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Neuroglia of cerebral cortex, 47, 48.
of spinal cord, 551, 552.
Neuro-retinitis, 111, 186.
Ninth nerve, 466.

Nuclear formation, 265.

Nuclei, acoustic, functions of, 296.
of auditory nerve, 340.

accessory, of medulla, 265-267.
acoustic, 266, 267.

facial, accessory, functions of, 296.

of trigeminal nerve, 338, 339.

red, 132.

Nucleus, accessory hypo-glossal, functions

of, 296.

caudate, 124, 125, 126.

caudate, construction of, 126.

caudate, fibers of, 126, 127.

clavate, 225, 250, 251, 268, 282, 285.
dentate, 226.

emboliformis, 218.

facial, inferior, 266.

fastigii, 218, 219.

globosus, 218.

gray, of Meynert, 124.


hypoglossal, accessory,
lenticular, fibers of, 125.

lenticular, internal capsule of, 151.
lenticular, 89, 124, 125, 126. -
lenticular, subdivisions of, 126.
of motor oculi nerve, 262.

red, of the tegmentum, 215, 223, 226,
227, 267, 290.

spinal accessory, 266.

of third nerve, subdivisions of, 337.
triangular, 225, 250, 251, 267, 268,
282, 285.

yellow, of Luys, 126, 237.
Nystagmus, its clinical significance, 392.

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Pain, a guide to cortical lesions of cere-
brum, 95.

appreciation of, by pons, 293.

at knee joint, its clinical significance,
734, 740, 760, 761, 762.

facial, of Fothergill, 407.

in the back, its relation to aneurism,

in the pectoral region, its clinical sig-
nificance, 713.

in the penis, its clinical significance,

in the pit of the stomach, its clinical
significance, 712.

in the region of the thorax, its diag-
nostic value, 710, 711, 712.

in the shoulder, its relation to diseases
of the liver, 714.

in the thorax, its relation to gastric
and intestinal disease and tumors of
the viscera, 714.

its relation to the phrenic nerve, 657.
of gout, 604.

of locomotor ataxia, its diagnostic pe-
culiarities, 603.

of rheumatism of muscles, 605.
spinal transmission of, 576.
Palate, its relation to deglutitien, 477.

its relations to facial paralysis, 440.
its relations to glosso-pharyngeal nerve,

nerves of, 431.

Papilla of retina, 351.
Paralysis alterne, 291.

atrophic, spinal, 617.
bulbar, 300, 524, 525.

Paralysis, bilateral, of face, 442.


cortical, localization of, 102, 103.
crossed, 198, 199, 200, 423, 428, 438.
crossed, varieties of, 192, 193, 291.
due to crutches, 705.

due to lead poisoning, 699, 700, 701.
facial, 437, 438, 439, 440.
facial, crossed, 291, 292.

facial, crossed, 428, 429, 430, 438, 439.
glosso-labio-laryngeal, 480, 524, 525.
motor or sensory, from lesions of me-
dulla, 306.

of anterior crural nerve, 735, 736.
of Bell, 426, 427.

Paraplegia, tetanoid, 615.
Paresis, general, 106.
Parolivary bodies, 269.
Patheticus nerve, 395.


Peduncular tract, transverse, of Gudden,

Peduncle, inferior, of cerebellum, 231, 232.
middle of cerebellum, 230, 231.

superior, of the cerebellum, 227, 228,

Peduncles of cerebellum, 219, 222, 223.
Pia mater, cranial, 319, 320.

spinal, 540.

Pineal gland, 132, 215.

of circumflex nerve of shoulder, 693, Pituitary body, 243, 244.


of cortical origin, 84.

of diaphragm, 660, 662.

of dorsal nerves, 719, 720, 721.

of Duchenne, 444, 524, 525.

of median nerve, 681, 682, 683.

of muscles of the back, 720, 721, 722.
of musculo-cutaneous nerve, 676.
of musculo-spiral nerve, 698, 699, 700,
701, 702.

of obturator nerve, 741, 742.

of ocular muscles, its causes, 393, 394.

of peroneal nerve, 769.

of sciatic nerve, 767, 769.

of sciatic nerve, its sensory disturb-
ances, 772.

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of sciatic nerve, its trophic disturb- Posterior longitudinal fasciculus, 148, 206,
ances, 772.

of superior gluteal nerve, 747.

of the insane, 105, 106.

of the insane, 527.

of the ocular muscles, its effect on the
position of the head, 386, 387, 388.
of tibial nerve, 770, 771.

of tongue, 529.

of trigeminus, from lesions of pons,

of ulnar nerve, 688, 689, 690.

spastic spinal, 615.

spinal, 586.

tetanoid, 615.

tetanoid, gait of, 616.

tetanoid, its relations to Duchenne's

disease, 616.

Paralytic dementia, 527.

rigidity, 85, 86.

Paraphasia, 74, 96, 97.

Paraplegia, hemi-, 634, 638.

207, 275.

Post-paralytic rigidity, 104.
Post-pedunculus, 290.
Præpedunculus, 290.

Process of Lenhossek, 551.

Progressive muscular atrophy, 620.
Projection systems of cerebrum, 31-42.
of Meynert, 31, 32.

of Spitzka, 32, 33, 34, 35.
Prosopalgia, its clinical significance, 407.
Psychical blindness, 194, 195, 196, 197.
Pterion, 118.

Ptosis, 391.

Pulvinar of thalamus, 135, 143, 334.

