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was done. Surgeons were called breath; but that a piece of black in, and every means attempted to waxed cloth had been put before it restore her to life; but happily the to hinder this easiness of respiragirl's sufferings were terminated.

Her father was absent; and her mother in despair, incapable of acting more distant relations gave in formation of this death which look ed so much like a murder. The criminal tribunal examined into the

tion, was not mentioned; nor was it inquired whether corporal illtreatment is in all cases calculated to restore lunaticks; whether the mode of treating such patients in the Charité does not require a thorough reform; whether it is not

affair, and acquitted the Counsellor necessary that the director of the Hohn, because he affirmed that institution, as well as those under Louisa was not suffocated, but had him, should have, besides the other died of an apoplexy. The sack, it necessary qualifications, feeling was said, had been so coarse, that hearts?

she might very easily have drawn


From the (London) Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1818.


assured that no English cook would follow them, nor English gourmand FATHER G., a Jesuit, expres- discover what was served up to him.

ses himself as follows, respecting the treasures of art, &c. which have been brought back from Paris to the monastery of St. Peter at Erfurt:" Among the relicks are many highly valuable, which may be regarded as diamonds of the finest water; as, for example, nine of the skulls of the 11,000 virgins, a piece of a gown of the Virgin Mary, the tuning-hammer belonging to David's harp, and many other similar treasures; in comparison with which the French contributions are as nothing."

French ideas of English Cookery.


To him that goes to law nine things are requisite:

In the first place a good deal of


2dly. A good deal of patience.
3dly. A good cause.
4thly. A good attorney.
5thly. Good counsel.
6thly. Good evidence.
7thly. A good jury.
8thly. A good judge.
And 9thly. Good luck.


In the seventh century, Theo

dore, Archbishop of Canterbury,

In La Cusiniere Burgeoise edition was celebrated, through all the wesof 1816, we find two dishes deno- tern church, for writing a penitenminated English, and undoubtedly tial, or treatise to direct what pecalculated to gratify our country- nance should be enjoined for certain men, who transport an English ap- crimes. Among other matters, perpetite to the banks of the Seine: sons newly married were commandthese are, Rosbif de mouton à l' ed to abstain from entering a church Anglaise, and rosbif d'agneau à l' for thirty days, and to repent for! Anglaise; that is to say, roast beef fifteen!-History of Dissenters, by of mutton, and roast beef of lamb, Bogue and Bennet; vol. 1. p. 15. in the English manner. We do not In the rubrick of the Church of feel it necessary to add the recipes, England, at the end of the "Form

of Solemnization of Matrimony," to know how to enjoy it. Her naas it stands in the Prayer Books of tural restlessness and extreme jeathe nineteenth century, is the fol- lousy for liberty and property have lowing directions: It is conve- often plunged her into civil wars, nient that the new married persons which have laid her within six inshould receive the Holy Communion ches of her destruction. The three at the time of their marriage, or at the first opportunity after their mar riage."

Count Oxenstiern who had been

journies I made there having let me into their manners, I venture to assert that it is the most delightful. country in the world for young gentlemen to be amused in, provided they are masters of the language,

three times ambassador from the and are able to support the expense; court of Sweden to that of England and if the high road to hell be sown in the former part of the sevenwith delights and pleasure, you

teenth century, drew the following must necessarily pass through En-.

sketch of this country, which some

may think not very far from the gland to go to it."

truth at the present period.


"England, without dispute, is In the reign of James the second, the queen of isles, the empire and Robert Ferguson, a Presbyterian arsenal of Neptune. She is at the minister, who had plotted against same time the Peru of Europe, the the government, fled from justice kingdom of Bacchus, the school of to the city of Edinburg, when perEpicurus, the academy of Venus. ceiving that he was closely pursued, the country of Mars, the abode of and that the gates were shut to Minerva, the support of Holland, prevent his escape, he had recourse the scourge of France, the purgato- to a device which men of less cunry of partisans of opposition, and ning would have considered as the the paradise of those of liberty. certain means of destruction. InThe women are handsome, but their stead of secreting himself in a celbeauty is attended with something lar or a garret, and putting confivery insipid. Bravery there, is, as it dence in strangers, he went to the were, natural to the men, but car- town prison. where he knew an old ried to an excess that approaches to acquaintance was confined, and savageness. Wit and judginent there he remained concealed till the reign there, and perhaps more than search being over and curiosity at in any other country whatever; but an end, he was enabled to go quietthey produce certain air of pride ly about his business. The same which considerably diminishes their man, after the unfortunate affair in merit. 'Tis there, one may say, which the Duke of Monmouth perthat fortune distributes her favours rished, with whom he acted as seabundantly; but these islanders cretary, had a still more narrow are ignorant of the use they ought escape. Ferguson knew that a proto make of them to strangers, as the clamation was issued out against courtiers and their taste are the him, and his person was so very reonly objects of their liberality. markable, that he could hardly enTheir language is an odd mixture tertain the least hopes of eluding of almost all the tongues of Europe: pursuit. Being, however, a man of but with this advantage, that it ex- great presence of mind, he made presses itself the best of all of them: the best of his way for the coast; in short, 'tis a nation where no- but instead of passing along bything is wanting to its happiness but roads, or through little villages, he



