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ference in the position of signature IV Partie and in signatures. c. a. Pages 9-10 of 2d edition, a. c. Pages 15-16 of 2d. edition, a. c. a. has here the woodcut of ports, Ist. and 2d. editions, with V and U.

There are other variations, viz. Page 3, 1st. Edition, 13th line from bottom ends "fumée cet," d., 2d. edition ends "fumée," a. b. c. Page 5, 1st. ed. 14th line from bottom ends " principa," 2d ed. “principale," a. b. c. Page 9, 1st ed. 23d line from top ends " plus qu'il," d. 2d ed., "ne peut," a. b. c. On page 16 of both editions, there are some engraved figures and an extract from the Privilege dated 17 Nov., 1664.

In b, pp. 15-16 are double. On the leaf originally belonging to this set, the plate is imperfect at the side and another has been added with plate perfect.

74. Camus, p. 291, continued. Page I, signature (a small Greek ), Discovery of countries lying between Abyssinia and the coasts of Melinda, ends on page 8. The map of Ethiopia ought to be repeated here (and probably that of the Entrées de quelques ports de la Mer Rouge du Costé de l'Ethiopie) as appears by the notice on page 5, probably those with the letter v. a. b. c. d.

75/2 Frontispiece (special) Relation | dv | Voyage dv Sayd, | Vignette. A Paris chez André Cramoisy, rue de la Vielle Bouclerie

MDCLXXIII. Avec Privilege du Roi. verso, extract from the privilege in 12 lines. b. d.

75. The Text, page 1, signature a Relation du Voyage du Sayd, in 1668, ends on page 4. It includes also Itinerary of Monfalout to Cairo. a. b. c. d.

76. Frontispiece (special) Histoire de l'Empire Mexicain, representée par figures-Relation dv Mexique, par Thomas Gages. Paris, André Cramoisy, ruë, &c., without a date, Ist edition. a, (on small paper stilted.) d. 77. Another Frontispiece, Relation

du Mexique (with Us) with the ad

dition after Gages, of Traduite par Melchisedec Thevenot. Paris, chez Thomas Moette . . . MDCXCVI. 2d Edition. a. b. c. d. On the title pages of both editions are the same Mexican figures, No. 61 of the Series. There are two editions both of the woodcuts and text to accompany these titles. First edition of woodcuts in number 63 on 46 pages. The running titles of this edition are in large letters. The signatures of the first two sheets A and B are marked by letters and numbers in roman type, e. g. Aj, Aiij, Bij, Biij. In the second edition, the signatures of these two sheets are in italics thus, Aij, Aiij, Bij, Biij. Afterwards the signatures are very much alike, and the most remarkable variation is in the size of "IV Partie." This distinction is kept up through the whole first edition, the letters used in the second edition being smaller type.

First edition, page 1, running title, large letters and top black line perfect. a. d. Second edition, page 1, running title smaller and top black line imperfect. b. c.

1st Ed. page 3, running title large and signature Aij, roman. a. d. 2d. Ed. page 3, running title smaller and signature Aij, italic. b. c.

1st Ed. page 5, running title large, signature Aiij. Figure 5 over top line a. d. in 2d ed. running title small, sig. Aiij, italic and page number 5 in an angle thus 5] b. c.

1st Ed. page 7, running title large, lower black line perfect, page 7 over top line a. d. 2d ed. running title small, lower black line imperfect and 7 in an angle. b. c.

1st Ed. page 9, running title large, a little fleuron in Fig. X, no signaa. d. 2d edition, running title small, no fleuron. b. c.


1st Ed. pp. 11 and 13, running title large, signatures Bij and Biij, roman. a. d. 2d Ed. running title small, signatures Bij, Bij, italics.

b. c.

1st Ed. pp. 15, running title large des Mexicains. a. d. 2d ed. running title small. Histoire des, etc.

b. c.

1st Ed. pp. 17, 18, contain figures

21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. a. d. 2d Ed. page 17 is numbered 14 and contains figures 23 and 24, (21 and 22 being entirely omitted) and page 18 contains figures 25 and 26. a.b.c.

