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and religious advantages within their | statement is represented to have been reach, merely because our nobility given by you, as on authority. It and leading gentry cannot attain to would, I doubt not, be mortifying to their peculiar object. They begin you to find, too late, that you had openly to threaten, that if the exist- been made the instrument (though ing board does not attend to their unconsciously,) of producing a gross grievances, they will form another error: therefore, sir, in justice to board for the purposes in question. you, and to the public, a more full With respect to the peculiar com- and correct statement shall speedily plaints of the catholic clergy, respect- appear in the public papers, from ing soldiers, marriages, &c. they are which you will find, and the public convinced, that they need but ask for will find, that you were very inadeacts of parliament to redress them, quately acquainted with the trans(which acts indeed are so obviously action you referred to, and that, in wanted for the welfare of the state) effect, you were quite misinformed in order to obtain them. upon it. The true and authenticated statement shall be sent for insertion in the principal papers of Monday next: it shall be brief, but unquestionable, and fully sufficient to shew you how very erroneous an impression the statement which you are represented as having given, was calculated to produce.

I am far from wishing to divide our body in any way or degree whatever; and therefore I hope that the present board will act in such a manner as to satisfy the complainants, and to render a second board totally unnecessary. MENTOR.

London, May 17, 1817.

Letter addressed to the Right Hon.
William Elliott, inserted in the
Courier of May 10th.

SIR,-Some of the public prints reporting last night's debate, have attributed to you the following statement, as made in reply to citations read by John Leslie Foster, esq. from a late work of high Roman catholic authority:

"Doctor Gandolphy, some quotations from whose pamphlet appeared to make a considerable impression on the house (it is true), took his work to Rome, and his work was there approved; but, it was approved of by an officer who did not understand the English language; and cardinal Litta has written to inform doctor Poynter, that the approbation was clandestinely obtained. The author has been suspended on account of his publication, and is now under the censure of the church."

The above partial and fallacious

Saturday, May 10, 1817.

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printed during the life of the late vicar apostolic of the London district (Dr. Douglas,) and with a work on the Liturgy, was presented to him a few years since. He wrote, in return, a most flattering* letter to the author, expressing his hope that these works were only the prelude to greater exertions; and his joy at having one of his clergy qualified by his talents so ably to assert the cause of religion. In consequence, however, of a difference with Dr. Poynter, (the present vicar apostolic) Dr. Gandolphy took his works to be examined at Rome; and he has solemnly declared (in his published defence of himself,) that, at Rome, the agent of the small party in London, who were anxious to suppress his works, opposed all examination; that even his detention within the precincts of the inquisition was earnestly sought; but, that "his character carried him through every difficulty at Rome, and he returned with the approbations of his works byTHE PROPER AUTHORITY. That authority, without whose approbation the pope himself cannot publish."

work, contrary to right faith and the principles of sound morality, that I am, on the contrary, disposed to admire the talents, the erudition, the piety, and not less the elegant and pure style of this most distinguished and well-deserving defender of religion; and, therefore, I declare, that multiplied editions of this work, so worthy to be cased in cedar and gold, will be profitable and highly advantageous to the catholic church."

The selected divines who pronounced the approbations, were the most rev. father Damiani, conventual of the order of St. Francis, master of sacred theology, and English penitentiary in the Vatican church of St. Peter, and the most rev. father O'Finan, of the order of St. Dominick, professor of sacred scripture, and prior of the convent of St. Sixtus and Clement, in the city of Rome. The former dated his judgment, June 18, 1816, the latter, June 24, 1816.

Having received these approbations from the two selected judges, the master of the apostolical palace added his official sanction to the publication of the work.

But, adds the report of the right honourable Wm. Elliott's statement, Gandolphy is now under the censure of THE CHURCH."

This authority is the most reverendMaster of the Sacred Apostolical palace. He selected two most emi-"Dr. nent Roman divines who DID understand the English language; and referred Dr. Gandolphy's work to their examination and judgment. After nearly a month's close examination of the work, they pronounced their entire and unqualified approbation of it, not only as truly orthodox, but as rendering "the articles of the catholic faith," clear as the light, and establishing her victory over her discomfitted and confuted opponents. And one of these divines concluded his approbation with these words.. "So far am I from discovering any thing in this

* The words used by Mr. Gandolphy in his published defence.

