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The larger figures denote sections; the smaller, the number of the note
referred to. Figures in block type indicate pages. nr.=near.

[blocks in formation]

Aldermannus: 59, 6; 60, 15. Cf. Eal-

Amenability of clergy: 59, nr. 12 ff.; 60,

nr. 22 ff.; 61, nr. 4 ff.

Amerciaments: 60, nr. 64 ff.
America 12, 7, 25; 13. Cf. Canada,
United States, West Indies.
Anabaptists: 86; 19, nr. 27, 33, 34.
Annates: v. Firstfruits.
Appointment: of archbishops, bishops,

and abbots in Anglo-Saxon period:
2, nr. 10 ff.; under Henry I.: 4, 23,
25; under Stephen: 4, 31, 34; 23,
7; under Henry II.: 4, nr. 43, 53;
under John: 4, 62, 65; in later
middle age: 4, 67, 107, nr. 113; 302;
from the Reformation: 6, 9, 11, 17,
42, 56; 99; in Scotland: 111 f.; in
Ireland: 130; II, 15, 20, nr. 22, 29;
140; in the colonies and abroad:
144 f.; 154; of suffragan bishops:
39, 4; of coadjutors: 40, 4; of
deans: 6, 56; 37, 23, 21, 32; of
canons: 37, 31; of archdeacons :
42, 15, 20; of rural deans: 43, nr.
18 ff.;
of rectors, vicars, etc.: 139;

of churchwardens: 48, nr. 4 ff.; of
lecturers: 53, 2; rights of king in
middle ages as to appointment: 27,
nr. 24 ff.; in modern times: 97; of
the bishop: 295; of the chapter:
37, 38; of the parish priest (vicar,
rector, etc.): 44, nr. 40 ff.


Appeals to the pope; II, 16; 23; to
other authorities: 147; 62 ff.
Approbation: 295; 44, 19. Cf. Admis-

Appropriation, Impropriation: 4, 127,

128; 9, 5; II, 33; 27, 33; 31, 2;
44, nr. 11 ff.
Archbishop: 12, nr. 11; 31, nr. 5; 32,
7; 33-35; 41, nr. 10, 55, 56;
alleged archbishops in Britain in
ancient times: I, 3; in Wales: 33,
1; election of a.: v. Appointment;
legatine powers of a. v. Legates.
Cf. Ardepscop, Metropolitan.
Archdeacon: 21, nr. 9; 32, 13, 14; 38,
nr. 2; 42; 45, 7; 54, nr. 28 ff.; 55,
3; 57, 8; 58, 2, 3; 65, 66.
Archipresbyter: 43, 1; 54, 41.
Ardepscop: 10, 5; II, 6; 33, 1.
Arminians: 7, 25.
Arrest of clergy: 60, 43.
Articles: v. Creeds, etc.

Articulus Cleri: 55, nr. 23. Cf. Peti-
tions--Statutum Articuli Cleri: 4,
107; 55, 23; 60, 8.

Asia: 12, 25. Cf. East Indies.
Assistant bishop: 39, nr. 8 ff.
Assistant curate: v. Curate.
Assistants: 48, 2, 18, 19.

Attack of clerici: 4, 54; 60, nr. 169 ff.
Auditor: 63, nr. 3; nr. 6.
Augmentation of poor livings, etc.: 31;
32, 16; 44, 15. Cf. Curate.
Auricular confession: 6, nr. 40; 170.

[blocks in formation]

Bigamy (second marriage or marriage
with a widow): 22, 4; in the com-
mon sense: v. Marriage.

Bishop: 12, nr. 11; 20, 3; 31, 5; 32,7;

33; 36; 57; 59, 3, 4, 6, 7; 60, nr.
16; 61,2; Bishops of the Kelts: I;
Election of bishops: v. Appointment;
Consecration of bishops: v. Conse-
cration; Participation of bishops in
parliament: 21. Cf. Chorepiscopus,
Episcopus in partibus; Suffragan
bishop; Assistant bishop; Coad-

Bishoprics, the several protestant, in
England: 33, 26, 27 ff.; 37, 6, 9;
in British (Keltic) districts: 33, 29;
in Scotland: 10, 69; in Ireland:
II, 33, 34, 43; in the colonies and
abroad: 12, 25; 13, 16; Roman
catholic: 99; 10, 71; 18, 14.

Blasphemy: 61, 23.

