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Art. 50. Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the late Irish Re-
bellion; including Memoirs of the most conspicuous persons con-
cerned in that foul and most sanguinary Conspiracy. Impartially
written by a candid Observer. Svo. 2s. 6d. Stewart, &c. 1799.
From fair appearances observable in this writer's details, we may
not unreasonably infer that the particulars which he has collected are
not unworthy of credit; and that the general representations of the
characters here sketched are as just and candid as can be expected
from the resentful pen of a zealous loyalist. The pamphlet has evi-
dently been written with great rapidity; and, in consequence of the
author's hurry, the language is incorrect. It seems, indeed, that he
has not allowed himself time to revise his manuscript, nor even the
proof sheets from the press. Among other instances, we may notice
what he has inadvertently said in regard to Mr. Tone, viz. while
confined in his cell after condemnation, he cut his throat with a razor,
under which wound he languished a few days and expired.' P. 10.-
Whereas, at only the distance of p. 13. he mentions that famous rebel
as having been executed in the Irish metropolis, for high treason.'
The principal persons, who are the subjects of these memoirs, are
Lord Edward Fitzgerald,
Theobald Wolf Tone, Esq.
Arthur O'Connor, Esq.
Rev. William Jackson,

Sir Edward William Crosbie, Bart.
Beauchamp Bagnal Harvey, Esq.
Henry and John Sheares, Esqrs.

James Napper Tandy, Esq.
Archd. Hamilton Rowan, Esq.
Dr. Esmond,.
Mr. Oliver Bond,

Thomas Addis Emmet, Esq.
John Sweetman, Esq. &c. &c,

Art. 51. Sketches of Irish Political Characters of the present Day;
shewing the Parts they respectly take in the Question of UNION;
what Places they hold, their Characters as Speakers, &c. &c. 8vo.
63. Boards. Davison, Lombard-street. 1799.

The great question of an union of the two sister islands will doubtless
form an era in the history of both kingdoms; and all publications
of credit, relative to it, will therefore excite the curiosity of almost
every description of readers. With respect to the inhabitants of Ire-
land in particular, the names of those who have exerted their abilities,
and given their votes on this important occasion, will, as the author
of the present Sketches observes, be sedulously enquired after by po-
sterity: we may add, and by the present generation.

This work is naturally divided into three parts,-1. The members of the Irish House of Lords; 2. The distinguished members of the Irish House of Commons; 3. Lawyers, and other distinguished characters, out of parliament.

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Among these, we observe every name that has figured, on this grand occasion, in the public papers and pamphlets of the times; and readers, who interest themselves in such subjects, will find their curi. osity considerably gratified by the memoirs and anecdotes here communicated to them. The compiler appears, from his style and man. ner, to be a writer of no mean talents. Probably he is some young Dublin Barrister: but it would have given additional satisfaction to his readers, if he had thought it proper to acquaint them with his



name*.-Without, however, guessing who the person is of whom we
are now speaking, we may venture a slight glance at his character as
a writer, in the words (with some restriction) which he him-
self uses in speaking of the celebrated Mr. Curran. His mind is
amply stored with a variety of useful and entertaining knowlege: his
matter is drawn from an abundant source, and is always [generally,
may be a more proper word] happily selected.'

Art. 52. Substance of the Bishop of Rochester's Speech in the House of
Peers, July 5, 1799, in the Debate on the Second Reading of the
Bill to prohibit the trading in Slaves on the Coast of Africa, within
certain Limits. 8vo. IS. Robson. 1799.

The utter abomination in which the Right Rev. orator holds the African slave-trade does honour to his character, as a MAN and as a CHRISTIAN. He appears to be thoroughly master of the subject, whether viewed in a commercial, a political, or a religious light; and his observations are strictly argumentative, and convincing. As to the unsuccessful bill which gave rise to this interesting debate, it it sufficiently known

Art. 53. The Confessions of the celebrated Countess of Lichtenau, late
Mrs. Rietz, now confined in the Fortress of Glogiau, as a State
Prisoner. Drawn from original Papers, and translated from the
German. Svo. 2s. sewed. West. 1799.

In the Appendix to our vol. xxvii, (1798,) p 501. we gave an account, from the original, of this piece of Court Secret History. Prefixed to this translation, is the portrait of the Countess :-if it be a just likeness, she never could have been a beauty: but doubtless she had attractions suited to the meridian of Berlin.

