SHAKSPEARE AND HIS TIMES: INCLUDING THE BIOGRAPHY OF THE POET; CRITICISMS ON HIS GENIUS AND WRITINGS; A NEW CHRONOLOGY OF HIS PLAYS; A DISQUISITION ON THE OBJECT OF HIS SONNETS; AND A HISTORY OF THE MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND AMUSEMENTS, SUPERSTITIONS, POETRY, AND ELEGANT LITERATURE OF HIS AGE. BY NATHAN DRAKE, M.D. AUTHOR OF "LITERARY HOURS," AND OF "ESSAYS ON PERIODICAL LITERATURE." PRINTED FOR T. CADELL AND W. DAVIES, IN THE STRAND. 1817. Dedications of Shakspeare's VENUS AND ADONIS, and RAPE OF LUCRECE, to the Earl of Southampton-Biographical Sketch of the Earl - Critique on On the Dress and Modes of Living, and the Manners and Customs of the CHAP. VII. - 87 CHAP. XII. 419 AAN ON ANTtony and Cleopatra; on Corio\wa D'AN; on THE TEMPEST - Dissertation on the asmes in the ART OF MAGIC, and on Shakspeare's Nuperstition as exhibited in THE TEMPEST - ObON TWELFTH NIGHT, and on the PLAYS ASCRIBED MMANY OF SHAKSPEARE'S DRAMATIC CHARACTER. CHAP. XIII. 490 "Mamatic Poetry, and its Cultivators, during Shakespeare's Wawah the Stage. VA 556 |