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Gen. 14 18 at uero Melchisedech rex Salem proferens panem et uinum, erat enim sacerdos dei altissimi, benedixit ei, et ait: Benedictus Abram deo excelso, qui creauit caelum et terram. Then we must add a few words, to 5 introduce the termination of 441. Take them from the vulgate: ET BENEDIXIT EI panem uinumque praesentans.



Then follows in the vulg. Gen. 14 20 et dedit ei (A. gave to M.) decimas ex omnibus. This we have in C et decimos fructus Abram Lex munere sumpsit.

This needs correction and transposition. Read et decimos fructus Rex munere sumpsit AbramI. On the confusion of rex and lex cf. Drakenb. on Liv. epit. 89 (vi 311 a). After this a verse has fallen out introducing the King of Sodom: e.g.


With the whole passage cf. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth.

III 452-470.

442 is petit, ut captos dignetur reddere uictor,
cetera pro meritis belli sub lege Laturus.

Here, if we retain laturus, the participle refers to 20 Abraham, not to the king of Sodom. A similar sequence 815-7 impellit (Iacobus Esaum) sumat... exhibeatque ... sumpturus. If we read Daturus, we have: 'begs the conqueror graciously to restore the prisoners, surrendering all else according to his deserts under the strict law of war.' Gen. 14 21 25 favours laturus: dixit autem rex Sodomorum ad Abram: da mihi animas, cetera tolle tibi (the end of a pentameter in the vulgate; you can complete the line thus: da nobis animas: c. t. t.). laturus in same place Exod. 466 n.



quandoquidem inuictae tVtus sit tegmine dextrae. tVtus A and C. "Reposui tVtus pro totus." AREVALO, with unwonted courage.

449 ille alacer concessa sibi licentia fatur.

It is perhaps doubtful whether our poet would shorten the a of concessa abl. (of licentia there is no ques35 tion). Read ille alacer, sibi CVM (cum om. before con-) con

cessa licentia, futur (or licentia faNDI). cf. 492. Exod. 237 n.


cf. 818.

nam coniuncta quatit fessum longaeua senectus,
nec datur emeritVM post mortem linquere natum.
Read emerito, which was assimilated to natum.

453 nobilibus thalamis.

cf. 1178, where Joseph says: crimine fraterno seruitum nobilis iui.

454 degener hAeres erit.

[ocr errors]

legam degener hAeres (for deger)." AREVALO. C rightly heres, as in 456. cf. for the sense 456. 511. Dum. Cum C.



nam si nosse ualet numero carentia quisquam
sidera uel totas pelagi percurrere harenas.



457 Read: nam si nosse ualet numero VE carentia quisquam. cf. 47. Exod. 107. 755. Hor. c. 1 28 1 2 te maris et 15 terrae numeroque carentis harenae | mensorem.

457-9 cf. 413-5. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. III 481-5.

[blocks in formation]

461 qui tua cernat. cf. cretio in Spicil. Solesm. 1 256 ver. 1115. Prud. cath. XII 85-88 hunc et prophetis testibus | isdem- 20 que signatoribus | testator et sator iubet | adire regnum et cernere. See the lexx. esp. Georges, Dirksen and Brisson, and Longolius on Plin. ep. x 79 = 75 2.

465 credidit ista senex nec quicquam defore uerbis metitur domini sincero acumine cordis.


sincero domini metitur acumine cordis,

or better, with slighter change and bringing the words and their Author together:

domni sincero metitur acumine cordis.

See 91. Spicil. Solesm. I 256 p. 1121. glossary to Beda 'domnus.' Hier. ep. 93 tit. 94 tit. Vict. Vit. 11 3. 28. 30. 42. 44. III 19. 20. Schuchardt II 411. Venantius uses domnus, domna as a prefix only. indd. to Ennod. Alcimus Auitus (p. 332). Observe metitur 'ponders,' here and elsewhere 33.

471 uitulam trimi iam temporis.

u. i. tr. t. C.




472 coniungens alacrem torua cum fronte iuuencum, ueruecem caprumque dehinc hirtamque capellam, columbas pariles, simili cum turture iunctas.

472-481 cf. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. III 500-522 trimam 5 sume mihi torua iam fronte iuuencam, cet.

474 restore the order:

turture cum simili pariles iunctasque columbas.

cf. 570 clamore immodico Sodomae iunctaeque. Gomorrae. In Spicil. Solesm. 1 232 ver. 273, and Pitra's Ana10 lecta (1888) 202 ver. 12, 203 ver. 32 and 50, are parallel verses. 475 diuortia. Manil. III 411. Sil. III 419. xiv 18. 236. Auien. descr. orb. 127. Ambr. hexaëm. v § 18. Prud. ham. 4. c. Symm. II 856.



uel nit

aleth. III 532

Stat. s. 1 2 178.

omnia disponit. omnia disposuit C. 483 praenoscit. 1096. Cl. Mar. Victor praenosce tuos sobolemque tuorum. VF. 1 732. Suet. Nero 56. Amm. XXIII 5 14. princ. III 1 13 cet. Sid. ep. v 2 1 (an important passage on

20 the nine liberal arts).


Prud. apoth. 854. Rufin.

483-501 cf. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. III 523-544.

484 cAsus. cVRsus A. cAsus C.

486 namque quater centum Domini subiecta per annos serviet.

Read with C dominis. The editors have done much mischief with their capitals.