Board of missions: 12, 12.

Bona notabilia: 462.

Canons: 14, 16; c. of 1604: 7, 14; app.
xii.; of 1640: 7, 31, 32, 69; other
English c. 14, 10; Scottish c. of
1635: 10, 39; other Scottish c.: 10.
46; nr. 68; Irish: II, 1, 26; 138 f.;
American: 13, 2.

Canons (Chapter): 21, 16; 22, 11; 32,

13, 14; 37; 37, 6, 28, 33; 41, 7;
42, 7, 14, 19; 45, 7; 53, 1; 66;
regular: 37, 5, 8; honorary: 37:
36, 37; minor canons: II, 33; 32:
14; 37, 25, nr. 45 ff.

Cantor (Precentor): 37, 14.
Carlisle, Statute of: 4, 70, 111.
Catechism: 164.

Cathedraticum: 44,7.

Catholic: 18, nr. 3 ff. Cf. Old catholics,
Christkatholiken, Greek catholics,

Celibacy: 22.

Central council of diocesan conferences:
55, 15, 16.

Chancellor (king's): 4, 36, 37; patronage
of lord chancellor: 32, 13; bishop's
c.: 36, 9; 38, 8; 64, 1; c. of chap-
ter: 37, 14; 54, 39.

Chapel clerk: 49, 1.
Chapel of ease: II, 35, 42; 20, nr. 29;
44, nr. 23.

Chaplains, Examining: 20, nr. 19, 21.
Chapter: v. Canons. Close chapter,

general chapter: 37, 35, 37.
Chapter, Cathedral and Collegiate:
v. Canons (Chapter). Chapter of old
or new foundation: 303; Rural
chapters: v. Synods; c. of monastic
orders: 54, 41.

Chastity: v. Vows of c.; Chastity: 22.

Book of common prayer: v. Prayer- Chorepiscopus: 128; 39, 1, 2.


Boundaries of ecclesiastical districts,

alteration of: 32, 12; 42, 16; 43,
14; b. of provinces of Canterbury
and York: 33, nr. 17 ff.

Bounty (Queen Anne's): 31.
Brawling: 61, 26.

Bretwalda: I, 2.

Breve: v. Writ.

Britons (Kelts), Use of, in respect of cal-

culating Easter and of tonsure: I,
5, 13 ft. Cf. Easter, Tonsure.
Brotherhoods: 47.
Brownists: 7, 50.

Bulls, Prohibition to introduce: 25.
Canada: 12, 7, 25.
Candle-scot: 3, 10.

Christkatholiken : 18, 15.

Chrodegang, Rule of archbishop: 37, 3,
7; 42, 1.

Church clerk: 49, 1.

Church pews, Disputes as to: 61, 18.
Church property, Confiscation, Seculari-
zation, Various dealings with: 4
106; 57; 6, 29, 47, 49, 55; 7, 45, 47,
51, 55, 65; 10, nr. 30; II, 16, 20, 33.
36; 29; 32, 13; 37, nr. 28, 34, 40–43.
Church property, Limitation as to ac-
quisition of: 4, 43; 4, 68, 109; 6,
47; 27, 34. V. also Church Pro-
perty, Confiscation, etc.
Church rate: II, 33, 35; 48, nr. 10.
Church-scot (cyric-sceat): 3, 10.
Church trustees: 48, 10.

Churching: 46, 2.

Churchwarden: II, 35; 139; 42, 11;
43, 9; 48; 61, 18.
Circumspecte agatis: 4, 71; 60, 7.
Cistercians: 47; 37, 16.

Claim of right: 10, 49.

Clarendon, Constitutions of: 4, nr. 41 ff.;
append. iv.

Clerical disabilities act: 20, nr. 6; 211.
Clerici: 37, 6.

Clericis laicos, bull: 4, 80.

Coadjutor: II, 35; 40.

Collation: 295.

Colloquium (substitute for a parlia-

ment): 4, 85.