Holland, and returned from thence with the Prince of Orange.

entered the largest towns, and fear- and thus Ferguson in the company lessly put up at the best inns. At of the magistrate, passed safely one place in Dorsetshire, where his through that town and the neighdanger was the greatest, he found bourhood without being at all susthat the principal inn was kept by pected. He then got a passage to the mayor, which circumstance made him choose that very house for his quarters. Here he came towards evening, ordered a handsome SMOLLETT'S Томв - Situated on supper, to which he invited the the banks of the Arno, between Legcompany of the landlord and his horn and Pisa, in the most romanwife. In the middle of the repast tick spot that even the vivid inthe mayor received a message de- agination of an Italian could select, siring him to grant a search warrant rises the tomb of our countryman for the apprehension of one Fergu- Smollett, the author of Roderick son. The magistrate in conse- Random, &c. It is of a plain octaquence being obliged to retire for gonal form, about thirty feet in the discharge of his official duty, height, and six feet in diameter at made an apology to his guest, and the base, which forms an apartment, at the same time acquainted him to which there are three doors. with the reason of his absence. On The English who visit it from the his return the conversation fell upon port of Leghorn, have erected a the subject of the fugitive and the plain marble table, surrounded by offences with which he stood charg- stone seats within; and scarce a ed Ferguson, who knew that too vessel arrives, but the officers and much ardour in condemning fre crews pay a visit to Smollett's quently betrays consciousness of tonb, and do homage to his memory guilt, and that an attempt to palliate in sacrifices of the most generous crime is apt to create suspicion, "lachrymæ christi" wine. both which are the errours of little It is worthy of remark, that the cunning, commended the zeal of tomb is covered with laurel, so that the magistrate with that discreet coolness which generally accompanies moderation and honesty, and then deviated imperceptibly to topicks best calculated for his own security. The evening passed away pleasantly. and Ferguson lay till pretty late in the morning, when he marble slabs are placed inside, with arose confident enough of his being suitable inscriptions in the Italian, safe while in that house, but not so Latin, Greek, and English lansure of getting out of the town to guages. The Italian run thus :the sea side. In order to obviate

scarce a stone can be seen, and it is even bound up to clear the entrance at the doors.

The laurel grows wild in all parts of Tuscany, and the homage of friends has planted many a slip on the tomb of departed genius. Four

this difficulty, he called for break- Stranger! respect the name of Tobias Smollett

fast, and again desired the company of his worship, with whose conversation he affected to be so much pleased, that he promised if the Mayor would ride to the next town, and spend the evening with him, he

flattery won the affection of the

An Englishman,

A man of letters and playful genius;

He died

[blocks in formation]

would stop and take dinner. This He knew every thing he loved every one.

host, who very readily complied,

Familiar with past


Present ages,

His works merit a place by the side


Pray for his soul.

fusal, having brought a very valuable present for his Holiness as a s. mark of their respect, he cried with a seemingly careless air, "Well, well, adınit them; poor uninformed, ignorant wretches, they knew not what they

The Greek inscription has been thus translated; I am not competent to say but better may be given :


Here Smollett rests,
A Citizen of the world,
Xenophon and an Hippocrates,
A Terence and a Boccaccio.

If he had

A native country, it was this;
For here
He chose to die:
I was his friend


"Patria cara carrier liberta."

The great historian of his day,
Who rivall'd all but HUME below,
Thou tread'st upon his lowly clay;
Then let thy tears of rapture flow.
The first of novelists he shone,
The first of moralists was he,
Who Nature's pencil waved alone,
And painted man as he should be.
Dumbarton's vale in life's gay prime
Cherish'd this blossom of the North,
Italia's sweet and favoured clime
Enshrines in death the man of worth.

were doing."