491 functus 1430. Exod. 138. 228. 972. Spicil. Solesm. I p. 171 ver. 37. 228 ver. 138. 237 ver. 479. 240 ver. 615. 258 ver. 1998. Sen. Thy. 15. 749. Med. 999. Stat. Th. XII 30 137. itin. Alex. 4. Sulp. Seu. has uita f. (2 exx. in Halm's ind.) or diem f. (5 exx. add chr. 1 46 4. II 26 3).

492 nam populus infeNsa Tibi de sede reuuls Vs

huc ueniet.

infensaS Sibi A. infeSsa Sibi.. reuulsOs C. Read 35 namQVE sibi infensa populus de sede reuulsus. cf. 449 n. 495 et celer Euphrates Syrorum praenatat Orbes. Vrbes A and C, rightly.

497 Chalmoneos ChetosQVE iuncta cum gente Fereza. C. Chetos i. c. g. FerezEa C.

et RaFfana, cui manus est Jebosaco hAerens

et Rafana, cui manus est Iebosa coherCens C.

Read Ieb Vsa (Exod. 211) cohaerens. Here, as Exod. 564, 5 and in Iuv. cui is a disyllable, here an iambus. It should always be read as a pyrrich when the rhythm would be improved thereby.

502 quae cum sancta deus prom Isisset uerba prophetae, sole sub occiduo clarum dat fulmine signO.


502 "forte promisit uel prom Psisset." AREVALO. 503 "legam sign VM." AREVALO. promISsisset..sign VM C. cf. 356 n. 1122. cf. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. III 544-7 sic fatus: et alto, cum iam nox terris densas induceret umbras, | signum monte dedit; claro nam clibanus igne | emicuit 15 raptim cet.

505 delambere. Stat. Th. II 681.

506-521 cf. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. III 555-583 a very close parallel.

507 perdiderat ETIAM uotum iam Sarra parentis. etiam om. C (etia after erat and before iam).

508 et quia praegelida partum NON poneret aluo.

PRAEponeret A by mistake, non p. C. praegelida 857. Claud. laud. Herc. 68. Cl. Mar. Victor aleth. II 554. ponere partum also 115.

509 ad Secunda suum coepit lactare maritum

gaudia et inflexum cogit consortia seruae




When L. Müller (Rhein. Mus. XXI 267) quotes Fecunda, he destroys the sense of the passage. Ishmael's 30 birth was secunda gaudia; not till Isaac appeared did Abraham enjoy prima gaudia. In 509 C has aT, which suggests that q. (que) has fallen out; the clauses want cement, and que and et are often correlative. Plaut. mil. 1348 Br. Ter. Ph. 1051. ad. 64. Mützell on Curt. III 7 11 p. 92 b. Markland on Stat. 35 s. v 3 147. Ussing on Plaut. Amph. pr. exque, see Heusinger on Nep. XIV 7 1.


For adque, inque, lactare on the other

lacto cf. Prud. ter. Ztschr. f. wiss. Theol. XVII 245; on this 234. Judges 587. Rönsch 213-4. Koffmane I 9. Symm. ep. v 10.

VIII 58. IX 62.
Ezech. XI (39 1).

5 Beda h. e. I 17 p.

Hier. ep. 60 9 pr. 82 8. c. Ioann. 36. in

in Luc. hom. 9. transl. Zeno II tr. 55. Greg. in 66 14. Venant. uit. Mart. IV 44.

et inflexum cogit consortia seruae noscere, quo saltem genitor sit pignore uili.

511 noscere of carnal knowledge Iustin XXVII 3 11 meretricem familiarius. uili So Claudius Marius Victor aleth. 10 III 563 progeniem uili concredere perpulit aluo.


512 ilicet in thalamos AegyptiA ADDucitur Agar.
Ismaelumque nothum fecunda gignit ab VluA.

512 "Forte Aegypti A Ducitur." AREVALO. So C. 513 AluO C, rightly. cf. 508.

516 ac dum uicino tegeret Se deuia fonte.


So C. PeR deuia A. The word is often used thus, like a subst. 92. 668. 880. Exod. 468 603 per deuia. 480. Spicileg. Solesm. I p. 224 ver. 1. Luc. vI 330. VIII 209. Sil. XVII 122. Amm. XXVI 8 12. Claud. r. P. II 168 cet. 20 Iuuenc. III 319 per deuia. On the other hand in the nom. sing. it is rare in our poem Spicil. Solesm. I 226 ver. 46. Read ac d. u. per deuia fonte tegIt se.



518 dominorum of her master and mistress', cf. reges 'king and queen,' fratres 'Geschwister.'

522 iamQVE noueM denos noVEMque exegerat annos
Abramus uates, cum se iam iamque parentem
agnoscit nati magno de munere dandi,
525 testamenta dei cui sunt concordia summi,

gentibus innumeris genitor ductorque futurus,
percipiens placiDas per grandia tempora sedes.
quin etiam soliDo de nomine grandior exit,
dum decus adiectum uocalis littera ducit;
530 et Sara quae fuerat, mandatur Sarra uocari.

522 Read iam nouIeS denos (cf. 181 decies septena, 35 576 quinquies ex denis) noNOSque. cf. 1062. Josh. 403. 527 placiDas 'undisturbed' is tame. Of the chosen land, the land of promise, placiTas is far more appropriate. cf. 680. 745. When

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