The large paper copy a appears here to change from the 1st to the 2d edition, and so continues to page 43. All the signatures are in roman type, but the word Partie, and the running titles are smaller? than in the 2d ed. still the difference is not so great as before. Pages 19 and 21 small, d., large, a. b. c. Page 24 correctly paged, d., numbered 17, a. b. c. Pages 25 and 27, IV Partie small, d., large, a. b. c. Page 29, IV Partie omitted, d., retained, a. b. c. Pages 31 to 41, difference in the signatures between d., and a. b. c. Page 43 difference in signatures and containing figure 61, a. d. IV Partie omitted, d, difference in signatures and containing figure 61, a. b. c. Page 44 containing figure 62, a. d. containing figure 61 repeated, a. b. c., in a, signature Fij small paper stilted. Page 45, containing figure 63, verso blank, a. d., containing 62 repeated, a. b. c. Page 46, or verso, containing figure 63 repeated, a. b. c., a being small paper stilted.

The large paper copy has both editions to the end. At page 47, the explanations in French begin, and end on page 58. In the 1st. edition, in the margins and titles, Vs are used and page 58 is correctly numbered, d. In the second edition Us are used, and page 58 is incorrectly numbered 85, a. b. c.

78. Camus remarks of the copy be

longing to the Corps Legislatif that it appeared to have one woodcut more than that of Huet. This difference was caused by the repetition of No. 53 under the number 61 :— that still the number of the cuts appears the same, because in the copy of the Corps Legislatif, No. 61 appeared twice. In the repetition 61 bis and 61 of Huet's copy is the same as the cut on the frontispiece. 79. Camus p. 292. Text of the Relation du Mexique et de la Nouvelle Espagne. Par Thomas Gage. Pages 1-40 signature,*. At the end, Extract from the Privilege granted the 18th February, 1663, to Girard Garnier.

This text is also in two editions to accompany those of the frontispieces Nos. 76 and 77 and the figures described under the same numbers.

1st edition. Title at the beginning of the text and running titles throughout are with Vs. Page 1, capital L is surrounded with foliage and in it a winged genius. Contents of Paragraphs different throughout, except on pp. 17-24, where no variations have been detected. The signatures are placed differently. Privilege at the end on p. 40 in 8 lines. d.

2d Edition. Title, etc., with Us. capital L very small in a passe-partout. Running titles, pp. 1-16 in Us, pages 17-24 with Vs, and in these pages no discoverable difference between the copies. Pages 25-40, title with Us. The Privilege at the end is in 9 lines, not counting the title. a. b. c.


80. Camus, p. 292. This fifth part forms the closing part of Volume II. The contents vary in different copies. Those in this set are, taken together, nearly complete.

80/2. Thomas Moette's title of 1696 is here introduced-Tome Second-a slip of paper covers III. et I. (of IV.)

so that the line reads Contenant la V Partie:" d.

81. Page 1, signature A, voyage of Abel Tasman, in the year 1642, ends on page 4. a. b. c. In this piece, the head ornament in has 32 leaves in one line; in c, 30 in one line and 2 above. The Dutch

map of Tasman's route and discoveries and seven plates, containing views of the coasts and people, are introduced from the Dutch edition of Dalrymple's Voyage.


Inserted, Map of Terra Australis, without Tasman's track and without the compass or genealogies on verso, b. Another without track, with compass and without genealogies, a. c.

86 in a, comes in here. It should follow 82.

82. Page 1, signature A. Instruction respecting the winds between the Netherlands and the Island of Java, ends on page 12. a. b. c. d. 83. Page 1, signature A. Embassy S' Chahrok in 1419, pp. 1-16. Page 13 in Latin, Relatio ablegationis, .. Embassy from the Czar to the Emperor of China in 1653, ends on page 16. a. b. c. d. In a, pp. 1316 on small paper stilted. 84. Map of China inserted-the same as that previously used, c. d. 85. Page 1, signature a. Synopsis Chronologica Monarchiæ Sinica, in Latin, printed in two columns, ends on page 19 with 12 lines of text, the rest of the page and page 20 being blank. Page 21, signature f with

top title, Decas Secunda. Page

25, same signature f and at the top of the page Historia Sinicæ, Decas Secunda. Ends on page 76. In a, pp. 1-4 on small paper stilted.

