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below by means of the water-bath, on | the surface of which some oil was poured so as to intercept all communication between the water and the atmosphere. The sprig of mint was exposed to the light of the sun for twelve days consecutively at the end of each day, the carbonic acid was found to diminish in quantity, the water rising in the jar to supply the place of what was lost; and at the same time the plant exhaled a quantity of oxygen equal to that of the carbonic acid which had disappeared. A similar sprig of mint placed in a jar of the same size full of distilled water, but without having access to carbonic acid, gave out no oxygen gas and soon perished. When, in another experiment, conducted by means of the same apparatus as was used in the first, oxygen gas was substituted in the first jar, instead of carbonic acid gas, no gas was disengaged in the other jar which contained a sprig of mint. It is evident, therefore, that the oxygen gas obtained from the mint in the first experiment was derived from the decomposition by the leaves of the mint, of the carbonic acid, which the plant had absorbed from the water.

"Solar light is an essential agent in effecting this chemical change, for it is never found to take place at night, nor while the plant is kept in the dark. The experiments of Sennebier would tend to show that violet, or the most refrangible of the solar rays, have the greatest power in determining this decomposition of carbonic acid; but the experiments are of so delicate a nature, that this result requires to be confirmed by a more rigid investigation, before it can be admitted as satisfactorily established. That the carbon resulting from this decomposition of carbonie acid, is retained by the plant has been amply proved by the experiments of M. Theodore de Saussure, who found that this process is attended with a sensible increase in the quantity of carbon which the plant had previously contained."

But the Naturalist would not be tiresome to his readers: enough then for February; but when warmer months come on, and the stagnant waters are replete with life, and when myriads of insects are on the wing, he will show you through the microscope, some strange and wonderful forms, which, too minute to be seen with the naked eye, display no less impressively the power of God in creation, than the mighty elephant or the

colossal whale; structures of infinite beauty, proclaiming design and purpose, as clearly as does the hand of man, or the constitution of the human frame.


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"Ho!" said Frank, "a new stile to farmer White's rick-yard! I suppose it is intended to keep the cattle from trespassing; but as the people have been saying to you, this morning, uncle, 'it was not always so.' "No," I observed, "I remember, when it was quite open, being frightened by a wild bull. I am glad this fence is put up; for though I am so much taller and stouter than I was then, it is not exactly pleasant to meet a vicious animal. Do you not think it a very great improvement, uncle?" Yes, Samuel, I do; but it seems all the parish is not just of our mind; the alteration was very violently opposed by some of the people, and the stile, as fast as it was put up by day was pulled down at night." "But why did they object to it, uncle? Did it do them any harm? It is a good safe stile, that any body may easily get over."



Oh, yes, they can get over it easily enough if they choose to do so; the only objection I ever heard against it, was, that 'it was not always so.' I took some pains, at the request of the farmer and some of the neighbours, to reason with the opponents of the measure, and to convince them that it was a public good, and could not be in any way injurious: but my endeavours were fruitless, they would yield to no conviction but that of necessity; and only permitted the stile to remain when they found that they exposed themselves to legal punishment by pulling it down. The affair has at length blown over; and if the farmer should now attempt to throw it open again, it is likely that the very same people would be the first to complain of injury, and say, was not always so.' "What is there," said Frank, "that always was as it is at present? the world is continually changing."

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"True," said my uncle; "the ing dispensations of Providence and the vicissitudes of the children of men render it impossible that outward things should be unchangeable. Besides, while it is so possible for improvements to be adopted, it would be very undesirable,

even if it were possible, for things to remain stationary."

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to the county hospital. A call to alleviate the woes of others is one of the 'most efectual anodynes to the sorrowful spirit. The pensive features of Mr. Lee almost relaxed into a smile; and with a tone of gratified benevolence approaching even to cheerfulness, he expressed his willingness to comply with the request, and rose as if to lay his hand upon the necessary form. He advanced to the door



