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found him sitting up in bed taking his breakfast; a large strip of black plaster, extending from the corner of one eye across the nose, and terminating near the mouth denoted the locale of a goodly wound, while the blue, purple and yellow patches into which his face was partitioned out, looked as if he had been painted for the knave of clubs; one hand was wrapped up in a bandage, and altogether a more rueful and woe-begone looking figure I have rarely looked upon; and most certainly I am of opinion that the "pious, glorious and immortal memory " would have brought pleasanter recollections to Daniel O'Connell himself, than it would on that morning to the adjutant of his majesty's 4-th.

"Ah, Harry," said he, as I entered, "what Pandemonium is this we've got into? did you ever witness such a business as last night's?"

"Why truly," said I, "I know of no one to blame but yourself; surely you must have known what a fracas your infernal song would bring on."

I don't know now whether I knew it or not; but certainly at the moment I should have preferred anything to the confounded cross-examination I was under, and was glad to end it by any coup d'etat. One wretch was persecuting me about green crops, and another about the feeding of bullocks; about either of which I knew as much as a bear does of a ballet."


Well, truly, you caused a diversion at some expense to your countenance, for I never beheld anything


"Stop there," said he ; you surely have not seen the doctor-he beats me hollow-they have scarcely left more hair on his head than might do for an Indian's scalp lock; and, of a verity, his aspect is awful this morning; he has just been here, and by the by has told me all about your affair with Beamish. It appears that somewhere you met him at dinner, and gave a very flourishing account of a relative of his whom you informed him was not only selected for some very dashing service, but actually the personal friend of Picton; and, after the family having blaz'd the matter all over Cork, and given a great entertainment in honor of their kinsman, it turns out that, on the 18th he ran away to Brussels faster than even the colonel of the Belgian Legion; for which act, however, there was no aspersion ever cast upon his courage, that quality being defended at the expense of his honesty; in a word,

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he was the paymaster of his company, and had what Theodore Hook calls an affection of his chest," that required change of air; looking only to the running away part of the matter, though I expressed some regret that he did not belong to the North Cork, and I remarked the doctor did not seem to relish the allusion, and I only now remember, it was his regiment, so I suppose I'm in for more mischief."

I had no time to enjoy Curzon's dilemma, and had barely informed him of my intended departure, when a voice from without the room proclaimed that "Pether" was ready, and, having commissioned the adjutant to say the "proper" to Mr. Beamish and the doctor, hurried away, and after a hearty shake of the hand from Father Brennan, and a faithful promise to return soon, I mounted and set off.

Peter's pace was of all others the one least likely to disturb the lucubrations of a castle-builder like myself; without any admonition from whip or spur he maintained a steady and constant canter, which, I am free to confess, was more agreeable to sit, than it was graceful to behold; for his head being much lower than his tail, he every moment appeared in the attitude of a diver about to plunge into the water, and more than once I had misgivings that I would consult my safety better if I sat with my face au derniere; however, what will not habit accomplish? before I had gone a mile or two, I was so lost in my own reveries and reflections, that I knew nothing of my mode of progression, and had only thoughts and feelings for the destiny that awaited me; sometimes I would fancy myself seated in the House of Commons (on the ministerial benches, of course) while some leading oppositionist was pronouncing a glowing panegyric upon the eloquent and statesmanlike speech of the gallant colonel-myself; then I thought I was making arrangements for setting out for my new appointment, and Sancho Panza never coveted the government of an island more than I did, though only a West Indian one; and, lastly, I saw myself the chosen diplomate on a difficult mission, and was actually engaged in the easy and agreeable occupation of out-manoeuvring Talleyrand and Pozzo di Borgo, when Peter suddenly drew up at the door of a small cabin, and convinced me that I was still a mortal man, and an ensign in his Majesty's 4-th. Before I had time

afforded me even to guess at the reason of this sudden halt, an old man emerged from the cabin which I saw now was a road-side ale-house, and presented Peter with a bucket of meal and water, a species of "viaticum" that he was evidently accustomed to at this place, whether bestrode by a priest or an ambassador. Before me lay a long straggling street of cabins, irregularly thrown, as if riddled over the ground; this I was informed was Kilkee; while my good steed, therefore, was enjoying his potation, I dismounted, to stretch my legs and look about me, and scarcely had I done so when I found half the population of the village assembled round Peter, whose claims to notoriety I now learned, depended neither upon his owner's fame, nor even my temporary possession of him. Peter in fact had been a racer once when, the wandering Jew might perhaps have told, had he ever visited Clare-for not the oldest inhabitant knew the date of his triumphs on the turf; though they were undisputed traditions, and never did any man appear bold enough to call them in question whether it was from his patriarchal character, or that he was the only race-horse ever known in his county I cannot say, but, of a truth, the Grand Lama could scarcely be a greater object of reverence in Thibet, than was Peter in Kilkee.

