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The fees of the Grand Recorder shall be as follow:

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For registering the names of Sir Knights returned to the Grand Encampment, and by him registered, he shall be paid out of the Grand Fund, one-eighth of a dollar for every Sir Knight.

9. Every Encampment under the jurisdiction of this Grand Encampment shall, on or before the second Friday in June, in every year, transmit to the Grand Recorder, a complete list of all their members, with the time of their having been initiated, or admitted members; a copy of their by-laws, and a copy of such alterations or additions as shall have been made to their by-laws since the last copy may have been so transmitted; a list of deaths, rejection of candidates, and expulsion and suspension of members; together with a return of their election of officers for the ensuing year. Every Encampment refusing or neglecting to make a return as aforesaid shall be liable to forfeit their warrant, unless satisfactory reasons shall be given and admitted.

10. Each Encampment under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment shall pay annually into the hands of the Grand Treasurer, at the rate of fifty cents for every Sir Knight of which it may consist.

11. Any Encampment in arrears with this Grand Encampment for two years dues, shall be notified thereof by the Grand Recorder; and if such dues are not discharged within six months from the date of such notice, the General Grand Master shall declare the warrant of such Encampment to be vacated.

12. The Grand Recorder shall keep a book, to enter in a correct manner the rough minutes of the Grand Encampment, and they shall be read before the closing of the same, that the Sir Knights may have an opportunity to correct mistakes, rectify omissions, &c. He shall at each annual meeting, make a report in writing of all monies which he shall have received and paid over to the Grand Treasurer in the recess, which report shall be entered in the minutes.

It shall also be the duty of the Grand Recorder, to procure to be printed a sufficient number of blank warrants and certificates, agreeable to the form in section 3 and 4 of these rules, and also devise a suitable form for annual returns,

cause blanks of the same to be printed, and from time to time, as need may be, transmit them to the several Encampments under this jurisdiction.

13. The Grand Treasurer shall receive all monies raised for the use of the Grand Encampment, for which he shall give his receipt; and of which he shall keep a faithful account in a book; and shall expend or disburse the same only by orders signed by the Most Eminent General Grand Master, the Most Eminent Grand Generalissimo, or the Most Eminent Grand Captain-General, by resolutions of the Grand Encampment, certified by the Grand Recorder; except the Grand outside Guard's bill, which he shall pay when certified by the Grand Recorder. A committee of three shall be appointed at each annual meeting, to audit and report on his and the Grand Recorder's accounts, for the current year, at the next meeting; for which purpose they shall meet ten days before the said annual meeting.

14. No new warrant shall be granted, but on petition of at least eleven, and the recommendation of at least three known and approved Sir Knight Templars. Every warrant shall be accompanied with a copy of the constitution and bylaws; also with a list of the Encampments under this jurisdiction, and the times and places of their meetings.

15. No warrant or charter which may in future be granted, shall have the precedence in number of an Encampment whose warrant bears an older date.

All appeals from any subordinate Encampment shall be made in writing, and left with the Grand Recorder; and the appellant shall give the party notice thereof, at least ten days if in the city, and thirty if out of the city, before proceedings shall be had thereon.

17. If any Sir Knight belonging to an Encampment under this jurisdiction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, by breaking the rules and regulations thereof, or by betraying the trust reposed in him, the Encampment to which such offender may belong (but in case he belongs to no Encampment, he may then be called on by the nearest Encampment having cognizance thereof) shall have full power of punishing the same, by reprimand, suspension, or expulsion, as they may deem proper. Provided always, the person so offending, and being expelled, feeling himself aggrieved thereby, shall have the privilege of appeal to this Grand Encampment, if in session, and during the recess, to the Most Eminent General Grand Master, or by reason of his absence or inability, to the Grand Generalissimo, who may appoint a committee

to învestigate the facts in the proceedings thereon, and make report at the next meeting of the Grand Encampment; which shall have the power of restoring him, if found to be ag grieved, to the general privileges of Knight Templars, but not to membership within the Encampment from which he has been expelled, without their own consent: for every Encampment ought to have the power of determining its own members, for the better maintenance of harmony and good order therein. And no expulsion shall be valid and confirmed in the Grand Encampment, until it shall appear that the Encampment which may have expelled the Sir Knight, has given him due notice of his expulsion, that he may have an opportunity to make his appeal. The reasons for such expul sion shall be mentioned in the return.

18. Every Encampment under this jurisdiction ought to meet at least quarterly, (but oftener if convenient) for the purpose of perfecting themselves as Knight Templars; and such as shall not meet for the space of one year shall forfeit all their privileges under this Grand Encampment, and the name of their warrant shall be struck from the record of the same, unless some sufficient reason be offered to induce a forbearance.