Vernet and Voltaire. -When Vernet, the celebrated painter, visited Voltaire for the first time, the author thus addressed him: "Welcome, M. Vernet! you are rising to immortality, for never were colours more brilliant or more durable than yours!" The Painter replied, My colours can never vie with your ink!' and caught the hand of Voltaire, which he was going to kiss with reverential awe, but the Poet snatched it away, modestly saying, "What are you going to do? Surely if you kiss my hand, I must kiss your feet."


Mr. Humboldt and his companions, in the course of their travels, J. H. B. heard an account of a tree which There is much merit in the latter grows in the valleys of Aragua, the composition: it has evidently been juice of which is a nourishing milk, written by a Scotchman. The Fac- and which, from that circumstance, tory at Leghorn know not who has received the name of the cow placed the slab, except that it was tree. The tree in its general aspect some person who brought it from resembles the chrysophyllum cainiFlorence; the initials J. H. B. I to: its leaves are oblong, pointed, have heard interpreted James Hay leathery, and alternate, marked Beattie. I believe the Doctor ne- with lateral veins, projecting downver was in Italy; whether he ever wards, they are parallel, and wrote such an inscription, I cannot ten inches long. When incisions pretend to say. This little account are made into the trunk, it dismay not be uninteresting to your charges abundantly a glutinous milk, readers. moderately thick, without any acridJ. M. ness, and exhaling an agreeable balLiterary Gazette, Sept. 1818. samick odour. The travellers drank considerable quantities of it without


A certain Pope being informed experiencing any injurious effects; that some Jews were desirous of an its viscidity only rendering it rather audience, said- Jew! No, how unpleasant. The superintendent of can they expect to be admitted who the plantation assured them that the were the murderers of our dear Sa- negroes acquired flesh during the viour!" But hearing afterwards season in which the cow-tree yields they were much afflicted at his re- the greatest quantity of milk. When

[ocr errors]




this fluid is exposed to the air, per- preceding their departure for Botahaps, in consequence of the absorp- ny Bay, to pull down and to break tion of the oxygen of the atmos- every thing breakable within their phere, its surface becomes covered part of the prison, and to go off with membranes of a substance that shouting with the most hardened appears to be of a decided animal effrontery. When the period apnature, yellowish, thready, and of a proached for a late clearance, every cheesy consistence. These mem- one connected with the prison branes, when separated from the dreaded this night of disturbance more aqueous part of the fluid, are and devastation.

almost as elastick as caoutchouck;

but at the same time they are as
much disposed to become putrid as
gelatine. The natives give the name
of cheese to the coagolum, which is
separated by the contact of the air;

in the course of five or six days it
becomes sour. The milk, kept for
some time in a corked phial, had
deposited a little coagulum, and

still exhaled its balsamick odour. If the recent juice be mixed with cold water, the coagulum is formed in small quantity only; but the separation of the viscid membranes occurs when it is placed in contact

To the surprise of the oldest turnkey, no noise was heard, not a wintook an affectionate leave of their dow was intentionally broken. They utmost gratitude to their benefaccompanions, and expressed the tors; the next day they entered mult, and their departure, in the their conveyances without any tu

tears that were shed, and the mournful decorum that was observed, resembled a funeral procession: and so orderly was their behaviour, that more than half the usual escort." it was deemed unnecessary to send

Wholesome Doctrine.

with nitrick acid. This remarkable tree seems to be peculiar to the Cordilliere du Littoral, especially from Barbula to the lake of Mara- so impressed with a conviction of The celebrated Dr. Darwin was caybo. There are likewise some the necessity of good air, that being traces of it near the village of San very popular in the town of Derby, Mateo; and according to the ac- once on a market day, he mounted count of M. Bredmeyer, in the val- a tub, and thus addressed the lisley of Caucagua, three days' jour- tening crowd: "Ye men of Derby, ney to the east of the Caraccas. fellow citizens, attend to me! I This naturalist has likewise describ- know you to be ingenious and ined the vegetable milk of the cow-dustrious mechanicks. By your tree as possessing an agreeable fla- exertions you procure for yourvour and an aromatick odour: the selves and families the necessaries natives of Caucagua call it the of life; but if you lose your health, milk-tree.

Reform in Newgate.

that power of being of use to them must cease. This truth all of you know; but I fear some of you do

The effect wrought by the advice not understand how health is to be and admonitions of the Ladies' maintained in vigour-this then deCommittee, in reforming the female, pends upon your breathing an uninmates of our great City prison, is contaminated air; for the purity of most strongly shown by the follow- the air becomes destroyed where

ing occurrence:

many are collected together; the

"It was a practice of immemorial effluvia from the body also corrupts usage for convicts, on the night it. Keep open, then, the windows


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