MAGAZINE: A REPOSITORY OF ORIGINAL PAPERS, & SELECTIONS FROM ENGLISH MAGAZINES. Published every Saturday Morning, at Robinson's Circulating Library, No. 94, Baltimore-street. VOL. 1.] BALTIMORE, SA FURDAY, DEC. 30, 1818. [Nos. 25 & 26. From the Literary Gazet te. A SPANISH STORY. IN my way through Spain to Co- lonel, addressing himself to my runna, await the arrival of the Lady, and at the same time looking British forces, I had occasion to visit very archly on me, "with the assisthe city of Ordunna in Biscay. In tance of that lady, I hope soon to the principal room of the inn, I found have the good fortune to be less disseveral people gathered round an agreeable to you." "I beg you will elderly woman, who was speaking be seated, Sir," said my Lady, with with great emphasis. I was attract- becoming dignity. Without more ed to listen, and heard the follow- ceremony, Monsieur le Colonel ing tale; but I have to regret that I drew his chair close to the Lady did not arrive in time to hear its Aminta, and took her by the hand commencement. with an excessive freedom, requesting her to sit down also. My Lady was perfectly well bred, having had me about her from her infancy, so that she acquiesced without the least embarrassment. Don Antonio cast a look on me, made an attempt to "Indeed, Senor Juan," said my lady to the musickmaster, as she turned over a book of Italian songs, " I do not like those airs just now; let us play over the patriotick song that was sent me this morning from my cousin at Ma drid." say something very courteous to the stranger, and withdrew. "Sir," said Donna Aminta to the Colonel, looking steadily at him notwithstanding his glances and imper "As it may please your Excellency," said Battista, taking away the book. "Colonel Walstein, my dear," said Don Antonio Perez, opening tinences, "we are very happy in the door and introducing an officer seeing you at Ordunna, as you are in the French uniform. At this sud- so far on your return to France. den intrusion, my lady stepped back, We understand that they have not and put on one of those looks, which been very civil to you at Madrid, when a girl she had learned from and that the ladies of Saragoza have me, as being proper on such occa- been still less amiable." He replisions. "This gentleman," said he, ed with much gaiety, and, after a "commands the detachment of the short pause, added with a smile of French army which does Ordunna self-approbation, that neither Mathe honour of a visit on its return to drid nor Saragoza could boast a France." "Madam," said the Co- Donna Aminta de Buxheda. My VOL. I. 25 Lady remarked that she did not same: for, Heaven help us, they think her family name was known looked at me for all the world like a any where but in Grenada. "Nav," troop of hungry wolves, which, after said he, "by the eves of beauty, having carried off the shepherd. are your name is known throughout the ready to fall upon the flock. We universe. I asked this route from did not return home till it was quite Burgos, solely that I might have the noon, for my Lady chose to confess, worshipping of the feet of Donna to which resolution I had nothing to Aminta de Buxheda" He made oppose. I believe, poor thing, she this common place attack on female felt her hatred to the French so vanity with much spirit, and throw- heavy on her heart, that she found -ing himself on one knee a little be- it necessary to lighten it by repenfore he had done speaking, took my tance. To love our enemies is cerLady by the hand. and looked her tainly a part of a Christian's duty, in the face with an air of devotion. with which, if we cannot comply, "Duenna Brigida," said mysweet we ought to confess, and do penance Lady to me, "I think it is time we for our disobedience. As we entershould go to mass; rise, sir, you ed our own house. the Colonel met must excuse my leaving you."-She us at the door. He approached my then courtesied very low, and left Lady with more gravity than I had the room. Monsieur le Colonel believed him to possess, and requestfollowed us to the door, and then ed the honour of handing her up putting a double pistole into my stairs. She gave him her hand hand, said, "Pray for me, my good without a word. Don Antonio was lady, &c." I did not like to receive already in the dining-room, enjoya present from a strange cavalier, ing a cigar agreeably to his custom and more especially from one of before dinner. My Lady and I France, as my confessor had assured went to change our dress, leaving me that all the present great people the Colonel and him together. On of that country are Atheists and our return, the gay officer rose, but Hereticks, and that their Emperour Don Antonio kept his seat, and con"I have himself has drank lately of the blood tinued to smoke his cigar. of his Holiness the Pope. I, how- just been observing to your husever, took the money, with the de- band, Madam," said the Colonel, termination not to keep it myself; "how happy he must be in the posbut as I did not know what else to session of so much beauty and do with it, I put it into my work- merit." " Monsieur Le Colonel," bag, and followed my Lady to her replied my Lady, "it would seem that flattery is still a part of French OWD room "I hate a Frenchman, Brigida," education, from your being such an said she, "and that Colonel more adept. Pray tell me," added she, than any that I ever saw: and now " is it Talleyrand or the Emperour get my Mantilla, that we may go to who has the office of flattering our church; and my Basquina, for it is beloved sovereign now that he is in France. We know who did it be late." On our way to mass, we passed fore he left