Colonial bishopric fund: 12, nr. 11.
Colonial bishoprics' council: 12, nr. 11.
Commendams: 9, 12; 32, 12.
Commissary, commissioner, commission:

12, 2; 14, nr. 18 ff.; 15, 12; 19, 23,
24; 21, 24; 30, 2, 4; High c.: v.
High commission; Ecclesiastical C.
and C. for building new churches:
v. Ecclesiastical commissioners; C.
of ecclesiastical duties and revenues:
32, 5; C. for approbation of public
preachers: 7, 56; 15, 18; C. of re-
view: 61, 6, 7; Commissary of the
archbishop of Canterbury: 64, 4;
C. of church temporalities in Ire-
land: II, 36; Irish land commis-
sion: II, 36.
Competence of ecclesiastical courts in

civil causes: 59, nr. 15; 60, nr.
73 ff., 61, nr. 14 ff.; in penal causes:
59, nr. 16 ff.; 60, nr. 161 ff.; 61, nr.
22 ff.; re persons: see Amenability.
Concubine: 22, 5, 13, 15.
Conferences: v. Hampton Court c., Savoy
c., Streoneshalch c.; Synods.
Confession: v. Auricular confession.
Confession of faith: v. Creed, etc.
Confirmation: 199.

Confirmation of resolutions of councils

by the king: 54, 8, nr. 22 ff., 56; by
the archbishop: 55, 17.

Congé d'eslire: 6, nr. 17; 40, 4. Cf.
Appointment of archbishops, bishops.
and abbots.

Congregation: 123; 19, 37.
Consecration of churches and burial
places: 199.

Consecration, Ordination: 116; 142 f.;
146 f.; 153 f.; 15, 12; 18, 6, 9, 13,
16 ff., 20, 35, nr. 3; 60, 69.
Conservator: IO, 12; Conservatores

[blocks in formation]

Cornwall: I, 22.

Corodies: 27, 23.

Coronation: 34, 22, 33, 34. C. oath: v.

Corporation v. Corporative rights.
Corporation act: 7, 72.

Corporative rights: 140; 12, 4, 6; 44, 9.
County court: 59, nr. 2; 60, 11, 13, 14, 17.
Court of Arches: 38, 5; 63, 2, 4; Chan-

cery C.: 460; C. of Faculties: 38,
5; 63, 5; C. of Audience: 63, 6;
Prerogative C.: 63, nr. 7; Confirma-
tion C.: 38, nr. 6; Consistory (chan-
cellor's) C.: 42, 11; 64; Vicar gene-
ral's C.: 320; C. of Commissaries:
64, 4; 463; C. of Peculiars: 38, 6;
463; Provincial C.: 99; 38, 5; 63;
C. of Augmentation: 29; C. of Sur-
veyors: 29; C. of Firstfruits and
Tenths: 29. Cf. Ecclesiastical courts,
Judicial committee, Delegates, High
commission,Archdeacon, Rural dean;


Court of hundred: 59, 4; 60, 11, 13, 17.
Covenant of 1557: 109; of 1581: 113;

IO, 41; of 1638: 7, nr. 42, 67, 70; 10,
41, 43, 46.
Creeds, articles, professions of faith: 16;
378; Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed,
Athanasian Creed: II, 37; 13, 12;
170; 16, 18; 18, 2, 3; Ten articles:
16, 1; Six articles: v. Six article
law; Forty-two articles: 16, 7 f.;
Eleven articles: II, 20; 16, 9;
Thirty-nine articles: 7,1 ff., 56; II,
20, 26; 16, 10 ff.; append. xi.; Lam-
beth articles: 16, 20; Westminster
profession of faith: IO, 52, 54; 16,
21; other Scotch do.: 10, 17, 35, 41,
cf. Covenant; Irish articles of 1615:
II, 24, 25; 28, 25; other Irish pro-

fessions of faith: II, 3, 20, 27;


American 13, 15; Augsburg Con-
fession : 169; 28, 18.

Cross, carried before archbishop: 34, nr.
22 ff.

Curate: 20, 18; 329 f.; 335 f.; perpetual:
333 f.; 337 f.; 55, 8; stipendiary:

II, 35; 335 f.; 45; 351; 55, 8; as-
sistant: 20, nr. 29; 45, 6; 53, 6;
augmented: 44, nr. 24 ff.; 335; 44,
36; cf. Augmentation. C. of Chapel
of ease: 44, nr. 23; 335.
Danegeld: 2, nr. 17; 4, 21, 31, 38; 27,17.
Darrein presentment: 60, 155.
Deacon: 38, 1, 327. Cf. Consecration,
ordination, etc.

Deaconess: 20, nr. 5; 47.