[This part should have a frontispiece, filling the whole page and in the following words, Tabula Genealogica trium familiarum imperialium Monarchia Sinicæ à Hoanti, primo gentis imperatori, etc. E Sinico Lat. exhibita à R. P. Philippo Couplet, etc. Parisiis e Bibliotheca Regia, 1686.*

Another leaf, paged 3, 4, begins thus, A Hoanti primus imperator, etc., printed in two columns-on verso of the frontispiece and 2d leaf are genealogical tables.]

This Library has an edition of this work attached to the life, etc. of Confucius by the same author, Paris, 1687, with a portrait of Confucius. The 2d title has the date 1686. V. Catalogue of Accompanying Volumes, etc. post, page 19.

Page I not paged, a. b. c. d. Page 19 blank in all. Page 13 to 16 are double, 1st ed. p. 13, last paragraph in 4 lines ending "atque ita" c. d. 2d ed. last paragraph in 6 lines ending "Ann. Imperii." a. b. c. d. Page 15, 1st ed. last line of 4th family begins "ctabat," c. d. 2d ed. affectabat." a. b. c. d. Page 33, not paged, a. b. c. d.


85/2. Large map of China, repeatedused previously in 56. a. b. c.

L'Asie de

86. Page 1, signature A. Barros, ends on p. 16. The catchword "Ambassade" shows that No. 83, Ambassade de S'chahrok should follow this piece. a. b. c. d. It is so placed in d.

87. Two leaves without pagination or signature. Relation of the Christians of St. Jean. a. b. c. d. 87/2. Map of Bassora as previously used with the names in Latin below, a. b. c, and a. b. c. d, have the two pages in Chaldee characters, v. No. 18. Camus: p. 338. Map of Colchida also inserted-see reference on last page of 87. a. b. c. 88. Page 1, signature A. Voyage de la Tercere, by Commander De Chaste, ends on page 18. a. b. c. d. 89. Page 1, signature Aij. Elementa linguæ Tartaricæ, in Latin, ends on P. 34. Pages 2, 3 omitted in the pagination. a. b. c. d..

90. Fragment in Spanish, on the Solomon islands (now known as the Marquesas) discovered in 1575 by Mendana. This piece is very rare and is generally found in the state described by Camus. Printed in two columns, it begins on page 5, signature b. Pages 7 and 8 are not numbered, and pages 13-17 follow immediately, but page 17 is sometimes wanting. The relation in this collection is more perfect, but is incomplete. In the Royal Library at Berlin, Mr. Sobolewski, of Moscow, found a perfect copy, which has been examined particularly. He printed on bad blue paper the parts generally wanting, but not in exact facsimile. [4 pages, signature a. At

the top of the first in 5 lines, Dos Viages | Del Adelantado Alvaro de Mendaña Con Intento de Poblar | Las Islas de Salomon | Y Descubrir La Parte Austral Incognita. | Below this title the text begins printed in two columns. At the foot of the page at the opposite side from the signature are the words IV Partie.] In these copies, pages 1, 2, 3, 4 are Mr. Sobolewski's reprint in a. b. c, pages 5, 6, 7, 8, originals as described by Camus, a. b. c, but in all these copies pages 7 and 8 are numbered. Pages 9, 10, 11, 12 original in copy a, on small paper stilted (which pages are not mentioned either by Camus or Brunet), and also Sobolewski's reprint on bad blue paper. b. c. d. In b, pages 9, 10, 11, 12, are Sobolewski's reprint, but 13, 14, 15, 16 are originals. Page 17 is the reprint, 18 blank, so likewise in c. In the originals the letters of the running titles are large -in the reprints much smaller.

The following variations are also found between the two:

Page 9, original, 1st line, 1st column, Maesse with the long s, de Campo with capital C-reprint, the small s, Campo with small c. a. b.

Same page, last line, 1st column, Agies with capital A. a, reprint, agyes with small a, a. b,-original signature C under 1st syllable of Castigola, a, reprint, under ta of falta, a. b.

Page 11, original, IV Partie at bottom of first column on left hand, a., in reprint omitted-original signature Cij under enfermos, a., reprint, under de.