Spain. Monsieur, then," through crowds of French soldiers, said she, with an emphasis not to be who had just entered the town from mistaken," those who flatter often the Bergos road. The Square was do it that they may betray." " My quite full of thean, and every street dear," said Don Antonio, laying and door. At such a sight, I cross- down his cigar, " don't insult nis ed myself and said an ave-maria, Excellency. On the contrary," and I am sure my Lady did the said the Colonel, "I admire her 7. ১৯ ٦٠١ ( wit and her spirit!" Then turning am to fight the French, so call in to my Lady, he continued, "forgive Rosina. You shall know more of me Donna Aminta, I ask your par- my thoughts to-morrow." Rosina don." The servants at this moment dressed my lady's hair, which was came in with dinner, so that I was naturally long and beautiful. No obliged to leave the room; although ornament was added to it, but one much against my inclination, as large pearl rosette above the forenothing is more proper than deco- head. Herrobe of black muslin was rum. I retired to my Lady's bed- elegantly fitted on by my own hands. chamber, and ruminated the whole I myself adjusted round her neck time of their dinner on Monsieur the rosary of virgin's tears, from the French Colonel. I did not like which the crucifix hung devoutly on Don Antonio's calling him His Ex- her bosom. As she rose from her cellency; and as to his coming to toilette, the pearl upon her brow my Lady's house, I knew, he had looked like the frozen tear that, the inquired at the inn on the other side Moors say, the angel of forgiveness of the square, for the person who changed into a brilliant for the kept the best table and had the pret- crown of pity. "God bless you tiest wife in Ordunna. "By the my child," said 1, "Oh, que beleyes of beauty, your name is known leza." said Rosina, clapping her through the universe!" What hy- hands together, "there is something pocrites those vagabonds are, thought divine in beauty; that inspires the I. "The villain, I am so happy my old with admiration, and the young Lady told him how his Emperour with rapture." "Well Brigida," cajoled our unsuspecting King. I said my lady, " we will now go to wish the devil would fetch his eldest- the saloon, and Rosina, acquaint the born Napoleon. with Godoy round Senor that I attend him there." his neck, and all that like them, for On entering the saloon we met the earth was never so beset with Don Antonio; he had just risen hell-hounds. as in these days. days. I am from his siesta. "I salute you, sure this fellow's attentions and Don Antonio," said my lady; "but compliments, will make no impres- what's the matter? you look dission on Donna Aminta: every drop pleased." ." "You are the cause," of her blood is Spanish, and she has said he, "at least in your heart you always been faithful to Don An- are, but I will take care of you." tonio!" Thus I sat thinking when "Are you not ashamed of yourself, she sent for me to attend her siesta; Sir," she firmly replied, "to hold she said little to me, but lay down such language to your wife? Every apparently much absorbed in medi- thing is an object fit to rouse your tation.. low suspicions; have you not had When my lady rose from her sufficient proof of my fidelity?" "[ sofa, "It is almost time," said she, have taken care you should have no 11. to dress; I expect the Aglaura opportunity to be unfaithful," was family here to night from Vittoria to his answer. "However," said he, my Tertulla; I suppose our French after a slight pause, and in a fawnguest will come; I have desired him ing tone," there is no end of this, to invite as many of his officers as let us be friends; I may have said a he thinks proper. Send in the Ca little too much; let us forget the merara. Kosina has a good taste, past, and love each other as we have she shall arrange my hair." "You ever done." "To be friends with are too beautiful already, my dear you, Don Antonio, I have no objeclady," said 1, "for your own peace." tion," she replied; "the decorum "Listen," she repled, "to night, 1 of matrimony requires it, but to love you now is perfectly impossible. the distinctly what she said, but I gafine thread which might have bound thered enough to known that it was our affections has been so cruelly some question she put about the broken, that it cannot be united French Marshal Ney. The Colonel again. Observe, for my own sake, started at it, and putting his hand whether you are happy or otherwise to his forehead, said, I dare not." depends on yourself." "How cool "Well," she replied, " it is of no. you are," said Don Antonio. "I can consequence," turning from him. manage no argument with you." ." " But," said he, "what use do you "Because I am always temperate," mean to make of the information ?" she replied. "You are too violent "Whatever I please, except disco. or too cold." "Give me a kiss," ver its author." He remained much said the stupid, sottish jealous Don, agitated, and as if he wished me to "If I do," said, the Lady Aminta, leave the room. I withdrew into "may I be false to you." As she the little hall, and in about half a spoke, she sat down to the piano, minute my lady came out to me, but she did not play: she put her and said, " Brigida, you must never elbow on the keys, and hung her mention a word of what you have cheek on her hand. He put on his seen or heard this night to any livcapote, and walked down stairs. ing soul." "You may depend on "What a brute!" murmured I as me," I replied. "I have neither he went out. " Duenna," said my confidants, nor curiosity; but what lady, warmly, "I beg you would was it he said to you just now ?" forbear such