1677.


LACE. Appeal to the Nobility, &c. concerning Laces, Brocades, Embroidery, &c. 8° Lond. 1755.

Considerations concerning the repeal of an act to render the laws prohibiting the Importation of foreign Bone-Lace more effectual. fol.

Reasons for an act to prohibit the Importation of foreign Bone-Lace. fol.

LACHMANN (CHR.) Disput. de Pluralitate Mundorum contra Cartesianos. 4° Witt. 1684.


LACHMUND (frid.) OpîktoгPAPIA Hildesheimensis, sive de admirandorum Fossilium quæ in tractu Hildesheimensi reperiuntur, descriptio. 4° Hildesh. 1669.

De Ave Diomedea Dissertatio. 12° Amst. 1674.


LACINIUS (JANUS) Præciosa Artis Chymiæ de Philosophorum Lapide. 4o Norimb. 1554.

LACKINGTON (JAMES) Memoirs of the first forty five years of his Life. 8° Lond. 1791.

Germ. 8° Hamb. 1795.

LACKMAN (ADAM. HEN.) Illustria Merita Ordinis Equestris Cimbrici in Rem Christianam. 4° Lub. 1717.

De Testimoniis Historicorum non probantibus Commentatio. 4° Hamb. 1735.

LACOMBE (M.) Histoire des revolutions de l'Empire de Russie. 8° Par. 1760.

Histoire de Christine Reine de Suede. 8° Stockh. 1762. Dictionnaire du vieux Langage François contenant aussi la Langue Romance ou Provençale. 2 vol. 8° Par. 1766-7.

LACQUER. Neu entdeckte Lacquir-Kunst. 8° Dresd. 1724.
LACROIX (SAUVAGES DE) Nouvelles Classes de Maladies. 8°

LACRYME. Dissert. de Lacrymis. 4°

Opera. fol. Monast. Sublac. 1465. [ED. PR.]

fol. 1471.

fol. Impendio providorum virorum Johannis de Colonia, Johannis Matthen de Ghertzem. Venet. 1478. fol. Ven. 1494.


Bas. 1563.

cum Apologetico Tertulliani. 8° Ven. ap. Ald.

8° Ven. apud Hæred. Aldi. 1535. cum Scholiis Erasmi. 8° Antv. 1555. accesserunt Commentaria Xysti Betuleii. fol.

12° Antv. 1570.

cum notis M. Thomasii. 8° Ant. 1570.
12° Lug. 1587.

12° Lug. 1594.

cum notis Ant. Thysii. 120 Lug. Bat. 1652.

a T. Spark. 8° Oxon. 1684.

cum Notis illustrata ab J. B. Le Brun et Nic.

Lenglet D'Ufresnoy. 2 tom. 4° Lut. Par. 1748.

De mortibus Persecutorum. Accesserunt Passiones SS. Perpetuæ et Felicitatis. S. Maximiliani. S. Felicis. 120 Oxon. 1680.

Angl. by G. Burnet. With a Preface concerning Persecution. 12° Amst. 1687.

Carmen de Passione dominica, de Resurrectione, de

Phenice. 8°


Anatomica Methodus. 8° Par. 1535.

Compendium Curationis Febris Pestilentialis. 12° Ar

gent. 1542.

Castigationes in translationem octo ultimorum librorum de re rustica, Constantini Cæsaris, per Janum Cornarium editam. 12° Colon. 1543.

Annotat. in Galeni Interpretes. 8° Ven. 1548.

Victus ratio, scholasticis pauperibus paratu facilis et salubris. 12 Col. 1550.

Il Rimedio della Podagra. Con la Tragopodagra di Luciano dal medesimo in latino tradotta. 12° Rom. 1552.

Epitome Commentariorum Galeni in Hippocratem. Cui accesserunt nonnulla Galeni Enantiomata. 8° Lug. 1554. Apologetica Epistola in Janum Cornarium. 12o Col.


LACY (Lady ARABELLA) v. Horneck.

