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nostrorum Rotulorum registri ac consilii Clerico Joanne Hamiltoun de Orbiestoun nostri Justiciarie clerico et Joanne Scott de Scottistarvett nostre Cancellarie directore militibus Apud aulam nostram de Whythall undecimo die mensis Decembris Anno Domini Millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo nono Et anno regni nostri decimo quinto.

[No. 20 of Inventory of Productions.]



OUR SOUERANE LORD with expres advyse and consent of his hienes rich traist cousigne and counsallour Johnne Erle of Traquair Lord Lyntoun and Caverstoun &c. heich thesaurer Collectour and Comptroller of the kingdome of Scotland and of his hienes trustie and familiar counsallour Sir James Carmichaell of that Ilk knicht depute in the saids offices and als with consent of the remanent Lordis of his Majesties excheker Commissioneris of the said kingdome ORDANES ane Charter to be maid undir his hienes greit seill In dew forme GEVAND grantand and disponand To his hienes lovittis The Provest baillies ministeris and counsall of the burgh of Edinburgh as ffeoffis in trust and governouris of Heriottis hospitall to the use and behuif of the said Hospitall callit Heriottis hospitall heretablie All and sindrie the landis mylnes superioriteis few dewties and utheris respective eftir specifeit viz All and haill the toun and landis of Bruchtoun &c

&e &c

And that the said Charter be extendit in the best forme with all claussis necessar and preceptis to be direct heirupon In forme as effeiris &c Gevin at His Majesteis Court of Quhythall the ellevint day of December the yeir of God Im VI and threttie nyne yeiress

Compositio Ten merkis

Traquaire Th
St Thomas Hope

J Hamiltoun



Please your Sacred Majestie

This contains ane Gift to the Provest Baillies Ministeris and Counsell of the brughe of Edinburgh as feoffis In Trust and Governours of Heriottis Hospitall of certaine landis &c &c

S' Thomas Hope

[No. 21 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACTS from the RECORD OF SIGNATURES, being parts of said Signature in favour of the GOVERNORS OF HERIOT'S HOSPITAL, dated 11 Dec. 1639.-[Book Iv. fol. 217.]

OURE Souerane Lord with expres auise and consent of his hienes richt traist cowsing and counsellour Johnne earle of Traquair Lord Lyntoun heighe thesaurar collector and comptrollar of the kingdome of Scotland and of his hienes trustie and familiar Counsalour Sir James Carmichaell of that Ilk knight Depuite in the saidis officeis. And als with consent of the remanent Lordis of his Majesties Excheker commissionaris of the said kingdome Ordaines ane Charter to be maid under his heines great seall in dew forme Gewand grantand and disponand To his hienes louittis The Proveist baillies Ministeris and Counsall of the said burgh of Edinburgh as ffeoffis in trust and Governouris of Heriottis hospitall to the use and behuiff of the said hospitall callit Heriottis hospital heritablie All and sindrie the landis milnis superioriteis fewdewties and utheris respective efterspecifeit, viz. All and haill the toun and landis of Brochtoun &c &c &c

And that the said Charter be extendit in the best forme with all claussis neidfull. And preceptis be direct &c. Gevin At his


30 Januar 1640.

Majesteis Court At Quhythall The Ellewint day of
December 1639 Suprascribitur Charles R. Et subscri-
bitur sic Traquaire Th' S Thomas Hope J Hamiltoun
Cranstounriddell Craighall.

Compositio vj li xiij s. iiij d.

[No. 22 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACTS from the Register of the Privy Seal, being parts of the Precept for the said Charter in favour of the Governors of Heriot's Hospital, dated 11 Dec. 1639. [Book cix. f. 139.]

Carolus &c. Quia &c. Dedimus concessimus et disposuimus dilectis nostris preposito ballivis ministris et consulibus burgi nostri de Edinburgh prout in feudo affidatis lie as feoffis in trust et Gubernatoribus Herioti Hospitij lie Heriots Hospitall ad usum et commodum dicti hospitij vocat Heriotis Hospitall eorumque successoribus hereditarie Omnes et singulas terras molendina superi

oritates feudifirmarias devorias aliaque respective subtus specificata, viz. Totas et Integras villam et terras de Brughtoun &c. &c.

[ocr errors]

VOBIS &c. APUD curiam nostram de Quhythall undecimo die mensis Decembris Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo nono et regni nostri anno decimo quinto

4 lib x s.

Per Signetum.

[No. 23 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACTS from the Register of the Great Seal, being parts of the said Charter in favour of the Governors of said Hospital, dated Dec. 11, 1639.-[Book lvi. No. 117.]

Carolus Dei gratia Magne Brittannie Francie et Hibernie Rex fideique defensor omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem Sciatis nos cum expressis avisamento et consensu confisi nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis Comitis de Traquair Domini Lintoun et Caverstoun &c. nostri magni Thesaurarii collectoris et computorum rotulatoris hujus regni nostri Scotie ac fidelis nostri consiliarii domini Jacobi Carmichaell de Eodem militis baronetti nostri deputati in dictis officiis necnon cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum dominorum nostri Scaccarii nostrorum commissionariorum dicti regni nostri Dedisse concessisse disposuisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse Tenoreque ejusdem dare concedere disponere ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmare Dilectis nostris preposito ballivis ministris et consulibus burgi nostri de Edinburgh tanquam fidei commissariis lie feoffis in trust et Gubernatoribus Hereoti Hospitii lie Hereotts Hospitall ad usum et commodum dicti Hospitii vocati Hereotis hospitall eorumque successoribus hereditarie Omnes et singulas terras molendina superioritates feudifirme devorias aliaque respective subtus specificata viz. Totas et integras villam et terras de Brughtoun &c. &c.