“Musha, Peter, but it's well yer looking," cried one.

Ah, thin, maybe ye an't fat on the ribs," cried another.

"An' cockin' his tail like a coult," said a third.

I am very certain, if I might venture to judge from the faces about, that, had the winner of the St. Leger passed through Kilkee at that moment, comparisons very little to his favor had been drawn from the assemblage around me. With some difficulty I was permitted to reach my much admired steed, and with a cheer, which was sustained and caught up by every denizen of the village as I passed through, I rode on my way, not a little amused at my equivocal popularity.

Being desirous to lose no time, I diverged from the straight road which leads to Kilrush, and took a cross bridle-path to Callonby; this, I afterwards discovered was a detour of a mile or two, and it was already sun-set when I reached the entrance to the park. I entered the avenue, and now my impatience became extreme, for

although Peter continued to move at the same uniform pace, I could not persuade myself that he was not foundering at every step, and was quite sure we were scarcely advancing; at last I reached the wooden bridge, and ascended the steep slope, the spot where I had first met her on whom my every thought now rested. I turned the angle of the clump of beech trees from whence the first view of the house is caught-I perceived to my inexpressible delight that gleams of light shone from many of the windows, and could trace their passing from one to the other. I now drew rein, and with a heart relieved from a load of anxiety, patted up my good steed, and began to think of the position, in which a few brief seconds would place me. I reached the small flower-garden, sacred by a thousand endearing recollections. Oh! of how very little account are the many words of passing kindness, and moments of light-hearted pleasure, when spoken or felt, compared to the memory of them when hallowed by time or distance.

"The place, the hour, the sunshine and the shade," all reminded me of the happy past, and all brought vividly before me every portion of that dream of happiness in which I was so utterly

SO completely steeped - every thought of the hopelessness of my passion was lost in the intensity of it, and I did not, in the ardour of my loving, stop to think of its possible suc


It was strange enough that the extreme impatience, the hurried anxiety, I had felt and suffered from, while riding up the avenue, had now fied entirely, and in its place I felt nothing but a diffident distrust of myself, and a vague sense of awkwardness about intruding thus unexpectedly upon the family, while engaged in all the cares and preparations for a speedy departure. The hall-door lay as usual wide open, the hall itself was strewn and littered with trunks, imperials and packing-cases, and the hundred etceteras of travelling baggage. I hesitated a moment whether I should not ring, but at last resolved to enter unannounced, and, presuming upon my intimacy, see what effect my sudden appearance would have on Lady Jane, whose feelings towards me would be thus most unequivocally tested. I passed along the wide corridor, entered the music-room-it was still-I walked then to the door of the drawing-room

-I paused-I drew a full breath-my hand trembled slightly as I turned the lock-I entered-the room was empty, but the blazing fire upon the hearth, the large arm-chairs drawn around, the scattered books upon the small tables, all told that it had been inhabited a very short time before. Ah! thought I, looking at my watch, they are at dinner, and I began at once to devise a hundred different plans to account for my late absence and present visit. I knew that a few minutes would probably bring them into the drawingroom, and I felt flurried and heated as the time drew near. At last I heard voices without-I started from the examination of a pencil drawing but partly finished, but the artist of which I could not be deceived in-I listened -the sounds drew near-I could not distinguish who were the speakers— the door-lock turned, and I rose to make my well-conned, but half-forgot ten speech; and oh, confounded disappointment, Mrs. Herbert, the housekeeper, entered. She started, not expecting to see me, and immediately said,

"Oh! Mr. Lorrequer! then you've missed them."

"Missed them!" said I; "howwhen-where ?"

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stopping in Ennis to-night ?" As I put the question my mind reverted to Peter and his eternal canter.

"Oh, dear, no, sir; the horses are ordered to take them, since Tuesday; and they only thought of staying in Ennis, if you came time enough to meet them—and they will be so sorry."

"Do you think so, Mrs. Herbert? do you, indeed, think so?” said I, in a most insinuating tone.

"I am perfectly sure of it, sir."

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Oh, Mrs. Herbert, you are too kind to think so; but perhaps that is-maybe, Mrs. Herbert, she said something

"Who, sir?"