LACY (JOHN) The Dumb Lady, or, the Farrier made Physician, a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1672.

The old Troop, or, Monsieur Ragou; a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1672.

4° Lond. 1698.

Sir Hercules Buffoon, or, the Poetical Squire; a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1684.

Sauny the Scot: or the taming of the Shrew; a Comedy. 4° Lond. 1698.

4° Lond. 1708.


A Cry from the Desart, or Testimonials of the miraculous Things lately come to pass in the Cevennes. Translated from the Originals: with a Preface by J. Lacy. 8° Lond. 1707. The Honest Quaker, exposing the forgeries and impostures of the pretended French Prophets. With an account of a sham miracle performed by J. Ly, Esqr. 8° Lond. 1707.


Prophetical Warnings. 2 Parts. 8° Lond. 1707.
A Relation of the Dealings of God with him. 8° Lond.

The Steeleids, a Poem. 8° Lond. 1714.


The Universal System, or a Mechanical cause of all the appearances and movements of the visible Heavens. Lond. 1779.

LACY (JOSEPH) Letter to his Creditors. 8° Dunk. 1729.

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Observations on the nature, use and trade of Tobacco.

fol. 1733. LACY (Mr.) Peter's Visitation: Or Lectures at York Buildings, on Civil and Religious Liberty. 8° Lond.

LACY (NATH.) Oratio ad Candidos Mutinenses. fol. Mut. 1690. De Podagra. 8° Ven. 1692.



LADDS (w.) v. bythell.

LADENŠIUM AUTOxaTaxgios. The Canterburian's self conviction: or an evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, Poperie & Tyrannie of that Faction, by their own Confessions. 4o 1640.

An Examination of Ladensium Αυτοκατακρισις. 40 LADEY (MART.) Disput. de febribus intermittentibus epidemicis. 4° Helm. 1678.

LADIES. A right excellent and famous Comedy called the three Ladies of London, by R. W. 4° Lond. 1584.

4° Lond. 1592.

Delights for Ladies to adorne their Persons, Tables and Closets. 12° Lond. 1632.

The Ladies Cabinet opened: wherein is found Experiments in preserving, physicke and surgery, cookery and huswifery. 4° Lond. 1639.


The Parliament of Ladies. 4o 1647.

An exact Diurnall of the Parliament of Ladyes. 4o

A Parliament of Ladies: with their Lawes newly enacted. 4o 1647.


The Ladies a second time assembled in Parliament. 4°

News from the New Exchange, or the Commonwealth of Ladies, drawn to the Life in their severall Characters and Concernments. 4o 1650.

A Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen: or the art of preserving. 12° London, 1654.

The Ladies Champion. 4o 1660.

The Ladies Calling. By the Author of the whole Duty of Man. 8° Oxf. 1673.

So Orf. 1675.

The Ladies Behaviour. A Dialogue. 8° Lond. 1693. The Ladies Dictionary, by N. H. 8° Lond. 1694. Proposal to the Ladies for the advancement of their true Interest. 12° Lond. 1695.

The Ladies Library. Written by a Lady, and published by Sir Richard Steele. 3 vol. 12o 1714.

The Ladies Preceptor. 8° Lond. 1743.

Memoirs of several Ladies of Gr. Britain. 8° Lond. 1755. Biographium Foemineum. The female worthies, or Memoirs of the most illustrious Ladies of all ages and Nations. 2 vol. 12° Lond. 1766.

LADIUS (AND. MICH.) Dissert. de nominibus Christi humanam ipsius naturam designantibus. 4o Hala. 1714.

LADOIRE (F. MARCEL.) Voyage fait a la Terre Sainte en 1719. 8° Par. 1720.

LADVOCAT Abbé. Grammaire Hebraique a l'Usage des Ecoles de Sorbonne. 8° Par. 1765.

LADY. The lost Lady, a Tragy-Comedy. fol. Lond. 1639. A particular Description of a certain Lady at present concealed. 8° 1752.


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