In cuius Rei Testimonium huic presenti carte nostre Magnum Sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus Testibus ut in aliis cartis consimilis date preceden. Apud aulam nostram de Whythall vndecimo die mensis Decembris anno Domini millesimo Sexcentesimo trigesimo nono et anno Regni nostri decimo quinto.

[No. 19 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACTS from a Crown Charter in favour of the Governors of Heriot's Hospital, 11 Dec. 1639.

CAROLUS dei gratia Magne Britannie Francie et Hibernie Rex fideique defensor OMNIBUS probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis Salutem SCIATIS Nos cum expressis avisamento et consensu confisi nostri consanguinei et consiliarii Joannis Comitis de Traquair domini Lintoun et Caverstoun &c. nostri magni Thesaurarii Collectoris et computorum rotulatoris hujus regni nostri Scotie ac fidelis nostri Consiliarii Domini Jacobi Carmichaell de Eodem militis Baronetti nostri deputati in dictis officiis necnon cum avisamento et consensu reliquorum Dominorum nostri Scaccarii nostrorum Commissionariorum dicti regni nostri DEDISSE concessisse disposuisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse tenoreque ejusdem dare concedere disponere ac pro nobis et successoribus nostris pro perpetuo confirmare DILECTIS nostris Preposito Ballivis Ministris et Consulibus burgi nostri de Edinburgh tanquam fidei Commissariis lie ffeoffes in trust et gubernatoribus Herioti Hospitii lie Heriotes Hospital ad usum et commodum dicti Hospitii vocati Hereotes Hospital eorumque successoribus hereditarie OMNES et singulas terras molendina superioritates feudifirme devorias aliaque respective subtus specificata viz. Totas et integras villam et terras de Brochtoun, &c. &c. &c.

IN CUJUS REI TESTIMONIUM huic presenti carte nostre magnum sigillum nostrum apponi precepimus TESTIBUS predilectis nostris consanguineis et consiliariis Jacobo Marchione de Hamiltoun Comite Arranie et Cantabrigie Domino Aven et Innerdail &c. Willielmo Comite de Stirling Vicecomite de Cannada domino Alexander de Tulliebodie nostro Secretario dilectis nostris familiaribus consiliariis Dominis Joanne Hay de Barro nostrorum rotulorum registri ac consilii clerico Joanne Hamiltoun de Orbiestoun nostre Justiciarie Clerico et Joanne Scott de Scottistarvett nostre Cancellarie directore militibus Apud Aulam nostram de Whythall undecimo die mensis Decembris Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo nono Et anno regni nostri decimo quinto.

[No. 27 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACT Warrant for Sealing the Commissioners' Commission, 13 Nov. 1638. [Registrum Secreti Concilii.]

Forsamekle as it hes pleased his Majestie upon diverse good considerations to committ the charge and keeping of his great seal

to his darrest cousine and counseller the Marques of Hamiltoun his Majesties Commissionar till his Majestie sall be graciouslie pleased to declare his further will and pleasure thereanent And whereas his Majestie hes made choice of his said cousine the Marques of Hamilton to be his Majesteis Commissioner for keeping and halding of Parliaments and assemblies and doing of sindrie other things at length specifeit in his Majesteis commission grantit to him of the date the day of And seing this Commission must necessarlie pas the Privie and great seales and seing the great seal is now in the said Lord Commissioner his owne keeping So as be the order of the Chancelarie it cannot be exped at the Chancelarie without a warrant Thairfoir the Lords of Secreit Counseil hes found it meit and necessar the Commission foresaid pas both at the privie and great seales And for this effect Ordanis and commandis the Lord keiper of the privie seale and writter thereto and the director of the chancellarie To writ and exped the Commission foresaid in the ordinar forme dew to thair place and charge and that the said Lord Commissioner caus append the great Seale thereunto And farther Ordanis and commands the said director of the chancellarie to write and exped all other patents and writts concerning his charge and office as he did. in the time of anie precedent chancellours or during the time of the vacancie of that office Anent the doing quhairof the extract of this act sall be thair warrant.

[No. 28 of Inventory of Productions.]

EXTRACT The Commissioners' Declaration anent the Great Seale, 14 Nov. 1638. [Registrum Secreti Concilii.]

The whilk day James Marques of Hamilton his Majesties Commissioner Declared to the Lords of Privie Counsell that according to ane warrant and direction sent unto him under his Majesteis royall hand That he had receaved the resignation and dimission made be John Archbishop of St Andrews late lord high Chanceller of this kingdome and otheris in his name of the office of Lord Chanceller And that the said archbishop had delivered unto him his Majesties great seale and cashett to be keeped by him during his Majesteis royall will and pleasure and whill his Majestie sall be pleased to give further signification of his Majesteis pleasure And that in the meane time till his Majesteis pleasure be returned That his Majestie allowed and willed the said Lord Commissioner to append his Majesteis great seale to all infeftmentis patents and other letters and writts whereunto the said great seale is requisite and necessar wherethrow his Majesteis subjects susteane no harme nor skaith be the want of the said seale and cashett.

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