A subject of the rarest kind of pity murther Paid them their wages of despair and horror; The roughness of their task, and robb'd them far ther Of hearts to dare, or hands to execute. always with the original in view. The speech before us opens thus in Bacon : " High and mighty king! your grace, and then your nobles here present, may be pleased to hear the tragedy of a young mantossed from misery to misery. You see before you the spectacle of a Plantagenet, who hath been carried from the nursery to the sanctuary, from the sanctuary to the dismal prison; from the prison to the hands of the cruel tormentor, &c. D2 Great king, they spared my life, the butchers', spared it! Return'd the tyrant, my unnatural uncle, Whose power sway'd the throne then: when dis dain Of living so unknown, in such a servile My bondage, and made haste to let my aunt world. K. Ja. My lord, it stands not with your counsel now To fly upon invectives; if you can War. You are a wise and just king, by the powers Above reserv'd, beyond all other aids, Of my conveyance next, of my life since, Great sir, 'tis fit I over-pass in silence; Reserving the relation to the secrecy Of your own princely ear, since it concerns Some great ones living yet, and others dead, Whose issue might be question'd. For your bounty, Royal magnificence to him that seeks it, As if we were your own and natural brother; To express a gratitude beyond example. K. Ja. He must be more than subject who can utter The language of a king, and such is thine. thee. Come, we will taste a while our court-delights, you. Lead on [Exeunt all but the ladies. Countess. I have not seen a gentleman 1 His fortunes move not him-Madam, you are passionate.4 Kath. Beshrew me, but his words have touch'd As if his cause concern'd me; I should pity him, A Flourish.-Enter King HENRY, OXFORD, DUR- K. Hen. Have ye condemn'd my chamberlain? Condemn'd him, sir; which were as clear and manifest, As foul and dangerous: besides, the guilt * Madam, you are passionate.] i. e. distressed, deeply affected: the Countess had observed Katherine weeping. K. Hen. Oh, lord bishop, This argued shame and sorrow for his folly, Our mercy, and the softness of our nature; The rigour and extremity of law Is sometimes too too bitter; but we carry I hope we may reprieve him from the sentence Dur. You may, you may; And so persuade your subjects that the title Oxf. By Vere's old honours, To engage a soul in. K. Hen. What a coil is here To keep my gratitude sincere and perfect! Stanley was once my friend, and came in time * Stanley was once my friend, &c.] Much of this is from the noble historian. The king certainly holds a very different language from that which we had in a former page; but it is characteristic of his close, cold, and selfish nature. "As a little leaven (Bacon |