Catalogus der muziekbibliotheek van D. F. Scheurleer, Volume 1

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Gedrukt bij Gebr. Giunta d'Albani, 1903 - Music

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Page 107 - Mildheimisches, von 518 lustigen und ernsthaften Gesängen über alle Dinge in der Welt und alle Umstände des menschlichen Lebens, die man besingen kann.
Page 94 - Balfour . The Natural History of the Musical Bow. A Chapter in the Developmental History of Stringed Instruments of Music. Part I, Primitive Types. By Henry Balfour, MA Royal 8vo, paper covers. 4*.
Page 84 - Musick's Monument; or a Remembrancer of the Best Practical Musick, both Divine and Civil, that has ever been known to have been in the World.
Page 47 - Esthétique, théorie et pratique du chant grégorien restauré d'après la doctrine des anciens et les sources primitives.
Page 261 - A Comic Opera as it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. The music compiled and the words written by the author of
Page 121 - Spelen van Sinne vol schoone allegatien, loflijcke leeringhen ende Schriftuerlijcke onderwijsinghen. Op de Vraghe: Wie den meesten troost oyt quam te baten Die schenen te zijn van Godt verlaten.
Page 113 - Le Nouvel entretien des bonnes compagnies, ou le Recueil des plus belles chansons à danser et à boire. Tiré des cabinets des plus braves autheurs du temps. Paris, Jacq.
Page 18 - Taylor. — SOUND AND MUSIC : A Non-Mathematical Treatise on the Physical Constitution of Musical Sounds and Harmony, including the Chief Acoustical Discoveries of Professor Helmholtz. By SEDLEY TAYLOR, MA, late Fellow of Trinity Colledge, Cambridge.
Page 179 - OF PSALMES, collected into English Meeter, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others, conferred with the Hebrew, with apt notes to sing them withall.
Page 99 - Dissertation où l'on fait voir, que les merveilleux effets , attribuez à la musique des anciens , ne prouvent point qu'elle fût aussi parfaite que la nôtre.

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