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Ἰσθμίαν ἵπποισι νίκαν,

τὰν Ξενοκράτει Ποσειδάων ὀπάσαις, 15 Δωρίων αὐτῷ στεφάνωμα κόμα πέμπεν ἀνδεῖσθαι σελίνων,


Στρ. β'.

εὐάρματον ἄνδρα γεραίρων, Ακραγαντίνων φάος. 25 ἐν Κρίσᾳ δ ̓ εὐρυσθενὴς εἶδ ̓ ̓Απόλλων μιν πόρε τ'


tive, ovv is half continuative, half dismissive. 'Well then as you are a man of understanding (I declare without more ado that) right famous is the Isthmian victory-in-thechariot-race that I sing.' He implies that though his praise is bought, it is genuine beyond dispute (cf. O. and P. p. xxxvii.). Cf. infra, vv. 33, 34. For the dative ἵπποισι cf. Pyth vi. 17, Isth. III. 16.

οὐκ ἀγνώτ'.] So Mommsen after the oldest Vatican Ms. Vulg. ἄγνωτ'. For the predicative adjective cf. Isth. 1. 17. Note the recurrence of οὐκ ἀγνῶτ. υ. 30.

15. κόμᾳ.] The dative after στεφάνωμα. The verb ἀναδεῖσθαι takes the accusative. Cf. Nem. XI. 28. Bergk's alteration of air to avov is due to the Schol. τοῖς οὖν τὰ Ἴσθμια ἀγωνιζομένοις σέλινον ξηρὸν ὁ στέφανος, ὑγρὸν δὲ τοῖς τὰ Νέμεα. Cf. a Schol. prefatory to the Nem

eans, ὁ δὲ στέφανος ἐκ χλωρῶν πλέκεται σελίνων. διαφέρει δὲ τοῦ κατὰ τὸν Ἴσθμον καθόσον ἐκεῖνος ἔχει τὰ σέλινα (Heyne inserted ξηρά). But cf. Nem. iv. 88, where I have followed the prevalent idea. A prefatory Schol. on the Isthmians says στέφος δέ ἐστι τοῦ ἀγῶνος πίτυς· τὸ δὲ ἀνέκαθεν σέλινα καὶ αὐτοῦ ἦν ὁ στέφανος. Another Schol. tells us that the crown was of parsley, because it was sacred to the infernal deities (cf. Ol. XIII. 33 note), and that when the games, which were originally funeral games in honour

of Melikertês (cf. Frag. 1), were restored in honour of Poseidon by Thêseus, the pine was substituted for parsley. Cf. Pausan. VIII. 48. 2. However Pindar seems to know nothing of the dry parsley or the pine. Cookesley remarks, “It is singular that Pindar should call it 'Dorian' parsley; for the Isthmian games appear to have been a πανήγυρις of the Ionians of Peloponnesus and Attica; and they were dedicated to Neptune, an Ionian god.” But Nem. iv. 88 shews that Dôrian meant Korinthian. That the Dôrians appropriated preDôrian traditions we have seen on Οl. VII. 75. It is possible that ἑλίκη, salix, are connected with σέλινον, but neither salix nor σέ λινον can be connected with ἑλίσσω εἰλέω. L. and S. are in error.

16. πέμπεν.] For the imperf. where one might expect an aorist, cf. Thuk. 1. 26, Shilleto, Soph. El. 680. For the infinitive cf. Madv. 148 b.

17. φάος.] Cf. Ol. II. 10, νι. 16, for similar use of ὀφθαλμός, ὄμμα εf. Pyth. v. 52.

18. ἐν Κρίσᾳ.] Near Krisa, cf. Pyth. v. 35 and my note on Pyth. vi. 9, and for èv='near,' O. and P. p. xxxvii. Nem. x. 8.

εἶδ'.] Cf. Οl. VII. 11, ἄλλοτε δ ̓ ἄλλον χάρις ἐποπτεύει, Pyth. III. 85, τύραννον δέρκεται...ὁ μέγας πότμος, 01. χιν. 4.

dyλatav.] Cf. Ol. ix. 106, xiii.

καὶ τόθι κλειναῖς Ερεχθειδῶν χαρίτεσσιν ἀραρὼς 20 ταῖς λιπαραῖς ἐν ̓Αθάναις, οὐκ ἐμέμφθη ῥυσίδιφρον χεῖρα πλαξίπποιο φωτός,


̓Αντ. β'.

