Come back, come back ; and whither back or why ? To fan quenched hopes, forsaken schemes to try; Walk the old fields ; pace the familiar street ; Dream with the idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back... Among Strangers: an Autobiography - Page 140by E. S. Maine - 1870 - 302 pagesFull view - About this book
 | American periodicals - 1866 - 848 pages
...guessed and is pathetically expressed in the following stanzas of a poem written on the voyage : — Come back ; come back ; and whither back or why? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back ; come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot. Unskilled... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - Electronic journals - 1866 - 824 pages
...guessed and is pathetically expressed in the following stanzas of a poem written on the voyage : — Come back ; come back ; and whither back or why ?...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come bnck ; come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled... | |
 | William Makepeace Thackeray - Electronic journals - 1866 - 840 pages
...guessed and is pathetically expressed in the following stanzas of a poem written on the voyage : — Come back ; come back ; and whither back or why ?...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back ; come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled... | |
 | Arthur Hugh Clough - 1869 - 520 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why ? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what 1 To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Arthur Hugh Clough - 1869 - 518 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why ? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Arthur Hugh Clough - 1869 - 542 pages
...sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why 1 To fan quenched hopes, forsaken schemes to try ; Walk...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back; and whither and for what? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Arthur Hugh Clough - English poetry - 1874 - 416 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why ? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Arthur Hugh Clough - 1879 - 396 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why ? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Thomas Humphry Ward - English poetry - 1880 - 648 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
 | Thomas Humphry Ward - English poetry - 1880 - 650 pages
...seem to say ; ye seek in vain ; We went, we sought, and homeward turned again. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither back or why? To...idlers, with the bards compete. Come back, come back. Come back, come back ; and whither and for what ? To finger idly some old Gordian knot, Unskilled to... | |
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