Art. 54.
An Account of the providential Preservation of Elizabeth
Woodcock, who survived a Confinement under the Snow, of nearly
Eight Days and Nights, in the Month of February 1799.
Two Parts. By Thomas Verney Okes, Surgeon. 12mo. IS.


This pamphlet contains a circumstantial detail of the singular accident which befel this poor woman, and of the consequences of her long exposure to cold and want, which she experienced after her deliverance from the snow-drift. The story is well told, and is truly affecting.

The newspapers have informed us that the unhappy sufferer has at last fallen a sacrifice to this extraordinary disaster, after having lingered a long time.

Fer! Art. 55. Dialogue between Dr. Johnson and Mrs. Knowles. 8vo.

6d. Arch. 1799.

Few of our readers, we are persuaded, are unacquainted with the subject of this well-known dialogue, in which Johnson's bigotry received so complete a set-down, from the good sense of the lady above

The author cannot be considered as totally an unconcerned spectator in respect of political attachment; and he will doubtless be ranked with the Anti-Unionists; yet he cannot justly be termed a violent party-man.


named; who appears to be one of those respectable people who, in ill-founded contempt, have been called Quakers. The editor's reason for the present republication of the dialogue may be given in his own words:

Mr. Boswell, for reasons best known to himself (but which are guessed at by others), refused to admit into his book, Mis. Knowles's account of her Theological Dialogue with Dr. Johnson, although he had previously applied to her for it, and had frankly acknowledged to the truth of the particulars therein, which he afterwards thought proper to suppress. She therefore permitted her own account to be published in the Gentleman's Magazine for June 1791, p. 500.

Mr. Boswell then in his second edition, by a marginal note, aud surely by no means in a liberal style, disavows any recollection of matter different from his own statement. In the third edition, hîs note is continued, which it is hoped will be deemed a sufficient inducement and apology for offering now to the public the above mentioned Dialogue, as a Supplement to the new edition of Mr. Bos. well's book.

Mrs. Piozzi and Sir John Hawkins may perhaps be sometimes charged with inaccuracy; but there are several persons who figure in Mr. Boswell's book, who are much dissatisfied with his representations and colloquial arrangements.'


Art. 56. A Warning against Schism: preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, before Two Friendly Societies, May 29, 1799. By J. B. Blakeway, M. A. Minister of the said Parish. 4to. 1s. Longman.

Without deviating from the principles of liberality, this preacher zealously pleads for our established church; and he sets forth its excellence, and endeavours to counteract the efforts of those who would seduce men, especially the rising generation, from its communion, into the bye-paths of schism or dissent.

So numerous are the evils, both to societies and individuals, springing from religious divisions, that they ought not on slight pretences to be embodied,—if we may so express ourselves. Liberty of conscience ought most sacredly to be maintained: but prudence, and a love to good order, should not be neglected in the exercise of it. Schism may be said to consist in making frivolous rents and ruptures in the Christian church. Every light and trifling objection to the constituted order of things will not perhaps justify a schism, and the erection of an bostile church. To be "given to change" is a bad propensity. Making divisions is in itself an evil; and it can only be justified by the assurance of producing a great good. Separatiste may not have sufficiently considered this: but, if we calmly reason with them, they may see their mistake. Let not the right of separation be ever denied: but let the established church endeavour to produce uniformity, by a conduct springing from moderation and good sense. Let her compet dissenters to come in, only by the gentle yet powerful weapons of the Gospel. Mr. B. recommends no other. His text is 1 Peter, v. 8.



Art. 57. Preached at St. John's, Wakefield, for the Benefit of the
Choir of the said Church, Dec. 16th, 1798. Published at the
Request of the Congregation. By the Rev. Samuel Clapham,
M. A. 4to. S. Rivingtons.