τὰν Νικόμαχος κατὰ καιρὸν νεῖμ ̓ ἁπάσαις ἁνίαις. ὅντε καὶ κάρυκες ὡρῶν ἀνέγνων, σπονδοφόροι Κρονίδα

Ζηνὸς ̓Αλεῖοι, παθόντες πού τι φιλόξενον ἔργον

14, Pyth. x. 28, for the meaning 'victory,' 'glory of victory.' MSS. separate ἀγλ. from καὶ τόθι by a full stop, and give καὶ τόθι κλειναῖς Ερ. κ.τ.λ. Some Edd. read ἀγλ. καὶ τόθι· κλειναῖς δ' Ερ. κ.τ.λ. Mommsen alters the full stop to a colon, wrongly, I think, as Thrasybulos was charioteer at the Pythian games, cf. Pyth. vi.

19. καὶ τόθι.] • And so elsewhere wit, in glistening Athens.' The demonstrative adverb, as it were, introduces a fresh charioteer. The victory at Athens was probably in the Panathenaea.

χαρίτεσσιν.] Not victories as in Ol. VII. 93, Ερατιδᾶν τοι σὺν χαρίτεσσιν ἔχει | θαλίας καὶ πόλις, but 'favours,' i.e. 'prizes,' or else 'songs of victory.' It is not easy to determine whether κλειναῖς is ' renowned' or 'making renowned,' but as λιπαραd and κλειναὶ are both applied to Athens in Frag. 54 [46], the former is preferable.

ἀραρώς.] • Having attained ;' lit. joined to ;' cf. Ol. I. 22, Nem. III. 68, Iv. 21, Isth. vII. 19, infra v. 29. The subject changes from Apollo to Xenokratês.

20. οὐκ ἐμέμφθη.] Meiosis, he has good cause to thank.'

21. ῥυσίδιφρον.] • Chariot-preserving. For the dangers of the chariot race, cf. Pyth. v. 30-32. 22. ταν νεῖμ ̓ ἁπάσαις.] νώμα πάσαις.



To give the hand to the reins' manibus omnes effun


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23. ὅντε.] He whom, i.e. Nikomachos, whom a Schol. states to have been an Athenian, the charioteer of Thêrôn and Xenokrates; the latter statement being however clearly based on a misconception of the passage. He seems to have been πρόξενος of Elis.

κάρυκες ὡρᾶν.] Cf. Ol. IV. 1, τεαὶ γὰρ ὧραι | ὑπὸ ποικιλοφόρμιγγος ἀοιδᾶς ἑλισσόμεναί μ' ἔπεμψαν | ύψηλοτάτων μάρτυρ' αέθλων. Here the plural pav may be distributive, the heralds of successive seasons (of the Olympian festival).'

σπονδοφόροι.] Proclaimers of the solemn truce throughout Greece. Officials not unlike the Roman fetiales. Cf. Pausanias, v. 15. 6.

24. παθόντες κ.τ.λ.] ‘Having, I ween, considerable (?) experience of his discharge of the functions of a friendly host.' The use of pyov implies that he was their πρόξενος. The conjunction of τι που, Οl. Ι. 28, καί πού τι καὶ βροτῶν φάτιν ὑπὲρ τὸν ἀλαθῆ λόγον | δεδαιδαλμένοι ψεύδεσι ποικίλοις ἐξαπατῶντι μῦθοι — and Pyth. iv. 87, οὔ τί που οὗτος ̓Απόλλων, makes it very doubtful whether or no τι goes with ἔργον. The particles convey a modest expression

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30 καὶ γὰρ οὐκ ἀγνῶτες ὑμῖν ἐντὶ δόμοι

οὔτε κώμων, ὦ Θρασύβουλ ̓, ἐρατῶν,

οὔτε μελικόμπων ἀοιδῶν.


Στρ. γ'.

οὐ γὰρ πάγος, οὐδὲ προσάντης & κέλευθος γίνεται,

εἴ τις εὐδόξων ἐς ἀνδρῶν ἄγοι τιμὰς Ελικωνιάδων. 50

of uncertainty or vagueness, as though the proposition were tentative or too wide to be completely grasped; but the appeal to the sympathy of the audience makes them virtually give emphasis, as in this passage; so with Tov alone, Pyth. x. 11. The old Vatican ms. gives ποῦ τι, the other good ass. ποῦ (one πού) τοι.

25. ἁδυπνόῳ.] Cf. Οl. ΧΙΙΙ. 22, ἐν δὲ Μοῖσ ̓ ἁδύπνοος.

