Blow, ye winds ! lift me with you ! I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new — To all always open, To all always true. Among Strangers: an Autobiography - Page 74by E. S. Maine - 1870 - 302 pagesFull view - About this book
 | Matthew Arnold - English poetry - 1853 - 298 pages
...other Our spirits have grown. And what heart knows another ? Ah ! who knows his own ? Blow, ye winds 1 lift me with you ! I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature ! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new : To all always open ; To all always true. All, calm me !... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1856 - 390 pages
...other Our spirits have grown. And what heart knows another? Ah ! who knows his own ? Blow, ye winds ! lift me with you ! I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature ! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new : To all always open ; To all always true. Ah, calm me !... | |
 | Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1861 - 570 pages
...other Our spirits have grown, And what heart knows another ? Ah ! who knows his own ! Blow ye winds ! lift me with you, I come to the wild, Fold closely, O Nature ! Thine arms round thy child, To thee only God granted A heart ever new ; To thee always open To all always true. Ah, calm me ' restore... | |
 | William Alexander - 1867 - 228 pages
...passionate intensity of a hymn, and seems to set its words to the music of an organ : — Blow, ye winds ! lift me with you ! I come to the wild ; Fold closely, O Nature, Thine arms round thy child. Ah, calm me, restore me, And dry up my tears, On thy high mountain-platform, Where morn first appears.... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1869 - 286 pages
...other Our spirits have grown; And what heart knows another ? Ah ! who knows his own ? Blow, ye winds! lift me with you! I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature ! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new— To all always open, To all always true. Ah, calm me !... | |
 | Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool - 1873 - 440 pages
...most highly cultured and sensitive intellects of our day : — t Blow, ye winds ! lift me with yon, I come to the wild : Fold closely, O Nature, Thine arms round Thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new, To all always open, To all always true/ Ah ! calm me, restore... | |
 | Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool - 1878 - 446 pages least one of the most highly cultured and sensitive intellects of our day : — Blow, ye winds ! lift me with you, I come to the wild : Fold closely, O Nature, Thine arms round Thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new, To all always open, To all always true. Ah ! calm me, restore... | |
 | Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool - 1878 - 430 pages least one of the most highly cultured and sensitive intellects of our day : — Blow, ye winds ! lift me with you, I come to the wild : Fold closely, O Nature, Thine arms round Thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new, To all always open, To all always true. Ah ! calm me, restore... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - English poetry - 1879 - 392 pages
...have grown. And what heart knows another? Ah! who knows his own? Blow, ye winds! lift me with you I I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new — To all always open, To all always true. Ah 1 calm me,... | |
 | Matthew Arnold - 1884 - 398 pages
...have grown. And what heart knows another? Ah! who knows his own? Blow, ye winds ! lift me with yon i I come to the wild. Fold closely, O Nature ! Thine arms round thy child. To thee only God granted A heart ever new — To all always open, To all always true. Ah 1 calm me,... | |
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