exclamations." The "That must be my secret," said French Colonel came in while she she, smilingly, and walked away to was in this attitude. He stood a the library, taking a light in her moment gazing at her; she perceiv- hand. As she desired me to follow ed him, and suddenly rising said, her, I felt a strange desire to see if "I thought we were to have had the the Colonel had any thing to say, pleasure of seeing some of your offi- that would take the veil from the cers." "You must excuse them to- mysterious half minute. "Sir," said night," he replied; "they are all I, going into the saloon, my lady employed in seeing the troops lodged will be here in a moment; she has in their quarters." I was about to only gone to see if the moon keeps retire. Remain where you are, her place in the heaven as formerDuenna Brigida," said my lady, ly; for we are beginning to think somewhat austerely. "Monsieur," that you French will run away with said she abruptly to the Colonel, every thing in Spain." "I wish to "I have only to request that you heavens, Duenna," said he, " that I will act candidly towards me. I could run away with her: here, did not understand what my lady come here, if you will assist me, you could mean by this address. But shall have a purse of three hundred love has quicker perceptions than double pistoles." I hesitated. Will, duty. Be assured, Madam," said you ?" rejoined he, with much ear-16 the Colonet, "act or speak as you nestness and emotion; "here, take 191 will in my presence, I will neither this," putting a handful of gold gene denounce nor find fault with you." pieces into my hand, as some one " What pledge will you give me for was heard coming into the saloon, that?" "Any thing you may please." ." "take this, as an earnest of the furn " Then," said my lady, "I will ture." Now I was in a great fright,t.zi put you to the proof" She took because my lady might as well be his arm, and walked to the other caught with him alone as 1:, I there- 1 end of the room. I could not hear fore brushed away, along the balcony دو 3 down the winding stairs, into the jealousy; the Colonel upon the garden, for there was no other way quiver of Cupid; Donna Aminta of getting back to the little hall un- was anxious about the fate of her seen. I had very imperfectly col- walnut; Don Pedro Perez was melected my senses on getting into the ditating about joining Romana's garden, when I was confounded by army, next day, at Leon; Donna seeing my Lady and a man in close Carolina was calculating whether conversation, not far from me. I her house was not tenanted by the approached as near as I could, not French, as it was understood that from curiosity, but from duty, and they were retreating in the direchid myself behind the great mulber- tion of Vittoria. I may have been ry-tree, near where they stood. mistaken in giving them those things "Now," said my Lady, "Diego, to think of: but there is no doubt you understand me, and here are that they were thinking of any thing three hard dollars for you; set off but what was talked of in the saloon. immediately, and do not return till There had been such a noise in you see the General. You remem- the house all day, that when at last ber my uncle; you must have seen we retired, sleep had fled from my him at my father's, when you were pillow. For from the hour I kissed a boy. Be sure you give this walnut my Lady's hand in bidding her good into his own hands, and fifty others, night, I did nothing but turn, and which you must get by the way. You will wait his pleasure. I think you will meet him at Valmesada, or at farthest, at Bilboa." "There is something more than kernel in this her morning things were ready to walnut, please my Lady," said be put on. I was surprised to find Diego. "There is, Diego, and take her already out of bed, standing by you care of it, as you value your own the window that faces the East. soul." Now I was, I will confess, The blush of the early sky was on for once curious, but I dared not her cheek, and as she smiled upon stay any longer; so slipping along, me, she might have stood for the to observe what might pass at the image of sun-rise. "We shall have garden porch, I remained there, but an agreeable walk this morning, could observe nothing more than Brigida," said she. "The day is that my Lady gave him two hard fine, I almost begin to hope, Heaven dollars more, and he departed. smiles upon Spain." "May it please toss, and build castles in Andalusia. I rose at the dawn of day, and as soon as it was clear light, went into my Lady's apartment, to see that Donna Carolina de Aglaura, with it to bless my Lady," said I. " And some ladies, were announced; my this, my wretched country!" she Lady met them in the great hall, sighed, putting her hands together, and accompanied them to the saloon, as she raised them to heaven. In an where the Colonel, Don Antonio, hour the house was afoot. Special and a male relation, were already care had been taken of the chocowaiting. After the coffee and ices, late. I gave the Colonel a cup, in there was a little conversation, which the spoon would stand on end. somewhat general, but altogether Donna Carolina de Aglaura came in uninteresting. Some attempts were as we were getting ready. made at liveliness, but in vain. The charming day, dear Aminta," said evening passed slowly and irksome- she, "we shall have a delightful ly, for it was obvious that every one walk to the head of the valley. I was engrossed by some object fo- have desired the mules to be sent re gn to the conversation. Don An- on before." "Don Antonio," said tonio thought upon the the colour of my Lady, " are you ready?" "No, "A |