26. χρυσέας.] Cf. Nem. ν. 7, Οl. ΧΙΙΙ. 8, Isth. VII. 5.

ἐν γούνασιν.] Cf. Pyth. Ι. 74 for construction, and for idea Nem. v.


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28. ἄλσος.] Probably not from a root aλ- cf. alo, of which aλd- is a secondary form; but from ✓ SAR, 'guard,' keep,' whence salus, salvus, sollus, ὅλοs, and also saltem, saltus 'a whole tract of land,' and perhaps solium, reserved seat, Σελλοί, consecrati, ἔλυμος, ἔλυτρον. Το this root sera is rather to be referred than to skro, sertum. For -σos ef. ἅψος, πέσος (from πέτ-σος, unless Curtius theory as to ἔπεσον being from ἔπετ-σον, and also his view that t does not pass into sigma before

any other vowels except, v be wrong. He has omitted to discuss the form πέσος, which omission is a serious flaw in his argument). Here ἄλσος includes the "Αλτις, which was a portion of the τέμενος planted with trees, but, as Dissen on Ol. III. 17 points out, ἄλσος does not necessarily imply trees, but means 'precinct.'

29. παῖδες.] A purposely vague statement, as only Thêrôn won at Olympia.

ἐνἔμιχθεν.] Tmesis. For the phrase cf. supra, v. 19, àpapús.

30. καὶ γάρ.] Mezger points out that these particles refer to ἀθανά


οὐκ ἀγνώτες.] Cf. v. 12, where the sense is passive. Here it is active as in Pyth. ix. 58 (χθονός αῖσαν)... οὔτ ̓ ἀγνώτα θηρῶν.

33. For there is no hill to climb, nor does the path even tend to slope upwards.' For metaph. cf. Nem. vi. 47, Isth. III. 19.

34. ἐς ἀνδρῶν.] Sc. δόμους. Dissen quotes Od. iv. 581, ἂψ δ' εἰς Αἰγύπτοιο, Διιπετέος ποταμοῖο στῆσα νεάς.

εἴ...ἄγοι.] Cf. Pyth. VIII. 13.

35 μακρὰ δισκήσαις ἀκοντίσσαιμι τοσοῦθ ̓, ὅσον ὀργὴν Ξεινοκράτης ὑπὲρ ἀνθρώπων γλυκεῖαν ἔσχεν. αἰδοῖος μὲν ἦν ἀστοῖς ὁμιλεῖν,

Αντ. γ'.

ἱπποτροφίας τε νομίζων ἐν Πανελλάνων νόμῳ·


καὶ θεῶν δαῖτας προσέπτυκτο πάσας· οὐδέ ποτε ξενίαν 40 οὖρος ἐμπνεύσαις ὑπέστειλ ̓ ἱστίον ἀμφὶ τράπεζαν 60

35. Dissen thinks that the hurling of the discus only is meant, • Quare ἀκοντίσσαιμι improprie dictum;' Donaldson on the contrary says that ‘δισκήσαις is used in the primitive sense of δίσκος from δικεῖν. The latter view is manifestly the best ; δισκήσαις = ῥίψαις, Pyth. Ι. 45, where, and Nem. VII. 71, the same metaphor is found, cf. also Ol. 1. 112, supra, v. 3. The poet means 'may my praises be adequate to Xenokrates' superiority.'


ὀργάν.] Cf. Pyth. Ι. 89, εὐανθεῖ ἐν ὀργῇ παρμένων.

36. ὑπέρ.] Cf. Nem. ix. 54.

γλυκείαν.] Cf. Pyth. vi. 52, γλυκεῖα δὲ φρὴν | καὶ συμπόταισιν ὁμι λεῖν—μελισσᾶν ἀμείβεται τρητὸν πόvovof Thrasybulos himself. Dissen quotes Solon, Frag. 13 [4], (δότε) εἶναι δὲ γλυκὺν ὧδε φίλοις ἐχθροῖσι δὲ πικρόν, | τοῖς μὲν αἰδοῖον, τοῖσι δὲ δεινὸν ἰδεῖν. For the inf. cf. Madv. § 150 a, Ol. vii. 26.

