visible at every step; but gradual in its advances, and perceptible only when considerable effects have been produced. The British constitution stands among the nations of the earth, like an ancient oak in the wood, which, after having overcome many a blast, overtops the other trees of the forest, and commands respect and veneration, SECTION 6. See Vol. 2. p. 148. WHAT an anchor is to a ship in a dark night, on an unknown coast, and amidst a boisterous ocean, that is the hope of future happiness to the soul, when distracted by the confusious of the world. In danger, it gives security; amidst general fluctuation, it affords one fixed point of rest. Our pride and self-conceit render us quarrelsome and contentious, by nourishing a weak and childish sensibility to every fancied point of our own honour or interest, while they shut up all regard to the honour or interest of our brethren. If there be any first principle of wisdom, it is undoubtedly this the distresses that are removable, endeavour to remove; those which cannot be removed, bear, with as little disquiet as you can: in every situation of life, there are comforts: find them out, and enjoy them. Instead of aspiring beyond your proper level, bring down your mind to your state; lest, by aiming too high, you spend your life in a train of fruitless pursuits, and bring yourself at last to a state of entire insignificance and contempt. Often have we seen, that what we considered at the time, as a sore disappointment, has proved, in the issue, to be a merciful providence; and that, if what we once eagerly wished for had been obtained, it would have been so far from making us happy, that it would have produced our ruin. Can the stream continue to flow, when it is cut off from the the fountain? Can the branch flourish, when torn away from the stock which gave it nourishment? No more can dependent spirits be happy, when deprived of all union with the Father of spirits, and the fountain of happiness. Prosperity is redoubled to a good man, by his generous use of it. It is reflected back upon him from every one whom he makes happy. In the intercourse of domestic affection, in the attachment of friends, the gratitude of dependents, the esteem and good-will of all who know him, he sees blessings multiplied round him on every side. He that would pass the latter part of life with honour and decency, must, when he is young, consider, that he shall one day be old; and remember when he is old, that he once was young. In youth, he must lay up knowledge for his support, when his powers of acting shall forsake him; and in age, forbear to animadvert with rigour, on faults which experience only can correct. Let us consider that youth is not of long duration; and that in maturer age, when the enchantments of fancy shall cease, and phantoms dance no more about us, we shall have no comforts but the approbation of our own hearts, the esteem, of wise men, and the means of doing good. Let us live as men who are some time to grow old; and to whom it will be the most dreadful of all evils, to count their past years only by follies, and to be reminded of their former luxuriance of health, only by the maladies which riot has produced. Accent dignifies fyllables; emphasis, words, 244 By what marks fignified, Generally different in pronouns, Whether the pofitive is a degree of comparison, Manner of pronouncing the unaccented vowels, denotes the speaker's education, ACCUSATIVE cafe. The fame as the objective, in nouns, ADDRESS to young students, on the use and abuse of their literary attainments, ADJECTIVE. The definition of it, It is varied only by degrees of Comparifon, 18 282 43 51, 52 Various modes of forming the degrees of comparison, 47 How adjectives become nouns, and nouns adjectives, 47, 48, 169, 170 ADJECTIVE. Though the degrees of comparison are indefinite in number, yet. language requires but few of them, 48 The fuperlative of Eminente, and the fuperlative of Comparison diftinguished 49 Adjectives having a superlative fignification, do not admit of comparison, 167 In particular cafes, the adjective and noun fhould not be separated, 167, 168 A plural adjective pronoun will fometimes affociate with a fingular noun, In what cafes to be omitted, in what repeated, 168 168 268, 274 Exercises, 57, Key, 192 ADVANTAGES to be derived from the study of Grammar, vii, viii, 288, 289, 356, 365 The reader who consults this index, will observe that the references to the pages, al- ways point to the first volume, unless the Exercises or Key are mentioned. |