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as affected by habit, 481; by ex-

Adams, George M., Life of Neander, ample of others, 483; future ac-


Adramyttium, 866.

Africa, Researches in, 467, 673.
Andrews's Latin Lexicon, 647.

Anselm, translations from, by Prof. J.
S. Maginnis, 529; the Proslogion,
529; his argument, 531; existence
of God from our primary ideas,
533; exhortation to contemplate
God, 535; God truly exists, 537;
alone self-existent, 539; omnipo-
tent, 540; compassionate yet im-
passible, 541; just in punishing
and sparing the wicked, 543; God
is living, illimitable, invisible, 545;
the immense and absolute Good,547;
before and beyond all things, 549;
blessings of those who enjoy Him,
551; Fulness of joy, 553; Reply to
Anselm by Gaunilon, 699; that
which is greater than all incon-
ceivable, 701; Anselm's supposition
of a "lost island" not pertinent,
703; reply of Anselm, 704; Gau-
nilon's conclusion answered by an
appeal to his own faith and con-
science, 705; pertinence of the ex-
ample of the "lost island," 707;
particular objections considered,
709; the objection considered, that
anything may in like manner be
understood and may therefore ex-
ist, 711; a supremely great Being
can be conceived, 713; form of the
preceding reasoning, 714.

Antioch in Pisidia, 867.
Apostolical Church, 378.
Arabic, Helps to study of, 469.
Arrangements in the constitution of

the mind for a future judgment and
retribution, by Rev. Dr. Cheever,
471; definition of conscience, 471;
conscience universal in its opera-
tion, 473; immutability of right and
wrong, 475; action of conscience un-
ceasing, 477; is retrospective, 479;
VOL. VIII. No. 32.

tivity, 485; instinctive premonition
of judgment, 487; power of cơn-
science is eternal, 489.

Asia, Notices, 674.
Assos, 867.

Asia Minor, Works on, 857, 860.
Assyrian Inscriptions, 224.
Athenœum, Boston, 885.
Attaleia, 867.

Austria, Imperial printing press, 672.

[blocks in formation]

Chinese Repository, 467.
Church, Apostolical exposition of, by
Dr. King, 378.
Christianity, Parellel between the
Philosophical Relations of Early
and Modern, by Rev. E. A. Wash-
burn, 34; law of reproduction in
theology, 35; importance of the two
periods, 36; scientific Christianity,
37; Manichæism and New-Platon-
ism, 38; chief forms of ancient
philosophy, 39; Lucian and Philo
Judaeus, 40; philosophy of the
Christian fathers, 41; mysticism of
Plato and Jamblichus, 42; Gnosti-
cism, 43; difference of the two eras
more apparent than real, 44; pre-
sent theological tendencies, 45;
Hume and the French atheists, 46;


German philosophy, 47; position
of true Christian philosophy now,
48; orthodox German theologians,
49; mock transcendentalists in
New England, 50; analogy of old
and existing errors, 51; Syncretism
and formal Catholicism, 52; pheno-
mena of the Reformation, 53; hos-
tility of revelation and science, 54;
great contests of the present age,
55; hopeful views, 56; Christian-
ity unchanging, 57.

Church History, its nature and worth,
an inaugural address, by Prof. H.
B. Smith, 412; arduous duties of a
teacher of church history, 413; ad-
vantages in the study, 414; object,
415; true idea, 416; the historian
revivifies and reproduces the past,
417; church history is the record
of the progress of God's kingdom,
418; it is to be exhibited in a scien-
tific form, 421; opposition to natur-
alistic and pantheistic schemes, 423;
Christianity superior to all other
systems in the greatness of its ends,
425; high ends wrought out in his-
tory, 427; character of Neander,
429; church history has an inherent
dignity, 431; it guards against her-
esy, and confirms Christianity, 433;
important bearings on theological
controversies, 435; its value in the
Papal controversy, 437; use in pre-
paring for the future, 439; ministry
which is now needed, 441.

Clark's Foreign theological library,


Classical education, 1.