37. αἰδοῖος.] 'Loved and revered.' According to Mezger it is the correlative of ἀναιδής, ὑβριστής. For such correlation cf. Johann. Damasc. quoted by Bergk at the end of Phocylides, Αἰδώς τοι ξυνετοῖσιν ἐπὶ βλεφάροισι κάθηται, | ὕβρις δ ̓ ἀξυνέτοισι· σοφὸς δέ κε τοῦτο δαείη. Solon however gives us the passive sense of aidotos in opposing it to δεινός. Now to his associates a bully is δεινός, is hated and dreaded, while a truly gracious, courteous character inspires affec

tion and respect. We must render ὁμιλεῖν, ‘in their converse with him.' Cf. Pyth. vi. 53, where the same kind of infinitive is rendered differently but similarly explained.

38. ἱπποτροφίας] The plural is probably distributive, 'divers kinds of horse-breeding.'

τε.] For τε after μὲν cf. OΙ. Ιν. 15, Nem. II. 9, VIII. 30. The formula couples two ideas without adversative force, but draws special attention to the first; it may be rendered, 'Indeed...and besides.'

νομίζων.] ‘Practising. Cf. Aesch. Choeph. 989 [P.], ξένων ἀπαιόλημα κἀργυροστερῆ | βίον νομίζων. ἐν.] • According to. Cf. Pyth. I. 62, IV. 59, Nem. x. 28, Dem. § 496 end.

Πανελλάνων νόμῳ.] Cf. Eur. Suppl. 526, τον Πανελλήνων νόμον | σώζων, Isth. III. 47. In the manner of all Greeks who assemble for the great games.

39. δαῖτας.] Mss. and Edd. princ. διαίτας. For the idea cf. Ol. III. Introd.

προσέπτυκτο.] • Used to cherish ; ' lit.had folded to his bosom.'

οὐδέ ποτε.] Nor did the wafting wind which blew around his hospitable table ever induce him to furl his sail.' Cf. on Pyth. I. 91, where this explanation was, I believe, first given, my note being in print when Mr Wratislaw commented on the passage before the Cambridge Philological Society; similarly Mezger.

ἀλλ ̓ ἐπέρα ποτὶ μὲν Φᾶσιν θερείαις,

ἐν δὲ χειμώνι πλέων Νείλου πρὸς ἀκτάν.

Ἐπ. γ'.

μή νυν, ὅτι φθονεραὶ θνατῶν φρένας ἀμφικρέμανται


μήτ' ἀρετάν ποτε σιγάτω πατρῴαν,

45 μηδὲ τούσδ ̓ ὕμνους· ἐπεί του

οὐκ ἐλινύσοντας αὐτοὺς εἰργασάμαν. ταῦτα, Νικάσιππ ̓, ἀπόνειμον, ὅταν ξεῖνον ἐμὸν ἠθαῖον ἔλθῃς.

41. Cf. Eur. Androm. 650, ἣν χρῆν σ ̓ ἐλαύνειν τήνδ' ὑπὲρ Νείλου ῥοὰς | ὑπέρ τε Φᾶσιν.. The Phasis, the Nile, and the Pillars of Herakles were the extreme limits of Hellenic (ordinary) navigation. The last had been used metaphorically in praise of Theron, Ol. III. 44, and could hardly be used again for Xenokrates. Note the chiasmus.

θερείαις,] Sc. ὥραις.

43. ὅτι, κ.τ.λ.] Because envious expectations beset men's minds.' Cf. Ol. VII. 24, 25, ἀμφὶ δ ̓ ἀνθρώπων φρασὶν ἀμπλακίαι | ἀναρίθμητοι κρέμανται. Dissen says the metaphor is from nets. The poet means that the democratic party were anxious for the Emmenidae to fall into oblivion. See Introduction.


44. σιγάτω.] The address to Nikasippos begins at v. 43, so that Thrasybulos is the subject.

45. μηδέ.] Cf. οὔτε...οὐδέ, Pyth. VIII. 75, neither...nor indeed.

ὕμνους.] This ode and probably the skolion, of which Athenaeos has preserved a fragment, Frag. 101 [89].


Cf. Nem. v. 1.

47. Νικάσιππ'.] The transmitter of the odes to Sicily; cf. Ol. vi. 85, 86, O. and P. pp. XXVIII, ΧΧΙΧ.

ἀπόνειμον.] • Impart. The Schol. wrongly interprets by ἀνάγνωθι, quoting the 'Αχαίων σύλλογος of Sophokles, σὺ δ ̓ ἐν θρόνοισι γραμμάτων πτυχὰς ἔχων | ἀπόνειμον.

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48. ἠθαῖον.] Doric for ἠθεῖον. See L. and S.

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