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We will confidently aver, then, that the edition is neither tedious nor long for we get in one compact volume such a cyclopædia of instruction, such a variety of helps to the full comprehension of the poet, as not so many years ago would have needed a small library, and all this instruction and assistance given, not in a dull and pedantic way, but in a style of singular clearness and Demy 8vo. 125. 6d. vivacity. In fact, one might take this edition with him on a journey, and, without any other help whatever, acquire with comfort and delight a thorough acquaintance with the noblest production of, perhaps, the most difficult of all Greek poets-the most difficult, yet possessed at the same time of an immortal charm for one who has mastered him, as Mr Jebb has, and can feel so subtly perfection of form and language... We await with lively expectation the continuation, and completion of Mr Jebb's great task, and it is a fortunate thing that his power of work seems to be as great as the style is happy in which the work is done." The Athenæum. "An edition which marks a definite advance, which is whole in itself, and brings a mass of solid and well-wrought material such as future constructors will desire to adapt, is definitive in the only applicable sense of the term, and such is the edition of Professor Jebb. No man is better fitted to express in relation to Sophocles the mind of the present generation." -The Saturday Review. AESCHYLI FABULAE. -IKEΤΙΔΕΣ ΧΟΗΦΟΡΟΙ IN LIBRO MEDICEO MENDOSE SCRIPTAE EX VV. DD. THE AGAMEMNON OF AESCHYLUS. With a Trans- "One of the best editions of the masterpiece of Greek tragedy."-Athenaum. THE THEÆTETUS OF PLATO with a Translation and Notes by the same Editor. Crown 8vo. 75. 6d. ARISTOTLE. -ΠΕΡΙ ΨΥΧΗΣ. 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Aber in allen diesen Dingen liegt auch nach der Absicht des Verfassers nicht der Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit, sondern." - Prof. Susemihl in Philologische Wochenschrift. THE FIFTH ARISTOTLE. - ΠΕΡΙ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ. Edited by HENRY JACKSON, Cambridge. Demy 8vo. 65. "It is not too much to say that some of the points he discusses have never had so much light thrown upon them before.... Scholars will hope that this is not the only portion of the Aristotelian writings which he is likely to edit."-Athenæum. London: C. F. CLAY & SON, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane. ARISTOTLE. THE RHETORIC. With a Commentary by the late E. M. COPE, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, revised and edited by J. E. SANDYS, M.A. With a biographical Memoir by the late H. A. J. MUNRO, Litt. D. 3 Vols., Demy 8vo. Now reduced to 21s. (originally published at 31s. 6d.) "This work is in many ways creditable to the "Mr Sandys has performed his arduous University of Cambridge. If an English student wishes to have a full conception of what is contained in the Rhetoric of Aristotle, to Mr Cope's edition he must go."-Academy. duties with marked ability and admirable tact. .. In every part of his work-revising, supplementing, and completing-he has done exceedingly well."-Examiner. PINDAR. OLYMPIAN AND PYTHIAN ODES. With Notes Explanatory and Critical, Introductions and Introductory "Mr Fennell deserves the thanks of all classical students for his careful and scholarly edition of the Olympian and Pythian odes. He brings to his task the necessary enthusiasm for his author, great industry, a sound judgment, and, in particular, copious and minute learning in comparative philology."-Athenaum. "Considered simply as a contribution to the study and criticism of Pindar, Mr Fennell's edition is a work of great merit."-Saturday Review. THE ISTHMIAN AND NEMEAN ODES. By the same Editor. Crown 8vo. gs. "... 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We hope this edition may lead the way to a more general study of these speeches in schools than has hitherto been possible."-Academy. Contra Stephanum I. II.; Nicostra "Mr Paley's scholarship is sound and accurate, his experience of editing wide, and if he is content to devote his learning and abilities to the production of such manuals as these, they will be received with gratitude throughout the higher schools of the country. Mr Sandys is deeply read in the German PART II. Pro Phormione, tum, Cononem, Calliclem. Crown 8vo. 75. 6d. "It is long since we have come upon a work evincing more pains, scholarship, and varied research and illustration than Mr Sandys's contribution to the Private Orations of De DEMOSTHENES AGAINST mosthenes'."-Saturday Review. the edition reflects credit on Cambridge scholarship, and ought to be extensively used."-Athenaum. 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The result is a work which will not only assist the schoolboy or undergraduate in his tasks, but will adorn the library of the scholar."-The Guardian. THE TYPES OF GREEK COINS. By PERCY GARDNER, Litt. D., F.S.A., Disney Professor of Archæology. With 16 Autotype plates, containing photographs of Coins of all parts of the Greek World. Impl. 4to. Cloth extra, £1. IIS. 6d.; Roxburgh (Morocco back), £2. 2s. "Professor Gardner's book is written with such lucidity and in a manner so straightforward that it may well win converts, and it may be distinctly recommended to that omnivorous class of readers-'men in the schools'."-Saturday Review. is less purely and dryly scientific. Nevertheless, it takes high rank as proceeding upon a truly scientific basis at the same time that it treats the subject of numismatics in an attractive style and is elegant enough to justify its appearance in the drawing-room."-Atheneum. 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For a space of 40 years each of his successive contributions to knowledge in the domain of experimental and mathematical physics has been recognized as marking a stage in the progress of the subject. But, unhappily for the mere learner, he is no writer of text-books. His eager fertility overflows into the nearest available journal. The papers in this volume deal largely with the subject of the dynamics of heat. They begin with two or three articles which were in part written at the [Volume III. In the Press. age of 17, before the author had commenced residence as an undergraduate in Cambridge." -The Times. "We are convinced that nothing has had a greater effect on the progress of the theories of electricity and magnetism during the last ten years than the publication of Sir W. 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