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be discerned in the beads, but these tints proceed from the presence of small traces of copper, iron, etc.

The ore of osmium and iridium can be decomposed, and the former recognized by its fetid odor. This metal, strongly ignited in a glass tube with nitrate of potash, is converted to the oxide of osmium, which gives an odor not unlike the chloride of sulphur.

As the metals of this group are very rare ones, especially the last four ones, we shall not devote an especial division to each of them. For a more detailed statement of their reactions, the student is referred to the large works upon blowpipe analysis.



1. Water-2. Nitric Acid-3. Carbon-4. Phosphorus-5. Sulphur-6. Boron 7. Silicon — 8. Chlorine—9. Bromine10. Iodine-11. Fluorine-12. Cyanogen-13. Seleninm.

(1.) Water (HO).-Pure distilled water is composed of one volume of oxygen, and two volumes of hydrogen gases; or, by weight, of one part of hydrogen to eight parts of oxygen gases. Water is never found pure in nature, but possessing great solvent properties, it always is found with variable proportions of those substances it is most liable to meet with, dissolved in it. Thus it derives various designations depending upon the nature of the substance it may hold in solution, as lime-water, etc.

In taking cognizance of water in relation to blowpipe analysis, we regard it only as existing in minerals. The examination for water is generally performed thus: the substance may be placed in a dry tube, and then submitted to heat over a spiritlamp. If the water exists in the mineral mechanically it will soon be driven off, but if it exists chemically combined, the heat will fail to drive it off, or if it does, it will only partially

effect it. The water will condense upon the cool portions of the tube, where it can be readily discerned. If the water exists chemically combined, a much stronger heat must be applied in order to separate it.

Many substances may be perhaps mistaken for water by the beginner, such as the volatile acids, etc.

(2) Nitric Acid (NO3).—Nitric acid occurs in nature in potash and soda saltpetre. These salts are generally impure, containing lime, as the sulphate, carbonate and nitrate, and also iron in small quantity. The soda saltpetre generally contains a quantity of the chloride of sodium. The salts containing nitric acid deflagrate when heated on charcoal. Substances containing nitric acid may be heated in a glass tube closed at one end, by which the characteristic red fumes of nitrous acid are eliminated. If the acid be in too minute a quantity to be thus distinguished, a portion of the substance may be intimately mixed with some bisulphate of potash, and treated as above. The sulphuric acid of the bisulphate combines with the base, and liberates the nitric acid, while the tube contains the nitrous acid gas.

The nitrate of potassa, when heated in a glass tube, fuses to a clear glass, but gives off no water. When fused on platinum wire, it communicates to the external flame the characteristic violet color. When fused and ignited on charcoal, its surface becomes frothy, indicating the nitric acid.

(3.) Carbon (C).-Carbon is found in nature in the pure crystallized state as the diamond. It occurs likewise in several allotropic states as graphite, plumbago, charcoal, anthracite, etc. It exists in large quantities combined with oxygen as carbonic acid.

The diamond, although combustible, requires too high a heat for its combustion to enable us to burn it with the blowpipe. When excluded from the air, it may be heated to whiteness without undergoing fusion, but with the free access of air it burns at a temperature of 703° C, and is converted into carbonic acid. If mixed with nitre, the potassa retains the car

bonic acid, and the carbon may be thus easily estimated. If a mineral containing carbonic acid is heated, the gas escapes with effervescence, or a strong mineral acid as the hydrochloric will expel the acid with the characteristic effervescence.

(4.) Phosphorus, Phosphoric Acid (PO).—This acid occurs in a variety of minerals, associated with yttria, copper, uranium, iron, lead, manganese, etc. Phosphoric acid may be detected in minerals by pursuing the following process: dip a small piece of the mineral in sulphuric acid, and place it in the platinum tongs: this is heated at the point of the blue flame, when the outer flame will become colored of a greenish-blue hue. This color will not be mistaken for those of boracic acid, copper, or baryta. Some of the phosphoric minerals, when heated in the inner flame, will color the outer flame green.

