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St. Margaret and

St. John, Westminster.

Grey Coat
Prize Fund.

Kempson Prize Fund.-This fund represents the investment of 2007. given by the late George Streater Kempson in 1868, in the name of his family, who had been connected with the Grey Coat Hospital for nearly a century. In presenting the 2007. Mr. Kempson expressed the wish that it might be invested to form a fund, the interest of which should be devoted to the purchase of prizes to be given at periods to be fixed by the governors. The 2007. was invested in 2177. 78. 10d. Consols, which sum was transferred to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds on the 1st June 1874, and is now represented by a like sum of New Consols (see page 88). So far as has been ascertained no declaration of trust of this fund has been executed.

The Foundation known as the Grey Coat Hospital is now administered in conformity with the provisions of a Scheme framed under the Endowed Schools Acts and approved by Her Majesty in Council on the 3rd March 1873, as amended by a Scheme established by an Order of the Charity Commissioners dated the 4th November 1892, and a Scheme framed under the Endowed Schools Acts and approved by Her Majesty on the 20th November 1894.

The Schemes of the 17th August 1876 and the 6th April 1886, were repealed by the Scheme of the 4th November 1892. The variations made by the Schemes of the 4th November 1892 and the 20th November 1894 are set out on pages 86 and 87.

The principal provisions of the Scheme of the 3rd March 1873 are in substance as follows:

That the object of the Foundation shall be to supply a practical education suitable to such children as purpose to continue their scholastic education up to the age of 14 years or thereabouts; and to give instruction in the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England as by law established, and that from the date of the Scheme all the particulars which by the Endowed Schools Act, 1869, section 46, were capable of being thereby repealed and abrogated, be repealed and abrogated.

It is further provided that the governing body shall consist of 21 persons, three to be ex-officio governors, eight nominated and 10 coöptative.

The ex-officio governors to be the Dean of Westminster and the members of Parliament representing the City of Westminster, if they will respectively accept and act in the trusts of the Scheme.

Of the nominated governors, two to be incumbents of some ecclesiastical district which, or part of which, lies with the parishes of St. Margaret and St. John in Westminster, and to be selected by the whole body of such incumbents; one to be a layman nominated by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster; three to be nominated by the Westminster members of the School Board for London, either from their own number or not as they think fit; two to be nominated by the governing body of Westminster School, either from their own number or not as they think fit. It is provided that those who are both nominors and nominees shall be appointed to be governors during the tenure of the offices that qualify them as nominors, the others each for a term of five years, but with capacity for reappointment as often as their respective nominors think fit; that of the coöptative governors half at least shall always be women; the coöptative governors to hold office for 10 years.

That except as therein provided coöptative governors shall be provisionally appointed by the governors as therein mentioned, but no provisional appointment shall become valid until it has been approved by the Charity Commissioners.

That at least two meetings shall be held in each year, and that at all meetings a quorum shall be constituted when five governors are present. The Scheme contains the usual management and vesting clauses, and directs that from and after the date thereof the existing Corporation of the Governors of the Grey Coat Hospital in Tothill Fields of the Royal Foundation of Queen Anne shall be dissolved, and, except as therein otherwise expressly provided, all property, rights and powers vested in that corporation shall be transferred to and vested in the governors created by the Scheme.

The Scheme then directs as follows:

Clause 28. As soon as may be after the date of this Scheme, the governors shall establish a day school on or near to the site of the present hospital, capable of receiving 300 day scholars or thereabouts, and a boarding school capable of receiving at least 60 boarders either on the same site with the day school or elsewhere in the vicinity of London as the governors think best.

Clause 29. For this purpose the governors shall proceed as quickly as may be to complete the purchase already agreed upon with the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England and Wales of the reversion and freehold of the land which they now hold under leases from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, in case the same shall not have been completed before the date of this Scheme.

Clause 30. They shall provide suitable accommodation for the day scholars aforesaid, either by altering or adding to the present hospital buildings, or by erecting new buildings. For such works

they may expend the capital funds of the trust to the extent of 5,000l., but shall not exceed that sum St. Margaret except with the sanction of the Charity Commissioners.


