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was borne up into the Country above,with the blessyd Aungells, deputed and ordeyned to that holy Mystery? For yf the herty prayer of many persones, yf her owne contynuall prayer in her lyfe tyme, yf the Sacraments of the Chirche orderly taken, yf *Indulgences and pardons graunted by divers Popes,* Grete Inyf true repentaunce and teeres, yf fayth and devo- MS. Col. Jo. cyon in Cryste Jhesu, yf charyte to her neygbours, yf pyte upon the poore, yf forgyvenesse of injuryes, or yf good werkes be avaylable, as doubtless they be, grete lyklyhode and almoost certayn conjecture we may take by them, and all these, that so it is in dede.

Therefore,put we asyde all wepynge and teeres, and be not sad, ne hevy as Men withouten hope; but rather be we gladde and joyous, and eche of us herein comfort other; alwaye praysynge and magnyfyenge the name of our Lorde, to whome be laude and honoure endlesly. Amen.

Thus endeth this lamentable Mornynge, Enprynted at London in Fletestrete, at the Sygne of the Sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde.

This Sermon folowynge

was comppled and sayd in the Cathedrall Chyrche of Saynt Poule within the cyte of London, by the ryght reuerende Fader in God

John Bysshop of Rochester;

the body beynge present of the moost famouse prynce

Kynge Henry the VE.

the x. day of Maye the yere of our Lord God M.CCCCC. EX.

Which Sermon was enprynted at the specyall request of the Ryght excellent pryncess


Moder unto the sayd noble prynce, and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby.

'But that that was truely divine in him, was, that he had the fortune of a True Christian, as well as of a great King, in living exercised, and dying repentant. So as he had an happie warrefare in both conflicts, both of sinne, and the crosse. Hee was borne at Pembrooke Castle, and lyeth buried at Westminster, in one of the statelyest and daintiest Monuments of Europe, both for the Chappell, and for the Sepulcher. So that he dwelleth more richly Dead, in the monument of his Tombe, then hee did Alive in Richmond, or any of his Palaces. I could wish he did the like, in this Monument of his Fame.'

Conclusion of Lord Bacon's Historie of the Raigne of King Henry the Seventh.

Dilexi, &c.

For as moche as this honorable audyence now is here assembled to prosecute the funeral observaunces and ceremonyes aboute this most noble prynce, late our kynge and soverayne, kynge Henry the seventh; and all be it I knowe well myne unworthynes and unhabylytees to this so grete a mater, yet for my most bounden duty, and for his gracyous favour and synguler benèfeytes exhybyte unto me in this lyfe, I woulde now, after his deth, ryght affectuously some thynge saye, wherby your charytees the rather myght have his soule recommended. And to that purpose I wyll entreate the fyrst psalme of the dirige; which psalme was wryten of the holy kynge and prophete, kynge Davyd, comfortynge hym after his grete falles and trespasses agenst almighty God; and redde in the chyrche in the funerall obsequyes of every crysten persone whan that he dyeth. And specially it may be redde in the persone of this moost noble prynce; for in it is comprysed all that is to be sayd in this mater; and in the same ordre, that the seculer oratours have in theyr funerall oracyons moost dylygently observed, whiche resteth in iii poyntes. Fyrst, in the commendacyon of hym that deed is. Seconde, in a styrynge of the herers to have compassyon upon hym. And Thyrde, in a comfortynge of them agayne.

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