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the Number of Men the Pinnace of a AD.1682. fifth Rate Man of War, might be fuppos'd to carry For he fays, That the Duke might eafily have taken in fourfcore more than he did: And if we fuppofe, which is the leaft we can, that he had twenty with him before; thefe added to the fourfcore he would have had him taken in, will amount to an hundred: And if he can find any Pinnace in the Navy, that belongs to a fifth Rate, that will carry half that Number, fome Credit may be given to thofe improbable Facts he has given in upon Oath in his Hiftory. Indeed it is obfervable, that our Author has turned the Pinnace into a Long-Boat: But though this be a Mistake that I fhall not much infift on, his Friends will be troubled to find either a Pinnace or a Long-Boat in the Navy, that belongs to a fifth Rate, which will carry an hundred' Men. Befides, it appears that the Duke was awakened out of his Sleep; and that they were all in a great Confternation, and had very little Time to deliberate. It is apparent alfo, that they did expect, that the Boats from the other Ships would have come time enough to their Affiftance, by the Captain's remaining on Board, who escaped into one of them: And it was purely an Accident, that the Ship funk fo fuddenly, and no more of the Men were faved. But this will remain as a Specimen, how glad Doctor Burnet was of an Opportunity of venting his Spleen against the Royal Family, and how little the Facts he relates, are to be depended



34 Car.II.

A.D.1682. And if any thing is to be gathered from the Bishop's Reflexion at laft, it is this; That his Malice and Prejudice to the Duke of York fometimes deprived him of his Reason fo far, as to put him upon affirming Facts upon Oath, that it is impoffible for any Man to believe, unless the poor, credulous Tindal: For if it could be fuppofed, that the Duke was more concerned for his Priefts (if they were fuch) than for his Relations and Friends that he carried with him on this Occafion; will any Man believe that he preferred his Dogs to them too, as the Bishop fuggefts? It is well they did not make another Plot of it, and give out, that the Duke carried down his Proteftant Friends and Relations along with him, on purpofe to drown them. But to proceed in our Hiftory.

The Duke

The Duke, continuing his Voyage to Scotand his land, arrived at Edinburgh the feventh of Family return from May; and having taken his Leave of the Scotland. Council there, returned with the Dutchess,



the Princess Anne (afterwards Queen) and a great Train of the Nobility of both Sexes, by Sea to England, arriving in the Thames the 26th of the fame Month: Soon after which, he was congratulated by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, on his happy Escape and Return; and the People teftified their Joy as ufual, by their Bells and Bonfires.

The Faction, however, were not fo much John/on's difcouraged, but they continued to libel the Government as much as ever; and, among other Whig-Scribblers, Samuel Johnson, a Chaplain or Dependant in the Earl of Bedford's Family, took upon him to write a Treatife, which he ftiled Julian the Apoftate; endeavouring to draw a Parallel between the Em



peror Julian and the Duke of York: He alfo 4.D.1682. vindicated the Bill of Exclufion, and laughed at Paffive Obedience, as a Mahometan Doctrine.

34 Car. II.

tions a

In the mean time the Earl of Shaftsbury Shaftsbury brought an Action of Scandalum magnatum brings Acagainst one Cradock, a Mercer in London, for gainst his faying he was a Traytor, or to that Effect; Enemies. and the Action being laid in London, Cradock's and drops Council alledged, there was no Probability of them. a fair Trial there, the Earl had fuch an InAuence on the Sheriffs and Citizens; and moved, that the Jury might be of fome neighbouring County: Whereupon the Court of King's-Bench gave the Earl his Choice of a Jury out of any other County of England; but the Earl chofe not to try the Caufe at all, rather than not have it tried by a London Jury.

The Court alfo made the like Rule in a Cause between the Earl and Mr. Graham, whom he fued for being Solicitor in the Indictment against him: Whereupon the Earl thought fit alfo to drop that Suit. And indeed as the Judges have a Power of directing the Jury to be fummoned out of a foreign County, where any Partiality is expected, they could never execute it at a more proper Time, when the King or his Friends could expect no Justice in the City. However, the Tories ex- Loyal She erted themselves at the Election of Sheriffs the next Midfummer-Day; and after a very great Struggle (the Whigs mobbing and knocking down the loyal Lord Mayor) they procured Mr. Dudley North and Mr. Peter Rich, more indifferent Sheriffs, to be fworn into that Office; and Juries were no longer packed in Favour of the Whigs. The Tories alfo car- Lord ried the Election of a Lord Mayor on Michael- Mayor. VOL. XXIII.



riffs elect


and a loyal

34 Car.II.

A.D.1682 mas-Day; Sir William Pritchard having the Majority on a Scrutiny, whom his Majesty approved: However, the Faction moved the Court of King's-Bench for a Mandamus to Sir John Moor, the prefent Lord Mayor, to swear Mr. Gould or Mr. Cornish into that Office ; one of whom they pretended was duly elected: To whom the Court answered, That fuch a Mandamus in the Disjunctive was never heard of; and difmiffed their Motion.


flies to

The Lord Shaftsbury, finding the Chief Shaftsbury Magiftrates of the City changed, and that Holland: there was no longer any Protection to be expected from IGNORAMUS Juries, began to think of retiring beyond Sea; but before he went, laid the Foundation of a Plot for the Subverfion of the Government, which was difcovered the next Year: He embarked for the Low-Countries in November, and landing in Holland a Day or two after, took him a Houfe at Amfterdam, defigning to live there under the Protection of a State he would have deftroyed when he was in Power; as appears by that Paffage in one of his Speeches, DELENDA EST CARTHAGO: However, the Dutch received him with great Kindness, being very well fatisfied of his Converfion, and that he was now at the Head of the Faction that espoused their Intereft in England. But the Earl died within two Months after Amfter his Arrival at Amfterdam, being then in the fixty fecond Year of his Age. This was the Man who led the Court into all the impolitick Schemes and Errors taken notice of in the middle of King Charles's Reign, and afterwards betraying his Mafter's Secrets to the Fanaticks, aggravated and multiplied the Miscarriages of the Court, till he worked up

Dies at



34 Car. II.

the People into a Fury that fell very little 4.D.1682. fhort of a Rebellion; it being obferved of. him, That when he was in Power, he was the greatest Tyrant, and when out of the Adminiftration, the boldeft and most artful Incendiary, that ever England bred.


to raise


Notwithstanding the Faction had now loft The Whigs their great Leader, and their Whig Magi- ofe ftrates; yet, as they were confcious they had their Mobs, ftill the Multitude on their Side, they raised and infult their Mobs as ufual, and on every rejoicing the GoDay, when they had any Pretence for affen- but are bling, infulted the Government; particularly fuppreffed. on the Fifth of November; when they made Bonfires, and cried out, A Monmouth, A Monmouth; and thofe who would not join in the common Cry, were knocked down and abused: Whereupon the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs found themselves obliged to affemble Part of the Trained-Bands to keep the Peace; and having difperfed the Mob, they apprehended fome of the principal Rioters, and committed them to Prifon: They alfo fuppressed their Clubs and Conventicles, where they daily fat brooding Rebellion: And a Proclamation was iffued to fupprefs all feditious Papers and Pamphlets that were published under the Titles of News, or Weekly Intelligence. It was ordered alfo, That no Bonfires or Fireworks fhould be made in the City without Leave of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen; in purfuance whereof a Stop was put to their Proceffion on the 17th of November, Q. Elizabeth's Birth-Day; when they used to burn the Pope, the Devil, and fuch of the King's Servants in their Company as they did not approve, and carry the Image of the murdered Juftice Godfrey about the Streets: And thus the City

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