College Education, 1; relation to
Theol. Seminaries and the minis-
try, 1; to biblical literature and
theology, 2; the moral relations of
the college and seminary, 3; neces-
sity of improving the academies and
preparatory schools, 4; three years'
study indispensable in preparation
for college, 5; mathematics to be
studied in school, 6; the true test
of the prosperity of a college is not
numbers, but the kind of education
secured, 7; course of college study
necessarily limited, 8; from the
great number of studies, from need
of frequent reviewing, and from the
nature of our system, 9; discipline,

not instruction the great object, 10;
the basis of a college education is
the classics and mathematics, 10;
classical study leads to discriminat-
ing thought, 11; ensures a copious
vocabulary and refines the imagi-
nation and taste, 12; teaches one
to delight in order, fitness, congru-
ity, 13; peculiar influences on the
imagination and feelings, 14; ena-
bles us to trace our own language
to its sources, 15; introduces us to
a vast body of profound criticism,
15; influence of mathematics, 16;
enables one to fix the attention and
abstract the mind, 17; advantages
of the two studies illustrated by ex-
perience, 18; appeal to the univer-
sities of Oxford and Cambridge, 19;
influence of the study of classies
and mathematics in forming the
English character, 20; sobriety of
judgment and a fine culture, 21;
these studies counteract an exclu-
sively practical spirit, 22; refer-
ences to particular cases, 23; living
examples, 24.

Colleges, Religious instruction in, by
Prof. Stowe, 304; visible creation
formed in reference to man, 305;
influence of the idea of God, 307;
learning, without God, makes a
distorted mind, 308; God's author-
ity to be submitted to, 309; abso-
lute authority of the Bible, 311;
proved by texts, 312; the Bible a
revelation, 313; the ministry indis-
pensable, 315; temptations to scep-
ticism, 317.


Davidson's New Testament Introdue-
tion, vol. II. 221, vol. III. 883.
Davies Dr. B., on Syrian philology.
Derbe, 869.
Dwight H. G. O., Religious revival
among the Armenians, 454.


Education, Government and Popular,
by Rev. E. C. Wines, East Hamp-
ton, L. I, 737; relation of govern-
ment to popular education, 737;
influence of Oberlin in the Ban de
la Roche, 739; connection of edu-
cation with civil institutions, 741;
with civil liberty, 743; illustrated


by the instance of China, 744;
Oberlin's labors, 747; mortality of
Mexico compared with that of Eng-
land, 749; education quickens in-
genuity, 751; East India cotton
trade, 752; inventive genius, 753;
education ensures a knowledge of
nature, 755; deters from crime,
757; cost of intemperance and
758; evils of war, 759; the educa-
tion must be Christian, 761; evils
of that which is merely secular,
763; value of the Bible in educa-
tion, 765.

Education, Collegiate, 1.


Of ministers, 235.
Edwards Prof. B. B., Articles by, 1,
85, 318.

Edwards Rev. J., Exposition of the
Psalms, 450.

Emmons Dr., New vol. of his sermons,


English Language, Harrison on, 715.
Ephesus, 869.

Epistles Pastoral, Huther's introduc-
tion to, 318.

Europe Past and present, 445.
Exposition, by Dr. J. King, of an apos-
tolical church, 378.


Fairbairn's Ezekiel, 660.
Ferme's Analysis of Romans, 882.
Foster John's life, 229.
French Works in metaphysical sci-

ence, reviewed, 73.


Gayarre's Louisiana, 882.
Genesis 9:25-27, 20:16, 50: 26, ex-
planation of, 58.
Genesis, examination of some passages
in, by Prof. Robbins, 58; “Cursed
be Canaan," etc., Gen. 9:25-27,
the posterity of Shem and Japheth
are plainly included, 58; God shall
make Japheth prosperous, 59; sal-
vation of all nations shall proceed
from the children of Shem, 60;
meaning of the words "Behold I
have given thy brother a thousand
pieces of silver," etc., Gen. 20: 16.
the injury shall be expiated so as
no longer to be seen, 62; meaning
of " embalm," Gen. 50: 26, explain-
ed from Herodotus, 62; in confor-
mity with Egyptian customs, 63.


Goodwin, Prof., Review of Harrison
on the English Language, 715.
Government and Popular Education,
by Wines, 737.
Gospels, Four, as we now have them
in the New Testament, and the He-
gelian Assaults upon theni, by Prof.
C. E. Stowe, 503; authorities, 504 ;
the soul needs objective truth, 504;
spirit with which the gospels are to
be studied, 505; religious charac-
ter of the Hegelian philosophy, 507;
atheism of the Hegelians, 509; ex-
tended influence, 511; analysis of
the principal Hegelian assaults on
the gospels, 512; Hypothesis of
Strauss, 513; origin of miracles,
514; theory of Weisse, 517; char-
acter of this theory, 519; Hypoth-
esis of Gfrörer, 520; of Bruno
Bauer, 521; of Tübingen school,
523; real importance of these as-
saults, 524; absurdity of these at-
tacks, 527.