If alumina be present with the phosphoric acid, the following wet method should be adopted for the detection of the latter: the substance should be powdered in the agate mortar with a mixture of six parts of soda, and one and a half parts of silica. The entire mass should now be placed on charcoal, and melted in the flame of oxidation. The residue should be treated with boiling water, which dissolves the phosphate and the excess of carbonate of soda, while the silicate of alumina, with some of the soda, is left. The clear liquor is now treated with acetic acid, and heated over the spirit-lamp, and a small portion of crystallized nitrate of silver added; a lemon-yellow precipitate of phosphate of silver is quickly developed. Previous to the addition of the nitrate, the liquor should be well heated; otherwise, a white precipitate of dipyrophosphate of silver will be produced.

If the examination be of any of the metallic phosphides, the substances should be powdered in the agate mortar, and fused with nitrate of potassa on the platinum wire; the fused mass should be treated with soda in the same manner as any substance containing phosphoric acid. The metal and the phosphorus are oxidized, while the phosphate of potassa is fused, and the metallic oxide separates.

(5.) Sulphur (S).—Sulphur is found native in crystals It is frequently found associated with lime, iron, silica, carbon, etc., and combined extensively with metals.

The principal acid of sulphur (the sulphuric, SO3) occurs combined with the earths, the alkalies, and the metallic oxides. Native sulphur is recognized, when heated upon charcoal, by its odor (sulphurous acid) and the blue color of its flame. The compounds of sulphur may be detected by several methods. If the substance is heated in a glass tube, closed at one end, the yellow sublimate of sulphur will subside upon the cool portions of the tube; if the substance should also contain arsenic, the sublimate will present itself as a light brown incrustation, consisting of the sulphide of arsenic.

If the assay is heated in the open glass tube, sulphurous acid will thus be generated; but, if the gas is too little to be detected by the smell, a strip of moistened litmus paper will indicate the presence of the acid.

The assay will give off sulphurous fumes if heated in the flame of oxidation.

If the powdered substance is fused with two parts of soda, and one part of borax, upon charcoal, the sulphide of sodium is formed. This salt, if moistened and applied to a polished silver surface, will blacken it. The borax serves no other purpose than to prevent the absorption of the formed sulphide of sodium by the charcoal. As selenium will blacken silver in the manner above indicated, the presence of this substance should be first ascertained, by heating the assay; when, if it be present, the characteristic horse-radish odor will reveal the fact.

Sulphuric acid may be detected by fusing the substance with two parts of soda, and one part of borax, on charcoal, in the flame of reduction; the mass must now be wetted with water, and placed in contact with a surface of bright silver; when, if sulphuric acid be present, the silver will become blackened.

Or the substance may be fused with silicate of soda in the flame of reduction. In this case, the soda combines with a portion of the sulphuric acid, which is then reduced to the sul

phide, while the bead becomes of an orange or red color, depending upon the amount of the sulphuric acid present. If the assay should, however, be colored, then the previous treatment should be resorted to.

(6.) Boron, Boracic Acid (BO3).-This acid occurs in nature. in several minerals combined with various bases, such as magnesia, lime, soda, alumina, etc. Combined with water, this acid exists in nature as the native boracic acid; this acid gives with test paper prepared from Brazil wood, when moistened with water, a characteristic reaction, for the paper becomes completely bleached. An alcohol solution turns curcuma test paper brown. Heated on charcoal, it fuses to a clear bead; but, if the sulphate of lime be present, the bead becomes opaque upon cooling.

The following reaction is a certain one: the substance is pulverized and mixed with a flux of four and a half parts of bisulphate of potassa, and one part of pulverized fluoride of calcium. The whole is made into a paste with water, and the assay is placed on the platinum wire, and submitted to the point of the blue flame. While the assay is melting, fluoboric gas is disengaged, which tinges the outer flame green. If but a small portion of boracic acid is present, the color will be quite evanescent.

(7.) Silica, Silicic Acid (SiO').-This acid exists in the greatest plenty, forming no inconsiderable portion of the solid part of this earth. It exists nearly pure in crystallized quartz, chalcedony, cornelian, flint, etc., the coloring ingredients of these minerals being generally iron or manganese.

With microcosmic salt, silica forms a bead in the flame of oxidation which, while hot, is clear, while the separated silica floats in it. A platinum wire is generally used for the purpose, the end of it being first dipped in the salt which is fused into a bead, after which the silica must be added, and then the bead submitted to the flame of oxidation.

The silicates dissolve in soda but partially, and then with effervescence. If the oxygen of the acid be twice that of

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