"It seems to be quite a favourite phrase in this neighbourhood, 'It was not always so.' I think we have heard it used this morning by at least five different persons; and yet from their manner of speaking, as well as from your replies to them, I do not think they all attached the same meaning to it." 'Nothing could be more opposite-returned-opened an escrutoire-closed than their several meanings; I could not it again-discovered perplexity and agihelp smiling to think of the difference, tation which he strove to hide-rang the and do not wonder at your noticing it. bell and desired to speak to Morris, the It would have been still more striking personal attendant of his late lady. if you had known more of the parties 'Morris," he inquired, 66 can you tell and their real circumstances." My me where your-can you tell me where uncle then proceeded, as far as he the infirmary tickets are kept ?" "Yes, thought proper, in sketching to us the sir; they are in my Mis-they are in characters and circumstances of the seve- the portable desk, sir." With a strong ral individuals who had used the ex- effort to subdue his feelings, he took pression. The first he doubted not had from the escrutoire a bunch of keys with uttered the words while struggling to which he was evidently not familiar; exercise a spirit of Christian resignation. for he tried several before one would He was a widower, who had recently turn the wards of an elegantly inlaid lost a most amiable and excellent wife. desk, which at length he opened with He appeared much gratified by my an expression of melancholy reveruncle's visit, and pressed him to remain to dinner. This was declined; however, as we staid some time, I suppose the servants expected we should dine there, and the housekeeper requested to speak to Mr. Lee. On his return, he apologized for leaving us; and said, with tears in his eyes, that it was quite new to him to be consulted about domestic arrangements. 66 "It was not always so," said the bereaved husband; "till now I knew not the value of that dear presiding spirit who arranged all these-not trifling matters; for that which occurs daily cannot be a trifle—without confusion and without bustle, yet always seemed at leisure to join in intellectual, social, or benevolent engagements." My uncle encouraged Mr. Lee to speak of the virtues of his excellent lady. I have heard him say that he thought it one of the most silly pieces of modern etiquette, when visiting a mourner, to avoid if possible, or to check all allusion to the object of his loss. He thought it both soothing and improving to cherish recollections of departed worth; and though they might seem to aggravate the bereavement, he considered that they had a direct tendency to reconcile the Christian to the temporary separation.

The conversation was again interrupted by an application for a ticket of admission

He soon discovered the requisite paper, and signed it with a trembling hand. As he presented it to the servant, he kindly desired that the applicant might be offered some refreshment, adding, "I am sorry he should have been so long detained." The servant left the room, and Mr. Lee continued, addressing himself to my uncle, "It was not always so; but I have lost my right hand. There is not an engagement or occurrence in which I do not miss her-O my friend, I am bereaved: but the Lord has done it, and it must be right. What he does I know not now, but I shall know hereafter," John xiii. 7. My uncle silently pressed the hand of the mourner. He understood too well the sacredness of grief to oppress the broken spirit even with topics of consolation which it was as yet scarcely able to bear. Something about a book which was mislaid again awakened tender reminiscences, and occasioned a repetition of the phrase, "It was not always so." My uncle then replied, "No, my friend, it is not with you as in months that are past, when the candle of the Lord shone upon your tabernacle; but when the mournful sense of your own privation overwhelms your mind, endeavour to think of her you loved and have lost, as adopting the same expression, 'It was not always so,' but with what different feelings!

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Yet a season and you know,
Happy entrance will be given.
All your sorrows left below,

And earth exchang'd for heaven.""

The good man seemed to admit the consolatory thought, and we left him somewhat soothed and cheered by Christian sympathy. Yes, and under many a trial since, when half disposed to murmur, or at least uselessly to regret that things are not now with me as they once were, I have found comfort in reflecting that in an opposite sense neither are they so with those once most dear to me; and in indulging a humble hope that they will not always be so with me, but that God himself shall wipe away all tears, Rev. xxi. 4.

After taking our leave of Mr. Lee, we called at a stationer's shop, where my uncle wished to make some purchases. The counter was attended by an active, obliging, and very lady-like woman, whom my uncle accosted with the respectful familiarity of an old friend, making particular inquiries after her health, and that of her family; to all of which she replied in a tone of dignified cheerfulness, and invited my uncle to walk in and see Mr. Willis, to which he consented. "Allow me," she said, "to lead the way, the passage is rather dark and narrow, but the parlour to which it leads is snug and comfortable." We followed, and were introduced to Mr. Willis, a middle-aged man, but who appeared feeble and an invalid. The room though small, was genteel and comfortable, and every article of furniture good of its kind, and arranged with perfect neatness and even elegance. The conversation of both Mr. and Mrs. Willis was intellectual and polished. It was evident that they possessed highly cultivated minds, and were familiar with the refinements of society. An interesting conversation about a scene on the banks of the Rhine, which it appeared my uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Willis had visited together, was interrupted by the shop bell, at the sound of which Mrs. Willis promptly but quietly withdrew. She presently returned, and apologized for her abrupt departure,