Gräfenhan's History of Philology,

[blocks in formation]

Hagenbach's Lectures, 462.
Harrison's English Language, review-
ed by Prof. D. R. Goodwin, 715;
imposing pretensions, 715; histori-
cal facts and theories, 717; usage
the only law of language, 719; mis-
takes in the use of the article, 721;
participle, 722; criticisms on the
pronouns, 723; distinctions of shall
and will, should and could, 724; al-
leged grammatical errors in the
Bible, 725; on the use of the arti-
cle in the Bible, 729; Θεός without
the article, 731; alleged inconsis-
tency in the use of pronouns, 733;
Mr. Harrison's criticisms in most

cases incorrect, 736.

Harris's Preädamite Earth, 227.
Hegelian Assaults on the Gospels, 503.
Hickok's Rational Psychology review-
ed by Prof. Lewis, 181; Threefold
division of Objects and Powers, 183;
Difference of Reason and Under-
standing, 185; Intuition is imme-
diate beholding, 187; Pure forms
in time, 189; the idea in the em-

pirical intuition, 191; differences of Kitto's Cyclopaedia, 654.
the sense and the understanding, Kühner's School Grammar, 665.

195; need of a notional connective

197; Ideas of Boscovich and An-
aximander, 199; argument against
the Materialist, 201; sense does not
furnish perfect ideals, 205; the sen-
ses do not give direct knowledge,
207; argument in Plato's Theaete-
tus, 209; each sense has its sepa-
rate office, 210; origin of mathe-
matical knowledge, 213; knowl-
edge as possessed and exercised,
215; present knowledge of the
past, 217; study of the Reason,
846; elements of comprehension,
347; confutation of the idealist,
349; the ideal and phenomena,
351; position of the idealist, 353;
what does consciousness truly re-
veal? 353; voluntary and invol-
untary constructions, 357; compar-
ison of subjective time to mirrored
spaces, 359; origin of our notion
of space and time, 361; true crea-
tion of a true nature of things, 363;
force in nature and activity in the
supernatural, 365; physical know-
ledge has à priori maxims, 367;
universal efficiency, 369; recipro-
city of influence in nature, 371;
Dr. Hickok's work needs to be
thoroughly studied, 372; etymolo-
gical precision of it, 373; popular
objection that it does not deal with
facts, 375; treats too exclusively
of the sentiency, 376.

Hierapolis, 870.

Hitchcock's Religion of Geology, 662.
Holland, Education in, 467.
Hopkins's Works, 664.
Humphrey, Rev. H., D. D., Review

of Dr. Woods's Works, 25.
Huther's Introduction to the Pastoral
Epistles, 318.

Iconium, 870.


Imputed and Involuntary Sin, Unity
amid Diversities of Belief, 594.


Jacobi's Church History, 659.
Jewett, Prof. C. C., on Libraries, 879.


King, Jonas, his Exposition of an
Apostolical Church, 378.


Landis, Rev. R. W., on Psalm 22: 17,


Laodicea, 871.
Latin Lexicography, 767.
Lewis, Prof. T., Review of Hickok's

Psychology, 181, 346.

Lexicography, Latin, history of, 767;
lexicography belongs to the last
period of literary development, 767;
early efforts among the Greeks and
Romans, 769; Ælius Gallus, 770;
Fasti of Flaccus, 771; Verrius,
Festus, Paulus, 773; efforts in the
middle ages, 774; Reuchlin, Pe-

rotti, 775; Lexicon of Nizzoli, 777.

Libraries, 457, 870, 883.
Life of Zuingli, 563, 675.
London University, 666.
Lünemann, Comm. on Thessalonians,


Lyell's Geology, 455.
Lystra, 872.


Maginnis, Prof., Translations from

Anselm, 529, 699.
Mansell's Logic, 650.
Martyn, Henry, Letters, 880.
Matthew, second and third chapters,
Meyer's Commentary on, 85; char-
acter of Meyer's Works, 85; magi,
86; star in the East, 87; Herod,
88; Prediction of Micah, 89; art-
less deportment of the magi, 90;
meaning of the words, "called my
son out of Egypt," 91; sense of the
phrase, "Rachel weeping for her
children," etc., 92; division of Pal-
estine among Herod's sons, 93; the
repentance preached by John, 94;
nature of the Messianic kingdom,
95; John's baptism, 96; who are the
true children of Abraham, 97; time
of moral discrimination, 98; Jesus
proclaimed as Messiah, 99.
Mayer's Church History, 888.
M'Cosh on the Divine Government,

Metaphysics, Review of recent French
works in, by Prof. H. B. Smith, 73;
prize offered by the French Acade-
my, 73; six memoirs presented, 74;
prize given to M. Willm of Stras-
burgh, 74; report of M. De Rém-

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