Puncta dolorosa, of cervico-occipital neural-

gia, 659.

of crural nerve, 736.

of fifth nerve, 409.

of intercostal nerve, 718.

of lumbar nerves, 726.

of phrenic neuralgia, 660.

Puncta dolorosa of sciatic nerve, 766.
Pupil, changes in, and their physiology,

mechanism of its contraction and dila-

tation, 376, 377, 380, 381.

Sacral plexus, muscular branches of, their
distribution and function, 748, 749,

table of its branches, 744.

Salaam convulsions of Newnham, 516.

Pupils, contraction of, a symptom of lesions Salivary secretion, effects of section of fifth

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its effects on cerebro-spinal fluid, 542, Sixth cranial nerve (see Nerve, Abducens),


nervous mechanism, 301, 302.
Respiratory bundle of Krause, 282.
mechanism, in medulla, 301, 302.

Restiform body, 222, 286, 287.

fibers of, 289.

Reticular formation, its relations to sensory

tracts, 293.

ganglion, 33, 34.

process, 555,

Retina, blind spot of, 361.

construction of, 363.
papilla of, 351.

Rigidity, post-paralytic, 104.
Robertson's pupil, 381.
Rolando's fissure, 57, 58.
Rotary movements, 243.

Round bundle of medulla, 282, 283.

Saccule of the labyrinth, 446, 452.
Sacral plexus, 743.

articular branches of, 744, 745.
muscular branches of, 744, 745.


Skin, nerves of, relations of, to muscles and
joints, 4.

Smell, center of, 331.

cortical center of, 93.

Smell, effect of fifth nerve upon, 344.
effects of section of fifth nerve upon,

its modifications and their causes, 345.
its alterations in Bell's paralysis, 348.
its modifications in animals and races,

its relations to taste, 347.
physiology of its production, 344.
relations of act of sniffing to, 433.
relations of the facial nerve to, 483.
tests for, 347, 348.

Sneezing, its physiology, 345.
Sömmering, yellow spot of, 351.
Space, posterior perforated, 200.

Spasm of diaphragm, due to phrenic nerve,
660, 662.

of gluteal muscles, 747.

Spasm of lower limbs, 767.

of muscles of the hip, 738.


of quadriceps extensor muscle, 734.
of sterno-mastoid and trapezius mus-
cles, 515, 516.

of tongue, 529.

Spasmodic contraction of the hip, 767.

tabes, 615.

Special senses, impairment of, from lesions
of internal capsule, 166, 167, 168.

Speech, disturbances of, 71, 73-76.

its alterations in Duchenne's disease,

its modifications in paralytic dementia,


muscles connected with, 656.
tract, 73, 74, 75, 293.

Spider-cells, 551.

Spina bifida, 542.

Spinal automatism, 568, 570, 579, 580.
canal, 535.

cells, 550, 551.

automatic action of, 592, 593, 594.
centers, 578, 579.
epilepsy, 631.

hemiplegia, 634, 636.

Spinal cord, æsthesodic system of, 599.
an organ of conduction, 574, 575,

an organ of coördination, 579.
anterior root zone of, 560.
architecture of, 533, 573.

arrangement for protection of, 535.
as a nerve center, 590-599.
blood-vessels of, 543, 544.
central canal of, 555, 556.
central myelitis of, 624.
classification of diseases of, 601.
clinical points pertaining to, 599.
columns of, 558-566.

columns of, development of, 563, 564,


consisting of, 535.

degeneration of the cells of anterior
horns of, 620.

dentate ligament of, 535.

descending degeneration of, 570, 572.
enlargements of, cervical and lumbar,

fibers of, 579, 580, 582, 583, 584, 585,
586, 587, 589.

fibers of, arrangement of, 575.

fibers of, general course of, 573, 574.


Spinal cord, fibers of, secondary degenera-
tion of, 563, 564.

fibers of, varieties of, 547, 548.
fissures of, 537.

focal lesions of, 625.

focal lesions of, above lumbar enlarge-

ment, 632.

focal lesions at lumbar enlargement
of, 633.

focal lesions of, cervical enlargement
of, 628.

focal lesions of lateral half of, 634.
focal lesions of mid-dorsal region of,

focal lesions of upper cervical regions
of, 628.

functions of, 556, 598.

gelatinous substance of, 552.
gray commissure of, 556.

gray matter of, 551–560.

gray matter of, Spitzka's subdivisions,

histological elements of, 547-552.
horns of, 553, 554.

inhibitory fibers of, 561, 562.

kinesodic system of, 599.

lateral column of, 560.

length of, 533.

localization of, functions of, 590.
membranes of, 539.

motor cells of, 554.

motor tracts of, 558, 559, 560.
myelitis of anterior horn, 617.
neuroglia of, 551, 552.

non-systematic or focal lesions of,
600, 601, 625.

paths of transmission of, 585.

sclerosis of, lateral columns of, 615.
segments of, individual functions of,
582, 589.

sensory columns of, 561-564.

sensory conduction of, paths of, 572.
sudorific fibers of, 561.

systematic lesions of, 599, 601.
systematic lesions of, æsthesodic sys-
tem of, 601.

systematic lesions of, kinesodic sys-
tem of, 611.

transverse section of, 552-566.
transverse section of, varying shapes
of, 536.

- trophic action of, 9.

trophic function of, 577.

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Stomach, effects of section of pneumogas- Tegmenta, brachium, 290.

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