adding, with an expression between a sigh and a smile, "The shop bell is now the call of duty. It was not alShe paused a moment; and ways so." then, as if reproaching herself for the


most distant approach to a murmuring feeling, she continued, "but it is better as it is. We were never more comfortable than at present. My dear Charles is daily improving in health and spirits our house is convenient, airy, and cheerful, though not spacious: our dear children are already placed in excellent situations; Emily, as governess in a family, and the two young men in mercantile houses. It is a privation to be separated from them; but it is all for good. The encouragement we meet with in business affords reason to hope that it will sufficiently provide for our own support; and here the evening of our days may be spent very happily, though not exactly in the sphere to which we have been accustomed. Our circumstances really call for the exercise of lively gratitude and cheerful dependence. Surely goodness and mercy have followed us, and shall follow us, all the days of our lives; and, best of all, we hope to dwell in the house of the Lord for ever," Psa. xxiii. 6.

My uncle afterwards told us that the Willises from living in the highest style of mercantile opulence, had been suddenly reduced to their present humble circumstances; the parents, to keep a small shop in a country town; and the young people, to employ their talents and accomplishments in gaining a maintenance. "But," said he, "they bear the vicissitude well, especially that excellent woman whom we have just seen. Her Christian magnanimity and accommodating energy of character are truly admirable. She now presides at her counter, or arranges her little parlour with as much dignity, grace, and cheerfulness, as heretofore she stepped into her carriage or presided in her drawingroom. In each varying circumstance, she exemplifies and adorns the Christian character, and evidently appears as one whose resources are from on high, and whose home is in heaven."

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We met with two instances in which the phrase was adopted as the expression of cheerful gratitude. A poor widow, who, by my uncle's benevolent exertions, had been rescued from deep distress and parochial dependence, and put in a way of supporting her family by her industry, welcomed her benefactor with a heart overflowing with gratitude. She showed him the progress of her work, the stock of her little shop, the comforts of her habitation; told him of some of her children being at work, and bringing in a little weekly help; of others being at school and making fine progress in their learning, and reading the blessed Bible to cheer her evening hours. With tears in her eyes, she exclaimed, "O sir, it was not always so, nor ever would have been so but for your goodness. May we never cease to praise the Lord for his benefits, or to pray that the best of blessings may rest on you; God can reward you, though we cannot."

conduct. Indolent and selfish in the | to others, you no doubt found more extreme, he neglected his business, peace in your own mind and enjoyed gave himself up to sloth, and cared only more peace with others. A contented for the self-indulgence of the present mind is a continual feast; but content moment. His wife, an industrious, never dwells with indolence and selfishkind-hearted body, exerted herself to ness. He that would be loved must the utmost to keep things together, and render himself loveable. He that would to provide for him comforts which he have friends must show himself friendly. little deserved. He greedily appropri- Do you complain of others? Ask yourated whatever was set before him, or self, what have you done to make them whatever he could lay his hands upon, happy? Do you complain that the conlittle caring by whose labour it was solations of God are small with you? procured, provided it was not his own. Look within and inquire whether there In return, he dealt out insults and abuse is not some secret thing with you; for to those who laboured to serve him. there is no peace, saith my God, to the When his wife was toiling for his sup- wicked,' "" Isa. lvii. 21. port, he upbraided her for not joining him in his frivolous waste of time; worn down with anxiety and labour to supply his deficiencies, she was reproached with being less handsome and less sprightly than he once thought her. Every day of his life he threw the house into confusion, and then complained of its want of order. He was perpetually misplacing his own things, and those that were not his own; and when they were missed, would accuse those around him of having stolen them. If a book or other article were lent to him or intrusted to his care, when it was reclaimed, he became furious against the owner for wishing to deprive him of that which was his only comfort. By his violence and moroseness, mingled sometimes with the most disgusting levity and nonsense, he made himself odious to those around him, and then blamed them for not seeking his society, but, as far as they could, pursuing their several avocations and pleasures apart from him. He wearied out all his friends, and then upbraided them with fickleness and treachery. He habitually lived at variance with his conscience, and then complained that he was not happy. He frequently adopted, as the expression of his murmuring spirit against the dispensations of Providence, or of his unjust reproaches of his fellow-creatures, "It was not always He sometimes uttered his complaints to my Uncle Barnaby, who clearly saw into the true cause of all his troubles, (as indeed any one possessed of common sense might easily do,) and generally gave him a little plain dealing, such as would be more salutary than pleasant, "It was not always so, Mr. Scott!" said my uncle. "No, I dare say not; when you cultivated better feelings, and were more concerned about discharging your duty