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Lady Callonby, I mean; did her ladyship leave any message for me about her plants? or did she remember”

Mrs. Herbert kept looking at me all the time, with her great wide grey eyes, while I kept stammering and blushing like a school-boy.

"No, sir; her ladyship said nothing, sir; but Lady Jane

"Yes; well, what of Lady Jane, my dear Mrs. Herbert ?"

"Oh, sir! but you look pale; would not you like to have a little wine and water or perhaps"

"No, thank you, nothing whatever;

Did you not get a note from my I am just a little fatigued but you were mentioning

lord ?"

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No; when was it written ?"

Oh, dear me, that is so very unfortunate. Why, sir, my lord sent off a servant this morning to Kilrush, in Lord Kilkee's tilbury, to request you would meet them all in Ennis this evening, where they had intended to stop for to-night; and they waited here till near four o'clock today, but when the servant came back with the intelligence that you were from home, and not expected to return soon, they were obliged to set out, and are not going to make any delay now, till they reach London. The last direction, however, my lord gave, was to forward her ladyship's letter to you as soon as possible." What I thought, said or felt, might be a good subject for confession to Father Malachi, for I fear it may be recorded among my sins, as I doubt not that the agony I suffered vented itself in no measured form of speech or conduct; but I have nothing to confess here on the subject, being so totally overwhelmed as not to know what I did or said. My first gleam of reason elicited itself by asking,

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Is there, then, no chance of their


Yes, sir; I was saying that Lady Jane was mighty particular about a small plant; she ordered it to be left in her dressing-room, though Collins told her to have some of the handsome ones of the green-house, she would have nothing but this; and if you were only to hear half the directions she gave about keeping it watered, and taking off dead leaves, you'd think her heart was set on it."

Mrs. Herbert would have had no cause to prescribe for my paleness had she only looked at me this time; fortunately, however, she was engaged, housekeeper-like, in bustling among books, papers, &c. which she had come in for the purpose of arranging and packing up. She being left behind to bring up the rear, and the heavy baggage.

Very few moments' consideration were sufficient to show me that pursuit was hopeless; whatever might have been Peter's performance in the reign of" Queen Anne," he had now become like the goose so pathetically described by my friend Lover, rather "stiff in his limbs," and the odds were fearfully

against his overtaking four horses, starting fresh every ten miles, not to mention their being some hours in adwance already. Having declined all Mrs. Herbert's many kind offers, anent food and rest, I took a last lingering look at the beautiful picture, which still held its place in the room lately mine, and hurried from a place so full of recollections; and, notwithstanding the many reasons I had for self-gratulation, every object around and about me filled me with sorrow and regret for hours that had passed-never,

never to return.

It was very late when I reached my old quarters at Kilrush; Mrs. Healy fortunately was in bed asleep-fortunately I say, for had she selected that occasion to vent her indignation for my long absence, I greatly fear that, in my then temper I should have exhibited but little of that Job-like endurance for which I was once esteemed; I entered my little mean-looking parlour, with its three chairs and lame table, and, as I flung myself upon the wretched substitute for a sofa, and thought upon the varied events which a few weeks had brought about; it required the aid of her ladyship's letter, which I opened, before me, to assure me I was not dreaming.

The entire of that night I could not sleep; my destiny seemed upon its balance; and, whether the scale inclined this side or that, good or evil fortune seemed to betide me. How many were my plans and resolutions, and how often abandoned; again to be pondered over, and once more given up. The grey dawn of the morning was

already breaking, and found me still doubting and uncertain. At last the die was thrown; I determined at once to apply for leave to my commanding officer, which he could, if he pleased, give me, without any application to the Horse Guards, set out for Elton, tell Sir Guy my whole adventure, and endeavour, by a more moving lovestory than ever graced even the Minerva press, to induce him to make some settlement on me, and use his influence with Lord Callonby on my behalf; this done, set out for London, and then and then-what then?then for the Morning Post-" Cadeau des noces"-" happy couple"- "Lord Callonby's seat in Hampshire," &c. &c. "You wished to be called at five, sir," said Stubber.


Yes; is it five o'clock ?"

No, sir; but I heard you call out something about four horses,' and I thought you might be hurried, so I came in a little earlier."

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Quite right, Stubber; let me have my breakfast as soon as possible, and see that chestnut horse I brought here, last night, fed."

"And now for it," said I, after writing a hurried note to Curzon, requesting him to take command of my party at Kilrush, till he heard from me, and sending my kindest remembrance to my three friends, I despatched the epistle by my servant on Peter, while I hastened to secure a place in the mail for Ennis, on the box seat of which let my kind reader suppose me seated; while, gracefully waving my hat, I make my bow for a brief season, and here say" Au revoir, mes amis."


