ADDRESS. IN presenting the first volume of a new general Catalogue, accommodated to the present state of his stock, the Publisher avails himself of the occasion to express his grateful acknowledgments for the patronage hitherto bestowed upon his exertions, and the confidence reposed in him by the literary world. During the seven years which have elapsed since the publication of his Guinea Catalogue, his collection of books has been considerably increased, and now comprises more than half a million of volumes, the largest number, he believes, ever collected for the purposes of trade by any individual. The entire Catalogue will form Three Volumes, The Second Volume will contain— Greek and Latin Classics and Translations, Fathers of the Church, Modern Latin Writers and Commentators, Bibles, Testaments, and Liturgies, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German Literature, Manuscripts in all Languages. The Third Volume will contain ENGLISH BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE. The whole will be completed with the least possible delay, and it is hoped before Midsummer, 1848. The Publisher regrets having again to advert to the mistakes which arise from his not being sufficiently distinguished by his correspondents from other members of his family, and respectfully urges the addition of both his Christian Name and Address to all communications intended for him. HENRY G. BOHN, York Street, Covent Garden. Miscellaneous Works on Natural History, comprehending general BOOKS OF PRINTS, Picture Galleries, Sceneries, Pageants, Missals, Picto- rial Architecture, Picturesque Voyages, Illustrated and Embellished Books, Drawings, Maps, Treatises on Painting and Sculpture, Lives of Supplement to Books of Prints, etc. HERALDRY, Genealogy, Family History, Knighthood PHYSICS, including Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Manu- factures, Astronomy, Meteorology, Astrology, Naval and Militar METAPHYSICS, Moral Philosophy, Schoolmen, Visionaries, Free-th MEDICINE, Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Phrenology, Pharmacy, etc. LANGUAGE, comprehending Lexicons, Grammars, Prosody, Syntax, etc. and all Works in Dialects, or promotive of Etymology ORIENTAL AND HEBREW LITERATURE; comprising chiefly Works in the Arabic, Persian, Sanscrit and Hebrew Languages NORTHERN LITERATURE. Works on the History and Mythology of Scan- dinavia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Lapland, Finland, Greenland, BIBLIOGRAPHY, Literary History and Biography, Reviews, Chalcography, EARLY VOYAGES. TRAVELS, Maritime Discovery, Geographical Descrip- tions, Missionary Accounts, etc. in Foreign Languages, and chiefly GAMES, SPORTS AND AMUSEMENTS, Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Chess, |