St. John, Westminster.

Clause 31. They shall also purchase a suitable site for the boarding school, and erect buildings thereon so as to provide suitable accommodation for the boarders aforesaid. They may also provide accommodation for more boarders, as herein-after mentioned, not, however, exceeding in the first The instance 120 boarders, or thereabouts, in the aggregate. For such works they may expend the Grey Coat capital funds of the Trust to the extent of 12,000l., but shall not exceed that sum except with the Hospitalsanction of the Charity Commissioners.

That each school shall be under the control and management of a head mistress. The head mistress of the day school and the head mistress of the boarding school to receive fixed yearly stipends of 801. and 1007. a year respectively, and capitation payments on such a scale as may be agreed upon between them respectively and the governors, being at the rate of not less than 108., nor more than 30s. yearly for each girl in the day school, and not less than 17. nor more than 27. yearly for each girl in the boarding school.

The Scheme then directs as follows:

Clause 45. Besides the 60 boarders mentioned in clause 28 of this Scheme the governors may make regulations for the reception of boarders in the boarding school, upon the system generally known as the hostel system, under which the pecuniary and domestic arrangements of the boarding house are regulated by persons directly accountable to the governors, and the profit, if there is any, accrues to the credit of the Trust. If there is a demand for the reception of more girls than the school house or houses will accommodate, the governors may make regulations for the boarding of girls in the houses of the teachers or other persons upon suitable terms.

The Scheme provides for the payment of entrance and tuition fees by all girls, except as thereinafter provided, the entrance fee not to exceed 10s., and the tuition fees to be, in the day school not more than 47. nor less than 21. a year, and in the boarding school not more than 51. nor less than 31. a year. The payments for boarding apart from tuition fees to be as low as the governors can fix, having regard to the class of girls for whom the school is intended, to be calculated to cover the cost, but not to exceed the rate of 201. a year. No girl is to be admitted into the day school unless she has attained the age of 7 years, or into the boarding school until she has attained the age of 10 years, no girl to remain in either school after attaining the age of 15 years. The Scheme then directs as follows:

Clause 49. Subject to the provisions established by or under the authority of this Scheme, the day school shall be open to receive all girls who are of good character, and of sufficient bodily health, and the boarding school shall be open to receive all such girls as boarders, and as day scholars all such girls who are also residing with their parents, guardians, or next friends, or in some boarding house established under the sanction of the governors. No girl not so residing or boarding shall be admitted to the boarding school unless she has previously obtained the express permission of the


Clause 50. Applications for admission to either school shall be made to the head mistress, or to some other person named by the governors, according to a printed form to be approved of by the governors, and delivered to all applicants.

The Scheme provides for a graduated entrance examination for each school, and directs that the subjects of secular instruction shall be reading and spelling, writing, arithmetic, English grammar and composition, outlines of geography political and physical, outlines of English history, English literature, drawing, vocal music, needlework, domestic economy and the laws of health, at least one branch of natural science, and at least one modern European language.

The Scheme provides, as directed by clause 15 of the Endowed Schools Act, 1869, for the exemption of any day scholar from religious instruction and worship, but subject to the provisions thereof directs the governors and the respective head mistresses to make proper regulations for the religious instruction to be given in the school.

Annual examinations are to be held in each school, and each head mistress is to make an annual report to the governors on the general condition of the school under her charge.

The Scheme then directs as follows:

Clause 59. As soon as practicable after the date of this Scheme the governors shall establish a system of exhibitions tenable at the schools. Such exhibitions shall entitle the holders to one or more of the following advantages:

(a.) Total or partial exemption from entrance or tuition fees at the day school.

(b.) Total or partial exemption from payments of all kinds in the boarding school.

(c) Other pecuniary emoluments calculated to meet the costs of books and stationery, or to reimburse to the parents the expense or loss of keeping their girls at school.