He is under the censure of Dr. Poynter, and perhaps this may be called the censure of the church.But this is not a proof against the authority of Dr. Gandolphy's work; and, it is evident from Dr. Gandolphy's published defence, together with Dr. Poynter's pastoral letter, published about a fortnight since, that though the former so readily succeeded in obtaining such decisive approbation of his work by the proper authority at Rome, yet, that the efforts of the latter, continued for many months, did not obtain a condemnation of the work by any au thority at Rome; and farther, Dr.

Monday, May 16.

Letter from the Rev. Mr. Gandolphy to the Editor of the Morning Post, inserted May 16th.

Poynter, has not declared, in his cheered by the opposition, calculatpastoral letter, or in any public ed to mislead? At the same time, so document, which of Mr. Gandol-highly and justly respected an indiphy's principles he condemus as vidual could not have entertained contrary to the Roman catholic the least intention of misleading the faith. It should also be observed, judgment of any one. that Mr. Gandolphy's authority has been much looked up to by the great body of his communion; but that Dr. Poynter has been charged even by his brother vicar apostolic, Dr. Milner, with being a supporter of schismatics. Severe censure of parts of his conduct has been passed by Dr. Troy, (Roman catholic archbishop of Dublin), in his authenticated letter published by Dr. Milspecting myself, I feel called upon ner; and the official paper of the Irish Roman catholics, described Dr. Poynter as joined with a small party who were for 20 years endeavouring to undermine the catholic church

SIR,-In consequence of what has been reported by your respectable paper, to have been stated in a late debate on the catholic question, re

most positively to disavow the language and expressions which a member of parliament has thought proper to ascribe to me, in quality of author of some controversial works, which having been examined at the holy see as to their orthodoxy on that point, have been there officially approved. Any member may, un

and comments to parliament as part of his speech, but I conceive every one would refuse him the right and liberty of reading and representing them as the language and published

Lastly, the statement attributed to Mr.Webber is certainly true,viz, that all the dangerous principles asserted in Dr. Gandolphy's highly import-doubtedly, offer his own inferences ant work, may be found maintained in the class-book, now used for the divinity students at Maynoth college, near Dublin. The chief difference is, that the latter is a latin book, written in a very dry, forbid-sentiments of another man. Yet, ding, scholastic style. The former Mr. Editor, I am forced to complain is, perhaps, one of the best written of having been lately treated in this works in the English language, and manner, and I absolutely deny that frequently distinguished by a glow- I have ever printed what the member ing eloquence. The passages re- in question has imputed to me. ported to have been cited by Mr. Leslie Foster, are by no means the most objectionable. It abounds with passages, which, under the present circumstances, (it were much to be wished) the advocates of the Roman catholic claims, and generally, the protestants of the united kingdom, were made acquainted with. But, will not a candid person, after a view of the circumstances which have been stated, consider the reply referred to, and represented as given on authority by Mr. Elliott, and

The controversial writings referred to, undoubtedly contain, like every catholic catechism, some pas sages against which it may be expected that protestants would protest; nevertheless, in the same works other passages may be discovered,on loyalty --on submission to a protestant government-and on social and practical charity, which even a protestant parliament might possibly sanction with its imprimatur.

I must moreover declare, that the honourable member has, in fact, to

tally reversed the ground on which | who coveted a different decision, but

I stood at the holy see; where I never acted but in the character of DEFENDANT against imputations the very opposite to those which he has so publicly, but unfoundedly, charged against me; whilst the formal decisions given by the authorized Roman divines, who examined the works, and who did understand English, merely amount to a verdict in my favour, of not guilty. These decisions have been subsequently confirmed and ratified.

The verdict may not please those

that there has been any thing unfair or surreptitious in the proceeding, at least on my part, I most positively deny; and to explain why I have been since suspended (and only since) puzzles the adepts in canon law, both at Rome and in England.

The insertion of this letter in your paper, Mr. Editor, will oblige your much calumniated, and obedient humble servant, PETER GANDOLPHY. Spanish-place, May 15,1817.