The other case was that of a wanderer reclaimed by the power of Divine grace from his sinful ways-rescued from the sinful and ruinous pleasures of the world, and brought to experience, even in the exercises of penitence, the beginning of that peace and pleasantness which belong to the ways of wisdom. He showed too that religion is not only a personal but a relative blessing, and displayed its influence in his endeavours to promote the welfare and happiness of an amiable wife and interesting family, whom he had long neglected and rendered miserable by his vices. My uncle's was a visit of kind encouragement. The wife made no allusion to the change; but the silent expression of tenderness and happiness seemed to be gradually chasing away from her countenance the deep traces of anxiety and distress. The

husband looked at her with fond admiration bordering upon reverence; and on her leaving the room, spoke to my uncle of her unwearied patience and gentleness, and the uniform consistency of her deportment, which had been the means of winning him over to give a hearing to the gospel; that gospel which he humbly trusted had been made the power of God to his salvation. He spoke of the domestic happiness he now enjoyed, and said, "It was not always so; but the grace of God has made the difference, and

Oh to grace how great a debtor,
Daily I'm constrain'd to be;
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,

Bind my wandering heart to thee."

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Frank's remark on the phrase, "It was not always so," led my uncle to give us such particulars in the character and history of the several parties as he thought illustrative of the several dispositions, with which they uttered the expression. He closed, by saying, "One uses it in the language of sinful repining and unjust reproach. The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the Lord,' Prov. xix. 3. The Christian in prosperity uses it with humble gratitude; like Jacob of old, 'I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast showed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands,' Gen. xxxii. 10."

The Christian in bereavement and

privation says, "It was not so always;" but it is right that it should be so now. "Even so Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight," Matt. xi. 26. "Not my will, but thine, be done," Luke xxii. 42. The humble penitent looks "unto the rock whence he was hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence he was digged," Isa. li. 1; and with adoring gratitude exclaims, "Who maketh me thus to differ from my former self? and what have I that I did not receive ?" The Christian, in whatever circumstances he may be placed, can say, "It was not always so; I am not what I was: I was a rebel against God, a slave to sin and Satan. Still I am not what I ought to be; how imperfect and deficient! I am not what I wish to be; for I abhor that which is evil, and would cleave to that which is good. I am not yet what I hope to be. It will not be always so. Soon I shall

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LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. Class Diæcia. Taxus Baccata.

Barren Flowers. Calyx none, excepting an imbricated bud. Corolla none. Filaments united at the base into a column, dividing into numerous

anthers, pellates, each of which terminates in eight

rounded segments. Fertile Flowers. Calyx mi

nute, inferior, cup shaped, imbricate; afterwards superior, egg shaped. Style none. Stigma obtuse.

enlarged, and permanent. Corolla none. Germen

Berry formed of the enlarged, pulpy scarlet-coloured calyx. Seed one, oblong, generally imbedded in the berry. Leaves two rowed, linear, crowded, dark green, shining above.

THE yew, though now too much neglected, is a tree of no little interest, from its connexion with the military and superstitious history of our country. It is a native of the British islands, and was formerly much more abundant than it is at present. It is also indigenous in North America, the eastern parts of Asia, and the north of Europe. Various reasons have been assigned for its botanical name, Taxus; some deriving it from toxon, a bow, as it was formerly the

* See a well known anecdote of the late Rev. J. Newton.-Anecdotes. Christian Graces.

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