19. Whenever a warrant or dispensation shall be issued for the opening of a new encampment, the same shall be installed by the Most Eminent General Grand Master, Most Eminent Grand Generalissimo, Most Eminent Grand Captain General, or Right eminent Grand Visiter; or if the distance is such, that neither of them can conveniently attend, then the most Eminent General Grand Master, or in his absence or inability, the Most Eminent Grand Generalissimo, may appoint some capable Eminent Grand Master, by a dispensation under their hand and seal, to perform the services aforesaid. And the Sir Knight who shall install such Encampment, shall make report thereof to the Grand Recorder.

20. The Most Eminent General Grand Master may annually appoint one or more discreet and well informed Sir Knight Templars, who shall also be of the Order of Knights of Malta, and Knights of the Red Cross, as his Grand Visiter, or Grand Visiters, whose duty it shall be, if required by any Encampment belonging to this Grand Encampment, to visit the same, and instruct them in the duties and regulations of the above orders: and such Encampment shall pay such Grand Visiter a reasonable compensation for the same. And due respect shall be paid to

all the good advice and instructions of the Grand Visiter, as the representative for the time being, of the Most Eminent General G and Master.

21. The Most Eminent General Grand Master, as the illustrious head of the order, may, whenever he deems it convenient, visit any Encampment under this jurisdiction, and may advise, instruct or admonish, as may be expedient and proper: and wherever he may be, it is the solemn du y of Encampments of Knight Templars to receive him, and act towards him with deference, respect and honour. He is not to be considered as a member of any particular Encampment while in office, but when he vacates said office, he shall again become a member of his former Encampment. In like manner, the Most Eminent Grand Generalissimo, and the Most Eminent Grand Captain General, shall be received with becoming honour and respect, both in their individual Encampments, and in those which they may visit.

22. Upon the entrance into any Encampment of Knight Templars, of a Past General Grand Master, Past Grand Generalissimo, Past Grand Captain General, or Past Grand Master, or Grand Master of an Encampment duly recognized, he or they, announcing themselves as such, shall be received by the Sir Knights all standing in array, and be conducted to a seat by the Marshal. And if any of the Officers of the Grand Encampment shall visit any subordinate Encampment, other than their own, if they announce themselves as such, they shall be received by the Sir Knights standing, and be conducted to a seat by the Marshal.

23. No Sir Knight shall have a Grand Encampment certificate, until all dues are certified by the Recorder of his own Encampment to have been paid; nor without the recommendation of the said Encampment, under the seal thereof, signed by the Grand Master, Generalissimo, and Captain General, and countersigned by the Recorder: all certificates shall be signed by the Most Eminent General Grand Master, Grand Generalissimo, and Grand Captain General, and attested by the Grand Recorder.

24. The officers of the Grand and Subordinate Encampments, or those Sir Knights who may be appointed by the Eminent Grand Masters in place of those officers elect who may decline serving, shall be installed on the same day or evening in which they were elected, or at any time previous to the next stated meeting of the Grand Encampment. After which, the General Grand Master shall appoint a grand outside guard, and the Grand Master of a Subordinate Encampment an outside guard.

25. No Sir Knight shall be admitted into the Grand Encampment, unless he is a member thereof, except a Sir Knight who is a petitioner or witness in some case depending, or one admitted on motion, after being duly vouched for: and no Sir knight shall appear in the Grand Encampment without the proper habiliments of his office.

26. As it is of essential importance that the method of array in the several Encampments under this jurisdiction should be uniformly the same; therefore, the better to accomplish this desirable object, it shall be the duty of the Most Eminent General Grand Master, or presiding Sir Knight, to give, or cause to be given, at least once at every annual meeting of the Grand Encampment, lessons of array, so that the officers of the several Encampments may become well acquainted with the same, and disperse a knowledge of them, in a uniform and regular manner in their several Encampments.

27. The Grand Recorder under the advisement and direction of the Most Eminent General Grand Master, shall be a committee of correspondence.

28. Upon the demise of any Encampment under the jurisdiction of this Grand Encampment, the last Recorder and Treasurer of the said Encampment shall, within six months after such demise, surrender to the Grand Recorder, the warrant, charter, or dispensation, books, papers, jewels, furniture, and funds of said Encampment; and the last presiding officer shall transmit to the Grand Recorder an inventory or schedule thereof, and be answerable for the performance of this article: nor shall any member of said demised Encampment be elected into any other Encampment, nor entitled to the benefits of this institution, till he shall have paid all arrears, due from him to the said Encampment, to the Grand Treasurer.

Rules of Order.

1. Whenever the Most Eminent General Grand Master, or presiding officer rises, all debate shall cease, and there shall be a strict silence.

2. Every Sir Knight shall stand when he speaks, and shall address himself with respect and decorum, to the presiding officer for the time being. He shall not be permitted to say any thing, which will have a tendency wantonly to inflame or irritate; as the sole object of debate, regard being had to precious time, is to enlighten and expand the

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