THE result of the recent debates them.-Let us bear in mind the vast on the question of our emanci- activity shewn by the dissenters to pation, we are happy to perceive, is oppose lord Sidmouth's projected likely to be attended with the most amendment of the Toleration act, aud beneficial effects, by the subsidency the result which followed those exof all party distinctions in the catho- ertions. And why should we not lic body. The accounts from Ire- display the same zeal, the same enland are extremely congratulatory energy in support of true religion, and this head, and we feel peculiar satis faction in observing, that those who formerly advocated vetoistical measures are now the foremost to admit the necessity of UNANIMITY. In this laudable motive we hope they will be followed by the individuals on this side the water, who have hitherto supported the same dangerous system, and that our adversaries will find us linked in one indissoluble chain to seek redress in a constitutional way from the senate of the country. Let all party dissentions sink into oblivion, and that unhallowed division unfortunately contrived and continued to protract the cause of christianity and civil freedom be seen no more. Let each party see their past errors, and try to amend

our own just rights? Our case is now placed in its proper pasis. The veto has been rejected by the opponents of our claims as unsatisfactory and nugatory; and the resistance is more of a religious nature, than a civil one.-Our most inveterate adversaries are to be found among the members of the Bible societies, who care as little for the concessions of fered by the liberal catholics, as they do for the resistance of those who are not so willing to concede the rights of the clergy to release the laity. In these circumstances it is useless to hope for emancipation without unity, conjoined with an active operation of the press to counteract the calumnies circulated against our principles, and expose the pernicious designs of

our enemies to circumvent the public mind. Already have the speeches of Peel, Foster, Webber, and the bishop of Ossory been announced for publication in the shape of pamphlets; it is therefore incumbent on us to endeavour to soften down and eradieate, if possible, the evil effects which the circulation of these specimens of intolerance and bigotry are likely to produce on a people credulous and ignorant in the extreme of catholic doctrines and principles.We therefore hope the literati of our body will devote their abilities to expose the falsehoods of the day, and that our wealthy members will be ready to support them with pecuniary assistance, to enable them to continue their useful employments, which we are convinced will operate more effectually to promote the Cousummation of our wishes, than the offer of any measures of a supposed conciliatory nature, which can tend to no substantial good, but will degrade the character of those who offer them.

"If you are to make concessions, and not embarrass them with painful conditions, the more simple the measure is made the better.

"The report on foreign regulations (Hippisley's) is not applicable to this country, because the right of interference with the appointment of the catholic bishops, is solely founded in their possessing temporalities, establishments and income."

On Sunday the 18th inst. a sermon was preached by the Right Rev. Dr. Poynter, at the chapel of St. Aloysius, Somer's Town, in behalf of the charity schools attached to that chapel, from the 7th verse of the 4th chapter of the 1st Epistle of St. John, "For Charity is of God." In a very eloquent and impressive discourse, the venerable prelate took occasion to instil into the minds of his auditory, that great principle of charity, to be in love with all mankind of every religious persuasion, and dwelt with peculiar emphasis and energy on the great attention evinced by our divine Saviour to relieve the distresses of the poor, in giving bread to the hungry, health to the sick, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and strength to the lame; noticed the fervour of the first christians, who, on embracing the law of Christ, sold their goods, the produce of which they laid at the feet of the apostles, to be divided among the poor; and traced this benign attention to the wants of the helpless through the first ages of the "If concession is to be made, it church, which he illustrated with the ought to be made without legisla-particular examples of St. Lawrence tive interference with the catholic church.

"We give (says the Dublin Chronicle) the following literal extract from lord Liverpool's speech, taken on the spot by an intelligent member of the lower house, a gentleman of high honour and strict accuracy,


"Lord LIVERPOOL" I will not refuse any thing that can be asked to afford partial relief, provided the government remains essentially protestant.

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and Saint Vincent of Paul. The learned prelate also alluded to the numerous catholic charitable institu-. tions now existing in the metropolis as a proof that the same divine attribute of the Deity which animated the primitive christians, still dwells in the members of the catholic church, and passed an eulogy on the munificence of the nobility, gentry and

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