(d.) Payment to day scholars equivalent to the advantages given under clause (b.) to scholars in the boarding school.

St. Margaret and

Clause 60. The number of exhibitioners under clause 59 (a.) shall be at least 100, of whom at least 60 shall be wholly exempt and the rest wholly or partially exempt. The number of exhibitioners under St. John, clause 59 (b.) and (d.) shall be at least 60, of whom at least 40 shall be wholly exempt, and the rest Westminster, wholly or partially exempt, or shall receive the equivalents of such exemptions.


Grey Coat Hospitalcontinued.

The exhibitions to be conferred on girls entering the schools, to be given as the reward of merit and according to regulations made by the governors. Of the exhibitions twothirds are to be conferred upon poor girls who have been educated at some public elementary school or schools within the parishes of St. Margaret or St. John Westminster, for a space of at least three years, and have passed the Government Inspector's examination in the standard suitable to their age and standing. The other third to be preferentially conferred upon poor girls who by reason of orphanage or other adversity shall, in the opinion of the governors, be proper objects of bounty, and under such regulations and restrictions as the governors shall think fit. None of the last-mentioned class of exhibitions to be thrown open to others until the head mistress has reported that there are not enough girls of the preferred class who on examination prove fit to enter the school.

It is provided that when the state of the schools admits, the governors shall also elect scholars in each of the two schools, who shall be entitled to receive such yearly sums and for such periods as the governors shall determine for the purpose of carrying on their general education at some place adapted to the education of older girls, or for fitting themselves by special education for some profession or calling. The exhibitions and scholarships to be tenable only for the purposes of education or gaining a start in some profession or calling, and to be determinable by the governors for the gross misconduct or idleness of the holder, or if she wilfully ceases to pursue her education, profession or calling.

The Scheme provides for the saving of interests of existing scholars, and authorises the governors (clause 66), in the events mentioned, to pay to Mr. Newlyn, the then master, and Mrs. Higgs, the then matron, pensions of 401. and 301. respectively. The Scheme then directs as follows:

Clause 67. After the date of this Scheme, the sum of 6,000l. Three per Cent. Annuities shall be carried to a separate account, in the name of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, entitled "Repairs and Improvements." The income shall be paid to the governors, and applied by them in ordinary repairs or improvements of the property used for the purposes of the schools, and if not wanted for that purpose shall be accumulated by them to the same account. The governors shall draw upon the accumulations at their discretion for the purpose of any repairs or improvements, but shall not encroach upon the capital, except for the purpose of substantial improvements or extraordinary repairs or renewal, and then not without the consent of the Charity Commissioners, and under such conditions of replacing that capital as that Board may think right.

Clause 68. After defraying the expenses of management and of any ordinary repairs or improvements which the income of the repair fund may be insufficient to answer, the governors shall employ the income in payment of the pension of 60l. per annum, granted to Mr. Grove on his retiring from the mastership in the year 1867, and any other pensions or legal claims which may be due in paying the necessary expenses for the conduct of the school and in providing for such exhibitions, prizes, or scholarships as they may have adjudged.

The governors are authorised, if the funds suffice for the purpose, to agree with either head mistress for the formation of a pension or superannuation fund, and to employ the residue of income in increasing the stipend of either head mistress, or the fund applicable in either school to the payment of assistant teachers and the purchase of school plant or apparatus, in improving the accommodation of the school buildings, in providing further exhibitions, &c., or generally in promoting the spirit and efficiency of the schools. Any surplus at the end of each year to be deposited in a bank, and if the sums deposited rise to 3007., to be invested in the name of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds to the general credit of the Foundation.

Lastly, the Scheme directs that if any doubt or question shall arise among the governors as to the proper construction or application of any of the provisions of the Scheme, the governors may apply to the Charity Commissioners for their opinion and advice thereon, which opinion and advice when given shall be binding on the governors.

By a further Scheme established by an Order of the Charity Commissioners dated the 4th November 1892 the Scheme of the 3rd March 1873 was amended to give effect to, inter alia, the following provisions :

That the governing body shall consist of 22 persons, four ex-officio governors, eight nominated, and ten coöptative.