Dean: 21, nr. 9; 31, nr. 5; 37, 6, nr. 13,
15, 23, 24, 28, 33; 42, 19; 54, nr.
28 ff.; 372; Dean of the province:
55, 11; Dean of Christianity: 43,
1; Dean of the Arches: 38, 5; 63,
2; 66, 4; Dean of Bocking: 66, 4.
Cf. Rural dean.
Declarations: 7,70; 10,25; 13, 15; 48,

8; Declaration against, transub-
stantiation: 7, 75; D. of assent: 7,
70; 10, nr. 66; 42, 21; 44, 48; 45,
15; 46, 8; 53, 3; Stipendiary
curate's d. 45, 15; D. against
simony: 42, 21; 44, 48; 53, 3. Cf.

Defamatio: 60, nr. 173 ff.; 61, 22.
: 20, nr. 6; 60, 58.
Delegates, High Court of: 6, 47; 232;
62, 2, 4, 5, 7.

Deprivation (deposition): 24, 2; 35, 8;
49, 8, 9; 50, 4; 60, 58.
Directory for public prayer: 15, 14. Cf.

Disciplinary power: 35, nr. 3; 297; 42,

11; 59, nr. 12; 60, 29; 455.
Disestablishment: 7, 87, 88; 99; 13, 1, 2.
Disobedience, to king's orders or those of

royal officers: v. Oferhyrnes, Con-


Dispensation: 6, 2, 8, 25, 42, 47; 7, 15,

21; II, 16; 22, 31, 32; 293; 63,
nr. 5; by the king: 7, 12, 21, nr.
73; 93 f.

Dissolution of convocation: 55, 12.
Divine service: 44, 39; disturbance of:
61, 26. Cf. Prayer-books.

Dominicans: 5, nr. 9.

Donative, Donee: 296; 37, 23; 335;

Dos: 60, 107.

Duel (Wager of battle): 4, 54; 60, 21.
Dues: v. Taxes.

Ealdorman, Earl: 59, 2, 3, 4; 60, 15.
Easter, Calculation of: I, 5, 18, 21; II.3.
East Indies: 12, 7, nr. 17, 25; 20,8; 39,9.
Ecclesiastical commissioners: 32 (30,5);
for Ireland: II, 33, 36.
Ecclesiastical Courts: 296; 59-66 ; v.

Election (of officers of church): v. Ap-
pointment. Disputed e. to convo-
cation: 55, 20.

Eleemosyna libera: 21, 36; 60, 145, 146.
Eorl: v. Ealdorman.

Episcopal constitution: 6, nr. 43; 7, 47,
51; 179 f.; in Scotland: 111-120;

Episcopal synod in Scotland: 125.
Episcopus in partibus infidelium: 39.
nr. 3. Cf. Bishop.

Erudition of any Christian Man, The
Necessary: 6, 27; 19, 24.
Estates Committee: 32, nr. 8 ff.
Eucharist: 6, 34, 53; 10, 17, 20, nr. 67:
II, 17; 135; 169; 16, 5; 19, 37:
20, 26; 61, 19.
Examination before ordination: 20, nr.
19 ff.

Excommunication: 6, 9; 7,6; 437; of

a royal official or vassal of the
crown: 27, 8.
Excommunicato capiendo, Breve de: t.

Execution of ecclesiastical sentences:
27, nr. 6 ff.; 455. Cf. Writ de ex-
communicato capiendo, de contumace
capiendo, de haeretico comburendo.
Execution of secular judgments
against clergy: 27, 11, 12; 60, 36.
Exemptions: 2, 9; 5, 8, 9; 6, 15, 18, 47;
19, 16; 32, 12; 42, 16, 20; 66, 1, 4.
Exorcista: 195.
Fasts: 6, 40.

Fealty v. Oaths.

Fellow of College: 197; 20, nr. 29.
Felony: 60, 45, 47.

Feudal tie of higher clergy: 4, 9, 11, nr.

18 ff., nr. 43, nr: 74, 84, 86, 88; 27.
nr. 28 ff.; 60, nr. 51 ff. Feudal oath:
v. Oath.

Fides laesa: 60, nr. 186 ff.

Fire insurance: 31, 22, 23; 32, 15.
Firstfruits, annates, primitiæ: 6, 8, 9, 17,

49, 55; 29; 31, 1-3; in Ireland: 11,
16, 18, 20, 33.

Fish days: v. Fasts.

Forest courts, offences against f. laws:
60, 11, 19, 55, 56.