Whatever is intended by the choir above-mentioned, we are rather
pleased to find that it does not signify a sett of singers who engross
psalmody to themselves, to the exclusion of the whole congregation
besides. If we recollect rightly, Dr. Secker, in his visitorial charges,
has, with some earnestness, warned the parochial clergy against the
encouragement of this practice, as likely to be productive of incon-
venience and evil. It is the design of this discourse to defend and
support the singing of psalms, a requisite and important part of public
worship; and to excite the liberality of the audience towards the
support of the choir, whose assistance is supposed to be so beneficial
to this exercise of devotion. These observations are here exhibited
with a plain propriety of language, and with suitable energy.
Art. 58. Preached before the Loyal Pimlico Volunteers, com-
maned by Major Rolleston, 12th August, 1798, at Charlotte.
Street Chapel, Pimlico, by the Rev. Richard Harrison.
pp. 18. No Bookseller's Name.


The importance and necessity of real virtue and religion, to the well-being of society, will admit of no dispute; and it is the object of this discourse, published at unanimous request, to strengthen and enforce this sentiment. In order to establish the principle, it recommends our entertaining a just and proper sense of the wisdom and excellency of laws themselves, and their superiority to those of the neighbouring states; and next to this, it inculcates a strong sense and conviction of the authenticity of our religion, and its grand leading truths.-The account here given is rather indeterminate: but much suitable, and beneficial exhortation is addressed to those who are

immediately concerned, and urged with earnestness, and with propriety of expression.

Art. 59.


Preached in the Parish Church of Brading, in the Isle of Wight, February 27, 1799: being the Day appointed for a General Fast. By the Rev. Leigh Richmond, M. A. 8vo. IS. Rivingtons.

This discourse is made public at the request of those to whom it was delivered, and contains much important admonition,-too suitable and necessary (we fear) to the state of the times,-without entering into political discussion or declamation. Besides noticing, in the general, a spirit of impiety and libertinism, the preacher enumerates several particular vices, and begins with inebriety; to which he says, in a note, he was, perhaps, induced from having had occasion to lament its frequency in his own neighbourhood:" but he adds his full conviction of its prevalence, from the peer of the realm to the humblest tiller of the ground;' farther remarking, that its baneful effects are but laughed at as a source of harmless merriment, and its votaries too generally held up to the young and inexperienced as models for imitation.' How far this is strictly just, as nationally characteristic, may be questioned: but the caution to be derived from it may possibly be daily growing more requisite.

We cannot



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cannot but approve the author's recommending it to those who have honourably associated for the protection of their country, to remem ber that our welfare depends at least as much on sobriety of manners, and the cultivation of the virtuous character, as on personal valour and the ardour of political zeal.' With a like freedom, he proceeds in the farther unpleasant but most seasonable detail, earnestly urging reformation; and he concludes with remarking; It is thus that Christian patriotisin dictates the means of our deliverance, and, amidst the most ardent struggles for the liberties of her country, she cannot but weep for the iniquities of the land, whilst she prays for the peace of Jerusalem!'


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We have received a letter from Mr. Crabb, in which (as might be expected) he arraigns the severity of our critique on his German Grammar; (see Rev. August, p. 462.) and without attempting to refute our remarks in any one point, he labours to set forth the superiority of his work compared with those of other authors. We can by no means, however, retract our former opinion, which was the result of careful consideration; and we must repeat (what we then said) that, had it been consistent with the plan of our publication, it would have demanded no great exertion of inquisitive nicety, to have greatly augmented the list of errors which we pointed out. No one should venture to publish a Grammar of any language with which he is not thoroughly acquainted. if he does, he must unavoidably mislead the beginner; which is so much the more detrimental, as, according to an axiom founded on daily experience, to unlearn and forget are very difficult.

Some particular circumstances, which we cannot explain in this place, prevent us from entering into the discussion suggested by A. B. It would, indeed, at all times, be extra official.

The letter of a Young Student' is received, and we shall take farther notice of it hereafter.

We are obliged to defer the consideration of A. Z.'s remarks.



Another correspondent, who also signs A. Z., and who inquires concerning a publication which he apprehends we have overlooked, is informed that we have not forgotten the work in question, which is, now sub judice, and will receive its sentence in turn.

*.* The APPENDIX to vol. xxixth of the M. R. is published with this Number.

Rev. August, p. 450, in the title of Article 25, the name of the bookseller was omitted. It should read thus: "8vo. 2s 6d. Faulder. 1799."-P. 473. 1. 27. for last works,' read lost works.

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In this No. p. 18. t. 2. dele ·p..


63.8.7. pr. bot. for collusion, r. collision. 116. l. 20. for respectfully, r


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