CONTENTS. CHAP. 1. Exercises in Parsing, as it respects Etymology CHAP. 1. Sentences which require the application of the Comma, disposed under the particular Page. 3. Sentences requiring the application of the Page. Colon, &c. 105 4. Sentences which require the insertion of the 106 5. Sentences requiring the application of the 6. Promiscuous instances of defective Punctua 107 tion, 108 PART V. EXERCISES TO PROMOTE PERSPICUOUS AND ACCURATE WRITING. First, with respect to single words and phrases. CHAP. 1. Violations of the Rules of Purity, 3. Violations of the Rules of Precision, 117 118 124 Secondly, with respect to the construction of sentences. CHAP. 1. Sentences in which the Rules of Clearness are violated, 125 2. Sentences in which the Rules of Unity are violated, 129 3. Sentences in which the Rules for promoting 139. 5. Violations of the Rules respecting perspicuous 141 APPENDIX. CHAP. 1. On transposing the members of a sentence. 153 2. On variety of expression.. 155 CONTENTS to the KEY, see page 163 PART 1. EXERCISES IN PARSING. CHAPTER I. EXERCISES IN PARSING, AS IT RESPECTS ETYMOLOGY ALONE. SECTION 1. Etymological Parsing Table. WHAT part of speech? 1. An article.-What kind? Why? 2. A substantive. Common or proper? What gender? Number? Case? Why? 3. An adjective.-What degree of comparison? To what does it belong? Why an adjective? 4. A pronoun.-What kind? Person? Gender? Number? Case? Why? 5. A verb. What kind? Mood? Tense? Number? Person? Why? If a participle, Why? Active or passive? 6. An adverb.-Why is it an adverb? 7. A preposition.-Why a preposition? 8. A conjunction.-What kind? Why is it a conjunction? 9. An interjection.-Why? Hope is a common substantive of the third person, in the singular number, and the nominative case. [Decline the subVOL. II. sonal pronoun, of the second person, the singular number, and in the nominative case. [Decline the pronoun.] Art is an irregular verb neuter, indicative mood, present tense, and the second person singular. SECTION 3. Examples of all the parts of speech, of the cases of nouns and pronouns, the comparison of adjectives, and the moods and tenses of verbs. 1. Article, Substantive, Adjective, Pronoun, and Verb. A fragrant flower. The sweetest incense. He will have determined. He might have failed. We should have considered. To see the sun is pleasamt. To have conquered himself was a high praise. Promoting others' good, we advance our own. He lives respected. Having resigned his office, he retired. They are discouraged. Let him be animated. To have been admired, availed him little. Being reviled, we bless. |