CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKS. 3 BREVIARIUM AD USUM INSIGNIS ECCLESIAE SARUM. Juxta Editionem maximam pro CLAUDIO CHEVALLON ET FRANCISCO REGNAULT A.D. MDXXXI. in Alma Parisiorum Academia impressam: labore ac studio FRANCISCI PROCTER, A.M., ET CHRISTOPHORI WORDSWORTH, A.Μ. FASCICULUS I. In quo continentur KALENDARIUM, et ORDO TEMPORALIS sive PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE TOTIUS ANNI, una cum ordinali suo quod usitato vocabulo dicitur PICA SIVE DIRECTORIUM SACERDOTUM. Demy 8vo. 185. "The value of this reprint is considerable to liturgical students, who will now be able to consult in their own libraries a work absolutely indispensable to a right understanding of the history of the Prayer-Book, but which till now usually necessitated a visit to some public library, since the rarity of the volume made its cost prohibitory to all but a few.... Messrs Procter and Wordsworth have discharged their editorial task with much care and judgment, though the conditions under which they have been working are such as to hide that fact from all but experts."-Literary Churchman. FASCICULUS II. In quo continentur PSALTERIUM, cum ordinario Officii totius hebdomadae juxta Horas Canonicas, et proprio Completorii, LITANIA, COMMUNE SANCTORUM, ORDINARIUM MISSAE CUM CANONE ET XIII MISSIS, &c. &c. Demy 8vo. "Not only experts in liturgiology, but all persons interested in the history of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, will be grateful to the Syndicate of the Cambridge University Press for forwarding the publication of the volume which bears the above title, and which has recently appeared under their auspices."Notes and Queries. "Cambridge has worthily taken the lead with the Breviary, which is of especial value for that part of the reforin of the Prayer-Book which will fit it for the wants of our time FASCICULUS III. In quo 125. For all persons of religious tastes the Breviary, with its mixture of Psalın and Anthem and Prayer and Hymn, all hanging one on the other, and connected into a harmonious whole, must be deeply interesting." -Church Quarterly Review. "The editors have done their work excellently, and deserve all praise for their labours in rendering what they justly call this most interesting Service-book' more readily accessible to historical and liturgical students."Saturday Review. continetur PROPRIUM SANCTORUM quod et sanctorale dicitur, una cum accentuario. [Nearly ready. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT, in parallel Columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, M.A. late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Small Octavo. New Edition, with the Marginal References as arranged and revised by Dr SCRIVENER. Cloth, red edges. 7s. 6d. GREEK AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT. THE STUDENT'S EDITION of the above, on large writing paper. 4to. 125. GREEK TESTAMENT, ex editione Stephani tertia, 1550. Small 8vo. 35. 6d. THE NEW TESTAMENT IN GREEK according to the text followed in the Authorised Version, with the Variations adopted in the Revised Version. Edited by F. H. A. SCRIVENER, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D. Crown 8vo. 6s. Morocco boards or limp. 12s. THE PARALLEL NEW TESTAMENT GREEK AND ENGLISH, being the Authorised Version set forth in 1611 Arranged in Parallel Columns with the Revised Version of 1881, and with the original Greek, as edited by F. H. A. SCRIVENER, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D. Prebendary of Exeter and Vicar of Hendon. Crown 8vo. 12s. 6d. The Revised Version is the Foint Property of the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. London: C. J. CLAY & SON, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane. THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES, with Notes and Introduction. By the Very Rev. E. H. PLUMPTRE, D.D., Dean of Wells. Large Paper Edition. "No one can say that the Old Testament is a dull or worn-out subject after reading this singularly attractive and also instructive commentary. Its wealth of literary and historical illustration surpasses anything to which we can Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. point in English exegesis of the Old Testament; indeed, even Delitzsch, whose pride it is to leave no source of illustration unexplored, is far inferior on this head to Dr Plumptre."Academy, Sept. 10, 1881. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MATTHEW in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions, synoptically arranged: with Collations of the best Manuscripts. By J. M. KEMBLE, M.A. and Archdeacon HARDWICK. Demy 4to. Ios. [In the Press. NEW EDITION. By the Rev. Professor SKEAT. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK in AngloSaxon and Northumbrian Versions, synoptically arranged: with Collations exhibiting all the Readings of all the MSS. Edited by the Rev. W. W. SKEAT, M.A. Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon. Demy 4to. Ios. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST LUKE, uniform with the preceding, by the same Editor. Demy 4to. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO with the preceding, by the same "The Gospel according to St John, in Anglo-Saxon and Northumbrian Versions: Edited for the Syndics of the University Press, by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat, Μ.Α., completes an undertaking designed and commenced by that distinguished scholar, J. M. THE POINTED PRAYER Editor. IOS. ST JOHN, uniform Demy 4to. IOS. Kemble, some forty years ago. Of the particular volume now before us, we can only say it is worthy of its two predecessors. We repeat that the service rendered to the study of AngioSaxon by this Synoptic collection cannot easily be overstated."-Contemporary Review. BOOK, being the Book of Common Prayer with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. Royal 24mo. 1s. 6d. The same in square 32mo.cloth. 6d. THE CAMBRIDGE PSALTER, for the use of Choirs and Organists. Specially adapted for Congregations in which the "Cambridge Pointed Prayer Book" is used. Demy 8vo. cloth extra, 3s. 6d. cloth limp, cut flush. 2s. 6d. THE PARAGRAPH PSALTER, arranged for the use of Choirs by BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. Fcap. 4to. 55. The same in royal 32mo. "The Paragraph Psalter exhibits all the care, thought, and learning that those acquainted with the works of the Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge would expect to find, Cloth Is. Leather 1s. 6d. and there is not a clergyman or organist in England who should be without this Psalter as a work of reference."-Morning Post. THE MISSING FRAGMENT OF THE LATIN TRANS LATION OF THE FOURTH BOOK OF EZRA, discovered, "It has been said of this book that it has added a new chapter to the Bible, and, startling as the statement may at first sight appear, it is no exaggeration of the actual fact, if by the IOS. 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By CHARLES TAYLOR, D.D. Master of St John's College, Cambridge, and Honorary Fellow of King's College, London. Demy 8vo. "The 'Masseketh Aboth' stands at the head of Hebrew non-canonical writings. It is of ancient date, claiming to contain the dicta of teachers who flourished from B. C. 200 to the same year of our era. The precise time of its conmpilation in its present form is, of course, in doubt. Mr Taylor's explanatory and illustrative commentary is very full and satisfactory." -Spectator. THEODORE OF IOS. "A careful and thorough edition which does credit to English scholarship, of a short treatise from the Mishna, containing a series of sentences or maxims ascribed mostly to Jewish teachers immediately preceding, or immediately following the Christian era..."-Contemporary Review. MOPSUESTIA'S COMMENTARY ON THE MINOR EPISTLES OF S. PAUL. The Latin Version with the Greek Fragments, edited from the MSS. with Notes and an Introduction, by H. B. SWETE, D.D., Rector of Ashdon, Essex, and late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. In Two Volumes. Vol. I., containing the Introduction, with Facsimiles of the MSS., and the Commentary upon Galatians-Colossians. Demy 8vo. 125. "In dem oben verzeichneten Buche liegt uns die erste Hälfte einer vollständigen, ebenso sorgfältig gearbeiteten wie schön ausgestatteten Ausgabe des Commentars mit ausführlichen Prolegomena und reichhaltigen kritischen und erläuternden Anmerkungen vor."Literarisches Centralblatt. "It is the result of thorough, careful, and patient investigation of all the points bearing on the subject, and the results are presented with admirable good sense and modesty."Guardian. "Auf Grund dieser Quellen ist der Text bei Swete mit musterhafter Akribie hergestellt. Aber auch sonst hat der Herausgeber mit unermüdlichem Fleisse und eingehendster Sachkenntniss sein Werk mit allen denjenigen Zugaben ausgerüstet, welche bei einer solchen Text-Ausgabe nur irgend erwartet werden können.. Von den drei Haupt handschriften... sind vortreffliche photographische Facsimile's beigegeben, wie überhaupt das ganze Werk von der University Press zu Cambridge mit bekannter Eleganz ausgestattet ist." -Theologische Literaturzeitung. "It is a hopeful sign, amid forebodings which arise about the theological learning of the Universities, that we have before us the first instalment of a thoroughly scientific and painstaking work, commenced at Cambridge and completed at a country rectory." - Church Quarterly Review (Jan. 1881). Hernn Swete's Leistung ist eine so tüchtige dass wir das Werk in keinen besseren Händen wissen möchten, und mit den sichersten Erwartungen auf das Gelingen der Fortsetzung entgegen sehen."-Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen (Sept. 1881). Commentary on I Thessalonians VOLUME II., containing the "Eine Ausgabe für welche alle zugänglichen Hülfsmittel in musterhafter Weise benützt wurden. eine reife Frucht siebenjährigen Fleisses."-Theologische Literaturzeitung (Sept. 23, 1882). "Mit deiselben Sorgfalt bearbeitet die wir bei dem ersten Theile gerühmt haben."Literarisches Centraiblatt (July 29, 1882). "M. Jacobi.commença...une édition du texte. Ce travail a été repris en Angleterre et 125. mené à bien dans les deux volumes que je signale en ce moment... Elle est accompagnée de notes érudites, suivie de divers appendices, parmi lesquels on appréciera surtout un recueil des fraginents des oeuvres dogmatiques de Théodore, et précédée d'une introduction où sont traitées à fond toutes les questions d'histoire littéraire qui se rattachent soit au commentaire lui-même, soit à sa version Latine."Bulletin Critique, 1885. London: C. F. CLAY & SON, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane. SANCTI IRENÆI EPISCOPI LUGDUNENSIS libros quinque adversus Hæreses, versione Latina cum Codicibus Claromontano ac Arundeliano denuo collata, præmissa de placitis Gnosticorum prolusione, fragmenta necnon Græce, Syriace, Armeniace, commentatione perpetua et indicibus variis edidit W. WIGAN HARVEY, S.T.B. Collegii Regalis olim Socius. 2 Vols. 8vo. 18s. M. MINUCII FELICIS OCTAVIUS. The text newly revised from the original MS., with an English Commentary, Analysis, Introduction, and Copious Indices. Edited by H. Á. HOLDEN, LL.D. Examiner in Greek to the University of London. Crown 8vo. 75. 6d. THEOPHILI EPISCOPI ANTIOCHENSIS LIBRI TRES AD AUTOLYCUM edidit, Prolegomenis Versione Notulis Indicibus instruxit GULIELMUS GILSON HUMPHRY, S.T.B. Collegii Sanctiss. Trin. apud Cantabrigienses quondam Socius. Post 8vo. 55. THEOPHYLACTI IN EVANGELIUM S. MATTHÆI COMMENTARIUS, edited by W. G. HUMPHRY, B.D. Prebendary of St Paul's, late Fellow of Trinity College. Demy Svo. 75. 6d. 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Sinker, of Trinity College. The whole text and notes have been most carefully examined and corrected, and special pains have been taken to verify the almost innumerable references. These have been more clearly and accurately given in very many places, and the citations themselves have been adapted to the best and newest texts of the several authors-texts which have undergone vast improvements within the last two centuries. The Indices have also been revised and enlarged......Altogether this appears to be the most complete and convenient edition as yet published of a work which has long been recognised in all quarters as a standard one."Guardian. AN ANALYSIS OF THE EXPOSITION OF THE CREED written by the Right Rev. JOHN PEARSON, D.D. late Lord Bishop of Chester, by W. H. MILL, D.D. late Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge. Demy 8vo. 5s. WHEATLY ON THE COMMON PRAYER, edited by G. E. 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By the kindness of the present possessor of this valuable volume, containing in all 25 distinct publications, I am enabled to reprint in the following pages the two Forms of Prayer supposed to have been lost," -Extract from the PREFACE. INVESTIGATION OF THE TRINITY OF PLATO, and of Philo Judæus, and of the effects which an attachment to their writings had upon the principles and reasonings of the Fathers of the Christian Church. Revised by H. A. HOLDEN, LL.D., formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown 8vo. 45. SELECT DISCOURSES, by JOHN SMITH, late Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge. Edited by H. G. WILLIAMS, B.D. late Professor of Arabic. Royal 8vo. "The 'Select Discourses' of John Smith, collected and published from his papers after his death, are, in my opinion, much the most considerable work left to us by this Cambridge School (the Cambridge Platonists). They have a right to a place in English literary history." -Mr MATTHEW ARNOLD, in the Contemporary Review. "Of all the products of the Cambridge School, the 'Select Discourses' are perhaps the highest, as they are the most accessible and the most widely appreciated...and indeed no spiritually thoughtful mind can read them unmoved. They carry us so directly into an atmosphere of divine philosophy, luminous 7s. 6d. with the richest lights of meditative genius... He was one of those rare thinkers in whom largeness of view, and depth, and wealth of poetic and speculative insight, only served to evoke more fully the religious spirit, and while he drew the mould of his thought from Plotinus, he vivified the substance of it from St Paul."Principal TULLOCH, Rational Theology in England in the 17th Century. "We may instance Mr Henry Griffin Williams's revised edition of Mr John Smith's Select Discourses,' which have won Mr Matthew Arnold's admiration, as an example of worthy work for an University Press to undertake."-Times. 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