ASSUREDLY the predictions of the writers of antiquity of their own immortality, have been no vain boasts. Here are we, the descendants of a race of barbarians, of whose existence the Greek was scarce aware, and whom had he known, he would have known but to scorn,-editing, collecting, translating, the invaluable relics spared to us. Libraries are searched, manuscripts read and re-read, excavations made, toil, labour, and expense undergone, to amend a sentence, or discover a couplet. Great as is the demand on the attention of the literary public in the present age, numerous, ay,

numberless, as are the works daily issuing from the press, still with unabated pleasure and unwearied zeal do we turn to the great works of antiquity still is renewed the endless cycle of contest and discussion, emendation and conjecture. They alone have triumphed over all the changes of fashion, the force of circumstances, the variety of national character: on the banks of the Thames, and the Danube, in the schools of republics and monarchies, by men of all classes, all pursuits, all ages, been admired and loved.

Who can tell with what exultation

we flee from the jarring, and striving, and jostling of busy life, from the turbulence of faction and party clamour, to the calm and tranquillizing studies of our boyhood, to the holy ground which, consecrated by the earliest and the purest associations, recalls the freshness and the glory of that blessed period, when hope tinged all things with its own bright hues, and neither care nor anxiety flung their dark shadows on our path.

Long, in spite of that philosophy of the counting-house, which would estimate every thing by the standard of utility, meaning thereby the quantity of money it will bring that base and degrading spirit, whose chilling and withering influence is alas but too rapidly creeping over all that was great and glorious in the national character-long may these delightful works continue to inspire the youth of England with lofty precepts and noble examples.

"The knowledge of external nature," says Dr. Johnson, in a passage which cannot be too often quoted in this age of pseudo-philosophy, "and the sciences which that knowledge includes or requires, are not the great or the frequent business of the human mind. Whether we wish to provide for action or conversation, whether we wish to be useful or pleasing, the first requisite is the moral and religious knowledge of right and wrong; the next is an acquaintance with the history of mankind, and with those examples which may be said to embody truth, and prove by events the reasonableness of opinions. Our intercourse with intellectual nature is necessary; our speculations upon matter are voluntary, and at leisure. Those authors, therefore, are to be read at schools that supply most axioms of prudence, most principles of moral truth, and most materials for conversation; and these purposes are best served by poets, orators, and historians."

Human life undoubtedly must ever be the most worthy and fitting subject

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of speculation for man, and to give just views of our relations to each other should be the first object of education. When compared with these we cannot but believe the knowledge of the motions of the stars or the properties of herbs, as of very secondary impor tance. But enough of this for the present.

The subject now under our consideration is mournful in its own nature: it is doubly so, from the losses sustained of some of the most beautiful works in this department of literature. The carelessness of transcribers, the bigotry of cloistered ignorance, and the neglect of a barbarous age, have left us but a few fragments—sed er、 pede Herculem-from these, mutilated and deformed as they are, we may form some faint judgment of the majesty, grace, and symmetry of the perfect originals. On the elegiac poets, termed gnomic, it is not our intention to offer more than a few observations. We confess ourselves no great admirers of didactic verses in any language, least of all, of mere epigrammatic couplets, to teach us by rule how to eat, sleep, fall in love, or get comfortably drunk. In spite, however, of the subjects, the grace, neatness, and terseness of phrase of the originals render them not unpleasing; but as we despair of being able to preserve these in any version we could give, we must only recommend, in order to the full enjoyment of the Theognidean Philosophy

"Those to learn Greek, who never learned before, And those who always learnt, to learn yet more.” *

It will give them a curious picture of the Grecian nation—it will show its consummate duplicity and profligacy, all guided by the most calculating selfishness. Alcibiades, the hypocrite and the voluptuary, not Aristides, was the representative of the national character. Polybius, himself a Greek, has confessed this, and reluctantly acknowledged how much superior in his

Many admirable improvements have been introduced into our University lately. We believe that for most of them we are indebted to our present excellent Provost. We hope, however, that he does not think that all the reforms which are needed have been made at present there is no encouragement to the study of classical literature, unless six or seven pounds a year, and a dinner for five years, be considered so. Why, too, is there not a professorship of moral philosophy? Were we not writing in the pages of the University Magazine, we could name more than one who would fill that chair with high honour to themselves and their country. These studies must soon, in this age of mechanism, be neglected, if not upheld by the patronage of universities. Mathematical talent might much more safely be left

to the support of the public.

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