Pages 13-16, originals, a. b. c. Page 17 original in copy a, on small paper stilted, last line of second column ends desseau, in reprint, se desseau, b. c. d. The last lines of all the paragraphs of this page differ -verso of both original and reprint are blank.

[ocr errors][merged small]

text is in Latin. The following collation was taken from the copy in the Royal Library, Paris, in 185 . The paper is larger than that of the small, but not so large as that in the Large Paper copies. It has only pages 1-4 and 9-12. Pages 1, 2, sig., pages 3, 4 no signature, pages 9, 10 sig. *¶, page 11, no signature. Catchword on page 4, centum, while page 9 begins forma. This shows that pp. 5-8 are wanting. The copy as described above by Camus was probably perfect. It was that belonging to the Corps Legislatif, which he calls "un des plus complets qui existent."]

92. Page 17, signature


title Asganii Sassonii, with title Ordo III, etc. Text in Latin, on small paper, to page 48. After page 64 (according to Camus) page 77 immediately follows, and ends on page 80, but the text is unfinished, as is shown by a catchword on p. 80. The part contains the history of several eastern princes and of their houses, but this piece should have all the pages from 1 to 80 without interruption, viz.


[Page 1. LEB TARIC, seu MeThe dulla Historica Præfatio. signature at the bottom of the page is one. The second leaf, page 3, begins, Muhammed and runs on without any break to page 16, and the signatures to four * catchword of page 16 is Ordo-the running title of page 16 is "De Regib. natis. ab Alexandro institutis." Then page 17 follows. The signature recommences with * (four stars) but larger than the foregoing. The running title is "Asganii Sassonii" to p. 48, signature *11 a. b. c. d. Pages 17-48 on small paper stilted. Pages 49-64, sig. *12 to sig. *15, the running title De Atabekiis" a. b. b. ends at page 64. [Pages 65–76, sig. *16 to 18.] Pages 77-80 sig. *19. The running title is "Albarum Ovium" and of page 80 "De Usbekiis." a.


The copies in this collection are more than commonly complete. The ordinary copies begin at page 17 and close at page 48.

The following additional piece was discovered in the copy in the Royal Library at Berlin in 1856 or 1859. See Brunet: Vol. V., p. 813, 5th edition.

[Gramatica | Linguæ | Sinensis | in three lines, below Caput Primum and text 15 pages. Finis on 15th page and underneath the same (?) two Chinese Characters found on

the title page of Sinarum Scientia (No. 66) page 16 blank. Text in long lines, signatures A to D in 2s. The type is larger than that used elsewhere in Thévenot. More recently than the date above, a copy in 2 vols. was sold by Weigel, Leipsic, which had a part at least of this rare piece.]


1. Part 2, Vol. 1. Frontispiece of 1696, Paris, chez Thomas Moette. v. Camus; 283.

But Thomas Moette printed only two title-pages, Ist. containing Parts 1 and 2; and 2d. containing Parts 3 and 4.

2. The half leaf of Errata, v. Camus, page 289, (No. 31) of which the only copy known is that which he . mentions in the Library of the Institut.

3. Routier des Indes at page 19. Plan of the City of Goa, printed in its place. This plan, when found in any copy, is always pasted over a blank space. (v. No. 33.)

4. Part IV. (or Vol. 2, Part 2) Frontispiece of 1696, Thomas Moettefound only made up, if found at all. 5. Frontispiece (special) Voyage du Sieur A-à Buenos Ayres, and the

Indian, Paris, Gervais Clousier (1672) in roman letters, found, Camus says (No. 61) in Huet's copy.

6. The two leaves described under No. 85, Tabula Genealogica, with genealogical tables on verso of title and the 2d. leaf.

7. The four pages, sig. a, of "Dos Viages" (v. No. 90,) of which the originals exist in the Royal Library, Berlin.

8. Appendix ad Hist. Mogolum title Caput VI. pages 1-12, v. foregoing description, No. 91.

9. A part of No. 92, Asganii Sassonii -Leb Taric, etc., pages 1-16, signature and pages 65-76.

10. Relation discovered in copy at Berlin, unknown to Camus, Brunet, etc. Grammatica Linguæ Sinensis, pages 1-15.

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