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the wicked, O wicked man, thou fhalt furely die; if thou doft not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand "." "Though we, or an Angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accurfed "." "If I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a difpenfation of the gofpel is committed unto me ;... neceffity is laid upon me; yea, Wo is unto me, if I preach not the gospel P."

(n) Ezek. xxxiii. 7, 8,

(0) Gal. i. 8.

(p) 1 Cor. ix. 16, 17.


(A) The venerable Baronet, mentioned page 116, has affured the author, that he had no intention, in quoting only the former part of Lord Bacon's description of the church, but to fhew, "that there is an invifible and spiritual church, as well as a vifible and external one :" and it is clear, from what is advanced by this pious writer in a fubfequent work, that he should be fo interpreted.

(C) It has been objected, by perfons for whofe judgment the author entertains very high refpect, that Dr. Paley has not juftice done him in this paragraph; and that the advantages attending the inftitution of property, which he proceeds to mention in the subsequent chapter, remove the wrong impreffion left by this bare ftatement of what he fuppofes to be the fact.-The occasion on which the comparison is made fhould have been noticed. The writer's intention, however, was, to censure the statement itself, whatever explanation may be given of it. Such a representation, he conceives, is both false and pernicious. It is not true! that, in civil fociety, "the ninety-nine reserve nothing for themselves but the chaff and refufe:" many of them feed no worse, and know far lefs anxiety, than the " one." It is mischievous to represent those who fill exalted ftations, as rioting, without concern, and without reftraint, on the fweat of their inferiors. -Nor are the writer's notions, by any means, fingular on the point. "It appears to me," faith Mr. Pearfon, obferving on this chapter of Dr. Paley," that the effects of the inftitution of property, as here ftated, are greatly overcharged." (Annotations p. 29.) In the view of another Annotator, the paffage contains the fubftance of that which all fa&tious and feditious men have urged," in order to effect their purposes.--When, therefore, Dr. P.'s repetition of the worst part of this representation, in his chapter on civil government, and the other paffages which are quoted from him, are also taken into the account, it is, furely, a moft candid defcription of his notions, only to fay, that " his manner of speaking on the subject fuggefts very different ideas of the duties of loyalty and fubordination, from those inculcated in our homilies."

(D) The reader of " Remarks, &c." addreffed to the author, by Edward Pearfon, B. D. is requefted to examine what Mr. P. gives, p. 36, 37, as Mr. O's quotations and references refpecting Dr. Hey. In the first inftance, he will find, Mr. P. exprefsly represents a part of what

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Dr. H. fays, as the whole of it; and takes no notice of a reference to no fewer than seven places in Dr. H.'s lectures, which the writer fup. pofes to bear upon his point. In the second inftance, Mr. P. is also partial in respect to reference; wholly omits various notes and explanations, on which the point in question immediately turns; and, in profeffing to quote the precife paffage of Dr. Hey, ftops at the beginning of the very words on which the writer would lay the greatest stress.Whether Mr. P. allow the fame importance to what is omitted, or not, is no matter. Of this it would have been the reader's bufinefs to judge, when it was presented to him.In this conduct, therefore, under his circumftances, with the evil of unfair quotation or misreprefentation immediately under reprehenfion, Mr. P. will, doubtless, be confidered a remarkable inftance of a Gentleman, with great apparent coolness and candour, notoriously fubjecting himself to the very charge he is, un-fuccessfully, attempting to substantiate against another. Wrong intention, however, is by no means fufpected to have obtained, but, furely, greater accuracy fhould have been obferved.

On the main fubject of Mr. P.'s "Remarks," the writer will only here obferve, that, with all poffible deference to the judgment of so refpectable an author, he cannot fee that Mr. P. has invalidated the ob jections, already advanced in this work, againft his mode of interpreting the articles and homilies of our church on Juftification; proved any incorrectness in the fatement of the doctrine here adopted; or produced any thing, either from the church or the scriptures, inconfiftent with this view of it. If it should appear, that the more impartial pub lic are of a different opinion, or any other fufficient reason should prefent itself, an opportunity of paying further attention to the subject will be taken.

Printed at the Office of
High Ouiegate, York,



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