Forgery of documents, coins, etc.: 6, 35;
60, 47.

Foundations (of various kinds): 6, 29,
55; 9,9; II, 36, 42; 31, 11, 13; 32,
16; 53, 1.

Franciscans: 5, nr. 9; 19, 1.
Frankalmoign: v. Eleemosyna.
Free Church: 122.

Galloway: 10, 11.

Gefêran, Gefêrscipe: 43, 2.

General Assembly, General Convention,
General Councils, General Synod: v.

Gingra: 59, 4.

Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne:

Gravamina: 55, nr. 22.
Greek catholics: 18, nr. 15.

Guardian of the spiritualities: 21, 37,
38; 41, nr. 9 f.

Guild: 43, 2.

Gunpowder plot: 7, 12.

Haemed: 22, 6.

Hampton Court conference: 71.

Heathen: 22, 4.

Heresy: 6, 53; 19, 19, 30; 61, 19.

Inquisition, Inquisitors: 19, 15; 30, 2;
Inquisitores: 48, 2.

Installment: 37, 23. Cf. Induction, In-

Institution: 295.

Institution of a Christian Man: 6, 26;
19, 24.

Interdict: 4, nr. 49 f., nr. 63, 6, 9; of
Royal officials or Crown Vassals:
27, 8.

Interim revenue of Bishopric: 41.
Intestacy 27, 21; 60, nr. 118 ff.; 61,
15; 462.

Investiture of Bishops and Abbots: 4,
23; of the inferior clergy: 42, 11.
Cf. Induction, Installment.
Iona: I, 21; 10, 4; 11, 3.

Ireland: II; Union with England: II,
14, 29, 32.

Irregularitates: 20, nr. 15.

Jerusalem, Founding of Bishopric of: 12,
nr. 18.

Jesuits: 7, 7, 8, 12, 23; 93; 10, 21.
Judges of Ecclesiastical Courts: 22, 16,
21. Cf. Official.

Judicial Committee of Privy Council:
99; 61, nr. 9 ff.

Jus patronatus: 36,9; 60, 158.
Justices of peace: 60, 19; 445.

Heretics, Prosecution of: 108; II, 19; Justiciar: 4, 59.

19; 364; 369.

Heriot: 27, 21.

High Church tendency: 75.

High Commission: 15, 6; 259; 30; 61,

6; in Scotland: 10, 32, 41; 30, 5;
in Ireland: 30, 5.

Holy days: 6, 40; 7, 57. Cf. Observance
of Sunday.

Honorary canons: v. Canons.
House of Laymen: 56.

Hy v. Iona.

Images, Worship of: 6, nr. 40; 14, 2;
169; 19, 37.

Impropriation: v. Appropriation.
Incorporation: v. Appropriation.
Incumbent: 336.

Independents: 7, nr. 50; 13, 2.
Indicavit: v. Writ.

Indies: v. East Indies, West Indies.
Induction 295; 42, 11; 43, 4. Cf.
Installment, Investiture.

Indulgence, Declarations of, Act of: 7,
74, 77, 78, 84.

Inheritance of Church property: 22, 3,
14, nr. 32; 63, nr. 5.
Injunctions: v. Ordinances.

King: 23-28; 61, 2.

Kirk session: 121.

Lambeth articles: v. Creeds, etc.
Lambeth: 32, 14; 33, 6.
Last Judgment: 19, 37.

Lay Helpers' Associations: 46, 10.
Lector: 20, nr. 4; 46, 1, 9.
Lecturer: 53.

Legates, papal: 24; in Ireland: II, 8;
Legatine powers of English Arch-
bishops: 227; 24, nr. 7; 34, 12, 13,
nr. 15 ff., 28, 29, 31; 54, 26.
Leges Edwardi: 60, 24; app. xiv., ii.,

2; Leges Henrici: 4, nr. 35; 4, 40;
41; on Law-books called Leges Ed.
Conf. and Hen. I.: append. xiv., ii., 2.
Legitimatio per subsequens matrimo-
nium: 60, nr. 90 ff.

Letters dimissory: 199.

Letters of business: 55, 19, 25.
Letters of orders: 6, 42, 200.
Letters of request: 63, 4.
Letters missive: 6, nr. 17; 27, 27; 40; 4.

Cf. Appointment of Archbishops,
etc.; Preces regiae.

Letters testimonial: 7, 56; 20, 17, 24.

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