"The ex-officio governors to be the Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, and the members of Parliament respectively representing the several parliamentary boroughs known as Westminster, the Strand, and St. George, Hanover Square, as constituted under the Redistribution of Seats Acts, 1885, if they will respectively accept and act in the trusts of the Scheme."

That the approval by the Charity Commissioners of the appointments of coöptative St. Margaret governors shall be no longer required.

That the clause of the Scheme of 1873 regulating the admission of girls to the schools shall be altered, and be read as follows:


St. John, Westminster.


Grey Coat

"No girl, except as hereinafter provided, shall be admitted into the day school unless she has attained the age of seven years, nor into the boarding school until she has attained the age of 10 Hospital-years, and no girl shall remain in either school after she has attained the age of 15 years, or if she continued. attains that age during a school term then after the end of such term, except with the written permission of the governors to be given only in special cases upon the recommendation of the head mistress."

That after clause 66 shall be inserted the following clause:

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66A. The governors may, if they think fit, maintain in the day school a kindergarten or department for the education of children, whether boys or girls, under the age of seven years, and so far as relates to this department the Scheme shall be read as if the word "girl" included "boy" with any consequent modifications. In this department the governors may adapt the foregoing provisions relating to the examination for admission and to the subjects of instruction in such manner as they think suitable to the age of the scholars.

By a Scheme made, inter alia, in the matter of the Grey Coat Hospital, and approved by Her Majesty in Council on the 20th November 1894, the Scheme of the 3rd March 1873 was further amended so as to give effect to the following provisions :--

Clause 14. There shall be added to the governing body one representative governor to be appointed by the London County Council for the remainder of the term for which the then existing county councillors were elected, and thereafter until the appointment of his successor.

Clause 17. If and so long as a contribution is received from the Technical Education Board of the London County Council in aid of any of the aforesaid schools there shall be added to the governing body of the school so aided, one or more governors, who shall be appointed by the said Technical Education Board, but so that the total number so to be appointed in each case shall not exceed that prescribed by the Technical Instruction Act, 1889, where aid is given by a local authority.

A pension or superannuation fund for the head mistress of the day school was established in 1878, the governors and head mistress undertaking to contribute 251. a year each, the amounts so provided being invested in the name of the Official Trustees of Charitable funds. A similar fund for the head mistress of the Boarding School was started in 1896. The amounts of the funds are as follows:-Head mistress (Day School), 1,4871. 15s. 6d. Metropolitan 37. 10s. per Cent. Consolidated Stock; head mistress (Boarding School), 1837. 17s. 6d. Metropolitan 37. per Cent. Consolidated Stock.

The property of the Foundation is described in the subjoined schedule :-


How let, or in whose Name Invested.

Gross Annual


s. d.

The site of the Day School, Grey Coat Place, in the parish of St. John the Evangelist and the buildings thereon, and land adjoining used as a playground.

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The site of the Boarding School at Caversham, in the Used for the Boarding School county of Oxford, and land adjoining.


Land and buildings in Marlborough Place, in the parish of St. John the Evangelist.

Land and building Horseferry Road, in the same

Houses, land, and buildings in Bath Road, Bedford
Park, in the parish of Chiswick, in the county of
Middlesex, known as "the Hotel," 99 66 'the Stores,"
and Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 14 to 52 (even numbers
only) both inelusive, and three pieces of land.
25 houses at Stroud Green, in the parish of Hornsey,
in the county of Middlesex, known as Nos. 16 to 34
(even numbers only) both inclusive, Stapleton Hall
Road, and Nos. 4 to 32 (even numbers only) both
inclusive, Albert Road.

16 houses at Forest Gate, in the parish of East Ham,
in the county of Essex, known as Nos. 104, 119,
139, 141, 143, 145, Windsor Road, and 127, 133,
135, and 139 to 151 (odd numbers only), both
inclusive, Claremont Road.

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